Should A Song of Ice and Fire be re-adapted in animated form

For me, it would be the style of pic related if such a thing ever happened (it's pretty much an animated version of Dany as described in the books). I think it's a better medium for adapting fantasy stuff.

Attached: The-2-Queens-2.jpg (800x450, 86K)

I think it's a great idea! there are some graphic novel adaptions.


Because of the screen actors and writers guilds any adaptation will be lacking since they need to pay the "talent" absurd salaries though it will be animated in Asia for slave wages.

Honestly it would finally give the armies their real size. It was also weird to me when the Blackwater involved twelve extras at best.

Doesn't this apply for other animated shows too that star people like Nolan North or Clancy Brown? If so, why should it be a big problem for ASoIaF being adapted but not those shows? Plus they'd be using voice actors, who can do multiple roles if they're good enough.


Because of you I make the sex face!

>modern-style anime
not even once.

would be cool to get Sean Bean back to do v o

Vision of Escaflowne > Game of Thrones

t. otaking

>CG anime shit

The pic is some German-French production, but I don't see any reason to knock it that isn't arbitrary. I don't know shit about anime or weebs or whatever so I don't have some seething hatred. I see an art style I like and is suitable for ASoIaF and that's all there is to it.

Grrm's work is too long to properly adapt it unless people are willing to take pay cuts. Otherwise a lot would need to be cut and you'd just end up with more or less Game of Thrones.

AGoT would take episodes in all honesty. The first a season of the show added a lot of shit. Then if it is a hit (relative to animation terms) and the second season is as well (ACoK is 10 episodes at max), then can't they afford to do more episodes for the later stuff? I don't know much about the animation world, requirements, etc. to be frank so I could be wrong about everything.

>Should A Song of Ice and Fire be re-adapted
Just read the fucking books.
If you don't like them then you don't like ASoIaF and you should try out something else.

Read the books. Love the books. Still would love seeing a well done adaption.

There will always be a desire to see one's favorite book come to life because novels are a poor medium to relay a story.

I think I've seen you posting this same here and there shit all day today.

Yep. It's a slow day at uni.

Not poor, but the joy you get from a novel and joy you get from television/films is different, so it's nice to enjoy a story you love in different ways.

One doesn't live life by reading about it. A narrative depicted through word alone will always have a missing dimension no matter how elegantly articulated it was.

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Show/film can have music that really movies you. Books can have internal monologues that deeply move you without ruining the pacing of anything. They're different, I maintain. Tv or shows do require less effort too. Sometimes you have to put a book down cause your brain needs a rest as it's not as passive an experience as watching something is.

I would say so. Especially since most of the book fans were underwhelmed by some of the settings presented in the show. Since animation doesn't have this limitation, it seems logical to just wait for the last books to come out and adapt everything as intended.

If you're gonna animated modern fantasy then I'd go with MBoTF instead.

Ralph Bakshi or fuck off

No. No talent in the west and I really fucking doubt any anime studio would bother.

t. brainlet spoted

I doubt that normies would like an animated A Song of Ice and Fire, so it would be a flop, but it would be cool to see it.

CG in anime has been improving a lot int he last couple of years. HnK, Gridman, Promare, all real good examples of damn good CG.