Season 1

Season 1
>setting is interesting
>based on a lost expedition
>we dont know the full story
>terrible loss of life
>misterious enviroment
>man vs nature
>constant feel of dread and depression
>supernatural element to fill in the blanks
>shows the man's jearning for exploration and mastery of nature even if it results in failure
Season 2
>no exploration
>no mystery
>story told a million times already
>remember the poor minorities viewer

how did they fuck it up so bad

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Show me a million movies about Japanese internment. Show me one that is even remotely popular.

if you mean internment by japanese there's plenty

point is its got nothing to do what the first season was about
exploration, going into the unknown, etc.
theres plenty of setting they could've used that would've been better and still had connections to the original series

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>point is its something completely different

So you're admitting you made an irrelevant point for the purpose of pushing your agenda.

>series about something
>the sequel to the same series is something completely different
go jerk off to your japs somewhere else

I asked you to name one of the millions of movies about Japanese internment and you still haven't. So you post one now, then we quibble about the definition of the word "popular".

It had potential but manbearpig ruined it

>dude le spooky man bear!! kino!

>japanese interment
its another WW2 story, its just another evil concentration camp story with a rice paintjob

>looks like the real Terror...was the white man

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everyone agrees the bear was the worst part of the story
if they just made them imagine it because of the lead poisoning it would work way better

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let me guess, you're one of those faggots that scream MUH FEELS in a lotr thread, right?

I've never watched LOTR, tried once with my family and fell asleep in the first hour

not him but let me guess, you're one of those faggots who can't build a coherent argument and has to imagine everyone he doesn't agree with is the same person just to keep functionning despite getting BTFO on a daily basis?

supernatural stuff is the common thread

Wait, so is an anthology series then? Oh, interesting

What is supernatural about this Japanese internment camp.

there is going to be a ghost or some asian entity hunting people down or something

Now this is a strawman on my part because I am judging speculation, but while super bear could be seen as an exaggeration born from tales and hallucinations, that thing sounds far too silly and removed from reality.


Depends on the script. Some ancien Japanese god could inflict justice, there could be spy games, anti-American conspiracy, footage from the pacific war.

Show is for gay kids.

Literally the only common thread of the show is that its a horror mystery thriller set in a historical time period. Thats it. Thats the beginning and the end of the overall premise of the show.

OP is and always will be a faggot.

maybe they are going to play the murder misery angle as if you don't know if someone was possessed or just a psycho, I don't know

Starring George Takei.

>first season part 2
Im not complaining about that, im complaining that they switched from mysterious disapearances, explodation into an unknown place to a generic WW2 story

Its just going to be a serial killer or something that the nips attach a mystical element to. At most it will be a possession by an evil kami. Nit really much more extravagant than a giant ogre bear with some dork's face.

>Thats the beginning and the end of the overall premise of the show.
Of a show who took its name from a book which is adapted in the first season.
Why they kept the name to do something completely different and unrelated with faggoty retards like you eating it up is beyond me though.

Youre complaining about meaningless bullshit. Are you really such a miserable retard that you think theres no going to be a mystery element as the zipperheads get picked off one by one?

You know about the existence of internment camps in general. You dont know a single fucking thing about the specifics of what the second season will actually be beyond THE PREMISE. Go suck a fat cock if you just cant fucking handle the show not always being about expeditions for whatever autistic reason. God youre a dweeb loser.

you argue like a woman

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>durrr why did they keep the name "the terror" for a horror show?
Its beyond you because you are a mindless subhuman brainlet.

>THE TERROR... of being put into comfortable and safe camps for a few years because, as Pearl Harbour showed, you can't be trusted not to help the enemy

It was an adaptation of a historical fiction book about the Terror expedition, not the actual event.

You argue like a-oh wait youre not making an argument at all. What a failure you are.

and the book was based off of the actual event with a supernatural element

How is Japanese internment gonna be a horror? They were fine

The actual event did not have a teenage mutant ninja bear.

have sex

I know, but the event is interesting because we dont know what actually happened and how it went down
in the book the bear is present way more offten, and its not even a bear, more of a spirit when described when moving around. they cut out lots of attacks for the show

Gee maybe there will be like a spooky dissappearance or something.
Dunno if any of them are any good though. Maybe Go for Broke!



Grow a beard

Well go be a better writer/showrunner in Hollywood you useless mong

And robbed of your house, land, job...

>japanese internment camps
literally who asked for this, such a shit and boring setting

>bawww it should be about the FEMA camps and the white genocide instead!!

I wish more of the supernatural elements from the first episode were used again. That really was the weakest point of the whole series. It went from subjective paranormal to objectively ass CGI monster.

After any cultural piece has done all the work and set the ground it's time to go "but what about women and my race blabla" or do a bait and switch and put gay shit

Also shouldn't be a surprise, 1st season was already "omg the hubris of white imperialism blabla destroying nature he doesn't belong"

settle down, xiu