What is this facial expression supposed to mean?

What is this facial expression supposed to mean?

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Buy some cat food on the way home from your vasectomy or you don't get to watch Tyrone fuck me tonight.

It’s the nigger fatigue face

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Why is this a meme? What’s bad about them?

That looks like a man in a wig

Nothing. Just makes sure she only gets pregnant by Tyrone and no white cummies accidentally get her pregnant

Don’t want to risk anymore wh*toids being bred so all white “men” must be sissyfied, vasectomied, and black pilled. Like this guy

You only see whites making that retarded beta face, me and my friends dont do none of that shit

Is there even a purpose to bothering with white women in this day and age?

You won't have to worry about it.

>speaking without being spoken to

Attached: 6A27E664-6B8C-4B1D-9860-6722D81EFCF1.jpg (630x420, 91K)

itt: 'people of color' triggered for absolutely no reason
this kind of behavior is why you guys commit so many crimes.

Honestly top tier pussy smell and taste user. If I wasn’t a god damn disgusting yellow fever fag I would’ve been dating white women instead.

No, nigger fatigue as in “I hate niggers after seeing them chimp around in society” not whatever gay shirt your talking about nigger LARPer.

Da fuck you yoo say whiteboy?

Husband came home from the war in the middle east and finds a pair of size 13 air jordans in the closet?

Who is this big nosed long faced qt OP?

>see white woman
>immediately think of niggers
It’s astonishing how Yea Forums has conditioned itself into becoming literal cuckolds. The Jew won.

>when he's talking about boat movies again

the only reason i'm not a daddy is pure luck but if somebody tried to get me to fuck with my own, humongous, glorious nutsack in any way whatsoever i would karate chop their fucking head off. when God gives you such a gift you don't fuck with it, you let God decide whether or not you knock this bitch up or that bitch. it's up to God, and my ability to defend my nuts with my life. my ex used to just look at my nutsack and roll her eyes and go, "you're balls are so huge.." dick is a grower not a shower and i love the way it looks resting on my nutsack when it's soft. my cumshots come out with the force of bullets. if anyone tried to fuck with that i'd murder them.

Fuck my why did I laugh at this.

That tranny has nice hair.

>look how quirky and jewish I am, I have cats

>white woman
I don't think so, Shlomo.