Currently working on Dune, but sorry guys, can't show / tell anything :(
Villenuve's Dune
Go on infinitychan.
quality thread dude. not at all entirely pointless.
too late pal, I know your address and you will be fired by Monday
>Yea Forums
thank god this is 4channel OP spill away
Sure, sounds legit m8
the fuck is Yea Forums
We did it gusy
>putting Yea Forums last
based denis trying to keep it low key
this is 4channel, you're alright
>social media platform
Trips of truth. OP is a massive faggot as always.
im fine with that, its gonna be worth the ticket anyways
As if people in the movies industry give a shit about Yea Forums.
the constant obvious shilling doesnt count?
What the fuck is Yea Forums?
>You must NOT share what you see or hear
But how do you FEEL about it?
Like having a massive erection
Villenuve is just Nolan for zoomers
good thing this isn't Yea Forums then
Oh god, user. Please don't hurt anyone there.
4channel isn't social media
Lynch perfected Dune, this remake will be trash.
No film I've worked on has specified social media platforms, so this probably didn't come from a proper call sheets.
My guess is you're a background extra or local hire.
Post tits.
Is Taylor Swift a good bang, bro?