This movie was so fucking depressing

Attached: Oet8ViL.jpg (853x626, 188K)

Not surprised no one's seen it, fucking capeshit board.

Is this a good start for Yang Ikjune? It's probably the only film of his that I know of

Edgy as fuck, welcome to the club, brother. Fuck gooks amirite?

It's the only one worth watching, I suppose.

>post a random picture without title
>expect people to discuss.

>posts picture from the movie, a pic that anyone who has seen it can recognize instantly
>lol discussion
I want people who have seen it to come ITT.

Watched this years ago and the ending is extremely depressing. Kino movie but don't expect Yea Forums in 2019 to know about this. They're all zoomers who watch capeshit and spam newfag memes.

>being depressed from a comedy

Also one of the main theme being Karma in a way. Whatever goes around, comes around. soundtrack is pretty kino aswell.
The movie is called "Breathless" for you reddit newfags.

>I want people who have seen it to come ITT.
What's the point to not give the title ? You want to make sure people won't watch it ?

Attached: MV5BMDFkYzVkMjAtNDU1Mi00ZGI4LTgxMDYtNTZiZGQ0NTgwM2Q5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzI1NzMxNzM@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,70 (704x1000, 124K)

yeah I'm 25 so I'm a boomer
call it a genderbender then. I appreciate the tragedy and the endless 'shibailama's both.

bump idiotens

French critics loved it. Though it has low rottentomato.

Attached: Breathless.png (846x575, 36K)

Looks gay

just like your face.


"Breathless" huh? Gonna watch Endgame one last time then when I get home I'm watching it.
Keep the thread up until then bro. Peace.


yes it is, same as life

>korean action films
oldboy etc the list goes on

It's not an action film faggot

based OP

get back to your thread onion

I want to see it now, give me the name.


seed this shit fuckers, I'm stuck at 80%

lol there's one on rarbg, 8gb or so. I downloaded it at 4mbps, check it out.

And you enjoyed it for sure, fucking incel

it's entry-level korean cinema along with snowpiercer. don't be a pseud

that's retarded

Got ya senpai

literally this

Is that Breathless?

It's far above snowpiercer

>who watch capeshit

And not even ironically. Its funny I bet there is an intelligent discussion going on at reddit right now but they are the baddies.


How can it be entry level when /tv only watches capeshit? Its entry level on r/film maybe.


> I can't use image search!

>calls you shibalama

Attached: v1.jpg (1200x900, 219K)

Where do you think we are?

Attached: 1532223634581.jpg (889x1745, 527K)

Attached: 1549982035741.jpg (749x1635, 396K)

Can you give the names of the movies please

>mid level
>actually entry level

Was the debt collector boss guy gay?

I see some naked girls hehe bros do girls get truly naked for movies and show a*s and p*ssy?