
Post some good tv shows about alcoholism other than Californication and Bojack Horseman.

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Mad men

I knew that Don Draper drank a lot. But does the show show his struggles and dark times?

Rescue Me

Trailer Park Boys

heh gay

He uses alcoholism to cope with the anxiety inherently to his story

he has to cut back in season 4 or 5

>Rescue Me
Never heard of it. Is it kino?


Battlestar Galactica

Not about alcoholism per se but

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The Sopranos

first few seasons definitely, but i dont want to spoiler anything

Leaving Las Vegas

It's a movie though

And Nic Cage's best arguably

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The animation style seems off to me. Will i ever get used to it?

glad I'm not the only one

Based and kinopilled

Yes. Great show to have a drink to.

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Trailer Park Boys