What the fuck were they thinking?

What the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: 190514092343-arthur-show-mr-ratburn-exlarge-169.jpg (780x438, 36K)

>The gay character is literally vermin
What did they mean by this?

Take it to pol faggot


don't forget to clean the hairballs out of your neo-vagina

>uuhhh... don't make fun of us homosex. GOSH

>Republicans claim to support free speech and limited government
>Ban a cartoon from airing

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have intercourse

If you queers want to have the same thread about the brainwashing jew media and the based state of Alabama over and over and over again take your circle jerk to your containment board


or you could just not watch it

sheeit, why white folks always be makin this face?

It's a publicity stunt and you're all buying into it by posting these threads every hour.
All fields.

or you could just not push filth on the children

>push filth
Have you even seen this episode? Its a huge nothing.

>everything will become gay in your lifetime

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>pushing homosexuality is nothing

>Have you even seen this episode?
Of course they haven't. They also don't have kids despite their feigned outrage and pearl clutching.

Leftshits believe that the 'freeze peach' is a system of white heteronormative patriarchal supremacy, so getting their shit banned is a compromise from the republicans to give them what they want.

Glad people are are waking up to the fact that conservatives are and always have been the real SJWs.

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They wanted to make sure the most important and dangerous demographic didn't come screeching at them: rich, western white women with no responsibilities

Either extreme is garbage, both can be summed up as the whiny kid in grade school that snitched over something like someone getting an extra cookie or saying a dirty word.

This is government sponsored censorship. Not some feminist on Tumblr whining about video games.

Wait, I thought the alt-right supported homosexuality. How're we supposed to fearmonger about brown people if we're homophobes too????

Lol, "pearl clutching". Need trendy buzzwords to express yourself in retarded hyperbole to make a point? Just fucking speak like an actual goddamn human: People are getting pissy over shit that won't affect them at all. We don't need a retarded phrase popularized by some bitchy academic for the sake of twitter

>zombie simpsons of kids shows
>irrelevant for decades
>make PR stunt
>get attention for a few or more episodes

>cartoon is on for 20 years
>now the time for a fag character
but why though? we live in a time when you fags can clearly have your own shows so why do you infect ours?

here's a rhetorical tip for you: you should use words you know the meaning of.

As I said, its an extreme and is bad, and couldnt happen without the type of person I mentioned previously both demanding it and going along with it.

The term "clutching your pearls" has been around cover

You know blacks are the most homophobic people on the planet right? Lol, you queers are so scrambled.

The characters couldn't legally marry 20 years ago. Really makes you think.

and phoneposting has only been around for 2 years, oops

American laws apply to Elwood City

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>bans show from airing in order to protect the sanctity of marriage
>marries cousin

Wow, what a refutation.

This thread was made yesterday you spamming cocksucking faggot

>zombie simpsons of kids shows
What really surprises me is this show has been on over 2 decades but it only has a little over 200 episodes.

I be they'll get crazy money from sponsors.


I'm 100% serious when I say:
If you think there is anything wrong with gay people and want to take the freedom to teach kids that gay people exist away, you can fuck off over to Saudi Arabia.

Since when was Arthur a alt right show?

The same thing they were thinking the 8000 other times this thread was posted and discussed to death.


Cool meme Ahmed

homo detected
homo detected

>on Yea Forums

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I'm serious. Your body treats your new front hole as an open wound and will attempt to heal it by closing it up. Ensure you dilate regularly so this does not happen.

Homosexuality is freedom, Ahmed.

Time for a beheading, nigger.

I can't fucking wait to murder all the faggots of the world in cold blood. Thanks for the day and time that works out well. Thanks for letting me know about this morning my beautiful. we are going on a date with the same company that I would have started.

>over shit that won't affect them at all
I'm fine with gays being represented in media but this statement is just false. Things like this have a knock-on effect on society as a whole. Next you'll be telling me that Miley Cyrus and Nicki Minaj twerking on music channels for little girls won't affect society and those who live in it.

Where were you when you realised /pol/ is basically white muslims

I'm a Christian living in a nation founded by Christians. Homosexuality is a grave sin, they condemn themselves to an eternity of torment for a single lifetime of deviant pleasure. It's an abomination and it CANNOT be normalised amongst our children.

Pack your bags for Saudi Arabia.

So is coprophilia. Should that be represented in a cartoon aimed at kids?

Exactly. /pol/tards hate freedom. They should fuck off to Saudi Arabia.

too late. also there is no god

Just trying to help. I know how touchy your kind can be, what with the 41% self harm rate and all. Sorry if I offended you.

Would unironically join a white ISIS desu

but Allah

Fake statistics

your son is going to be a faggot. deal with it

Jesus fuck, there are actual boomers on Yea Forums.

haha the cope on these discord trannies is unreal

Agreed. All children should be taught about it during their developmental stage in which they're at their most suggestible. Kids should be given as much information as possible because they're like sponges and as such a great deal more malleable than later in life. Freedom for all.

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You can easily find straight people with just as fucked up fetishes tbqh

True enough, though fetishism and promiscuity are far more common in the gay community.

>Leftist free speech: kill babies. mutilate children and change their sex. let the entire third world in and give them all your resources.
>Right wing free speech: don't do those things

I don't know. I watched the episode myself and it doesn't mention the words gay or homosexual at all. It doesn't even explicitly best that Mr ratburns spouse is a male. Of course it's pretty clear that he is since he's wearing a tux and has a male sounding voice but younger kids probably wouldn't have any real idea what was going on. It's a lot more benign than a nicki Minaj video IMO.

maybe learn how to interpret facial expressions?

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cope harder hyopcrite

Imagine if someone made a collage of a bunch of Loli/incest/whatever Yea Forums posts and used it as evidence against straight people

Abortions will be the first thing to go, the seeds are being sown as we speak. Then the focus will fall squarely on you degenerates who corrupt children and spit in the face of God. It's going to be glorious.

>right wing free speech: GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW 1488!!!!!

Yeah, that's how it works, faggot.

>Abortions will be the first thing to go, the seeds are being sown as we speak. Then the focus will fall squarely on you degenerates who corrupt children and spit in the face of God. It's going to be glorious

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>he went limp, accepting the inevitable

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>incel isn't even attractive enough to another man
>cries about it on Yea Forums

Honestly I know some people don't like homosexuality but at the end of the day you gotta respect freedom of speech. As far as I'm concerned, both the left and right are complete idiots most of the time

Why do white people make this face?

>everything user said is actually true
>no argument in return
>reply with edgelord.jpg

>It's a lot more benign than a nicki Minaj video IMO
I won't argue with that - or with any of your post, for that matter - but as I see it it's more a case of both gaining a political foothold and the slippery slope of the insane left being a real thing; give them an inch they'll take a mile. And I'm talking about a very specific group here, the one with the loudest voice that's bringing about the death of free speech. The sensible left are and will always be a good thing but these sjw/antifa lunatics who just want to keep pushing and pushing the boundaries are a legit issue. Equal rights became a thing, now they're pushing it further and mansplaining, manspreading and the like are considered violent and sexist acts and they're pushing the idea that we live in a culture where rape is encouraged; racial equality is now a thing, now they're pushing the idea that whites should have inherent guilt, blacks cannot be racist and whites should submit to blacks due to events in the past; sexual liberation is now a thing, now they're doing slutwalks, blasting people for looking down on women who behave like whores, celebrating whores like Cyrus and Minaj who push sexuality on children and glorify it as role models. A gay cartoon character is fine, but it's a symptom of a much bigger issue. The compassion - or just plain pandering, depending on how you want to look at it - that got this made will eventually destroy society if left unchecked. Again, I'm not saying there's necessarily anything wrong with gays being represented in media, but it absolutely does affect society when you consider the bigger picture.

Only non-whites ask this question. You have to be white and deal with non-whites on a daily basis to understand.

The difference being that the media and the education system doesn't support gassing the kikes while they do unironically support the ideas in the post you replied to. You can disagree with gassing the kikes without issue, disagree with giving hormones to kids and you'll lose your job.

I hoe we never discover a cure for AIDS.
Hoepfully it eveolves into super AIDS one day.

You can’t make any serious reply to a post like that because it’s an edgelord wet dream. There’s nothing to argue against.

Arthur did gay couples like 10 years ago though

It was banned by the Fascist Bush government though.

This thread is filled with /pol/ schizos

People have been saying that since the 40s user

I hate faggots lol

The Office

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This kind of shit is why mr. morris left elwood city.

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Same reason blacks breath through their mouth and do that stupid "mmmhmm"

*smacks lips* lemme finna axe you a question

>lemme finna

this 2bh

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I didn't realize how popular this show was with niggers until a couple of years ago. Do they see the animals being brown skinned and automatically think it's aimed at them? How do they explain the main character lives in a traditional nuclear family and spends quality time with his dad? Or that none of the main characters display the destructive anti-intellectualism and propensity to violence thats ingrained in black culture?

That and he wasn't getting any monetary compensation for his work.



Why is this thread still up when the anime thread was deleted?

>Mr. (((Ratburn)))

Everyone knows this, anyone who makes you point it out is a disingenuous cunt (and probably of a certain ethnicity)

Surely it's better to display and promote monogonous gay marriage than just allow people to learn about homosexuality from the hedonistic and polysexual stereotypes perpetuated in pride parades that reinforced negative stigma towards gay people?

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>t. homo


Imagine still hating on gay people in the current year of our Lord, 2019. Don't you have illegal immigrants raping your women to be more worried about? :^)

>Don't you have illegal immigrants raping your women to be more worried about?
At least thats not homo sex

Based and centrist-pilled

What's wrong with that left guy's head?

left leaning groups will give them more money.

Believe it or not, it's Jews that want a race war. I'm not sure how much you know about the likes of WWII, but a quick rundown of Jewish involvement is

>Start the war
>Don't fight in it
>The only deaths worth remembering from it are the 6m fake deaths you made up about yourself

There's only three points there, did you pick up on the most important aspect of it in regards to a race war? No, it's not the 6m fake deaths, that's what we call "the bigger picture". Try again...that's right! It's the part where they don't get involved.
See, if whites and blacks in America have a race war then Jews aren't involved in it. But whites will be removed because that's what happens in a war (one you fight in at least), maybe not all of them, but a large amount. It doesn't matter how many darkies because there's an endless amount of them thanks to the (((aid))) given to Africa. The same is true in Europe, if the Europeans suddenly start a race war against the Muslims, then both Europeans and Muslims will be killed (neither of which Jews like) and who cares anyway because you can then restock Europe with the same darkies from Africa or even more of the Muslims from the Middle East. This is particularly wanted if you consider what Greater Israel is, how far it extended, and how seriously Jews take prophecies (though they like to include a lot of semantics and just made up things to claim the prophecy has came true, you know like the whole 6m thing).
So now we've determined that everyone will die in a race war...except the "people" that stand to gain from it. We have a phrase for it, don't worry, we call it "pure coincidence".
Do you know what else is a pure coincidence? Race relations going backwards which is entirely propagated by the same (((people))) telling you to join hands because there's only one race and that's the human race. But you already know the phrase we use for that because I've just told you it.

why do white people make this face?

It's shaped like an eggplant.

Perhaps there are more than 2 political positions. Perhaps people have different opinions to others despite voting for the same political party. Have you even seen game of thrones?

They thought conservatives who preach about government not interfering with their lives would be able to handle two consenting adults choosing to spend the rest of their life together.

Unfortunately, the GOP is made up of a bunch of whiny babies who are throwing a temper tantrum because they need their diapers changed.

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Guys, It's a fucking joke.

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This, /pol/ absolutely btfo. How you can get that assblasted over a cartoon just for showing the existance of gay people is beyond me.

No one is except religious nuts. Not all republicans are religious nuts. R u simple?

>you should just have your own kids tv show exclusively about homosexuality
Yeah I'm sure that wouldn't trigger you at all

It wouldn't if you kept it for your own kids.

>No one is except religious nuts.
90% of all critizism I read about it don't refer to religion at all. Everyone is just whining about muh secret plan to indoctrinate all children into being gay
>Not all republicans are religious nuts.
Nice projection. I said nothing about republicans, just /pol/.
R u simple?

>why do ebil libruls make me and my kids to watch this?
Nobody is forcing you, you fucking faggot. Don't like it, don't watch it. There's no harm in dedicating 1 out of 200 episodes to fags, the artificial separation you propose is idiotic.

I watched this episode and I am gay now, AMA

Ah, I’m so sorry. I got confused when u quoted a post about republicans and said “this”.

Was Ratburn known to be gay before this episode? his voice was flamboyant, but from what I remember he never seemed gay beyond that.

>Make children's show
>Put fags with AIDS in it that eat poop at gay scat orgies

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Maybe because both of the right wing positions are discriminatory. Your lack of cognitive functioning is impressive, but you're not even special in that regard.

Disagreeing with transitioning children is discriminatory?

>Conservatives: Unlike you snowflakes I'm not so easily triggered.

>Also conservatives: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>I didn't realize how popular this show was with niggers until a couple of years ago. Do they see the animals being brown skinned and automatically think it's aimed at them?
It's because pbs is a free channel

>10 threads a day
>All Yea Forums can do is throw petty insults in their echo chamber
mfw the cartoon still exists no matter how many threads you guys make

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Yup. Pretty much.

I like how all the arguments are comparing two fully dressed men getting married, to straight up porn. You people are dense as fuck. Kill yourselves.

He was a puppeteer and in drama.

>mfw the cartoon still exists
Not in Alabama ;)

>REEE Why are gays so obsessed with sex
>Mind instantly goes to a giant gay orgy of shit eaters when he sees an innocent marriage.
Wanna tell us something?


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>Can still be streamed in muh based bama
It still exists.
You lost. Save the cringey quips.

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and no one except you maladaptive pozzed freaks will watch it. have fun dying from anal cancer, bender ;)


? Lol

I haven't watched Arthur in over 10 yrs because I'm an adult, likewise I don't give shit about it but it's fun watching you spergs lose your shit over it. :^)

>destroying western civilisation to own the cons

>let’s have this thread for the 50th time this week
Hey janny, how about autosaging this thread that actually deserves it?

>gay people
>long-term monogamous relationships

What were the Jewish producers thinking? Gee whiz who knows.

"Conservatives" are just 90s liberals. Sodomites have always been an abomination and both they, and the ones who sit in fellowship with sodomites, like jannies, will suffer for their sins and burn in eternal hellfire.

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>Burns in hell for all eternity

At this point those are unironically two separate (formerly united) factions of the the Republican Party.
It's hard to grasp from the political "outside" but both parties are Big Tent organizations with tons of different influences, ideologies and support-bases; not ideological monoliths in the slightest.
The first group you are talking about probably implies lolberts, small C conservatives, old-timey liberals who think you should be able to say nigger, TPUSA types etc.
The latter is deep south Paleoconservatives. You know family values types, Baptists and the dwindling remainder of Southern Anglo landowners. Paleoconservatism usually has no qualms with government taking a more direct, action-positive role in policy.
I mean, the episode was banned in Alabama alone. It's a largely paleocon state enacting a paleocon law in it's own borders.

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Oh no no no. If they actually did their job and deleted these political bait threads they'd be out of a job(KEK!) because these zoomers would take their politics back to r*ddit Instead.

Have sex

>my magic jewish sky wizard is really mad that some guys like to stick their dicks up other guys butts

Nice how you did your best to inject "jewish" in there to false flag. Despite Jewish kabbalists being the ones promoting this.

>current year of our Lord, 2019
Ironic you say that considering if you don't repent you will burn in Hell for eternity, faggot.

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That's left wing dummy. Remember who started the klan

Its public broadcasting not privately owned. You will suffer from herpes your entire life and have to take HIV meds.

based pass user since 2012

Gay sex

nigger you are actually underage

Wow, from the first replies I thought you were just a pro-gay guy defending them and falling for that user's tranny bantz, but with this reply it sounds like he was right and you actually are a tranny. The absolute state of trannies, man, damn. I used to not care about you guys till I tried making friends with one and found out all the memes about you being mental well beyond just the dysphoria are true.

t. Kenian nigger

You’re the one worshipping a jewish sky wizard buddy, not me.

>S-stop discussing television!

So is the animation still stiff and flash animated? I remember it changing around 2011 and ironically introducing a redneck character.

It is Flash

But it’s totaly different because think of the children, user. I’m doing this for the children so censorship is okay. Oh but killing kids is fine so you’ll never take my guns.

What emotion was Arthur trying to convey?

There's millions of kids in the country who have same sex parents or have a friend with same sex parents...who fucking cares anymore? Why are so many people still triggered by this shit? Its not a secret anymore that some dudes be fucking dudes, why are not allowed to show it on TV?

>he doesn't know about the fake science gay statistics that are being spread around that are based off of testimonials yet /pol/ treats it like its hard science
Also you sound obsessed, sorry nu-/pol/ got into your head and turn you in a paranoid schizo full of tranny fantasies

He was taken by surprise because the person he thought mr ratburn was marrying turned out to be his sister who was helping him plan the wedding.

>Giving their userous nature, it's glaringly obvious what "Jesus Christ" is all about. The mass mind. By creating the fictitious character of Jesus Christ and the "second coming," the Jews who have hijacked and hoarded knowledge regarding the powers of the mind and soul, especially channeled belief and faith, [the mass mind is driven by the strength in the numbers of believers], these energies are directed into bringing about their long awaited Messiah. The billions of Gentile believers throughout the ages have amplified energies directed towards the coming of the Jewish Messiah by believing in Jesus Christ. There is plenty of strength in mass belief. The Jews, especially the orthodox know this.

>stop trying to control narratives and political disourse through public outrage! Only faggots like me and my Jewish friends are allowed to use that tactic!

I'm not white but I do it too. No idea why

>based off of
you mean based on