ITT: Accidental real-life kino

>ITT: Accidental real-life kino

Attached: 1521323374630.webm (1280x720, 1.73M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 4chan tries to rob a bank.webm (640x360, 1.52M)

this is fat shaming

Attached: 1527395427676.webm (640x352, 2.92M)


The timing on this one is incredible

did he died?

>guy might have broken his neck
>let's drag him away
christ i hope i never break my neck near a crowd of people, they accidentally paralyze me

I am speechless, what an artist.

Human instinct is to assume things are normals until it is impossible.
Look up the normalcy bias

Chinks aren't smart

whaat are they?

Attached: three stars.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Fat people should be ashamed

>Practice and perfect a mj dance routine for hundreds of hours
>get a crowd to show off your talent and busk a little bit
>some goober kills himself in the middle of it
Fuck that guy

Attached: 1557350069599.png (640x320, 112K)

reminder that the assailant sued the shop owners for safety hazzard claiming she coudlve been injured by the counter falling, and she won

Based hue cops

DYELs on /fit/ who hate lifting told the goober that flipping like a circus clown would get him laid

Attached: 1557240580806.webm (384x342, 340K)

Attached: 1466095475070.webm (688x512, 546K)

While exiting the flaming plane. Be sure to remove your carry on bags firsto

America, fuck yeah

kek, source?



>grandma nudging me to flirt with the roastie cashier after i repeatedly told her i only want a pure azn waifu

Attached: 1412459485276.jpg (250x250, 5K)

are insect not intellect?

Attached: 1402789277462.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

Actually loled, its perfect.

The boomer probably had it coming.

Looks like a vape shop or something, not a bank. Look at all the things in the glass cases. They look like vapes. Could be something else, but it's definitely not a bank.

Attached: d5faf58a179fb5c5b7feb2dcf99802128d062d7ef10e7905affed1f60216451a.webm (1280x720, 687K)

What is happening here

goddamn brazil is some judge dredd shit

you're not a very smart man, are you?

Attached: 1517479732229.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

what are you?

So in Brazil the cops just gun you down and keep shooting when you're down?

Shooting to take someone down I can understand. But continuing to pump them with lead once they're down is a bit dubious.

Idk, hes a public masturbator or something?

Nigga brandishes a gun at the guy filming on his phone. Guy on the phone proceeds to beat the pants off the guy and take his gun away.

Okay, what the fuck is wrong with Americans?

no now talk

What's up with old women and personal space?

are game wardens cool with stuff like this?

no she didn't

That one's even better with sound.

I understand getting annoyed at someone trying to push forward while you still have to pay, but you shouldn't punch them, especially if it's an old woman.

Attached: 1558785721910.webm (720x1280, 1.7M)

Attached: 1557579469669.gif (400x224, 3.82M)

Hogs are destructive pests

Attached: 1540117470652.webm (400x400, 2.74M)

probably an autist who got sperg triggered

Now now sonny, grandma doesnt see too well these days

Fucking lmao, red shorts twat was laid the fuck out.

hunting is for gay cunts

how can people be comfortable around these things?

so this is why america is full of serial killers and mass shooters huh

I bet the prisons are overcrowded. Who's gonna pay for bigger prisons? I'd rather they die than walk free.

Source on the video?

Attached: 1489846990463.webm (264x480, 701K)

Attached: 1546852621354.webm (480x480, 1.85M)

why do staffies breed the violence out of pit-bulls but african americans dont breed the violence out of africans?


Fuck the lil shits


Grow the fuck up, I'm not even American, but those are animals and it's hardly being excessively cruel and torturous, like boiling animals alive, like some people do (e.g. in China).

You missed the part where they threw something at the cop to try and knock him off his motorcycle. Brazilian police know they are dealing with hues and use hue force

Attached: 1426681218085.webm (480x360, 2.59M)

boar are pest animals and dangerous

Dude Javelina and other wild hogs will fuck your shit up big time. Places that have them practically beg you to kill them.

>kicked in the nuts so hard that his pants completely fall off

Attached: 1307410042438.jpg (328x317, 28K)

Staffies are still aggressive aren't they? I don't know much about dogs but I thought they were.

Attached: approaching hell.webm (1000x562, 2.98M)

Attached: 1497913971023.webm (360x640, 810K)

They way she's fucking holding the gun looks like she's about to hand it over to him back LMAO

Looks fun as fuck
I would love to travel to based 'murica someday and do this

That's a wolf, right?

Yeah looks like it.

Attached: french public transportation.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

>all those misses

tell that to zod's snapped neck

Attached: 1467299908147.webm (342x236, 333K)


Attached: 1546523102176.webm (720x448, 2.94M)

Guy exposed himself to some kids, their dad was nearby and beat the shit out of him.

some places out in the country have a serious wild boar problem, fucking up all the crops.

It's like emus in australia

and after that they ended up encountering a fallen tree and had to turn back, drive through it all over again and only survived since they went down to the lake and saw someone with a boat watching

I'd feel no guilt hunting that anti-hunting faggot to be honest. Maybe he's onto something. Maybe I'm a (((sociopath))).

Are they safe to eat?

In Texas yeah, they want you to kill as many as possible.

Can you blame them for running when they're being shot at?

Nope. Pork is filthy.

What a disgusting creature.

Somebody has to take out the trash

Attached: 1542562675606.webm (1920x1080, 1.43M)

Why do you think that? They're fucking animals, not humans, and it's not putting them through excessive torture. You could even argue that the way animals are killed in slaughterhouses is much more cruel because animals are often not properly stunned and they go through a thoroughly unpleasant experience bleeding out through their neck.

Why are you such a faggot?

Yeah fair enough I guess.

That's pretty impressive. I was sure he was gonna hurt himself.

Texans shooting an invasive species? Must be opposite day.

these are 90% pest animals as much wild boar/pig are and they are culling them

That looks like a fucking Yao Guai


Attached: 1473367866059.gif (389x259, 992K)

>good thing he took his shirt off so it wouldn't go over the weight limit

I remember a case from Germany where 2 guys tried to escape the police on a motorbike like in that webm (only with a car chasing them) and then they drove into a ditch next to the road, the policemen approached them to see if they are injured and to arrest them but one of the criminals actually had a gun and shot both the cops.
Seeing that not every criminal in Germany has an actual firearm, the behavior of the policemen can be excused somehwat, but in Brazil i assume the situation is way different, so its probably better to be cautious than sorry in such a situation. (We also don't know the whole story, maybe the cop knew these 2 are armed and dangerous).

maybe it's just because i'm ignorant on the topic. even if their a pest, are you allowed to drive just shooting and mowing down even baby animals? i would have thought that there would be rules like making sure the kill is painless and not unloading all willy nilly.

Even so, many cops wouldn't pump the criminal full of lead, but maybe it is the best thing to do.

I shouldn't laugh but the hands guy was funny. Is that 9/11?

just ram the niggers

t. Mohammed Zeeshan Aldullahh

But I've actually heard hog meat is quite hard to eat. Any americlaps that can confirm?


Attached: 1550253903959.png (752x746, 733K)

Thread is too angry, lets have some nicer irl kino

Attached: Parrot.webm (320x240, 2.48M)

so are americans yet you don't see me driving up to some mall and start a shooting

It's europe. He would be jailed for life for cultural insensitivity.

Attached: 1544070211627.webm (672x504, 827K)

would have been a lot cooler if he did more than sissy slap him in the face one time

what a fucking fag.

I wonder what the disagreement was about. Otherwise I don't know who I should be supporting.

This was taken in Australia.
Boars are a pest and completely deccimate the environments they are in, so their populations have to be controlled through purging like this one. It's both legal and actively encouraged.

>that guy on top of the bridge just below the crane

Attached: 1501451617635.png (218x231, 8K)

Attached: 1551924563927.webm (480x270, 1.93M)

they are stunned and killed before being bled dumbass

fuck gooks

You should, desu.
Go shoot up that "mall of america' that's full of somali niggers.

Attached: 1535575807291.webm (720x720, 628K)

Yeah true.


which caliber is using for having them fall dead so easily?

So diverse, beautiful and peaceful. This is what Europe needs.

this is one of the more painless ways to kill them. ideally you'd kill them in their sleep with one shot, but obviously that's not practical and they do need to be killed. if i was going to die i'd choose a bullet over almost anything else.

Attached: umadelicia.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Nice. That's one fast parrot. I wonder why he's flying alongside the motorbike like that.

>the absolute state of insectoids
And you guys are telling me all humans are equal? TOP FUCKING KEK

Attached: 1555182064803.jpg (623x570, 89K)

I love birbs man

Attached: Cage.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)

Not really. Wild hog meat has a lot of nasty parasites.

Are these humans?

You are ignorant. people hunt hogs out of helicopters sometimes they use full on miniguns sometimes they use tons of tannerite you can kill hogs however you want the more the better

a webm of it would need sound, but there's a video of an attempted robbery, the guy's over the counter with a gun (it's maybe two guys I think) and this black cop just struts in and shoots the guy in the arm, starts talking smack to them, hops over the counter, tells the cashier to call 911, and it's all just so smooth and confident, it's amazing

Some people aren’t pussies.

Why does she just lay there? Is this suicide?

Lynchian and, dare I say, Kafkaesque as well.

any more of people getting fucked up when trying to commit armed robbery?

those are my favourite

trully the niggers of dogs

What is wrong with these 'people'

What in the actual fuck.

I understand the need to cull and Im not averse to hunting but this is such a redneck way of doing it plus filming it seems pretty degenerate.

>carries on dancing
>strikes a pose as they drag him away

Attached: 1521618972582.gif (600x580, 436K)

>waaah y u shot so much
Retard. This isn't a video game. You shoot until the threat is neutralized, not until they magically poof into dust when their HP reaches zero.
It's pretty hard to kill people, and they don't die instantly. It's not hard to fall over after taking a shot, wait for the lone officer to come over and try to cuff you, then get back up and murder him with a concealed knife. 'Shooting to wound' is stupid anime bullshit that does not actually happen and is illegal. If a police officer is shooting at someone, they are going to kill them. Bullets cost pennies, and there's no point in not shooting more in order to protect their own lives from ambush.

Worse, they're slavs

Attached: Average Day In Germany.webm (480x848, 1.69M)

Exchanging guns is considered a casual greeting in America.

imo that's worse, since they're stuck in that cage freaking out until the trapper can get off work to go shoot them. not opposed to it though.

>me on the far left

What's this from?

Attached: Devil Goat.webm (474x478, 2.91M)

Mouth closed = cute doggo
Mouth open = demon spawn from the 5th layer

>needing your gf to protect you
what a worthless cuck

some hiker died but his bodycam lived on

Attached: 1538363120514.webm (720x404, 1.51M)


Attached: 1543040343652.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>I thought this was america?

Attached: patrioticcat.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

It looks like she was watching some show on the computer screen ad then quickly got up and tried to to act all casual when a customer entered the store, kek

>but in Brazil i assume the situation is way different
Basically this. All the people screaming at police officers shooting 20 times at a guy (instead of just aiming at the leg once or something) don't realize that different countries must adapt different methods.

I love the Brazilian police


Attached: Deer.webm (640x640, 1.62M)

>ywn be protected by a cutie

Link to this part? We're they live streaming or something?

Attached: fox.png (264x466, 234K)

Shit like this is why people burned witches

Attached: Baboon Magic.webm (720x720, 2.93M)

What's the best way to deal with an angry goat (assuming you are unarmed)?

Attached: 1410503683719.webm (640x360, 2.99M)


Attached: dilate.png (225x225, 2K)

dumb fucking bitch

>cute doggo
Kill yourself

Attached: 1534158633272.jpg (387x387, 100K)

>These people will be a superpower withing a decade
Before you go out burgers, pls take the chinks down with you, tnx

Loud noises, animals freak the fuck out if they hear unfamiliar bangs and yells

>purple fire
you know you're fucked

Attached: file.png (501x373, 219K)

>you've been hit by
>smooth criminal

Attached: Dominos Expert Mode.webm (640x480, 2.15M)

Fucking stupid bitch. At least it was a cat and not a kid.

post more doggos/pupperinos and maybe some birbs

cat lived btw

You can kill them anyway you want since they’re a non-game species, and are considered destructive pests.

>imagine frothing at the mouth because of a word

I wonder if he was actually surprised about the fact that it dissappeared, or if he recognized that sudden hand movement as some kind of gesture of aggression


only if we get to bop them on the snoot :D

that moment when she becomes a race realist

Attached: Grind.webm (450x450, 996K)

Who was in the wrong here?

Shut up you fucking redditor

Maybe just for fun. Birds do shit like that

Attached: I said no, bitch.webm (720x720, 993K)

He's not really showing signs of agression, so it's probably just plain old bewilderment at the white thing suddenly dissapearing

Their primitive animal processors can recognise when something isn't what it should be, like magic for retarded babies

Attached: Monkey Magic.webm (400x226, 1.5M)

Attached: 1558749001943.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Attached: 1557877097563.webm (640x366, 1.7M)

What the hell I know that bridge I work down the block. That's a bridge to a uni and the fuckers were planning to put a pool table and ac and all kinds of stupid shit. Yet they didnt put the fucking stress beams on before allowing traffic to flow bunch of retards. People were in there

Attached: 1498477713177.webm (720x408, 1006K)

That black guy's seen some footage

Kill yourself

Attached: 1543120104398.png (984x634, 710K)



Purging the degenerates with holy water. Blessed kino

Attached: jiraff.webm (1280x720, 2.01M)

Why are they running from it? You could easily tackle it to the ground

>no sound

Attached: 15517011291280.png (632x474, 595K)

>tfw no monkey pal to trick and make him laugh

I wish I could be that happy at the simple things in life

Attached: This Kills The Atheist.webm (480x270, 734K)


>brown phillip.webm

oh no

The stunning doesn't completely make them unconscious. Watch this video here at 5:20:

You'll see the pig is still conscious after stunning, just dazed. And then it shows pigs that are being bled, and one of them is clearly still alive. There are also much more unpleasant videos than this on YouTube.

I am a meat eater myself, but from what I've seen, it looks pretty clear that the deaths in slaughterhouses are more unpleasant than being hunted and killed usually by a single gunshot.

fucking dumb roastie cunt

Mad Max: Suburb Road looks good

I don't remember this ride in disneyland

What the fuck lady

Attached: Heroin.webm (480x360, 2.96M)

this is sad

>no fucking awareness of a HUGE FUCKING ANIMAL
>idiotic enough to react by lifting the window
Phones were a mistake. This generation was a mistake.

the suicide rate needs to be HIGHER

Attached: 1542741076211.webm (236x426, 600K)

So THIS is where that reaction image comes from.
All this time I thought it was the giraffe smashing the glass with a headbutt.

what the fuck did she expect

Isn't an old woman just an old roastie?

I used to bullseye womprats in my T-16 back home.

I hope the dogs were put down. They're obviously too dangerous and their owner too stupid to handle them.

Attached: Parrot Magic.webm (320x566, 1.61M)

>boiling animals alive
Literally everywhere that eats crab and lobster

Is she okay?

>have chance to see amazing animals up close
>jerk off on your phone

Why ?

>are not animals
Take some biology class.

>your choice of vernacular means you're from the OTHER website reeeeee
You are truly pathetic.

Attached: 1538441362352.gif (320x240, 3.48M)

Attached: 1556814323447.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

why is america so based?

Best thing about this one is the fact that the head concussions are timed with the barks in smooth criminal.

probably had a much better time than the people below the bridge

Craig Foster?

lobsters are dumber than a plant

Attached: good omens flame.gif (480x270, 1.98M)

>all the pussies crying
Post the one where they're hunting them in a helicopter.

Attached: 1557147144045.jpg (1024x576, 82K)

It doesnt want to be fed, it wants to hunt.

Attached: grant.png (600x300, 356K)



Attached: Crabicide.webm (640x640, 492K)

Deploy nerve gas

It's 100% always the dumb owner who thought dogs that have been purpose bred from hunting and fighting dogs would make good lapdogs. Bitch can't do nothing when they decide they rule the pack.

This is what keeps my faith in humanity alive.

Tory Party rn

I can't wait until I've saved enough money to visit japan and for once in my pathetic life I'll finally have millions of girls drool over me like this.

did she died

This has to be a fucking comedy sketch. That poor guy

>directed by Alfonso Cuaron


50/50 between knocking himself out and dying

We can't all be cynical faggots user, that's your job

Attached: 1545532765793.webm (640x358, 2.71M)


Attached: 1557450245600.webm (268x462, 1.66M)

In my country (and I would imagine most western countries), criminals may be shot to get taken down, but then they are given immediate emergency healthcare.

Maybe that guy in Brazil did feel he need to neutralise a threat. I'm just saying that's not what happens in many western countries.

You fucking brainlet.

Attached: brainlet.jpg (558x614, 18K)

Attached: Jump.webm (720x404, 1.76M)


>like boiling animals alive
>e.g. in China

Chickens slowly freezing to death, being boiled alive, drowned or suffocating under piles of other birds are among hundreds of shocking welfare incidents recorded at US slaughterhouses, according to previously unpublished reports.

I know user but dont worry, we will all be dead soon enough and free of this nightmare.

did he shove something down his urethra or something?

Some people have extreme mental illness.

My girlfriend did that the first time she had blood taken

Yeah it was just heroin.

Attached: 1535161060849_VP8_001.webm (1280x720, 2.07M)

classic James Brown


they are russians dumbass

hehe based drunk robber-doggo

sleep tight silly raccoon

Attached: Party Animal.webm (598x700, 2.94M)

you dont even know the full story idiot


The fucking face these "people" make.

Probably the christchurch attack

Attached: Praise The Sun.webm (460x258, 792K)

now post the one where flappybird smashes into a truck

I mean, any dog can be aggressive if the owner's garbage. I've never personally met an aggressive one though. They're usually the exact opposite and flop over for a belly rub. Little shithead Jack Russels and things are the ones that bite.

i recognise that bridge

Attached: 1547620173058.jpg (1267x1980, 336K)

*moonwalks on your body*

>killing endangered species for fun

People that are crying over this need to understand that wild hogs are disastrous to the environmemt , overpopulate and can kill humans easily

Why is our planet so weird lads

>bye flag
>bye fag

Holy. Shit.

Attached: Deathworld.jpg (801x153, 64K)

Someone's getting laid tonight


It's starting to make sense where a lot of old religious symbols came from

That woman should not be handling those dogs if she is not strong enough to keep them under control.

Holy fuck the driver...

Based pest-control.

Someone get these hotheats outta here!

Attached: TheyCameFromTheBlackness.webm (400x400, 2.51M)

damn the thickness

women are stupid enough that she probably would have if he asked her to

i wanted him to punch the fat girl too :(

Deer normally run away from humans don't they? But I guess when there's a few of them maybe they're more confident. Is there any risk of them attacking the cameraman?

yes, because people knocked to the ground can't use guns

Attached: Sheepdog.webm (568x320, 1.66M)

you see his harness failing lmao

>putting the straw in so you get that maximum flow

That dude must be an engineer of some kind.

Attached: TimHortons.webm (848x480, 1.05M)

It's pretty clear that you don't know what you're talking about. Yes, pretty much every country stipulates that if you shoot someone, you're legally obligated to have them 'examined by a doctor'. That really doesn't change or even relate to anything I said, but I guess you don't have the background information to understand why.

Deer can be real impulsive assholes, but if they are used to you they tend to remain calm



Attached: 1556334458254.webm (640x640, 1.86M)

One is trapped under the cage, on the left. Squirming.

>turn left on baphomet boulevard

Why was the fire purple?

The giraffe was later put down after eye infection

Why do people do this to themselves?

that's mean

What the fuck

Attached: Slapstick.webm (720x405, 2.4M)

Wild boar meat is just like tamed pork meat. Doesn't matter if it's wild or not they both are parasite prone either way.

Wild boar meat is kind of better tasting.

What was he thinking?

Attached: fa12a81716972541222df45d4496da13.png (287x325, 184K)


Attached: 1558576763651.webm (512x640, 2.79M)

she knows exactly what she's doing, probably have done it a couple times before

>that kick in the balls
kek shit am lafing

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 47K)


lul, he didn't even punch him. he knocked himself out on that guys biceps

Did I get banned?

that's clearly his brother

lmao what

Is this your average Sunday in America?


Jesus Christ you just know she rants about Trump all the time too

wild bore are an invasive species in north america. In fact they're starting to fuck up canada now too. You;re allowed to exterminate pests with extreme prejudice

Why did birb follow the road? It can fly; it doesn't need roads.



It's how racing pigeons do it, they follow roads as landmarks

Attached: Rome2.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

A slow, fat cunt blocking the emergency exit meant that 40 people died on this flight unnecessarily

Goats, sheep, rams will always try to ram you with it's head. If it's agitated it's just better to calmly walk away. If it's attacking you, try to tackle it and get a hold of it's horns and head. Then when it's down you can kill it, sex it or whatever.

I dont know where that video is taken but theres places like Nara where the deer are super used to people and just chill around them

I was taking my dogger for a stroll once when all of a sudden this bigass nibba stands in front of him and started attacking him - Turns out the dumb dat bitch that was sitting like 15m ahead on the pank bark didn't put him on a leash and was just sitting there like a dumb fuck letting him get away

Women should seriously be barred from owning animals or leaving the house altogether


women yells at guy to stop punching public dick flasher like the faggot roastie she is

Attached: The Slug.webm (720x480, 2.13M)

Anyone got that video of the guy going around the burned down neighborhood saying he tried to warn everyone about the fire while filming all the charred corpses?

Seat belts, remember them!

>hip pump just after he hits the ground

Attached: 2004_PBrosnan_01_MR.png (1024x1439, 1.96M)


are those faggots holding hands?

Lame. Didn't even knock the guy out or punch the dumb fat thot.


You're not going to survive the zombie apocalypse