Has japanese animation surpassed western animation?
Has japanese animation surpassed western animation?
Other urls found in this thread:
>japanese "humor"
is based
fuck zoomers and fuck their dancing
>sexual degeneracy and pedophilia
Fuck no. Those tojos need to get bombed back into the bottom of the Pacific.
>20 animators died to make this
And for what?
Nothing will ever top classic Tom & Jerry
>he said, posting a picture from a japanese cartoon show where the teenaged mc *doesn't* want to fuck the cute, shapely alien that's obsessively attracted to him
>t. race traitor
That's ironic coming from a motherfucking american
I'll never forgive the Japanese after the FLCL sequels
>implying even a racist teenager wouldn't fuck Lum and invent some cope excuse for why its "ackchooally" good for the huwhyte race
why is the colouring for anime nowadays all the fucking same. it looks so shit
Hibike! Euphonium doesn't have nearly enough yuri.
It's rotoscoped. Impressive work, no doubt, but it is an ancient technique at this point and usually too laborious to use in a full production, especially for Japanese anime studios who have incredibly tight budgets.
It did a long time ago.
>sexual degeneracy and pedophilia
Yeah, that's definitely a big problem in Western media.
>why is the colouring for anime nowadays all the fucking same
it's not.
Are you sure it's rotoscoping and not a cg model with 2d over it?
It surpasssed western animation since the 90s.
NOTHING in the West is as good as Cowboy Bebop or El-Hazard
>it's not.
90% of modern anime has that exact same scheme, please prove me
And that's a good thing, the /u/tards got baited and were made to seethe.
Not him but it is confirmed rotoscoped.
Whenever someone says something about how 90% or 99% of anime is this or that, they are just talking out of their ass. The color design in anime varies like anything else.
i hope this post was ironic
They aren't talking out of their ass though because a lot of anime is very similar and objectively a lot of them use the same colours as in those videos
>I'll never forgive the Japanese after the FLCL sequels
wtf there are sequels? Can I look it up or is it 110% cancer?
Of course there are anime that are similar to each other. There are 50 or so TV anime made every three months. And it's not like there's an infinite variety of ways of coloring an anime without making it look very stylized, which most people aren't looking to do.
They're trash, don't bother at all with them
Not with their use of god awful CG
Bro anime is inherently stylized. Characters have neon blue and pink hair. They could do anything they want but they settle for those boring colours that everyone uses
A long time ago
What the fuck are you talking about, there are plenty of shows that only have realistic character designs, or at least ones without neon hair colors and shit like that. The video in the original post is an example of one.
Disney used CG in their movies too, before they went full CG.
By stylized I mean unusual color designs.
>They could do anything they want but they settle for those boring colours that everyone uses
There are anime that use more unusual color designs. Your problem is that you think looking original and standing out for the sake of looking original and standing out is the most important thing.
>there are plenty of shows that only have realistic character designs
These are very rare, which is good, because that would defeat the purpose of a cartoon anyway
Anime isn't cartoons.
high detail movement doesn't blend with low detail face
Retarded shit for autistic pedos
Chika is cute!
How is the amount of detail in her movement related to the amount of detail used to draw her face?
It's Western media that's for pedos.
>please prove me
HAH. Look at these manchildren watching an animation made by subhuman asians. I must inform them of my greater intellect and mock them for enjoying something different.
Although some of those weird anymays seem interesting, I will not give in and view them because I am afraid of what other people might think of me, a manly adult, watching something else than mature movies in which other adults pretend to be fictional characters.
What should I expect from live action Kaguya-sama?
Kaguya is cuter
why do they always do this crap? just leave anime in 2D, you can't act anyway
white people look more like the anime people than japanese
wtf I thought audio webms weren't enabled on Yea Forums?
>white people
children or adults?
There's a lot of manga that works perfectly well in live action.
Anime characters don't look white.
hapas are the most anime looking ones
Nice digits
Are you 12? It's the same thing. Animation
>Anime characters don't look white.
do they look like niggers then cuz the look whiter than gooks
I don't know why you're posting it here and not Yea Forums if you actually want to make people seethe
Cartoons and anime are different subsets of animation. Why would knowing this fact make me 12 years old?
What makes you think they have to exactly correspond to any real ethnicity?
>What makes you think they have to exactly correspond to any real ethnicity?
cuz they dont look like
>Cartoons and anime are different subsets of animation
"Anime" is literally cartoons from Japan
>Has Japanese animation surpassed western animation?
>what is Berserk 2016?
>what is literally every mecha anime made in the last 4 years?
>what is Overlord?
>what is that extremely QUALITY anime that looks retarded?
>what is QUALITY Punch Man season 2?
>what is Castlevania Netflix?
They might look visually appealing but they can't animate for shit. The last time the majority of anime had good animation was about 2007, and it's only gone downhill since. Also, nice rotoscoping faggot
What are you trying to say?
Anime and cartoons are two different kinds of animation. They have next to nothing in common.
>all cartoons are animated so that means all animation must be cartoons
The fact that bad-looking anime exists does not negate the fact that anime has nevertheless surpassed Western animation. And Castlevania is not anime and had no Japanese involvement.
>The last time the majority of anime had good animation was about 2007
Coincidentally this was about the time Toonami shut down and all the casual anime viewers went into hibernation until streaming arrived. Just a coincidence, of course.
>What are you trying to say?
see youre really fucking retarded bro
They're cartoons from Japan you pretentious cunts. Please make a clear technical distinction between the two (you can't but go ahead)
>ACTUALLY has ben garrison drawings saved on his computer
lmaoing @ u
cartoons - made for kids, involve friendship, fun, adventure, lessons
anime - made for adults, involve fights, blood, gore, sex, drugs, action, etc
is it clear enough for you, downie? just because they are animated doesn't make them the same
Tell me why people shouldn't be allowed to defend anime.
Anime characters don't look white.
This is a cartoon:
This is anime:
As I said, they have next to nothing in common.
Yea, but the japs have some absolute shite CG
I'd rather my don come out as a tranny than become a weeb. Though the two are correlated.
They look like fucking potato aliens.
>t-they don't look white!
This is nonsense. There are many anime that meet your definition of a cartoon, and anime for the most part isn't particularly violent, and rarely features sex. Drugs are almost unheard of in anime.
They're trying to integrate CG with hand-drawn animation on TV budgets and schedules, and not all productions are made equal. And not all of them even particularly use CG.
Japanese animation = slideshows
Western animation = ugly art direction
Both suck in some way or another
>There are many anime that meet your definition of a cartoon
that doesn't make all anime cartoons though
>anime for the most part isn't particularly violent, and rarely features sex. Drugs are almost unheard of in anime
maybe in the kids stuff that you usually watch
that's content, that doesn't have anything to do with form (except tons of anime doesn't have any of that, and tons of anime have themes about friendship, adventure, lessons etc.)
all I see it stylised animated caricatures of people/anthropomorphic creatures. with different degrees of stylisation obviously, but still stylised nonetheless. they are still formally very similar (except anime generally has less animation, but that's by-the-by)
That's what I said, yes.
>Japanese animation = slideshows
This is a myth.
>that doesn't make all anime cartoons though
I have not been arguing that they are the same, I have been arguing that they are different. Your definitions are just nonsense.
>maybe in the kids stuff that you usually watch
I watch all kinds of anime and have seen far more than you have.
Everything about cartoons and anime is different, right down to their core philosophies.
should've said you're baiting for replies from the start and not waste my time
have fun pretending to be retarded for attention
Tiny Evil Ep. 4
>I watch all kinds of anime and have seen far more than you have.
ah shit here we go
the "anime expert" that's much smarter than everyone else because that's what his mental illness is making him think
>Everything about cartoons and anime is different, right down to their core philosophies.
And they would be?
>th-they (generally) look different and they have blood and swearing in them, so that means "anime" is a totally different form from cartoons and they're nothing alike!
I hope you're 13
no it's not, if you can't tell you're retarded, they use motion blur to mask it, Western animation has way more key frames
You obviously don't know shit about anime if you think this is accurate:
>cartoons - made for kids, involve friendship, fun, adventure, lessons
>anime - made for adults, involve fights, blood, gore, sex, drugs, action, etc
>They were singing shirtless,but you couldn't see their breasts
Guess the anime ending
Just think of anything that goes into making an animated show or movie.
They don't use motion blur. Maybe you are confusing that with smear frames, but they're only used in specific cases to simulate motion blur. Characters don't have smear frames when they're just walking down the street. Western animation may have more frames but that still doesn't mean that anime = slideshow.
There's no getting through to these people dude. They will profusely deny that blue eyes and blonde hair and caucasian characteristics.
have sex
>Just think of anything that goes into making an animated show or movie.
Yeah, they're exactly the same, except one (generally) relies more on still images with mouth flaps.
this post is bait, right?
if anything its kind of a compliment to whites
Where has anyone denied that those are white characteristics?
Hang yourself, leftist.
Again, everything about them is different. Character design, color design, animation, storyboarding, backgrounds, effects, sound, voice acting, music, story. They're aiming to do completely different things. You can barely even find any American shows that have an on-going story.
Why would it be bait?
What the fuck is the point of this?
It's animation for the episode end credits.
Japanese animation surpassed western animations since the 1980's.
>anime - made for adults, involve fights, blood, gore, sex, drugs, action, etc
How is this statement not bait?
only a underage shonentard could unironically say something like that.
Almost every fucking anime has the same boring two-tone shading on everything.
"Anime" barely ever had animation. Literal still frames with flapping mouths
seething mutt
You're a faggot if you watch this kind of shit and your parents are disappointed in you
I'm not the one who said it.
Two-tone shading is not commonly used, and what kind of shading are you expecting anime to use instead?
This is a myth.
Yeah I can't stand it. They did it in the FLCL sequels, and it's shocking how shit it looks compared to the original
How long will you live to please your parents?
it's done on purpose to prevent seizures
Realistic backdrops and bodies make the eternally half-arsed faces look absolutely awful.
So again you're referring to content (serialised story-telling) rather than the form itself, which is practically identical to cartoons.
It's like saying haikus "aren't poems" because they look and sound different from a sonnet
It's pretty good.
The anti-seizure thing has nothing to do with shading, the screen is just dimmed during parts where flashes could conceivably cause seizures.
I am referrring to both, and both are extremely different from cartoons. If you are so sure that they are the same, then explain what makes them the same.
Yeah that's what annoys me about a lot of anime. I'd prefer it if they either went for full-on stylisation or full-on semi-realism. Having cartoony exaggerated faces on semi-realistic anatomy doesn't work.
Was this copied from a real life idol dance?
>doesn't work
It's the most imitated kind of character design in the world, people have been watching anime all around the world since the 60s, and it's a $20 billion industry. Seems to be working pretty ok to me.
> Two-tone shading is not commonly used, and what kind of shading are you expecting anime to use instead?
pick a fucking seasonal anime, look at their faces, and it'll more than likely have two-tone shading
I already have. They're both animation focused around stylised caricatures.
>Though the execution is nearly flawless, we have to start by thanking choreographer Nagisa Sugao. Not only did she come up with a fun dance full of love for the series, she even acted it out herself, wearing a replica of the school’s uniform and a Chika wig to provide the best reference material possible. Now that’s dedication.
Anime normally uses only one tone for shading. If they used two then that would be an improvement. What are you even complaining about here?
That's far too vague to mean anything, and they are caricatures in very different ways. Popeye is not a caricature of a person the same way that Haruhi Suzumiya is a caricature of a person. Their character designs are vastly different.
>That's far too vague to mean anything
No it's not, it's a concrete definition of the form and it's objectively true.
>Popeye is not a caricature of a person the same way that Haruhi Suzumiya is a caricature of a person
Doesn't matter, they're still caricatures.
> Anime normally uses only one tone for shading. If they used two then that would be an improvement. What are you even complaining about here?
my god, you're actually retarded. the skin tone counts as one of the tones. do you even watch anime?
You are really just saying that they are both animation. Yeah, they are. But that doesn't mean anything. There are so many different ways of making animation. Steven Universe and SSS.Gridman are nothing alike, and you can't explain what makes them the same.
>Doesn't matter, they're still caricatures.
An African tribesman and a Japanese neurosurgeon are both humans, so that must mean they are interchangeable.
Two tone shading means that there are two shadow tones, which isn't usually the case for anime.
>do you even watch anime?
Yes, unlike you.
Western animators moved onto 3D/CG animation, and now fresh college kids do the animation for 2D. Look at our high budget compared to nip high budget, it's not even close. Nips are stuck doing Syfy while we press ahead to make believable humans on screen utilizing only technology and skilled crafters. All nip 2D is just a worse version of rotoscope that Disney did forever ago, before they moved on to do bigger things. Also Disney didn't have the same character with different colored eyes/hair in every show. They also had writers.
>having to write 'same energy' on the video for zoomers to understand you're trying to make a comparison
>and now fresh college kids do the animation for 2D
The animation for American shows is almost entirely handled in Korea.
>Nips are stuck doing Syfy while we press ahead to make believable humans on screen utilizing only technology and skilled crafters.
I don't even know what this is supposed to be referring to.
>All nip 2D is just a worse version of rotoscope that Disney did forever ago, before they moved on to do bigger things.
Anime rarely uses rotoscoping, and its overall approach to animation is completely different from Disney's.
>Also Disney didn't have the same character with different colored eyes/hair in every show.
Neither does anime.
>They also had writers.
Anime encompasses probably every genre there is and is made for all audiences. Nothing in the West can compete with it, least of all Disney.
>You are really just saying that they are both animation
No I'm not, there's Polish and Russian animation that doesn't fit that description.
>Steven Universe and SSS.Gridman are nothing alike
I've already explained how they are of the same form, and everyone with eyes knows this.
>An African tribesman and a Japanese neurosurgeon are both humans, so that must mean they are interchangeable.
They are both human, yeah, obviously. What point were you trying to make, here?
>good animation
>posts a pretty slideshow
you can do better than that.
Anime is gay and full of terrible, piss, horrible "writing" that encompasses being barely fit to wipe my ass with, retard. Read a book. Watch a GOOD film. Go take you idiotic bad taste somewhere else. I'll put it in anime terms for you, "In other words, because we need to explain it multiple times before our flashback scenes, and we need to use 'in other words' before we even have those, anime is a steaming pile of Dragon Ball shit. Sasuke wouldn't fuck it with Naruto's dick. Go back in time using Steins;Gay and fuck yourself with a bag of sensu beans, you mongoloid."
Also literally all anime characters are the same thing. It's called a trope. It's why you know words like "tsundere" and other cringe terminology. Have fun watching the same show with the same characters in vaguely different situations over and over, retard. Hahahaha.
>When I think of anime I think of shounen
You could've just started with that.
Now I'm not gonna say that's bad, but its also not amazing. Mostly a flashy light show, animation-wise.
Your description is so vague that it'll fit practically anything.
>I've already explained how they are of the same form, and everyone with eyes knows this.
They are completely different from each in both form and content, so what makes them the same? You have no answer to this.
>They are both human, yeah, obviously. What point were you trying to make, here?
That two things are not interchangeable just because they are part of the same category. A bicycle and a truck are both in the vehicle category, but that doesn't mean you can use your bicycle to haul lumber across the country.
>Watch a GOOD film.
You mean like Spirited Away, In This Corner of the World, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Perfect Blue and Your Name that have all been critically successful and in several cases have influenced live action directors?
>Also literally all anime characters are the same thing.
No they aren't.
>It's called a trope.
Tropes are a necessary part of all fiction.
>It's why you know words like "tsundere" and other cringe terminology.
This is not particular to anime.
>Have fun watching the same show with the same characters in vaguely different situations over and over, retard. Hahahaha.
Anime is more varied than American television.
Nah it's not just shonen that has terrible writing
Weirdly, anime/manga written by women for women is usually better written than the stuff for men by men. Bear in mind this doesn't include shit like Lucky Star or K-On that have girl characters in them but are clearly intended for sad sad men
I'm glad god made the gookers, at least there's someone out there worse at dancing than crackers.
The very very best anime doesn't really top the very very best disney stuff in terms of fluid animation, not gonna try and win that argument. Just want to show there is stuff worth taking notice of.
Though if there was going to be an anime on par with disney it'd probably be redline.
Tokyo Godfathers is another pretty impressive one.
Not denying that, but you must admit there are SOME good anime/manga with good stories. Take Berserk for example.
It shows us that women don't need to look black/manly, to look good.
Miura said that Berserk was heavily inspired by shojo manga, and it shows.
have sex
>Your Name
>In This Corner
Outed yourself as a bad troll. Your Name is just a worse version of The Lake House, and In This Corner was soulless.
>Bear in mind this doesn't include shit like Lucky Star or K-On that have girl characters in them but are clearly intended for sad sad men
Shows like Lucky Star and K-On are memes. Almost nobody has ever watched them, everything people think they know about them is just stuff they heard somewhere, or just things they are assuming.
I did not troll anywhere, and it is a fact that those movies were critically successful.
This is not a valid word.
>Soulless isn't a valid word
Then "Anime is more varied than American TV" isn't either. Show me the proof for wild claims, child.
Soulless is a buzzword that doesn't mean anything except "thing I don't like." When I said anime is more varied than American television, I was simply stating a fact.
I'm older than you.
d i l a t e
I've watched both and they are very shit. Trust me, there are people that genuinely watch and like them
They were both critically successful. You cannot say anything to contradict this.
>I was stating a fact
Facts have proof. Studies? Maybe a TV guide showing all the genres? Some proof of claim. These are things children don't typically carry, so an adult like you should have proof of claim.
No but I can say that the people who thought they were good had bad taste.
Bro this is fucking cringe as fuck.
Seriously, please have allot of sex right now
Not a valid argument, capeshitter. :^)
Anime has more genres than American television, is not beholden to advertising revenue and mass appeal, and has lower budgets and more varied revenue sources which allows it take more risks. It can do completely off the wall things that would never fly in America.
You just have an axe to grind.
Oh yeah I sure love 8 minute concert sequences with characters that all look the same. This clip looks more like it's made by someone's mom so that the school band can reminisce about the time that they have wasted. I see some people and dykes playing but I don't see their struggle. Just compare it to the clip of Whiplash below, it shows the entire band playing and it keeps the wiever engaged and it has it's own style.
>Anime has more genres
Just post proof. Surely you have some. Just saying something means nothing.
>is not beholden to advertising revenue and mass appeal
As an anime fan you should know being beholden to cult followings and niche audiences is just as bad if not worse. The anime industry caters to trends and plays safe the exact same way western industries do. Just look at how popular isekai has become after successes like SAO, Overlord, Re:zero, etc.
>the critics say it's good so it's good
>fucking anime critics of all things
I bet you think shawshank redemption is the best movie you mindless sheep
Shawshank is a very good movie though.
Lucky Star and fucking K-On certainly aren't good
Not really a fan of that show but just because that scene does things differently from the whiplash one means its worse (although it is). The scene isn't supposed to be about the struggle like whiplash it, in fact the analogy you gave about being made by someone's mom is pretty accurate, it's supposed to illicit that emotion.
>not beholden to advertising revenue and mass appeal
What is merchandise, shorter than 30min episodes for commercials and fan service for the Daily Double, Alex?
That concert was animated by hand, and according to one blogger who studied music and composition in university, it's almost 100% accurate to reality. The characters don't all look the same, you're just unable to tell them apart.
>I see some people and dykes playing but I don't see their struggle.
What "struggle" are you expecting here? I've seen videos of concerts like this and there was no "struggle" there either, they just played the music.
Idol, music, cooking, mecha, magical girl, harem, slice of life, sports, isekai, yuri and BL are genres that either don't occur in American television or are few and far between. And besides those, anime has all the usual genres like action and comedy and suspense etc.
It isn't worse. Anime has a lot of creative freedom.
>The anime industry caters to trends and plays safe the exact same way western industries do.
This isn't true.
>Just look at how popular isekai has become after successes like SAO, Overlord, Re:zero, etc.
Isekai is a meme and does not cancel out the existence of all other anime.
I said those movies are critical successes, and they are. That was the point. And I never said anything about anime critics anywhere.
>Lucky Star and fucking K-On certainly aren't good
They are good.
>They are good.
You're beyond help.
Merchandise is a by-product of anime.
>shorter than 30min episodes for commercials
>fan service
It's something that exists because people like it. It's just a normal thing in Japan. It's only Americans who freak out about it.
This has nothing to do with me.
>This isn't true.
It most certainly is true, and I gave you an example right there. You can't just dismiss the oversaturation of isekai by calling it a meme, that isn't an argument. It doesn't cancel out the existence of all other anime sure, but that's irrelevant. Capeshit doesn't cancel out the existence of all other movies but there's still an oversaturation of it.
>They are good.
Oh, so that's it. You don't think anime is crippled by catering to niche audiences because you're the person they're catering to. Have fun watching SoL show with uninteresting gimmick #587
There's one or two isekai anime per season, and people blow them completely out of proportion as well as characterize all of them as being all bad and all exactly the same. So they are hyper-focusing on those shows yet never even watch them.
>You don't think anime is crippled by catering to niche audiences because you're the person they're catering to.
Why would anime be crippled by catering to niche audiences?
>Have fun watching SoL show with uninteresting gimmick #587
Have fun crying about a genre you've never seen and have no real knowledge of.
Anime suxs
Compare these two same-face motherfuckers to this ()
God, anime took such a nose-dive after the 90's. Anime back then had heart and character, whereas anime now is all the same derivative shlock. Just look at my fucking webm. You're NEVER going to get this EVER again with the current state of japanese anime. I fucking hate modern anime.
The difference between anime back then and modern anime is the epitome of the meme that goes:
>"Soul versus Soulless".
And they hated Jesus because he told the truth. This user is unequivocally based and redpilled for speaking the truth when no man would.
dumb anime shitter writes paragraphs to defend every angle of his hobby he knows everyone thinks is shit
i'm just a based boy, living on this earth today, and jiving in the skin i'm in to say; anime is gay and you're dumb
>Anime back then had heart and character, whereas anime now is all the same derivative shlock.
Anime has never been as diversified as it is now, but you wouldn't know that since you don't watch it and only repeat what others tell you.
you do know that people also rotoscope 3d models right?
Typical gooks. All that availability to animation talent and they use it to make some shit waifu do a little dance.
>Why would anime be crippled by catering to niche audiences?
I'm assuming you know nothing about the anime industry? It's trapped in a downward spiral it isn't able to break out of because their target audience is mostly niche. Have you ever wondered why anime BDs are so ludicrously expensive? It's because they're only banking on selling to a very small amount of dedicated buyers who will pay any price for their hobby, so the alienate a wider audience and focus on Hikki NEETs who don't want change. The Gurren Lagann BDs were 700 fucking dollars, for EACH HALF.
Some studios will be willing to take risks but a vast majority will play it completely safe by making a by the books show or adapting a manga/LN that's already extremely popular and is essentially just an ad for the original source that won't continue past 1 or 2 seasons.
>Have fun crying about a genre you've never seen and have no real knowledge of.
I've seen K-On and Lucky Star, among dozens of other SoL shows. They're all the same, nothing more than mind numbing "comfy" shows that are worth nothing more than having on in the background while you focus on something else.
If you are so traumatized by me defending anime, then you can simply stop attacking it. Maybe you could get a hobby.
She isn't a waifu, since a waifu can only exist subjectively. Why shouldn't have they made this dance sequence?
We literally have shows with "idol" in the name, and it's not a genre.
Europeans invented musicals and America's still popping them out.
We have several cooking channels, retard.
Autobots, roll out. Bionicles, do whatever you do. Also not a proper genre -- Mecha does not encompass content outside of letting you know there will be Mecha.
>Magical Girl
So it's a magical Girl what? Drama? Comedy? What does magical Girl tell me? Will it be animated Wizards of Waverly place? How about Sabrina the Teenage Witch? She's magical and a girl.
The Bachelor? The Bachelorette? Oh wait, they'd have to be self-cucking teens, right?
>Slice of life
Literally most shows normies like in America.
The nips are no good at them and we're full of them. Next.
Sub-genre, says nothing about the content other than "faggot is transported." Also we do that a lot with time travel, we ditched video gaymes when kids shows were bombing.
L for Love (L also for Lesbian if you sneakily watched it as a teen). We just call it a sub-genre like it is and stick it under LGBT. Ta-da.
LGBT and also lmao at trying to call yourself an adult and using sub-genres the Japs consider pointless and without meaning.
So you've made claims and not given anything. Anything at all. What a waste.
>cherrypicks the best of the best from the 90s while comparing to average shows nowadays
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
I don't care what you call that thing, weeb. All I know is that they're not using their animation talent right.
back to Yea Forums you tranny faggots
pure soul
>I'm assuming you know nothing about the anime industry?
I know about it more than anyone else here.
>It's trapped in a downward spiral it isn't able to break out of because their target audience is mostly niche.
The anime industry has seen growth year after year and is at record high profits. If it wasn't for the 2008 slump, they'd have been growing non-stop since the turn of the millennium.
There is no single niche in anime, there are many niches.
>so the alienate a wider audience and focus on Hikki NEETs who don't want change
Anime for wide audiences is made all the time, and a lot of late night anime is perfectly suited for wide audiences as well. Hikikomori and NEETs are not a target audience for the industry.
>Some studios will be willing to take risks but a vast majority will play it completely safe by making a by the books show or adapting a manga/LN that's already extremely popular and is essentially just an ad for the original source that won't continue past 1 or 2 seasons.
Anime is more varied than American television and every season you can expect to see something you haven't seen before. Anime adaptations of manga and LN being nothing but advertisements is just a meme.
>I've seen K-On and Lucky Star, among dozens of other SoL shows. They're all the same
Meaning that you actually haven't seen them, and you are just lying.
this, tbhdesu
>We literally have shows with "idol" in the name, and it's not a genre.
It is a genre in anime, and American Idol is not the same thing just because it has the word idol in the title.
>Europeans invented musicals and America's still popping them out.
I'm not talking about musicals, I'm talking about shows that are about music, such as Euphonium.
>We have several cooking channels, retard.
I am talking about fiction, not non-fiction.
>Autobots, roll out. Bionicles, do whatever you do.
There is some mecha stuff in America, but very very little compared to Japan. And the genre comes from Japan in the first place.
>Also not a proper genre
It is.
>So it's a magical Girl what? Drama? Comedy? What does magical Girl tell me?
You've obviously never seen any magical girl anime and don't even know what it is.
>The Bachelor? The Bachelorette? Oh wait, they'd have to be self-cucking teens, right?
Talking about fiction, not non-fiction.
>Literally most shows normies like in America.
Not the same thing.
>The nips are no good at them and we're full of them. Next.
There's almost no sports shows in America.
It is a genre.
>L for Love
American lesbian fiction isn't interchangeable with yuri, and doesn't exist as a genre in television. Same goes for BL.
The anime industry is seeing growth now yes, because they're finally starting to notice their western audience. They need to find a better way to bridge the gap than current services though because crunchy roll sucks fucking ass.
>Anime adaptations of manga and LN being nothing but advertisements is just a meme.
You can't just keep saying things are memes to win the arguments, that means nothing. Every new anime each season is probably going to be 1. A completely played straight very safe show, probably a SoL, or 2. An adaption of something that's already well liked. Why? Because they're safe bets. As I stated there will be studios that take risks, like trigger. Their stuff mostly sucks anyways.
>Meaning that you actually haven't seen them, and you are just lying.
Not really sure how to convince you I've seen them. Mio and Konata are the best girls, but Konata's dad is the best character of lucky star. That good enough?
This little bit is from a lesser known anime series called "Bubblegum Crisis". Admittedly, the plot sucked, yes, but just look at the fucking animation. Look at the art. The way her arm handles the recoil. The way she fumbles for a new magazine. Bubblegum Crisis WASN'T some big famous production. It was your run-of-the-mill Saturday morning anime, yet you can clearly see the animator and the conceptual artist GAVE A FUCK because it was his fucking baby.
I can do this shit all day. I have webms and gifs of 90's anime that'll make modern anime wanna curl itself into a ball and suckle its own dick like a double faggot. Try me, fuckos. Modern anime is fucking soulless.
how did anime become so fucking shit? each one looks no different to the other, and that's in terms of setting, characters, and narrative
>I haven't watched American TV and sub-genres are genres now
Wew. What an easily condensed and dumb post.
The shading is good, but the animation is standard fare for pretty good even nowadays.
See for a modern example.
pretty bad taht the cheeks dont puff up while blowing on huge wind instruments.
what's that webm from? asking for research purposes
ive never seen animating like this in anime ever. well i dont watch that much
>top 3 anime movies
>top 3 sports anime
Holy fuck is your iq literally below 100? Post it right now, I have to know.
Signing up to be a Jannie, boys. Gonna do it all for free -just- to ban the anime poster. Wish me luck.
>top 3 anime movies
End of Eva, Akira, Madoka 3
>top 3 sports anime
Couldn't give less of a fuck honestly.
Dude, you posted this before in the exact same thread a few weeks ago, and I said the exact same thing, but this time I have one other user to support me.
It's not particularly good, and it's not particularly bad. It's a lot of flashing lights and overdone theatrics to try and sell itself as something more sophisticated than it actually is.
You now how people make fun of capeshit by posting a basedjack and going "DID THE MAN PUNCH THE PURPLE MAN???" This is exactly that, but instead it's "DID THE SPEARMAN STAB THE REAPER MAN????"
You have no evidence that I'm a weeb.
>All I know is that they're not using their animation talent right.
Based on what?
>You can't just keep saying things are memes to win the arguments, that means nothing.
The publishers do not make the anime, they are not the only ones on production committees, sales of the source material are not the only source of revenue, and the success of the anime itself matters too.
>Every new anime each season is probably going to be 1. A completely played straight very safe show, probably a SoL, or 2. An adaption of something that's already well liked. Why? Because they're safe bets.
There are all kinds of anime every season, and an adaptation is not automatically a safe bet. Countless anime based on manga/LN have been failures. And not all adaptations are even initiated by the publisher.
>It was your run-of-the-mill Saturday morning anime
It was an OVA series.
>Modern anime is fucking soulless.
You've never even watched modern anime, and "soulless" is not a word.
>how did anime become so fucking shit?
It didn't.
>each one looks no different to the other, and that's in terms of setting, characters, and narrative
This is false.
So you are saying that idol, cooking and sports shows are actually very widespread in American TV?
Someone with music expertise said that the cheeks aren't supposed to puff.
I want to impregnate Chika~chan so hard, bros!
I either don't remember or that wasn't me. Can you refresh my memory? Did I give any other examples?
It obviously has a lot of pretty editing sure, but what do you mean by "overdone theatrics"?
>to try and sell itself as something more sophisticated than it actually is.
Pretty sure the goal was just to look pretty, which I'd say it accomplished.
>You now how people make fun of capeshit by posting a basedjack and going "DID THE MAN PUNCH THE PURPLE MAN???" This is exactly that, but instead it's "DID THE SPEARMAN STAB THE REAPER MAN????"
I don't participate in capeshit discussions.
>duh so u say america cook sport and idol
Yes. Literally the biggest numbers on TV are these three right here. The major difference between American idols (not the show American Idol) is that ours fuck because we're not a clan of incel retards that need pure virgin dreams that eventually crack.
Dude LN and manga adaptations that are left incomplete are a real issue, don't deny it. Imagine if Game of Thrones suddenly ended at season 6.
>japanese animation
It's mostly chinks animating your cartoons, weeb. It's all outsourced
Prove that I'm a weeb.
>Literally the biggest numbers on TV are these three right here.
Can you give me examples?
> ours fuck because we're not a clan of incel retards that need pure virgin dreams that eventually crack.
What are you talking about?
>don't deny it
I wasn't aware we were even discussing the problem of unfinished adaptations.
>Imagine if Game of Thrones suddenly ended at season 6.
Many, many American shows have ended prematurely.
No, most of the production is done in Japan.
The best sequences of animation are usually done by known animators.
I must admit this one was pretty decent, as in it entertained me to the point where I didn't close out halfway through the video.
Most anime fights people show me to convince me I'm wrong are boring, derivative schlock-fests that make me quit halfway through. This one actually held my attention to the end. The first half in particular was very well done, especially with showing the world through different people's POV. That was a very nice touch.
I know what that anime is though, and I saw bits of the first season, and I have to say, it's usually pretty boring. I'm willing to bet that video is the one good fight in the whole anime, but it's not worth slogging through all the seasons just to get that one fight scene.
I'm at least glad you liked it. There are a few other sequences in the show on that level, but that one is my favorite personally.
Here's probably the second best: youtube.com
The second season in general is a lot crazier than the first.
whiplash did it infinitely better in 1 hour and 30 minutes
Just watch real sports instead fagit
Did what better? And do you realize that we are talking about animation here?
Actually, this is the more impressive part of the fight. youtube.com
>rotoscoped garbage
Weeaboos will be trained to accept literally anything, from mobile slot machines to crunch time to rotoscoping
>No, most of the production is done in Japan
No, it's not. Look at the credits.
It is rotoscoped, but it's extremely good rotoscoping. Rotoscoping is more of a Western thing and is rarely used in anime. Weeaboos don't really exist.
You've been doing this for hours bro. Please, for your own sanity, stop
The thing about the credits is that you only notice the foreign names written in romaji, and that's all that sticks to your mind.
>weeb sperging out
>lmao what's your proof that I'm a weeb
If you don't like it, just stop posting.
Prove that I'm a weeb. Prove that I've sperged out.
>chinese names
>written in romaji
Are they now
>two-tone shading
>Yeah I can't stand it. They did it in the FLCL sequels, and it's shocking how shit it looks compared to the original
anime discussion/criticism outside of Yea Forums (and even in Yea Forums) is fucking painful to me. This thread is like 95% idiots who could look at a thing and literally fail in an attempt to describe it.
The FLCL sequels looked bad because they used that fucking two-tone shading, right? A sign of bad animation, right? The original FLCL was mostly two-tone shading or even completely flat shading. It wasn't some retarded otaking 5 levels of shading nonsense.
You may thing the sequels look worse, but if you can't actually articulate why, just keep quiet.
I didn't say anything about Chinese names, and most of the outsourcing is not to China.
Most Japanese animation can't match the golden years of American animation that happened between the 1920's to 1950's. But Japan still holds the top spot for animation currently, with South Korea being in a close second.
>Prove that I'm a weeb. Prove that I've sperged out.
Dude take your fucking meds. How do you even type something like this and not realize you sound maniacal?
>Most Japanese animation can't match the golden years of American animation that happened between the 1920's to 1950's.
Animation quality isn't measured by framerate.
Prove that I have a mental problem requiring medication. Prove that I wrote anything maniacal. I simply asked you to prove the accusations you made against me. Do you have proof or not?
The fact that you think a good retort is "prove to me I've sperged out" is all the proof I need. How the fuck am I supposed to prove it if you won't take the smoking gun as evidence? Read the fucking thread, you've replied to almost every post with walls and walls of text.
You made an accusation, and the burden of proof is on you. Me asking you to prove your accusation does not prove the accusation.
>Read the fucking thread, you've replied to almost every post with walls and walls of text.
I try to stay away from idol, and mostly stay away from sports, but we have more sports channels than regular channels in some TV packages. Anything from live, to talk shows about sports, to fantasy sports shows, to cartoons, to yadda yadda. Amerilards are built on sports more than anyone else. I should know, I had to sell sports packages as my first job over a decade ago. We'd go through shitloads of channels that were just sports in a single phone call. You actually can't shake a stick at America and its ungodly love for sports. For cooking, we have some kids shows, to competition shows, to learning shows, to shows around the cooking (shows based on failing restaurants or shows about certain chefs), a few channels solely dedicated to showing amateur and expert cooks new tips and tricks, shows about the worst cooks and the chefs making them better, shows around the passion of cooking and the characters that base their lives on it, historical cooking, political cooking, and our cozy show "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" became the hottest meme for the better part of a year. You're high as fuck if you think fat-ass Americhub doesn't praise an enormous amount of TV cooking. Entire families are built on housewives learning from them. Once again I avoid idol shit, but we have a ton of entertainment channels based around their lives and performances. It's trash culture. Kardashian levels of trash. Actually, Kardashians are like disgusting idols that can't sing and can only take black cock now that I think about it. Kardashians are a stretch to be called idols, but there are eerie similarities. A lot of it is competition from idol to idol or normies that wanna become idols but never will (again not American Idol).
Japanese animation surpassed western animation the day Akira was out.
is kaguya-sama any good
Meh, the first video you showed me with the teleporting esper was way fucking better. This one I had to close them both 75% of the way through. I would've closed out halfway through, but I decided to watch a little bit more to be fair to you, but then I just lost motivation and thought "nah, I don't really want to waste my time".
It's just a whole lot of flashing lights and over explaining. The characters are too verbose, and the animation is too saturated with explosions and lights, like it's trying very desperately to capture my attention because they think I have ADHD.
The only part that I kind of enjoyed was when he was enveloped by the spirits and felt the pain that they felt when they died and how they were all trying to convince him to stay with them until the girl called out his name. That's an interesting concept, and I feel like they could've done a lot more with it, but they executed the concept kind of poorly, and even when they executed the concept so poorly, it still lasted only 10 seconds, and even MORE so, within those 10 seconds, they just talk way too fucking much. I don't know if it's a problem with the translators and japanese being inherently a more efficient language than english, but the dialogue just seemed clunky and way too full with unnecessary exposition. They need to learn to shut up sometimes.
Fair enough: I found that the sequel's colours looked like most modern anime, and that it just didn't look as good as the original. I did phrase it in a way that presumed to know more than I did about shading, so yeah I was in the wrong
Once again, we are talking about fiction. Fictional shows about sports, cooking and idols.
It is. The manga is better tho. Looking for the light novels right now
you are suggesting that western animation was ever better than japanese animation. Comepletely false. Japan uses the animated medium to its maximum potential unlike the west, who mostly uses it for comedy (god i hate it so much)
it's alright, the pretense is great but it kinda dwindles pretty quickly and the show just devolves into antics more than mind games
Not that it excuses it, but the anime is an adaption of a webcomic with seriously terrible art. Well, the art serves its purpose but on a technical level it's extremely below average. It's basically there as a vehicle to tell the story. The staff of the anime want to turn it into a really over the top well animated production but at it's core it's still an adaption of a webcomic that uses dialogue to tell it's story first and foremost. As a result they had to find a way to put the important info in somewhere, and even then they cut out a lot of it.
see image
So watch fictional cooking shows (cartoons were named) and movies, or fictional sports (fantasy and cartoons) or movies, or fiction around stardom/idols. Of course, you could just keep being a week in denial and hopefully fuck off of the board soon.
Also, If you're interested in seeing another one this one's pretty good: youtube.com
It's pretty short and has some dialogue but there's one particular part of it that's animated in a very cool way.
Yes and no.
Yes in the sense of, it's better than the lazy as fuck tween heavy overly simplistic shit of today. But compared to older animations then no. Anime is still mainly simplistic wonky line drawings with incredibly choppy animation and constant usage of entirely static images.
It just that the west stopped trying entirely when it comes to animation, probably because cartoons is still and always have been kid oriented here so they realized they don't have to try since children will watch anything.
There are very few fictional American shows in the genres I listed, if there are any at all.
> Of course, you could just keep being a week in denial and hopefully fuck off of the board soon.
You have no evidence that I'm a weeb. I did not start this thread.
Just look at how high quality the animation is in this fight scene. ANIME RULES
>Low quality bait
Not even worth the pic
Western animation can be very good from a technical standpoint when studios are willing to pay what its worth. The problem is that unlike in Japan, western animators like to actually have a livable salary and reasonable working hours, so most of everything you see is either outsourced to Korea or has simplistic calarts designs that can be animated very cheaply, or both.
>Anime is still mainly simplistic wonky line drawings with incredibly choppy animation and constant usage of entirely static images.
Anime has the most complex drawings, and using static images is a completely valid technique when done correctly.
>they realized they don't have to try since children will watch anything.
This is a children's series in Japan:
Another children's series:
This is a children's/family series:
Nobody ever claimed that there doesn't exist any bad animation in anime, and you people always post these same few clips every time.
Man precure is such a waste of potential. It has very well animated fight scenes but they're never cool because the characters, both protagonists and antagonists, aren't cool to start with. I can appreciate the animation but it never hypes me up.
>No evidence that I'm a weeb
You're defending gooktoons on an anonymous website, faggot. Bet you have an anime profile picture on Twitter/Discord.
what are some cool animes that aren't weeby shit
Are you expecting them to be exactly like battle shounen characters or something?
That's not evidence of being a weeb.
Any anime. Weeb means wannabe Japanese.
What are you looking for? Action, more realistic drama, something else? Any kind of particular setting?
ok what are some cool animes you dont have to be "wannabe japanese" to enjoy
actual Japanese brass bands are way more exciting.
i don't mind as long it's not really overly indulgent in the kind of shit anime is known for like the op post
>Are you expecting them to be exactly like battle shounen characters or something?
That would work but really anything different than the way they actually are. Had the same problem with the madoka fights. The Homura vs Mami fight is so fucking cool conceptually but it doesn't get me hype because they don't look cool, they look like cute little girls. I'm not saying it should be any different because I'm not the target audience for precure, it is what it is.
>Animation quality isn't measured by framerate.
Modern animation ca be accused of relying too much of high frame rates over solid foundation. Back in the golden years of animation, clear cells cost a lot of money, so each frame of animation had to matter. There are elements from the golden era of animation that are just done better than what we get now. Most of the animators from that era were classically trained artists, with skills that go beyond a lot of artists in the modern era.
I wouldn't even say that modern Japanese animation is the highpoint of Japanese anime. More like animation between the 1980's to early 1990s.
You're not denying the accusation and you haven't answered if you have an anime profile picture on Twitter/Discord, weeb.
Let me ask you a more pointed question, what are some of your least favorite aspects of anime?
The wind instrument club that Euphonium depicts is also actually real in Japan.
ones that involve sports like free or yuri on ice
>Bubblegum Crisis WASN'T some big famous production. It was your run-of-the-mill Saturday morning anime
It's an 8 episode OVA that took 4 years to make you fucking retard.
I have denied the accusation, and you have not provided any proof for it.
>you haven't answered if you have an anime profile picture on Twitter/Discord
I never said anywhere that I use either of those sites. Even if we suppose that I did use them and did have an anime profile picture, so what?
Where is your proof?
A bit sure, but on the whole they are about on par with most animation, they are just drawn to be more more realistic, though to be fair some they have gotten better with trying to introduce some effects and stuff in there to help it along. Which is appreciated. My point is though it's not so much more advanced to justify it's horrible framerate.
> and using static images is a completely valid technique when done correctly.
It is, but it's used incorrectly so so so so so so often. Especially when it comes to dialog.
>This is a children's series in Japan
As I said, westerners stopped trying, Japs did not(well not as much). There is still passion left in the people who make anime. There is none left in the west since everyone is forced to make Peppa Pig type shit instead of telling stories they are passionate about. Nothing illustrates this more than Teen Titans.
I don't really like japanese humor and i don't like how in your stereotypical anime everybody has extremely over exaggerated reactions to things. I'm not interested in high school slice of life and i don't care about how "cute" the girls are. I just want something with good animation and some good characters.
Why do you keep dodging the question, weeb? I don't need proof to ask.
Tell me, why she wears the cat?
what is the point in arguing dishonestly
whoops ignore that one, it cuts off before the end
Anime has significantly more detail than American or European animation.
>It is, but it's used incorrectly so so so so so so often. Especially when it comes to dialog.
It's mostly used correctly, and what people don't seem to realize is that American animation cuts corners by simplifying everything down to almost baby levels of detail, which makes everything faster to draw. You can't make commercial animation without compromising somewhere.
I did not dodge any question. Where's your proof that I'm a weeb?
Studio Ghibli stuff is very natural and avoids the typical anime tropes. Sword of the Stranger. Patema Inverted. Genocidal Organ maybe. Tekkon Kinkreet.
"Monster" is a show that would work just as well as a live action series. It wouldn't feel out of place as an HBO production.
In my experience, Japanime is also going through some calarts bullshit equivalent, where all they draw are same faces and in the same color palettes that make everyone look so fucking boring.
Look at this classic for example
Everyone's favorite, Jin Roh. Look at their faces. Look at how unique each one looks; and not JUST differentiated by their hair, their glasses, or the clothes they wear; but the shape of their face, the placement of the nose, the wrinkles and lines above their mouths. They're all UNIQUE, and the contrast is even more stark when met with the deadly Wolf Brigade, who come stacked in unidentifiable armor and featureless masks. It's fucking unforgettable. It's one of the REASONS why it's a fucking classic. I can't get enough of it.
Now compare that to this fucking bullshit.
The Main Character and the girl BOTH HAVE THE SAME FUCKING FACE. The ONLY difference is their fucking HAIR. It's just 30 minutes of watching the same people in different wigs, it's a fucking embarrassment. FUCK modern anime, it's SOUUUUUUUUUULLESS
nothing wrong with pedophilia though
Baccano, Fate/Zero, One Punch Man, Death Parade, Cowboy Bebop. Those are some of the ones I really like that don't have much typical japanese humor, are pretty short, and don't have what you'd probably typically think of as weebshit. For a more in depth recommendation see this image: imgur.com
It's a simple yes or no answer, weeb. Do you use an anime profile picture on any website?
Oh yeah and Jin-Roh, you owe it to yourself to watch Jin-Roh.
The Japanese have always been pretty bad at making the characters motion itself feel natural I think. While this is better than the average, there's still a lot of moment, especially at the end that just look off and kinda "inexperienced".
The inferior cartoon unironically looks waaaay fucking better. Both cosplayers look like fucking shit.
Both drawn versions of each character look fucking great. They both do a great job of capturing the "character" of each individual's face.
Why is this so satisfying...
It's a widely known fact that Japanese animators are overworked and underpaid, which is why good quality animation is becoming increasingly rare. A bit unfair to compare a movie to a TV series though.
Wtf? I don't know why it won't crosspost.
>where all they draw are same faces and in the same color palettes that make everyone look so fucking boring
Except, of course, that this is not actually happening.
>Jin Roh
Outlier, and just because you have a bizarre obsession with faces doesn't mean that characters must first and foremost distinguish themselves from other characters by their faces.
>The Main Character and the girl BOTH HAVE THE SAME FUCKING FACE.
They don't.
>FUCK modern anime, it's SOUUUUUUUUUULLESS
Soulless is not a valid word, and do you actually think that cel anime normally looked like Jin-Roh?
I already answered you. Where's your proof that I'm a weeb?
Fuck off.
>comparing an OVA and a fucking music video to weekly shows
You are joking here, right? I could give you a million examples of 100+ episode shows from the 90s reusing the exact same piece of animation 50 times to save drawing more cels, if that isn't soulless, I don't know what is.
>Look at how unique each one looks; and not JUST differentiated by their hair, their glasses, or the clothes they wear; but the shape of their face, the placement of the nose, the wrinkles and lines above their mouths. They're all UNIQUE
That's one thing I really like about Legend of the Galactic Heroes - everyone has very distinct features and they look and act like real people instead of cartoon characters.