>be white
>start dating black girl
>suddenly white girls start giving me shit, all day, everywhere, even if I don’t know them
What the FUCK is this shit?
Be white
pick one. I bet you know your girlfriend would be ridiculed if you posted her
no racist though just facts
>be white
sorry dude
It's not about the race. Every man in a relationship is attractive to single women cause women have the brains of little children. They always want the toy someone else plays with.
What's the deal with the sudden influx of chocolate love in the last couple months?
white girls gave my white friend shit for dating an asian
Have sex
Both men and women are at their most racist when it comes to sexual competition. The media just says that it's wrong for white men to do it. To highlight, it's seen as extremely racist to call a girl a coalburner but it's acceptable to say a man dating an asian has yellow fever.
Are you ESL?
Unironically true. Women cared for me noticeably more when I was in a relationship than when I was single.
>be white
>date girl with any amount of black in her
>get shit from blacks everywhere you go together
This is the reality.
this. I was alone for nearly a decade and I've had dozens of opportunities since getting a gf
he won’t
>women have the brains of little children
Wow. get laid you incel loser
>made up fantasy to provoke a reaction from Yea Forumstards
Try harder next time, OP. Lack of efffort is your main problem in life.
2019 and no matter what people will still hate """"race traitors"""" regardless of race.
What does this have to do with the discussion of Television & Film?
Illogical argument. Had you spent any considerable amount of time with women you would know that to be true.
Whats ESL?
nothing, why haven't you reported it?
This. White people don't give a shit but black people kick off about it at any opportunity. Blacks are the most racist people in the west by a mile. My ex gf (mixed) grew up being bullied by black girls because they hated her for being mixed race and assumed she thought she was some sort of princess and better than them because of it. The black mentality is fucked, they have a huge chip on their collective shoulder.
i'd give you shit if you were walking around with a baboon too
This is true for most mulatto I've have known. This is probably why they gravitate to having more white friends.
english as a second language
i.e. a dirty immigrant foreigner