>Told my normie friends i use Yea Forums
>"Isn't that place full of weirdos and fucked up shit?"
>"oh that's only the random board, i use the television and film one you know, to discuss movies and stuff".
>mfw im now the freak of the group.
Told my normie friends i use Yea Forums
hide your power level user
>Yea Forums
I usually don't even know it exists anymore and just temporarily recall when someone mentions it
>you know, to discuss movies and stuff
>having friends past 18
your bad
>not publicly talking about the JC to anyone that asks
Now you're free, OP.
damn you made a huge mistake. imagine someone you know actually taking their browser to Yea Forums and finding fucking Yea Forums and it's traps traps traps/ bros where is the underage i need my c p blah blah
And fucking knowing that's what you're like
if this isn't made up you're retarded
I miss old Yea Forums
>not bringing it up completely unprovoked and redpilling normies
I meant the JQ, but the big JC goes hand-in-hand.
To be fair, ever since the massive explosion in /pol/ membership, this site is teeming with outright white supremacists pushing their agenda in every board. I'd advise you to get out as soon as possible. I only came back for the GoT finale myself.
>Told Normie friends I use Yea Forums
That was your first mistake
get better friends
t. someone who has no friends and lives alone in an apartment that nobody else has entered for years :^)
Yea Forums has been populated by norms for years now
the whole 'pleb v patrician' dynamic of 2010-2012 was the last gasp of the of the site's vanishing exclusivity & elitism
where is there to go, every alternative fucking blows
>not trolling everyone for the lulz
Most normies think Yea Forums is the epitome of Yea Forums, or even it's entirety
to be fair, it seemed like they wouldn't mind if i told them since they are also kind of retarded, but this place hasn't lost it's spot at containing the worst scum of the internet.
Reminder Yea Forums was never good
>worst scum of the internet
more like the most autistic
>got drunk with friends last night
>wake up this morning
>random number in my phone saying “haha you were so drunk last night! But I don’t disagree ;)”
>hanging out with friends
>meet new person
>he puts on Yea Forums epic fail videos
>says he supports Trump not because he supports his policies but because he'll break the system and we'll rebuilt after
did this actually happen
Yes. We're both in our 30s, by the way.
Next step: doing it whilst sober.
im in my 20s, i cant tell if other young people read into this shit or not
my GP (doctor) i see uses Yea Forums and 8 regularly ...
we have the best bants...so much we neglect my health issues sometimes to discuss serious maymay
I can forgive someone believing that up until Trump started doing anything as President.
die retard
Also during the Yea Forums video when Bailey Jay appeared he explained to everyone that Bailey is a shemale. I said I was already aware. I think that was a mistake. I don't know why I did that.
do you guys know any indicators that someone uses them?
what kind of people do you hang out with? where do you find these people? i just find bluepilled people
Should have responded with:
>Why yes, I do use a board filled with pedophiles and footchads. How did you know?
rules 1 and 2 bitch
but user... whites are superior
>being right of Leon Trotsky makes everyone a white supreeeemist :(
Shut up faggot
>i use the television and film one you know, to discuss movies and stuff
the real redpill is that the redpilled seem bluepilled because they are too redpilled to drop pills in public, unlike the bluepilled redpillers
why would you? would normies even fucking listen
>words words words
you faggots cant even make smuggies right, lol @ the absolute state of lefty ''memes''
good bait
Kys newfag
>be the only one who uses Yea Forums in my friends group
>they are aware of it but would always talk shit about
>now they're on it moee than me
>they are way more right wing than before using Yea Forums
Its all my fault
Holy fuck just kill yourself before you accidentally have retarded babies.
>Yea Forums
>to discuss movies and stuff
You on crack?
which is worse? browsing Yea Forums or getting all your memes from facebook?
>calling anons newfag for no reason
calling card of the newfag
Yea Forums is a progressive board sweetie
read that in desteene's voice, you done sucking him off faggot?
retarded friends & a made up story
>power level
>Yea Forums
go back
>he’s a shit skin subhuman
Since 2016 no one associates Yea Forums with Yea Forums newfriend
culturally, the latter is worse. far worse. there's nothing wrong with the former
but for your health the latter is probably much better
so what else im supposed to tell them? "nah man im on this board called Yea Forums but none of us actually watches movies and we are all racists incels right wing assholes, it's fun"
What's the difference!?
Never tell the normies you go here. It's like an unwritten rule, even if some of them come here they will never admit it. NEETS can't see this but this place is really fucked up.
>not 2010 or earlier
something something normies something something cancer
they're right, though
Idk normally when I tell people I use Yea Forums they don't know what it is(in which case I give them a quick rundown and history) or they think I'm really cool because of it and ask me about stuff. People don't really look at me weird and it's pretty fun because then people look up to me like some internet insider that knows all the latest stuff etc
>they think I'm really cool
>people look up to me like some internet insider
lol, literal autism right here
Why would you tell anyone that you use Yea Forums?
Do you realize that normies call this place a "hate site" and want it shut down?
>all the latest stuff etc
I never tell people about my browsing this place willingly but once a friend (not really a friend more of a contemporary) was talking about how he browses this website instead of 9gag Tumblr whatever. I asked him what board he frequents and he told me "the greentext board"
He's a redditor
Good thing is 4channel remain a secret place
everyone I know irl talks about using Yea Forums but I'm so autistic I've literally never once broken rules 1 and 2 and lie to people that I don't even know what Yea Forums is despite coming here 14 hours a day for the past 10 years
>(not really a friend more of a contemporary)
massive cringe
well they're wrong because this place is 95% normalfags now
Yea Forums hasn't been genuinely weird since 2011
One chick saw me browsing it and never looks at me the same, one of my friends obviously recognizes it but never says anything. I usually phonepost when at work or something
>brother starts talking about Yea Forums
>ask him what boards
>he's shocked I use it too
>asks me when I started
>"oh wow, oldfag"
Get pozzed, normalfuck
That's pretty sad user. Your parents failed both of you.
>phoneposters with jobs who think they're """"""weirdos""""""
nothing my parents could give me would be worse than their genes
>oh no hide power level normies hate us Yea Forumsros
what the fuck you faggots lol
You usually don't run your mouth about any topic you want to when out with people, this includes four chain. It's not hiding your power level, it's called common decency.
As for four chain itself, people either don't care or treat you with amazement when they hear that you use it. It's not exactly hot shit, but it is radical enough to get people interested often enough.
if you have EVER mentioned Yea Forums or anything related to it in real life you're forever a fag. I never even showed my friends cute cat pictures I saved here.
for some reason my brain tells me that literally everyone between 15-40 secretly browses Yea Forums
the idea that walking down the street Yea Forums users would be quite rare seems strange to me
Thank goodness all of my friends browse too and has cheeseburger
janiies hurry up and delete this thread
>taking 4channel seriously
The only fag here is you lol
Cringe and zoom
what if my crush browse Yea Forums? what if my crush see my post? w-what if you're my crush??
We're literally not on Yea Forums anymore. How many more hints do you need to realize that the secret club is dead and this site is not what you remember from a long time ago.
Can you show me cute cat pictures you saved?
A colleague at work kept mentioning conspiracy shit so I told him about Yea Forums and /pol/, but he's gravitated towards /x/ and froths at the mouth when he speaks about it all.
Tip: Don't let your gf found out you frequent. It isn't good, bros
>he thinks I'm the one he replied to simply because I pointed out his cringe and zoom
zoom and cringe
Lmao fucking normal fags I've made irl friends from this shithole over the years stop hanging out with idiots
>talk about 4ch outside of the net