And acting well. Her facial expression is that of a sheltered aristocrat of a family of former glory, a whole life being kept from violence and making hard choices against the life of others, finally seeing the Red Keep, and bringing herself to be the regent she needs to be by incorporating ruthlessness. She can begin this walk towards power only from the position of an innocent child.
10/10. The fact that you did not even comprehend that shows that you have literally no position to argue film and/or acting in any way, shape or form.
some good bait right here
>it flew over my head by miles so it's gotta be bait
She's picturing jew&jew to help with the anger.
OP absolutely fucking annihilated
Sex doll de britanico.
the whole cast had every reason to totally phone it in this season but went for it and gave good performances anyway. What a waste
and she acting very good
This is why I come here
OP just got his pussy filled
she made me wake my "Dragon" iykwim
dumb horseface
*unzips dragon
what is wrong with this?
her sex scene with Khal Drogon caused my "penis" to become "erect" if you catch my drift
Imagine believing this
She actually did a decent job this season
nothing Emmy worthy but still a solid job of acting
As for the earlier seasons, particularly season 2, where she was kind of wooden, there was a reason for that. She had a brain stroke and nearly died.
The acting is still shit and looks laughable, shills
her acting this season was very good compared to before. she actually managed subtle facial expressions
wtf i love danychads
dick sucking OP BTFO
>t-the acting s-stil terrible
Cope, you got murdered in the first post
Too cryptic
>sheltered aristocrat
>sold to savages and raped
>kept as a slave
Does reddit even pay attention to the shows they watch?
FPBP, op btfo
Mad Dany is cute, I wanna tickle her feet until she says dracarys
*spends 7 seasons staring off vacantly into space*
*finally manage one scene where you don't look like a lobotomy patient*
Wow amazing! Give her an emmy!