Would you Yea Forums?

Would you Yea Forums?

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Eating ASMR is fucking disgusting. Asians love it for some reason though.

>korean cuisine

Yes, I would watch her get eaten alive by a pack of hyenas, because thats what she deserves.

did koreans do this before oldboy?

>makes a distinction between eating ASMR and other types
it's all cringe. have sex

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God I wish that was me (the octopus)

It was a poor country user, no money for killing and cooking he food.

Pick only one.

wtf this is nothing like me hentais

Do these animals feel pain ?

there are some in the scientific community in america and europe who refuse to eat squid and octopus because of their..percieved intelligence

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Actual subhumans.

>implying this is real

you can legitimately choke on those - the stickers stick in your throat

It's genetic. All the jokes abouts collectivist, insectoid and soulless Asians are based on reality. Asians generally have less genes responsible for empathy in humans than Caucasians.

Sometimes that shark, she looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. Y'know the thing about a shark, she's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When she comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until she bites ya.

very sound science you have there friend

god if you are listening please wipe these """"""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""" off the face of the earth thanks

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Stay mad whiteboy

why are asians obsessed with filming themselves eat?

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I would stick my dick in her throat and make her choke on it

good brexit lad

From time to time I start to think gooks are more disgusting than niggers.


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how hard is it to keep a pet octopus?
the seem really cool

They will exit the tank every night.

Get an aquarium retard

I can watch this over and over again and still find something to laugh at

It's in Germany

for the norf

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Octopus is really, really good but eating it raw is just retarded.

what why?

its stuff like this that reminds me that Asians aren't really like us

I have a fetish for korean qt3.14s eating squid, so yes

he still has the spirit, and look, of a good brexit lad

They are smarter than you, at all times

Gooks ain't human

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This is a bad example. It doesn't have head.

Do you have a lot of time / money / experience with saltwater aquaria / escape artists as pets? If the answer is no to any of these, then yes, it's hard.

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why would you do that in clearly the most elongated and painful way possible

At least the fish is already dead.

>that gay shit

I guess this could be considered "Lovecraftian"!!!FACT!!!

that's fucking evil

It's just the muscles twitching of a freshly killed fish.

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unironically insect people

seafood is fucking gross
I hate it all except crab and lobster

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are Asians actually human? No one else eats raw animals all the time like this

so they can rape you

Because Asians are fucking disgusting

They did have a few famines

so did whites and blacks. I dont see Irish or Ukrainians eating live baby birds

literally cartoon tier evil.
why. for what purpose do they have to be alive

Healthy people eating fresh meat VS le eternal Americano


I'm not trying to make excuses for them but they will eat anything, even each other.

>work at a ICE prison detaining illegals
>chinks catch frogs outside and microwave them to eat
The Mexicans freak the fuck out.


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Where is your god now?

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The tomatos really make the difference here.

there's a lot of chinese people moving into my neighbourhood in australia and they are so fucking weird

I walked past one of their houses and there was this couple who were both sitting at desks like robots on their laptops. there was nothing in the room at all except the desks, laptops, and an ironing board and they were both just sitting in nothing but their underwear with the curtains wide open right next to the street

>being this cucked
It's fucking animals. Put down the soi.

Lad, there's no head on the thing. It's not feeling any pain. It's fairly common for things to move after death.


didn't realise the head was off, my bad


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all animals dont feel pain

They also love licking armpits, sticking tongues in to noses and their women to sound like they are unhappy during sex. They are fucking odd.

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why are japs so fucking based compared to every other asian?

a lot of the chinese (upper-)middle class were part of the peasantry one or two generations ago. old habits die hard, that's why mainlanders are usually seen as disgusting and rude everywhere they go, big city chinks are probably happy to unload them onto other countries instead of having them shit up the bigger cities even more


>when your entire perception of a culture comes from the porn they make

really tho asians are subhuman bug people and noone can convince me otherwise.


>The Mountain
Try again.

Look what misplaced empathy as done to the western world. It's a horrible mistake and needs to be treated as a disease worse than cancer.

nope, eating ASMR is strictly a western thing
asians just like watching other people eat

I disagree. Without our compassionate nature the modern world would have never emerged. But you're right that we went too far with this.

Because they are vapid and shallow.

I don't care about killing animals, going out of your way to make them suffer is nigger tier behavior though. if you disagree you're either an edgelord or a slant

>when your entire perception of a culture comes from the porn they make

And? Pretty valid points, don't be mad foot fag.

How do you have a problem with fish but still like water spiders?

This is why I dont get why everyone thinks Asians are smart or geniuses. Theyre literally nigger-tier stupid

that happens in all top restaurants, retard

>white "people"

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even if the head was still on, fish don't have the mental capacity to feel pain

>Going out of your way to enjoy being top of the food chain is nigger tier

damn you sure got us bugman

Its nothing to do with poverty.
East Asia's food culture to eat something 'fresh'

>forgets that the same doc showed how chinks run puppy farms and skin foxes alive
something about a glasshouse

They are smart in the same way as autistic people are smart. It's also the reason why despite being smart they never dominated the Earth like Europeans.

We are not animals uncapable of rational thoughts you chink fuck

>muh empathy jeans
>it's just reality bro
if you remove all the made up 'science talk' padding from your post you're basically just saying
>chinks are less empathetic than wh*Tes

I doubt your chode will compete with eating a live octopus whose actively trying to escape

they make advanced tech

are they drugged?

literally yes. chimps torture weaker animals to death

Theyre good at math and thats about it. Theyre socially and emotionally retarded

We rationally know we're above them
These people cut out the middle man and eat it live instead of being a coward and letting someone else kill it. Enjoy your burgers and fried chicken, they're sooo humane

All Asian societies are miserable. Even if they are rich they are some of the most unhappy people on the planet.

All meat-eaters should be shot.

Hey thanks for proving our point insectoid

My biggest fear is that China subjugates the entire world, and we all become subhuman insectoids living in their dystopian nightmare. Long live the West I hope