
Attached: paul dano.jpg (1080x1440, 117K)

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A daring synthesis

Looks exactly like that new kid playing spiderman

Not even classically similar.

Attached: MV5BMjMwMzE1OTc0OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDU2NTg0Nw@@._V1_.jpg (1484x2048, 703K)

Classically classy.

Do you think he still loves anons?

Attached: thot.jpg (1024x681, 157K)


Paul Dano is one of the best actors on earth, but the "classic Paul Dano" meme has almost ruined him for me. Like, I absolutely love him, I think he's incredible, and I would watch a movie just because he's in it, he's that good. But this meme is just SO STUPID, and means absolutely nothing, that I almost can't watch something with him in it, and see his face without just thinking in my head "...classic".

What does it even mean??? It's NONSENSE, and has nothing to do with him, whatsoever. It is literally the dumbest thing in the entire universe. Paul Dano did nothing to provoke it or anything, he has no control over it and has influenced it in no way. Fucking Yea Forums is so dumb but damn it ye live rent free in my brain. It's so absurd you almost have to respect it.

A classic actor.

Agreed. Yea Forums ruined American Psycho and TDKR for me too.

Attached: Classic.png (500x775, 392K)

Attached: 1516760297451.png (354x286, 28K)

classic paul dano

Attached: Classic.png (500x775, 372K)

He his in a band, mook i think its called. lead vocals and guitar , classic rock

you did it wrong , open vim and dd the second line

Do you think Dano uses vim or emacs?

She still loves him , But Dano loves the crowd,
We should ship him and clarke

Attached: 1558377564499.webm (480x480, 1.59M)


Why do people like this cunt?

Find someone who looks at you the way Zoe looks at Paul

Attached: zoeh.jpg (720x480, 62K)

Paul Dano uses NANO

he uses SimpleText Default under Classic Mac OS from version 7.5

This is classic Paul Dano!!

Attached: classic dano.webm (1120x720, 2.98M)

Classic bad post


Attached: paul dano and stoya.webm (1280x720, 991K)


Attached: classic paul danomora.jpg (600x275, 43K)

Paul a cute! A CUTE.

Paul Dano is how we save James Bond by making it return to its classic roots per say.