When are we going to get our television adaptation of the Bible with a budget on par with Game of Thrones? There's plenty of stories to draw from its source material
When are we going to get our television adaptation of the Bible with a budget on par with Game of Thrones...
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Could be kino. Maybe an adaptation of Mann's Joseph.
Like dragons and shit? Brazil ready did it.
Make a tv show in the roman’s Perspective. How they came to the point of hanging Jesus. Let people see that the roman’s May not necessarily be the bad guys, I’m sure they had their reasons for hanging him.
>make a tv show closely following the bible
>christ cucks get upset about all the rape, violence, brutality, concubines, the full list of leviticus laws
user it would have to be either just Jesus being mr. pure hippy, or it will only appeal to non christians, so the network will never bother.
didn't history channel adapt it already they made samson black which pissed off this jewish dude i used to play CK2 with.
heres the trailer for the history channel adaption
Religion is a load of invented garbage and doesn't deserve a TV show.
Religion is irrelevant in the modern world; in fact it is damaging, because it promotes ignorance. Religion should be purged from society, to be honest.
>literally every big event in the series ends with a deus ex machina
no thanks
>Religion is irrelevant in the modern world; in fact it is damaging, because it promotes ignorance. Religion should be purged from society, to be honest.
prove god doesnt exist, check, prove how the earth was made without god, check mate.
The Book of Revelation would be kino
what counter point do you have besides ad hominem attacks? thats all you retards ever have is "muh fedora". Is your god so weak he cant stand up to even the slightest shit on the internet?
>holy bible
>not a total rip-off of old Babylonian tales
>get to Acts
>show all the early Christians pooling together all of their wealth and giving it freely to those who need it
it would be kino
I would love to see Book of Job in big picture
*le tip*
Ad hominem isn't an argument. I guess it's not surprising that Christ cucks aren't able to think rationally.
There is no evidence of this fantastical sky wizard. Sorry. If you think such a thing exists then the onus is on you to provide the evidence.
They hanged him because he was a communist
Jesus was a threat to their empire and Jews hated Him for hurt feelings in Jerusalem Temple
this was me how the fuck did you take my post seriously? Has christian vitriol reached such a low even the shittiest of low effort shitposts can be mistaken for actual christian argument?
>In the Bible
Go to church user
This is where Rome would've gone eventually.
research it. the bible alludes to unicorns, dinosaurs, dragons, and nephilim. Your book is pretty fucking rediculous if you ever took the time to read it
there are dragons,unicorns and giants in the bible faggot
I thought you were probably just memeing but religious tards really are dense as fuck so you never know.
they do make that argument though.
>prove gods fake idiot
Christian on trial for murder
>prove I didnt do it idiot
>court is obliged to let him go since he found the logical hole in the court system
So... literally everything Hollywood is already doing to defame truth, because jews have been seething for the past 6 million years? Great.
Btw the Romans were only provincial at best. The real political power was with those running the temple show, and were and still are seething to this day when they were run out of it.
you mean the court should be able to go "prove you didn't do it".
the Romans "perspective" on hanging Jesus was that there was a bit of civic unrest one weekend in Palestine and it was addressed pretty straightforwardly, then they moved on and forgot all about it.
I meant that the christian puts the burden of truth onto another and sits smugly. But yes, in a "guilty until proven innocent" court yours would be more accurate.
Leviathans and other beasts existed in the Bible but not dragons
Look at all the le smart cucktheists, why the fuck do you care?
I swear all the atheists I ever met in person were autistic annoying gobshites.
Did mommy forced you to the Bible study when you were little?
Atheism is the new religion, but without soul.
If some of you would ever actually read the Bible you would never talk about it in a negative way, bc you would know it teaches you to be a good person.
Aspecifically the new Testament.
The Bible talks about Babylon a lot, you sperg
>i beleev dat der is a big sky wizard and he taycks gud cayr of me!
No atheism is not a religion, because religions believe in unfounded nonsense.
>Atheism is the new religion
48% of the US is still Christian, athiesm isn't new, athiesm is not a religion. Why can fragile christards understand just not believing in Santa Clause?
>if some of you would ever actually read the Bible you would never talk about it in a negative way
This is what made me against christianity. It helped me realize all Abrahamic faiths were the same, Christianity has the same shit they bash muslims for. You cant make depictions of god and doing so is punishable by death, if you kill a man you may rape his wife or take her as a concubine, 100 rules about executing people for sexual misconduct, god kills jobs children because he wanted to win a bet against the devil, god gambles, and a mile long sheet from the old testament.
>b-but muh new testament religion of peace
You are still supposed to follow the rules, you are just forgiven for breaking them because jesus loves you jnless you are black, gay, jewish, a woman, born without hearing the bible, believer in another religion, commit sins willingly, call your brother a fool, say goddamn, etc
The bible is pretty poorly written.
I would love to see you say the same sentence in Afghanistan or Syria...
you are so brave in a western country, ware Christians actually let you be a degenerate porn addicted little cuckboi
Lmao you're butthurt as fuck. Taking it so personally because I said that religious people are idiots. You're obviously a religious idiot yourself aren't you. Top kek.
>Atheism is not a religion
You ppl sure do your best to protect your beliefs.
Real atheists don't care for faith what so ever.
You seem very militant to me.
StOp beliEviNg iN G0d u stuUpId cHrIsTiAn, u HuRt mY feefees
>christians beat their gay children
>disown non christian family
>subvert the goverment to get nearly all elected seats with their religion
>have a book that literally says to kill people just like the quran
>try to control the schools from having anti christian teachins and want active christian indoctrination
>want to censor anything they dont like, like muh gay arthur episode making children gay
wow user your people deserve to be praised for not committing genocide this century.
not an argument christbaby
You showed me, with your superior intelligence
Now I will stop believing.
You people are embarrassing.
Faggot detected.
There is a special place for you in Hell little degenerate trany
What about the other cheek and all that? You wishing him harm is a grave sin, anyway, enjoy your Hot Springs, deluded fanatic
religion of love and peace
I just wanna see Jesus flip tables and chase people with a whip
>I’m sure they had their reasons for hanging him.
Their wasn't any reason for crucifying him. Pontius Pilate was going to let him go, as he was totally indifferent to the religious squabbling of the locals, and he couldn't actually find any specific laws that he had broken.
In the New Testament it mentions that every year at the Passover the Roman Governor would allow the locals to select one condemned man to be set free. As Pilate wanted to let Jesus go, he intentionally chose the murderer Barabbas as the crowds second choice and then had the assembled Jews choose between either freeing Jesus or Barabbas. The Jews then choose to kill Jesus and set a convicted murderer loose.
>Now at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would. And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas. Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ? For he knew that for envy they had delivered him.
>When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him. But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus. The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas. Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.
>When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
which bible one without any mention of hell?
that be the right translation!
I don't think anybody blames the romans for Jesus' death specifically unless you're an absolute brainlet with 0 knowledge on the events of the Bible
>What about this and that?
Did I ever said I'm a good Christian?
Also it's just words, of course I would not want you to be hurt, bc you are an idiot.
You are not a fanatic, cuckboi?
You protect your atheism, like it some sort of believe.
Why do you care so much, about us stupid Christians, did some of us hurt your egotistical thinking.
Look at the little faggot, deflecting. Deep inside you know you are wrong for taking the dick inside your anus, you degenerate.
make a movie of the gospel of Judas
religion is for the weak minded, strong need no god to show them how to live and answer all difficult questions for them, they create their own morality and choose their own principals, they're free, unlike the hollow, often fearful of punishment and abiding only for selfish greed "religious" people
If Satan turns out to be some kind of a giant goat, I'll suck his dick so hard the bedsheets will bunch up in his asscrack
satan dosent exist. there are translations with universal salvation and no mention of hell.
tentmaker website for more info
Is this your argument?
Who teached values and moral in the, past do you think atheists did that?
Even Albert Einstein was not a atheist.
so said stalin
There's one mention of a dragon, in the apocalypse book and that's it. And even then it's a way to announce the end of the world basically
It baffles me how absolutely clueless about things current kids are.
Christianism is the base of this civilization you live, and you don't even know the basics.
Here, I will spoonfeed you: Basically the romans crucified Jesus because the jews didn't like him
Maybe Satan exists and God doesn't
Which would mean Satan created this earth, and that'd explain a lot.
i think you're referring to a demiurge figure. i kinda agree however the only true god is a loving one regardless of which name he has be it gavin or satan
I want the story of God wrestling with some random fucker and losing even after cheating
Watch Risen
Go watch Kings. It was pretty great.
risen is great.
id also recommend some more spiritual movies such as=
Come Sunday
Radio Free Albemuth
the Shack
Mary Magdalene
the Way
All of that sounds extremely based and redpilled desu
>The bible is pretty poorly written.
The King James Bible is known for the strength and majesty of it's prose. It's only "poorly written" when you use wooden, new age versions like the NIV.
It's not about feelings, it's about facts. And facts don't care about your feelings. Where is the hard evidence that would support the existence of an omnipotent sky wizard? Are there any photographs? Any film evidence? Any sort of evidence whatsoever?
>doesn't have an argument
>he calls others egotistical while he believes that there must be some special sky wizard watching over him personally (despite no evidence to support this) because that's how egotistical he is
Good post.
Neither does "god".
>Who teached values and moral in the, past do you think atheists did that?
Religion filled the social function of providing morals and values in our primitive past. So did dictators and absolute monarchs. That doesn't mean dictators and absolute monarchs are a good idea today, and neither is religion. We are intelligent enough to now know how the Earth was created, how life developed through evolution, etc. There is no need to conjure up this idea of a "god" anymore when there is no evidence of such a thing.
>Albert Einstein was not a atheist
Argument from authority - logically fallacious.
the king james is one of the poorest translations around.
>the Way
Because of that movie, I went and walked 500 miles through Spain.
Yeah, Pilate saw that the Jews wanted him hung and then hung them, versus letting the Jews cause another riot that he would have to explain to Caesar.
Did you walk 500 miles more?
Lol, thinks the christian god is restricted to the sky
It's really a sad atheists turned something that was not a religion into a religion
Ah okay, does your "god" live down the street from you with his family then? Please show me some sort of evidence that this magical sky wizard exists.
As for atheism being a religion, let's have a look at the Oxford English Dictionary's definition of "religion":
>religion | rJˈlJdʒ(ə)n |
>noun [mass noun]
>the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods
Atheists don't believe in a superhuman controlling power; they don't believe in any gods. So, by definition, atheism isn't a religion.
Sorry that makes you butthurt, brainlet. Maybe you should start believing in things that are supported by evidence instead of fantasy nonsense? Do you believe in flat-earthism? Do you believe in the vaccine conspiracy theories? Clearly you're capable of believing invented nonsense with no evidence, so I'm guessing you probably believe in this garbage too.
I'd love an Old Testament episode devoted completely to God giving Moses the Ikea-like instructions to building the Tabernacle of the Congregation and everything inside, showing his character's perseverance dealing with all those specific details. It'd be like Breaking Bad's The Fly. Plebs would not understand it.
>he wasn't alive for it
Sucks to be you
take a shower
>doesn't have an argument
the Jews hated Christ so much they would have started a riot if Pilate didn't crucify him. Pilate tried everything to not have to crucify Jesus because he saw how innocent and pure he was. but the evil jews and their demonic kike bloodlust was insatiable so they forced the romans to do their evil rat jew bidding. Later Pilate was converted to Christianity by his wife.
there's zero difference between you and an evangelical christian
>he is too dense to understand my explanation of why atheism is not a religion
>he is so dense that he believes in make believe sky wizards despite no supporting evidence whatsoever
I don't believe in god but you're behavior is no different from an evangelical christian
Fuck the bible, book of mormon got that real crazy shit
>telling people they should believe in facts and evidence is the same as telling people they should believe in fantastical nonsense that has no evidence behind it whatsoever
Are you really so autistic you can't understand you're behavior and the way you talk are the problem not your belief? That makes you dumber than any bible pusher.
You know the “god” part isn’t what makes a religion a religion, neither is is the dangerous part of religious thinking. A religion is a group of people who venerate a person, object or idea so yes atheism is very much a religion as it venerates the idea. As I said before it is the fervent religious behaviour of the collectivist followers that makes religion dangerous not the god head.
Atheists are as fervent as any religious group and as quick to denounce any faith but their own. They are like the little teenage boy who thinks he has found truth in a text book but never stops to think how his own behaviour mirrors that of which he despises
>cover is more important than it's core
religicucks at their best, everything about shallow appearance, nothing about substance, just like their fairy tales
>hanging Jesus
u wot
How is it possible to be this stupid?
I've already explained here why atheism is, by the dictionary definition of the word, not a religion: I've also posted an image here explaining why ad hominem is not an argument: If you've got some actual arguments, shoot. If you don't, then stop embarrassing yourself with ad hominem and falsehoods. You're not doing yourself any favours.
>rape, violence, brutality, concubines
dont remaind me. King David and Solomon would be absolute kino
The Jews were the bad guys user...
ABC did that several years ago
It would be too tonally jarring to go from Sampson to grounded family drama. Just do the Kind David saga, or Israel's many skirmishes with their neighbours.
>Why yes, I am an atheist! How could you tell?
those christianophobic assholes in this thread
Stop pretending this is Reddit, faggots. Arguing over if a religion is real or not won't make your dicklet bigger.
Book of Judges is untapped potential. Ehud and Eglon is absolute kino
>no arguments
As is to be expected from brainlets.
All religions are equally fucking stupid.
>ad hominem
Not an argument, christcuck.
>"b-but you just insulted muh!"
Close the logical fallacies webpage you have open in another tab. I thought I made it clear that both sides are faggy but I guess I need to literally spell shit out. Stop derailing the thread for nonexistent win points.
>hanging Jesus
Is this epic bait or modern education at work?
>christ cucks get upset about all the rape, violence, brutality, concubines, the full list of leviticus laws
Only the stupid biblethumpers get upset at that; real chirstchads accept that humans are shitty by nature
>when challenged become hostile
literally every single atheist ever lmao
Cursed is he
>posts even MORE ad hominem because he is too fucking stupid to have rational thoughts
This is hilarious. I mean it's much easier for me because I don't need to make a counterargument, since you're too stupid to present an argument to respond to.
Atheists have facts on their side that they can present, while religious morons don't.
Facts? Did they factually prove that there is no spiritual side to life? I'd love to read the facts bruh
I can't wait to go back one day and walk it again, so... not yet, but I will.
the point was that the picture is stupid for attributing something to only religious people, when in fact both sides are like that, "moron"
Fact: Atheists are faggots.
If you don't like being called a retard then stop acting like one. This is either prime bait or organic retardation if you still don't get it. I don't care if people believe in a religion or not. I'm here because I would like to discuss if there's material in the Bible that would made for good TV, regardless if it's fiction or real. You'd be doing me a solid if you and the Christfags would take this literally anywhere else.
They should do one with more on the overlooked stories in the Old Testament, you know like Sodom and Lot. So it's 300 esque or GOT tier
We already have enough kike stories on screen.
>he thinks that there's an invisible omnipotent sky-dwelling wizard and he has literally zero evidence to support his claim
>gets triggered by the facts of atheist because he's a brainlet religious cuckold
>gets triggered because people are making fun of his comforting little fairy tales
De Mille already did Samson.
Vic is the best Biblical actor
Pic is Ehud, not Samson.
I know but Samson concludes the Book of Judges.
I don't necessarily think that Samson would have to be depicted in a show or film based on Judges. The stories are usually pretty self contained, albeit repetitive. Just about every part deals with the theme of Israel getting shat upon for going degenerate. That will get old quickly.
But anyways, I would pick out a few interesting or obscure judges and give them each a few episodes or an episode. No sense in treading ground already well known.
>religion cucks ever allowing their identity to be told in fictitious manners.
user why do you ask questions you know the answer to. Holy rollers are the niggers of beliefs, anything they don’t like they shut down