Here's your Witcher tv series bro
Here's your Witcher tv series bro
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>"you guys will make it look good in post right? "
>"wtf is post?"
What is up with that armour?
>polyester armor
How does that work?
larpers put more effort
it’s from a nightmare scene. but everyone here will just pretend to ignore this and make the same thread over and over again until 3 years after the show comes out
we already had witcher tv series
This footage shot by an actor's cellphone looks terrible. I hope the actual series is better.
That's how they're filming shitlflix stuff now mate
well that looks fucking terrible
>you can slash anyone with a single blow
explain retard
well it will be overproduced with a lot of CGI blood and mist if that helps.
>Here's your Witcher tv series bro
Just now - this show looks just great.
>that shit will be the next game of thrones
ayy lmao
Hope that's fake
>those shoulders
no, it’s 100% real and still pinned on her twitter
This looks... really bad
>body armor texture of scrotal sack
>helmet shaped like glans
checks out
disgusting... no black people or women of color anywhere. shame.
>The Poles exist to serve us
What did she mean by this?
It gets worse... here’s even more test footage they shot a while ago...
old jewish saying, fell out of favor once poles started executing jews for collaborating with the soviets. and of course they all moved to israel, so it's just a little historical reference about their intentions
That's the old polish TV show, nobody expected that to be good. meh just read the books and play the games
Sit down faggot
I'd literally rather this than the flippy faggot combat and retarded magic from the video games, to be quite honest with you my family. Then again, they're miscasting Geralt as a buff Chad so the chances of him being true to the novels is less than 0 anyway, might as well turn it into capeshit.
>exposed armpits
and what are you going to do about them? post memes on Yea Forums in the middle of the night? Yeah, that’ll stop those damn leftists...
It’s ornamental armor. Anyone who was a lord or higher had multiple ornamental armors meant to just look “cool” and then their real battle armor which was usually way lighter and more functional.
>has never heard of chainmail
>posts a totally different costume to deflect
>Anyone who was a lord or higher had multiple ornamental armors meant to just look “cool” and then their real battle armor which was usually way lighter and more functional
>character is shown in the next scene expected to fight
>”it-it-it’s only ornamental!”
holy christ pick up a book or something
What evidence do you have to back that up?
armpits are generally the only places that you could stab someone in full plate
that armor looks kinda stupid though, there wouldnt be that much empty space
>Books are shit
>Games are shit
>TV show is shit
This is your friendly reminder that The Witcher 3 beat Bloodborne to GOTY. I'm still seething.
Im showing you the level of detailed that went into the show. It's all real and hand crafted.
They are not wearing winter jackets like in the
There is a website that verifies this with pics but I wouldn’t post the name of it because it is very popular and I don’t feel like being called a faggot
>play bloodborne
>its just dark souls 3 with le atmosphere
woah... goty!
All you’re saying is that Joff was a faggot who cared more about looking cool than wearing his actual armor. Joff being a loser doesn’t discredit the point that calling out ornamental armor as not being the best battle ready armor is retarded.
>he’s still trying to back up his arguments with nonsense
Fucking kek
>that helmet
Well whatever the website is, you need to go back there. :)
Nobles always had ornemental armour, retard. It didn't make it any less useful
why do they look like they're 3 feet tall
weird ass mushroom niggas
wasnt just nobles that looked /fa/ as fuck
thats the average height of american I assume.
americans are really small people because of the hormones and shit they are fed
Useful =\= Most practical
Wow, imagine that
Loras looks hot there desu.
I can't even discern the dude's limbs.
Holy Jesus!
Why gays always have to act like huge faggots?
I can tell this is gonna be BAD
bc they are mentally ill
seriously don’t even bother looking at the show runners twitter. It’s literally gay porn
Which LARP festival is that?
it’s an american one (which explains the quality of the outfits)
Cellphone cameras and digital cameras for film work the exact same, dude. The pictures look the same.
It was over before it started.
Sod off, Nolan.
If that bugs you don’t look up the table read footage, it’s fucking sickening
The guy on the bottom left is probably has the highest testosterone levels than all the other guys combined
Can we all do a Yea Forums watch-together of this Witcher series with live chat somewhere?
The cast told me enough already.
That’s actually a trans man, both female and fucked out of her mind on hormones. Her twitter is fucking bizarre
You mean the cast with a literal, former gay porn star? and a tranny “model” as a featured guest?
What the fuck? Who are they playing?
>That’s actually a trans man
What the fuck? This has to be a joke
Cycling doesn't make your Hips bigger
Hari Nef is the tranny and we don’t know his role yet. The faggot is playing lord peregrine
It’s sadly not a joke. The world is fucking disgusting right now
based Zebrowski absoutely moggin' Cavill as Geralt
just compare the quality of the natural hair with some extensions to harry's crappy wig
Wasn't Renly suppose to have some really amazing gold/green Armour with some kind of magical green Paint on it?
*The West
fixed it for ya, wh*tey.
I dunno why people expected this. Netflix can never match HBO in production value and Henry probably ate most of the budget.
You gor the source on that guy being a tranny?
Don't you know? It's a GRITTY fantasy show. That means not having any fantastical armor, atmosphere or anything.
Even Spartacus had a consistent theme, a style to it that GoT sorely lacked. It was really unique.
it’s on the redanian Intelligence leaker blog from two months ago
Yeah, want us to come over or something. What the fuck? We aren't your friends bro
is that shit made of foam?
Anyone who watches this is a faggot. If you want to prevent more of this shit from happening STOP fucking watching it. Same with Star Wars.
There was a literally glowing sword made from a meteor in Dorne this whole time though.
But then what would we complain and post epic memes about?
I torrent everthing, I can watch what I want faggot
Just fuck my show up
>We still look the same as 1948
Men, What the hell happened?
Someone here said the armor resembles a black scrotum and now I just get reminded of that every time I see it.
Half of actually believes this.
Your wife is well acquainted with black scrotum.
>Ballsack armor
>Niggers, soiboys and faggots
The absolute state of the USA.
>sack of the city is written from child's perspective and described accordingly like a nightmare
>he thinks that's how they are going to do it in actual tv show
I'm sorry user but that's not how visual media works
the best we can hope for it this armor hidden in the background of dark smoke and mirrors scenes and shitfix rethinking their decision with this one for s2
but more realistically the whole show is just going to be plain terrible with 0 redeeming qualities
At least it looks like the actors are broing out and having fun. Good for them!
Imagine what kind of sad fuck took the time to make this. I hope they killed them selves.
Epic bait my friend
>all the girls are played by mystery meat mutts and niggers now
It was over before it even began.
I'm not even mad because the inevitable failure that is Netflix Witcher will prove that women cannot write male centric shows and that Hollywood nepotism and social justice is completely out of hand
it was. the script and CGI were so bad they are still memed to this day. but it will be infinitely better than the cultural marxist shit netflix will spit out.
>tfw no qt Loras bf to bump tongues with
Are they wearing garbage bags?
Average height is lowered by all the spics
Slavic hollywood when
That's not enough. It wasn't a continuous thing. sword of the morning wasn't there.
the west is doomed
>no shields
>no pole arms
Why to TV shows do this? How hard can it be???
NO! Don't do it robert
I'll pass. Nothing against nonwhites, but Detective Pikachu reminded me that they are the opposite of eye candy, by and large.
those swords makes me think this is supposed to be the wild hunt so a nightmare sequence is plausible
still looks like garbage though