>Capeshitters and /GoT/ posters will be flogged. Trannies will be strangled. Jannies will be crucified.
Capeshitters and /GoT/ posters will be flogged. Trannies will be strangled. Jannies will be crucified
one of the things I liked most about Rome was the World Building
it really felt like a living more primitive culture, especially in regards to it's paganism
It's really quite an authentic show. It's one of the few that gets Roman armor, weapons, tactics, and politics right. Not mention the city itself. It really went off the air too soon.
last bump
The thing with the whistles was made up, but I guess it would be less dramatic if Vorenus was pointing to a guy with a trumpet every time he wanted to rotate the lines
that moment when pullo prays to the god of doors to scape the cell...
lol,the series went much grimdark after that.
Yeah. Really my only gripe's that they didn't show more of Alesia. But I suppose they didn't have the budget for a full scale battle, especially for the series pilot.
you could watch this first.
it begins with sulla's rebellion if im not wrong.
I think i've seen some clips from this. I'll check it out for sure.
wasn't Jesus the first person ever to be crucified?
no dumbass
>the first person ever to be crucified
no,that was Gannicus.
rest in peace you glorious motherfucker.
He was literally crucified next to two other randos, you illiterate ratfaced mongrel.
t. Retarded Christian-American education
The costume work was so beautiful. I wish it went on longer.
No what Protestant retard taught you that?
it's call protestants they are unfortunately the dumbest of all the christian sects while also being the largest in the USA
imagine 2000 years from now, theres some religion, the symbol of which is a chair. glory be to god and his son, ted bundy, the savior of man.
Now that retard show GOT is done, they should come back and make a new rome series.
no they shouldnt. enjoy what you got. if they remake it, it wouldnt be the same.
the best you could hope is some feminist miniseries about how cool and powerful was Boudica,even if she was defeated miserably.
Sadly I could see this being the case. No one wants a show portraying Romans in a favorable light, or humanizing them because that would play counter to modern political agendas.
>Titus forget the cross, bring me the nukes
The show intro was god awful though, lets be honest.
>Saudis execute criminals and then fucking crucifies their corpses
Is that the only place that still crucifies people?
So this is the power of American education
>a show portraying Romans in a favorable light
You haven't watched Rome. You should, it's really good.
I don't mean it portrays them conventionally as the good guys, I mean it shows them as being real people instead of being cartoon bad guys as is typical.
Are Romans considered as villain in shit countries/cultures? Referring to some of the messages above
Pharsalus happening completely off-screen was also frustrating.
Not Rome as a whole, but specific cultures/religions have issues with specific emperors. The Jews aren't fond of Hadrian and Christians tend to dislike Nero.
Without all the based actors from the past? Won’t be the same.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. You'd think if they had any spare money whatsoever they would've put it into that battle, but all we get is a blurry scene of soldiers fighting then cut to Caesar saying he won. Definitely wasn't fond of that.
I enjoyed I, Claudius. Will I enjoy this?
/his/ at its best
>google Jesus Christ
>mfw he was actually real
Go back to Gaul
Even in the bible he wasn't even the first one crucified you absolute brainlet. He literally gets crucified next to 2 criminals that were already crucified.
>rome posters
>posts a pic of a figure from nordic mythology
I would say Africa too but niggers are too retarded to know how to properly crucify someone. Instead they throw a tire around someone with a little gasoline and only half burn them. But they would if they were capable of it.
>implying every person in the past including africans weren't blonde nordics
>nordic mythology
Was invented by huns
Is this 2005 Rome? Is it worth to pick up? I enjoyed Spartacus Blood and Sand for what it's worth. Is it as good?
>inb4 >Spartacus >good
Never seen Spartacus, but Rome's definitely worth your time. Great characters, settings, and plotlines. You can tell there was a lot of love put into the show. It has its faults, but a lot of them can be attributed to budget and time constraints.
Even mormons are less terrible desu
At least they are whacky enough to be amusing
Fuck pr*toshits.
Fucking watch Rome right now you fucking plan faggot
You boys ready for more dragon kino? Only this time in Africa?
Remember the thief next to Jesus who asks to be forgiven? That dude was being crucified too
What Rome did very well was not hindering the story by imbuing the characters with modern day morals and sensibilities.
>"Roman" salute
yes. Sisto is kino
C'mon. This is one of the few things they got wrong, and it's not even that big of a detail.
Based Boston user
get fucked kike you know damn well why you hate it
This. I hate prots. Especially the Baptist’s.
well, would you?
based and redpilled
their weapons dont seem to change as much as their armor? or does this image just not show it
Eh probably not
>it's a Yea Forums tries to convince me to watch le tits and blood HBO show with male rape in it episode
Please tell me more about how you're 'really into history' guys.
such low quality bait
>these are the people you debate with online
>Trannies will be strangled.
they fucking wish
the early ones look like they could fuck up the late ones
what's the tactical advantage of late period armor? or is it just that the metalworking was more advanced. thank you for replying
What's some more Roman kino?
I just finished pic related and it was freaky as fuck if not somewhat interesting, but I need something more authentic.
Funny story, on his way to fight Darius again at the Battle of Gaugamela Alexander turned around and came back to Jerusalem because the Jews were starting to cause trouble and trying to cement rebellion, Alexander crucified the ring leaders. Even back then the jews were causing trouble.
Now that Heller is done with that shitty Gotham show HBO should let him do a prequel season in Gaul.
They started using a longer sword and the pilum changed into a spear which was used as there main weapon. General thought was to keep the enemy at arms length instead of close in which the gladius was for. They also got rid of the dagger each soldier carried towards the end as well.
Yes, actually
But a 109 countries have been at fault tho
I'm reading I, Claudius right now. Even if it is fiction it's really good, and I'm looking forward to seeing the mini series after I'm done.
Also Marc Anthony steals every scene in Rome.
sauce please
You got a loicense for that shitpost?
You meant to say more advanced not more primitive
Spartacus is good. Rome is even gooderer. Enjoy good ols early 2000's HBO kino my man.
thanks breh's, I'm gonna start it tonight
I curse you and your empire. May all your gods be supplanted by a jew. May all your children's children be Africans and Gauls. May your wheat grow rotten and your wine sour. May your nation be filled with foreign influence till nine remains that you recognize. And may you never understand that it was all your doing that it happened.
t. butthurt Carthaginian
>nordic and hellenic mythologies aren't the same
>Also Marc Anthony steals every scene in Rome
Marcuck Asstonius
OP Magnus, I have a question concerning your friend and coposter, the darling of Reddit, Gaius Anonymus Faegot . Why does his head remain empty? Why does he not go home? His illegal shitposting is over. Yea Forums is long since on it's knees. Why does he keep us brave posters from our discussions and memes?
For the entire summer he has gorged himself like a zoomer on (you)'s of bait and thereby made himself monstrously rich. WHY? Why does the ply the mob with racebaiting and capeshit and gaudy star wars threads? Why has he given (you)'s to every reprobate fool in this Rome thread? WHY? I tell you why he does those things. He wants to buy himself a Yea Forums pass. He wants to destroy the rome threads and rule Yea Forums as a bloody Mod! That's why!
Therefore I move that this faggot's post in this thread be terminated immediately, that his IP is banned and he be recalled to Yea Forums to answer charges of illegal shitposting, bait, faggotry and meming!
>more primitive culture
>especially in regards to it's paganism
Ancient Greece was peak civilization you pleb, not even Renaissance Europe measured up to it and the Renaissance was all about trying to reach the heights of the Greeks(and Romans for that matter).
>his god is a dead lanky jew
>who also licked a toilet brush
Very good, user. Full of vim and verve, as usual. Faegot has been generous with his shitposting because he loves the (you)s, as l do. lt is the (you)s that rule, not real discussion. l'm going to save us all hours of useless clamor and use my janitor's veto on your motion.
Imagine if you could go back in time and explain germ theory to the Romans. They might have conquered the entire world.
Since Rome has held up well and the success of GOT and Chernobyl, maybe they’ll give another historical epic a shot? Crisis of the Third Century perhaps? Lots of betrayals, shocking events, intrigue, amazing characters and personalities, great battles etc.
Patrician taste. A series set late in Gallienus' reign would be kino
who should play Zenobia?
That would be pretty great.
However I wonder if all the GoT spinoffs will fill up that role for them
The assassination of Aurelian could be Red Wedding-tier if done properly
Kento Ankokuden Cestvs
A manga in which Nero fucks his mommy.
Roman infantry consistently evolved and was meant to serve different functions throughout the centuries. Because of general economic decline and a need to adapt, late imperial infantry was considerably different compared to its early imperial counterpart. Heavy infantry under the cohort system was replaced with lighter and less disciplined infantry that could respond to border incursions faster. Basically focusing on defense instead of offense.
I wish we could have had more seasons
Alexanderposters did this by themselves. Did you flog the capeshitters by yourselves, /rome/fags? I mean who planned the Reddit invasion while you were still being spanked on your bottom by my waifu Cleopatra? Was it not I, Claudius? Or is his kino no longer good enough? "True Roman Bread", is it?
>tfw the only battle we got to actually see was Philippi
>tfw Game of Onions got the money that we could have had for episode long battles
>tfw we never got to see how Caesar fought in Alexandria or how he BTFO the fat retard at the Battle of the Nile
I don't know if it could be translated well into a tv series, but setting something around the fourth crusade could be kino. Second, I would suggest a series about the wars of the diadochi, atleast the first half of it when the successors are still alive. You could even do a season that focuses on Pyrrhus adventures in southern italy and sicily
A show about Diocletian that culminates with him being approached in his (olive?) gardens to retake the throne and him rejecting it would be absolute kino
Same with Odenathus since he’d be the first main protagonist. They’d have to make his random nephew more of a central character to make it work.
>Crisis of the Third Century perhaps?
Fuck this would be great. It's too bad HBO's busy with shitting out GoT prequels to make something like this.
The Persians are unironically the better empire. Though I guess the Roman transition from Republic to empire will always be iconic for how unique it and its circumstances were, especially on such a large scale
>battle of alesia greatest day of my life
Personally I think in terms of possible Byzantine settings, Phocas' usurpation and then Heraclius deposing him and carrying on the war against the Persians would be top tier
Which dynasty? Sassanids I agree were amazing. Parthians were absolute dogshit though.
July crisis kino when?
Anything Roman would be welcome at this point
i understand that reference but GoT is fantasy fiction
>this thread
and just like that, I know know what to do with my Saturday
rewatch Rome for the gods know how many times
The adventures of Gaius Marius and young Sulla in Africa. I wouldn't even complain about them casting black people as Numidians if the writing is good. Past season one it will all be set in Northern Italy and Rome anyways.
It's a long time period though with a fuckload of people involved. Better to focus on one era. I think the very start, beginning with Alexander Severus and maybe ending with Gordian III would be good
In the grand scheme of things they barely had a historical empire
Very good choice. The tragedy ending is almost like a subversion of your classical fantasy story where the world keeps on moving after the main big bad is defeated.
I'll throw in my hat for an Alexiad, something about George Maniakes maybe for a shorter story.
There's frankly a lot of stuff out there that would make for a good Rome style story.
And one day i'm sure someone is going to spend a billion dollars on a full Napoleon centric tv show.
Based. I hope you have the bluray boxset for ultimate kino experience.
I’m Danish you dumb white boy
These always make me chuckle
Thank you kind anona
>George Maniakes
My nigga. That would be brilliant, been wanting to see 11th century ERE setting for years and that would be perfect. Plenty of politics with Michael IV being a retard, lots of warfare, Harald Hardrada making a cameo. It's perfect
100% this. Honestly the most dramatic and crazy time period in all of Roman history
>Basil the Bulgar Slayer - centric story
GoT ain't got shit on the guy that blinded 15000 Bulgarian men. One about Krum making a cup out of Nikephoros' head would be fucking amazing too.
I know right? His story is perfect for a pretty self contained story that lets you see the state of the Empire while it's still powerful but in a post basil II decline but not quite yet manzikert-fucked upp. I'm surprised nobody has written a historical fiction about him as the protagonist. It even makes for a great tragedy ending with him dying right after his great victory.
Also, opening with his great victory over the turks besieging his city would be pretty darned kino to show off the state of the empire as well as what kind of commander Maniakes was
>The failure by the emperor was partly offset by the victory of George Maniakes, governor of Telouch, against 800 Arabs returning from the Byzantine debacle. The Arabs, emboldened by their victory, demanded that he evacuate his province. Maniakes at first pretended to comply, sending food and drink to the Arabs, but then attacked and overwhelmed them.
/Spartacus/ is my brother by sacred oath! I know his heart! He is my friend! And a faithful roman kino! And until anyone proves that he is not I will never betray him.
Honestly what i think we need is another show/film about the holocaust. Never again goy
Byzantine history has some wild fucking characters like this guy. Focus on his life and reign, would make for a good series.
>Tries to live up to his namesake, visionary and ambitious but falls short, has to raise taxes and enact unpopular policies
>Gets deposed and his nose cut off
>Exiled to Crimea for several years, escapes, nearly drowns in a storm in the Black Sea on a little fishing boat
>Allies with the Khan of the Bulgars and marries his daughter, crawls back into Constantinople through a disused aqueduct and retakes the throne, executes the two Emperors who usurped him
Good old noseless Justinian. One of only two people to be facially disfigured and still regain the throne, and he was the first, right? Absolute madman
>Crisis of the Third Century perhaps
The most cringeworthy post ITT, you could just as well have suggested a show about Justinian. No if there's going to be a new Rome kino it should be about the rise of the Republic, Rome slowly beating their neighbours, competing with the Etruscans, Brennus fucking them up, all of that.
He was a very very angry man. Not that bad of an Emperor, he's lived through bad times and that fucked him over, but boy was he ragehound.
you need to go back
>Mfw learning about Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus
Was he the most cucked man in history?
>Was he the most cucked man in history?
Nah I am more that sure Belisarius would give him a run for it
So what are the best books about Caesars life / the civil war?
That's still this guy.
Go back where exactly you mongrel?
This. Third century crisis doesn't even make sense in a tv show setting.
>introduce new emperor
>he dies two episodes later
>repeat for twelve seasons
Who wants to watch that shit?
Not even the best HBO show about Romans
>that part in one of the first episodes where fucking Schlomo rants about how great the Jews are for surviving all these years and asks Tony "where are the Romans now?"
>yfw "You're looking at them"
You know where
Wallachia was a fun place to be Voivod of
>being deposed by a literal fag and Mohammed's literal bitchboy thrice
Stop making me cringe this hard you retarded nigger.
What the fuck
I remember that. Fucking kino moment.
>Pretty much all emperors during that 50 year period were killed by their own men after a few months
Man, fuck the praetorian guard.
I don't understand what is happening there. He loses and reclaims his title every year?
They were pure scum
>His nickname, as appears in Slavonic writings (Praznaglava), could also be translated as "simple-minded", but the more likely meaning is ”void of hair (bald)”.
>He loses and reclaims his title every year?
As is tradition.
Carthage? user I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
In modern slavspeak it would literally be "emptyhead"
Fuck Praetorians man.
It was a tussle between Hungarians and Turks on one hand, and different boyar parties on the other, for the throne of Wallachia. Basically, the country was a wartorn hellhole for a good while.
Mongols would be a comfy era
Check this shit out.
I'm surprised it wasn't until Constantine that someone got rid of those fuckers. Even if they held a lot of power, it seems preferable to have some of your loyal soldiers kill those fuckers rather than have them stab you in the back three months after taking office.
This dude must have seriously been in doubt which of the 2 countries he was a Prince of and if he was a prince at the given time.
>a bunch of shows about Rome
>final show is still called something with Rome in title but it's all about the Huns
Attila and the Huns were the good guys, prove me wrong; Hint, you can't, degenerate cuckstians deserved all they got.
t. emilio papadoupaloupoo
Funny you think I'm Greek, you must be underage so in that case I'll educate you:
Most modern Greeks, even those on Yea Forums, would say that peak (Greek) civilization was the Byzantine empire. Why? Because "based orthocuck christianity".
it's the same shit going on right now
buy a county for 10 bucks
t. romanian
Could be kino with the Gauls serving as the "ultimate enemy" that keeps getting closer until the final showdown. Also would be nice to see Gauls actually do something interesting for once instead of being an eternal punch bag for Caesar
>Some of the best body guards were German mercs.
Always found that ironic
Based Kleitosposter
>the mutts actually think they descend from Romans
Lol it’s like when Paulie asks for “gravy” and the locals laugh at him
>literally cause the Dark Ages. People revert to mud huts. Don’t know how to build with stone.
Seethe more you hunaboo
I guess they were more prone to being honest on whether they wanted to kill you or not.
>Season 1 is about establishing characters and personal/political drama
>Season 2 starts the same but halfway through Rome gets sacked and almost destroyed by Gauls and the rest of the season is about Camillus trying to save the city
Normies would say it was a total epic Game of Thrones twist whoaah. The show would be a big hit and by the time season 4 runs around they would only pander to reddit and twitter and just stop following history and make shit up instead like the first female consul but until then it could be kino tbhwyfam
These being the words of Marcus Tullius Cicero:
Fuck niggers
>American "Education"
Patrician and republicpilled.
I, Claudius
Cicero was an absolutely based centrist though so he would also say Fuck wypipo
Why not a tv show about Ancient greece, during the time of the Peloponnesian wars?
Exactly how I pictured it as well, shame that it would either get cut too soon or as you said get warped by reddit niggers into a fantasy with 21. century morals (One of the heroes would be like a brown slave guy who is very smart and works to free other slaves or some shit)
Based Agrippina Destroying the Gens Iulia
What did he mean by this?
lmao even 2000 years ago it was obvious.
Based Cicero.
Agrippina is a complete and total cunt though.
Or a young Alexander show about the conquests of Philip and studying with Aristoteles.
>peak Greek civilization is Byzantine era
Well yea because modern Greeks are the same as ancient Greeks/Hellenes. Byzantines were unironic mutts and gypsies who looked Arab.
Year of the five emperors nigguh.
Honestly what I think we need is another holocaust, except this time it isn't a larp
Based psychotic slave murdering faggots dabbing on Athens
Jews were the one who invented the SICARIO Job
((They)) are only Good at Backstabbing
because the greeks are unbelievably fucking boring
We need another banner contest.
>cancled for fantasy roasties doing things the series
the best bread
Octavian, my allegiance is to the republic! To the senate!
Your new empire?
There's a reason jews were hated throughout history
If she is good enough for my boy Marcus Antonius she is good enough for me
and a good friend.
>Let me just say this out loud cuz I wanna get this straight in my head. You're saying that Casear was gonna kill you and then when we got back, he was going to kill us, crown himself king and rule Rome as a tyrant. I'm right about that, right? That's correct? That's your story?
>I swear on my mother Servilia's eternal soul that's what happend!
>The man you just killed just got declared dictator for life. He got legally elected by the people and senate of Rome. He could have fucking crowned himself. All he had to do was accept the crown from Marc Antony but he didn't. He kept his fucking mouth shut. He did his fucking time as dictator and he did it like a man. He did two years for us. So Brutus, you're telling me that this uncle of mine who did two years for the senate, who in two years never asked for a crown no matter how often Antony dangled it in front of him, you're telling me that now that this man was made dictator perpetuus and the senate made good on their commitment to him HE'S JUST GONNA DECIDE OUT OF THE FUCKING BLUE TO RIP THE REPUBLIC OFF?! Why don't you tell me what really happened?
Absolutely not. The days of white male supremacy are over. If anything they should cast Weasley Snipes as Hannibal Barca and the little Joffrey bitch kid as Scipio.
Didn't like Octavian 2, original was much better. If Rome actually got more than 2 seasons they could have waited until he grew up.
You need good characters for a series to work. A crisis series based around people like Aurelian, Tetricus, Zenobia, Odenathus etc. Start it with the Valerian disaster and finish it with Aurelian would be kino
shuttup idiot
>Octavian, did I ever tell you about Marcus Junius Brutus? He was my favorite mistress' son, a cunning politician and loyal ally. And he was a good friend.
wow i didn't know you can sticky replies now
It works only on the based ones tho
I just finished watching this series today. Any similar recommendations?
nordic and hellenic mythologies aren't the same
Spartacus might as well have been made by CW or ABC with those special effects and concept.
unironically, Game of Thrones
Incel thread
Well... flogged doesn’t sound so bad compared to the other two.
>hollywood never wants to make late-roman kino
is it because they only have 1st century costumes or is it because some certain tribe is triggered by christian rome?
nah just play AC
that's why I think Vorenus was my favorite character, at least before his breakdown, during season one. Just fascinating to see the moral code of an honorable man in his own time.
What the fuck is wrong with Nip insects...
>Life is water, not stone.
>Then I suppose I will drown.
Only if Genghis is played by an blond blue eyed Aryan of course.
yes yes but what if ancient rome was inhabited by qt grils
Better question; what the fuck is wrong with Romans?
After all, Nero did grow up to be a gross pederast who had a boy castrated and took him as a wife.
>had a boy castrated and took him as a wife.
absolutely based
deadwood is kino
there is no choice, there is one truth and many lies
He's a great character. An honorable and honest man.
Spartacus, ignore the bad CGI on early episodes
good actor too desu, played the character perfectly
rip tommy
>not atia
>not the republic
it was truly an enlightening glimpse into the American mind.
dilate y'wound
Biopic on the life of Alcibiades
why does tony hate jews so much?
based and senatepilled
>watch Rome
>wow this shit is wild
>google it
>it actually happened
>you're not allowed to share in the history of your genetic heritage
what did the europoor mean by this?
Now that you say it, the world building was reeeaaally good.
As far as showing new places, it paced itself, it built up the new area to familiarity, it made it relevant to the rest of the world, and you actually knew where the fuck you were.
A lot of ‘world’ shows will let you see a lot of places but nothing is connected and it feels like watching someone’s vacation slide-show.
They're doing LOTR, probably Second Age fall of Numenor stuff. Not authentic history, but in a way the source material reads like a history book or a legendary saga.
>watched documentary about the holocaust
>google it
>it actually happened
Why was Cato such an asshole to Caesar?
Caesar was fucking Cato’s sister
what the fuck I didn't know they had color cameras back then?
Underrated post
>Fuck yourself with a stick you sick fuck.
The virgin cato vs the CHAD CAESAR
Julius Caesar is literally a villain in history
>Commits Genocide in Gaul just to make himself rich and win support back in the senate
>Declares a brutal and bloody civil war to avoid being prosecuted for his very real criminal actions as Consul
>Doesn't even do the smart thing after his civil war and clean house leading to his murder and subsequent civil wars
Sulla was a good tyrant. Caesar cemented the death of the republic because he thought too highly of himself.
T|\\UE |\\OMAN B|\\EAD
FO|\\ T|\\UE |\\OMANS
>Actually we made it all up
I, Claudius is fiction but a lot of it is heavily based on fact, it's just all the dialogue is made up, the general events are correct. The sequel Claudius The God isn't as good, but still worth a read.
this, spartacus is pure kino if u can look past the production value
>I was thinking, "So, I’m Emperor, am I? What nonsense! But at least I'll be able to make people read my books now.”
Claudius is so good bros.. why did he have to die?
He had epilepsy. The dude probably wanted to die t b h
That's not Octavia
He was too pure for this world. Shouldn't have stuck his dick in crazy though.