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Weird direction they’ve chosen
At least it is easy to fap to
What's with the wierd Satan worship stuff?
>Narrated by a guy who literally flies private and takes out huge yachts to fuck hot bitches
Fucking liberal Hollywood, man. Do as we say, not as we do. Look up how much electricity Al gore uses.
>Ice on Fire
That's really fucking gay
>more global warming propaganda
Ice can't be on fire. Ice is water and water is NOT flammable.
It's not a prequel, it's an unrelated documentary.
They released the trailer for the spinoff almost two years ago so they'll probably make that first
check again
>water is NOT flammable
>muh global warming
>please let us tax everything to save thuh blanet (:DD)
Fucking Chinese and India fucking up my perfect white world.
>Ice on Fire
This but unironically
Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen, both of which are VERY flammble.
>the land of always winter is under threat
Who gives a fuck. We already know how it turns out with the Night King
>Talking about CO2
>When CO2 is the least of our fucking problems
Plastic and overfishing is what's gonna fuck us up big time.
Woah intemelectual over here
Try filling up your car with water genius.
I don't eat fish sweaty :) checkmate
>dicaprio thinks we think he cares about the climate
lmao nice one leo, how about your private jets, huh?
I just did this and drowned, asshole
They're fueled with water because water is flammable when you freeze it and make it ice. Keep your open flames away from your icetray.
plants breathe CO2. I've never seen people so hysterical over nothing. These alarmists project 100 years of climate change as though we're even still going to be using fossil fuels in 20 years. I doubt we even have left
oxygen isn't flammable
For me, it made mustard gas and now my dog is dead
Only full socialism can stop the evil CO2, comrades.
What? China and India? Don't be silly.
>Produced by Leonardo DiCaprio
can't wait for Yea Forums to stop sucking him off
CO2 is good for the world, literally what the fuck are those people on about
Look up Judith Curry - there is basically no evidence humans have caused significant change in climate.
We have had insane CO2 levels in the past far surpassing our amounts now
Why don't liberals advocate for nuclear power
Why is climate change always coupled with more SJW shit
Why is CO2 bad? Why can no one answer this
why cant anthropological global warming alarmists explain this? The earth does this shit on its own. Literally taking natural phenomena and turning into a political weapon
Yeah but where will they get all that carbon tax money from then?
>guys the world is dying due to rampant consumerism and the only way to save it is you guys all buy solar panels, electricals are low-flo toilets! Just keep buying shit guys!
the world isn't ending, but sometimes I wish it was
Neither country is socialist. A lot of socialists wish they could claim China, since it's the number 2 economy in the world, but it just doesn't satisfy enough of the conditions of socialism.
If Global warming is not real, why is it illegal to deny it?
We have to penalize and handicap white countries
>So basically we want you to pay more taxes, goyim
That's all taken into account in the research and data
You really think everyone just forgot about that, except for you, fucking genius
fire needs oxygen to breathe
Manmade Globap Warming is real.
The idea that Democrats and their taxes and carbon credits will solve any problems is the real myth. Human civilozation is fucked. Al Gore just wants to make money for himself and his masters. The rich can still pollute, just with slaps on the wrist if they even follow those regulations. China gives no shits.
>oy vey goy the world is dying and its all your fault! we need your money to save the planet! >replace everything you own with eco friendly alternatives!
>dont worry its all made above-board in China's totally green factories! you are helping the planet by continuing to consume endlessly!
Why is the Jewish solution to climate change to continue the unchecked consumerism that put us here in the first place?
So you agree the earth is fine without ice caps? Infact its warmer and even lusher - enabling even more farmable land that otherwise wouldnt be suitable.
>muh polar bears.
useful idiot .
They've already built bases on Mars, they don't care.
its hilarious people think rising CO2 would be bad. Crop yields are going to just keep going up year over year, its insanely good for agriculture. But some beetle nobody gives a shit about is going to be extinct by 2050 when the temp levels rise .5 degrees Celsius so we need to send 100 trillion dollars to India or something.
I'll tell you an uncomfortable truth, every effort by the West to fight climate change is just papering over the cracks, the only real solution is to kill a billion Chinese, a billion Indians and sterilise maybe half of the remaining world population.
Yeah, all the coastal cities and capitals will be fine underwater
All that farm land will be fine too with the constant floods, draughts and wildfires
You're, like, a smart person
extinction of species is the natural order. Humans thinking they are so exceptional as to play the role of a god and save them is hilariously arrogant.
Or just stop buying shit from pollution spewing Chinese hellholes. Their entire country would collapse in a year if the world boycotted them. But that would actually fix things instead of just moving money around wealthy hands so it can't be done.
So true. Billions of species have existed and gone extinct before we were even here, but somehow its now our responsibility to play god. The hubris of man.
you missed the point of that post, even if we cut down on our pollution china and india aren't going to follow suit.
It's this. Climate fuckers need to understand, all these problems stem from overpopulation, but overpopulation of certain peoples.
White people typically have a more reasonable amount of offspring.
Not only are chinks and poos outbreeding and festering the world and their own country, they're now invading and overflowing into everyone elses countries. How this is allowed is beyond me.
where's the dragons wtf
Go light an oxygen canister and see what happens
>constant floods, draughts and wildfires
oh here comes the dogma. More proof that global warming is a religion. Its like you are quoting the book of revelation you damn nut.
except China is already ahead of the US in terms of renewable energy dumbo
>fight climate change
Commies just use it as a way to seize power.
>willingly reduce your living standards and submit to the state
>it's the only way to SAVE THE PLANET
>kill chinks
>kill pajeets
>sterilize half of the remaining world population
the porn industry, radical feminism, the LGBT ideology combined with the inherent weakness of the individual human will take care of all that. plus nuclear war and such, if it ever happens.
the future mankind is pretty much going to be genetically comprised of a relatively small amount of balanced and sane individuals - the rest having fallen for the memes and perished through the voluntary eugenics of homosexuality, transgenderism, porn, sex robots and nihilism.
>according to China
good learn to swim faggots
Some places will be warmer and lusher, but you won't live in them, ameritard. Your children will be illegal immigrants to Canada, Russia or Scandinavia because you couldn't stop sucking corporate cock. The delicious irony
it's the scientific consensus, those events are already breaking previous records
try again
At worse we kind of accelerated the process but the earth massively cools and heats on a regular basis, and did before humans knew the wheel.
This planet went from a ball of magma to a ball of ice to a ball of everything in between and it is gonna keep on happening.
You're in a cult, buddy. You already have the prophets, the holy scriptures, the messiah and now the date of the apocalypse.
>renewable energy
which is a meme. The only real green energy production is hydro. Wind and solar dont account for more than 4% each of their electricity production share.
its worse than that. The global economy relies on the extremely cheap labor those shitholes can provide. Globalism requires places like India and China to be overpopulated low QOL hellholes so they can continue to pay them poverty wages, and they actually compete for it.
Then they turn it around and say "look how you westerners exploited these people! its your responsibility to give them homes in your country now." like they aren't the ones in control of doing it.
Lets say your doomsday scenario is true. Your solution is to reallocate potentially trillions of dollars to do what exactly?
>China 2016 24.5%
>India 2018 16.88%
>US 2016 14.7%
>china, the place that "recycles" by burning trash and dumping shit in landfills the size of Texas.
>ahead of the US
Just because the government build a big solar field doesn't mean jack shit compared to the pollution they put out.
Timed to coincide with Rocketman.
As gay as...
Wow cool dude! they built some solar fields, probably made the panels in a factory that polluted more than they will offset in 10,000 years.
China number 1!!!
>climate change is ba-
God willing we will drown london!
Inshallah brother, attack the ice caps at once!
>stop climate change
They're not even trying anymore.
Also historical carbon release is not being accounted for
So half the world should have been covered in water by now, what happened to that?
>20 thousand square miles of solar would power entire US
Thats a lot of fucking solar panels
>puny humans think they can compete with this
So let me get this straight
If you go to 100 doctors and 99 say that you have cancer, you're gonna go with the 1 that says you don't because it makes you feel good and just call the 99 a cult. That's some great thinking there bud, let me guess, american education?
If you drown London you drown like a million pakis
No I'm gonna ask to see the tumor, then 98 doctors refuse to show me or show me obvious fakes, one shows me a benign non invasive tumor and one shows me that there is nothing.
If I keep outliving those 99 doctors' predictions I am probably less likely to trust them.
>"breaking records" in 100 year recorded history.
you know the earth is billions of years old right? Even if you stretch it out thousands of years its nothing
>you have 10 months to live
>live for 30 years
yeah im going to find different doctors
global aviation co2 emissions are less than 2% of the total
If 99 doctors told me I'd be dead in ten years almost 40 years ago and I'm still kicking I would probably go with the 1 doctor that seems to actually understand what they are talking about.
>can't wait for Yea Forums to stop sucking him off
the edgy kids of Yea Forums have to be against anything that is popular. It's deeply ingrained in their being
R-rising ocean will kill millions of Indians
No, they don't. IPCC don't give a shit about Milankovitch cycle, CO2 level in old glacial pulse or every other geological factor except to say SEE WE ARE FUCKING UP. Every glacial/cuaternary cientifict I know thing IPCC is all about infuence/money.
We're talking about the consensus at this moment
The precision of technology has advanced tremendously in 30 years, the fact that you have to move the goalposts immediatly just shows how dishonest you are
kek bootlickers getting utterly destroyed
If you read the IPCC reports you'd know that there is no scientific consensus because their models don't even work properly and give results that are totally different every single time.
There is no scientific method behind anything said about climate.
A reminder that "Global Warming" hysteria is entirely conjectural as even assuming 100% of the CO2/methane/temp charts published by people like Al Gore, we actually have no reason to believe that it would have negative effects on the environment (as that is an economic question totally out of the purview of the "raw" science, and is therefore completely conjectural). And that is not even getting into the fact that the global warming/cooling/"climate change" computer models brought out constantly are dubious and based on a large number of unsubstantiated assumptions.
Global warming is just Original Sin for atheists. The fact that people go into meltdowns upon any criticism or skepticism about Al Gore-tier claims despite having zero knowledge of alternative views shows that (regardless of whatever the truth actually is), the actual position is closer to a religious view than a coolly calculated scientific view.
If you believe that anthropogenic, catastrophic, man made global warming really is real and happening, do this simple experiment and pretend to be a reasonable "denier", arguing against the claims in good faith. I guarantee you that you are not going to get calm, reasoned refutations based on the other person having knowledge not only of their views, but countering ones, but are instead going to get annoyed, agitated hostility and complete non-arguments and appeals to authority. Again, regardless of the actual science, "global warming" hysteria occupies an entirely religious function in 99% of the people who hold it in their world view.
Scientific progress comes from challenging the consensus.
oh man. all those coal plants warming the earth thousands of years ago
why should I care about global warming? I won't be around to see any of the consequences
reminds me of the study that showed Apple product fans actually activate the same area of the brain that religion does. Like buying a new iphone lights up the same region as going to church.
As a result if you criticized apple to these people they take it as an attack on their personal identity. This climate change movement probably does the same thing.
And human caused CO2 emission is less then 2% in general
lol literally all china's fault, still dispersing banned aerosols too
>everyone still opposed to nuclear
>gotta have giant solar farm that does 1/80th of power required
>no battery backup
>peak time not covered
>if you do battery
>costs millions
>can't handle load for long just spikes
Also the amount of times i've heard we're past the point of no return is laughable, like 4 times a year then they wonder why no one cares. Push comes to shove we will just have sea walls and you might lose access to the beach. Most are built off the coast though to stop water coming into coast areas to begin with
>30,000 square miles of solar could power the entire united states
wow, just 30,000 square miles??
yeah ridiculous use of space, also transmitting it all/batteries. If you want batteries you would need even more space. You're literally losing a state's worth of space just for solar, some dumbass governor would go for it though, Maine! - The solar state!
>36 Kentucky 39,732
>37 Virginia 39,598
>38 Indiana 35,870
>39 Maine 30,865
>40 South Carolina 30,111
>41 West Virginia 24,087
>42 Maryland 9,775
>43 Vermont 9,249
>44 New Hampshire 8,969
>45 Massachusetts 7,838
>46 New Jersey 7,419
>47 Hawaii 6,423
>48 Connecticut 4,845
>49 Delaware 1,955
>50 Rhode Island 1,034
>biggest Scandifagian cities
>degenerate coastal US cities
>millions of subhuman SE and South Asians
who knew global warming could be this based?
and it's free!
The current extinction rate is thousands of times greater than the background rate due to human activitiy. Since the start of the industrial revolution avian populations have decreased by more than 75%. We are losing an enormous amount of biomed potential because of this, and we are crippling our long run, steady state economic potential by being unresponsible with the environment. All for short term economic gain.
For a website that used to pride itself on freedom of expression, a lot of close minded retards have joined. Then again, this is Yea Forums.
Spot the americantards
>If I don't agree with you then I hate freedom of expression and am close minded
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Literally just put the panels on people’s roofs and you’d have millions of roofs to spare.
Climate change is a Chinese conspiracy. They've bought out politicians and NGOs are now using western democracy to push countries into willingly destroying their power generation infrastructure, even nuclear power plants.
Remember what the Soviet Union tried and succeeded to do in order to weaken the US and Europe? Same thing.
Nice argument!
>it's too late we're doomed!
>oh na like we have to change now!
>you guys didn't listen it's irreversible!
>act now and we can still save the planet!
Can't wait for the next 10 years of this shit
>asian nations literally put trash into a river or trench and it's gone at high tide
>plastic bags get banned in my state because of them basically
Keep smoking pot, it's done wonders for you life.
Hi Donald
>not all roofs have enough area in sunlight
>not all roofs can handle the weight
>homeowner has to pay for panels
>homeowner has to pay for inverter
>homeowner has to pay for install and maintenance
Or they can just continue to pay $0.10-25c per kW/h
There are still people in this world, in 2019, that trust statistics by communist governments.
>starts it with the ice melting
If you want people to take climate change seriously, you have to point out the events taking place because of climate change, and not because of the ice caps receding back to where they were before the mini ice age we had 100 years ago.
lol DeCaprio jets and yachts around on the daily, pollutes more per year than a small town.
bet he did the narration while on a private jet too
>Hey bobby increase thrust to 110%, i want those babies cooking that bunker fuel!
>Mr. Dicaprio please think of the planet
>laughs as his jets pushes out tonnes of co2
>Leonardo DiCaprio the 'eco warrior' flew on a private jet from NY to LA SIX times in SIX weeks
>According to the documents listed on the Sony hack database, 0n April 17, 2014, DiCaprio flew from Los Angeles to New York at a cost of $63,000 for a filmmaker’s meeting that, it was noted, could only be done in person.
it's obviously a ploy to get more pusy. pretending to care about the earth and animals and shit. p. based if you ask me
>X increases over the years
>Y increases over the years
>"that means X is because of Y!"
very low IQ graph
And 2015 is already outdated.
>Yeah, all the coastal cities and capitals will be fine underwater
>leftist shitholes will be destroyed with no survivors
Failing to see a drawback here.
jet engines don't use bunker fuel but otherwise accurate
>that's the joke
Imagine caring about climate change
Based brainlet user missing the joke
this time it's really really really true guys and it's super duper scary
How will planet earth ever survive
I can see why that might be, this is fundamentally a belief people have of something that will eventually happen, it's not debated anymore and it's taken as truth
Yes but Leo wants YOU to get rid of your gas-guzzler. You think he's ever going to lose that jet? Not a chance. He wants his rules to apply only to thee, and not to he.
this is why no one cares
i heard 3 years ago we're past the point of no return, so why spend hundreds of billions to not change anything
Then you get shit like this
>China factories releasing thousands of tonnes of illegal CFC gases, study finds
>Banned ozone-depleting CFC-11 gases traced to China
Looking better than S08 already!
the capeshitters of Yea Forums have to be for anything that is popular. It's deeply ingrained in their being
True (but there is still more than enough surface area available)
Somewhat true (different technologies can solve this problem)
Ever heard of PPA for the residential market?
gotta love that leftist fear mongering populism eh? never gets old
Remember The Inconvenient Truth? Wasn't the world suppose to end from.climate change years ago?
Global warming? Good!
Climate change changed
>some business is paying for hundreds of million of homes to get solar for some low production rate
>electricity companies won't pay/allow feeding into the grid at that scale
>government tax rebates gone at that point
>This is the future the elites want for the masses
Just with a screen to consume content and wait for more content
Why are climate change deniers, flat earthers and conspiracy theorists mostly from America?
Really makes you think
Unless the documentary is about slaughtering nonwhites there's no reason to make this documentary in English instead of Poo or Mandarin or whatever the fuck.
no dude
we just need 872 billion dollars in 5 years or it will all be over
you care about the bears don't you?
thank you for the (You)
This is a really bad manipulative picture.
>shows only temperature based on Greenland Ice Sheets (meaning it doesn't include modern temperatures as usually it takes some 50 years for ice core to form
>Before Present very likely means before 1950
>we don't know how old is their youngest ice core data (what is their "present"), but it's definitely pre-1950.
they have fluoride in their tap water
The majority of the planet dont give a fuck if tahiti sinks into the ocean. Climate change is the definition of 1st world problems
Because distrusting authority is ingrained into their culture, unlike eurocucks.
Nothing if it's isolated. Oxygen isn't flammable
>Because distrusting authority is ingrained into their culture
that's why organized religion is so big over there lmao
>the GISP2 “present” follows a common paleoclimate convention and is actually 1950. The first data point in the file is at 95 years BP. This would make 95 years BP 1855 — a full 155 years ago, long before any other global temperature record shows any modern warming.
>God = government
>electricity companies won’t pay/allow feeding into the grid at that scale
With solar cell efficiency tech and battery tech improving at the current rate, I think the loss of government rebates will be made up by saving in expenses associated with land - like property tax. I think as solar continues to grow, electricity companies will be the ones installing panels on your roof. They’ll want to take market share away from current third party service providers, and they can keep their margin higher by foregoing the costs of land acquisition. It sounds pretty viable to me. I’d prefer to see community scale solar so people aren’t as beholden to the (inevitably) higher costs through a regional electricity company, but I think it could go either way at this point.
If we can pull carbon out of the atmosphere and scrub c02 as it leaves factories... WHAT'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM?
>distrusting authority is ingrained into their culture
That's funny because they treat their Presidents like Gods who are above the law, while taking corporate cock in the arse constantly. They also have heavily militarised police forces. They think their popguns would help against their government should it turn truly tyrannical. That doesn't sound like a great state of affairs to me. Not trusting scientists about a threat which is hard to conceptualise doesn't seem like such a stretch anymore.
buttmad leftist
Flooding in Bangladesh has already caused 10 million refugees to cross into India. Just imagine a billion refugees wanting to get into Europe and North America once all of their hits get washed away from more frequent (and stronger) 100 yr storms.
climate change denial is a real thing in america, retarded i know but true
The wall sounds like a good idea then?
Funny how climate doom mongering is the atheist left's version of organized religion
I don't deny it I just don't give a shit if we speed up earth's natural ice age cycles a bit lol
Yes. I support the wall and solar energy. I frankly don’t understand why so many “”””conservatives”””” are against solar energy and would rather be beholden to the oil and coal Jews.
They're gonna flood white countries no matter what happens so shut the fuck up
scale and cost. not enough people willing to pay for more expensive fuel
Fact: if you got rid of China and India the world would be a cleaner place.
Yup. It's their apocalypse vision.
Religious vs Atheist war when?
>i want those babies cooking that bunker fuel!
Looks interesting, seems like it'll be covering some newer tech that is helping with the issue. Not going to read the thread but I assume its full of angry /pol/s crying about liberals.
guys im gonna masturbate in a little bit, should i masturbate to hentai movies, loli doujins, trap doujins, femdom or BBC?
Hardly any scientists believe in manmade climate change. Most are unsure. It’s something absurdly low like 30 - 40% are certain.
I don’t care about such an argument because we’re doomed either way due to the third world. They over populate the planet and don’t have a care for the environment. India created a mass of garbage that’s the size of Australia, and kikes wanna lecture me on which colour bin I put my garbage in.
Yea but then they’ll be more sympathetic figures that would make their repulsion more difficult. Retard.
Spot on.
Because a single test factory doing this isn't going to make fuck all difference. The only way climate change is going to be slowed by any meaningful amount is if we see global changes. That's the problem, we have the tech already. And we don't even need to 'fix' it, we just need to slow it enough to get people comfortably living on Mars. Once humans are a multi planet race who gives a fuck about sustaining anything.
Haha, you don't need to do anything to combat pollution! Just buy my good products every year due to planned obsolescence, my goy.
>lol it's all on you, the one without money, even if 50million of you buy an electric car and get solar it doesn't matter because some "developing" nation like china just burns coal, plastics or burns the ozone oops
Everyone knows the Americans own guns to fight off the blacks and other colored minorities when necessary. That's why they have militarized police forces as well. The tyrannical government thing is just a politically correct excuse to let whites defend themselves.
When have these assholes been right about goddamn anything?
You obviously don’t work in STEM. They are the most skeptical group of people on the planet. 30-40% is high. There’s more debate about if too much sugar is bad for you.
How else can we tax whitey so we can pay to import more brown people
Leo is a shitty actor and a fucking faggot
Who are you quoting?
>tfw europe and the US will be fully nationalistic by the time that happens
>we're gonna have walls and border defense forces to keep out the refugees demanding gibs
China is also ahead in ozone damaging pollutants
In fact, just recently two sources of CFC back to Chinese waters.
All these lefty niggers blaming western societies for hurting the environment while chinese bugmen are by far the worst. Of course they can't bitch at China.
Population of Africa is going to explode this century. We seriously need to wipe out 90% of chinks, 90% of poos and 100% of nigs to have a chance.
Agreed, do the honorable thing and go infect yourself and be patient zero in a nigger county.
I become more convinced it's a crash grab scheme based off naturally occurring temperature swings every day.
>71% of the planet is water
>a small percentage of the other 29% farting into the air for a little over a century is going to cause a global meltdown
It's simple guys just boil the sea water for steam for turbines
Levels will rise back up to replenish in supposedly 5-10 years. Less output from coal power plants
You joke but a good pandemic can’t come soon enough. It will happen eventually.
maybe he can, if we vote for the right people in the european elections. we can turn the EU from a refugee welcoming cuck federation into something that has the balls to keep itself majority white and christian and deport all the welfare abusing shitstains.
Dr. Drew or whoever says a lot of "Californians" are gonna get Typhus this summer
Judith Curry is the true redpill, literally left her job as a climatologist at the Georgia institute of technology because her colleagues were losing their minds over climate change. Her blog is eye opening, and she's not even a denier, just extremely sceptical, because there's no conclusive evidence that we are causing climate change
. . . at L E O . . . .
Animated hentai is 99% shit so don't bother.
BBC is for the weak and the black.
Femdom is OK as long as there's no man-ass stuff.
Loli doujins are good but it's too often that shit with a 16-18 year old gets labeled loli because she has big eyes and no boobs.
Traps are where it's at.
>we are /pol/ now
Nothing is fucking happening lol
>vote for leftists and increased government power or ELSE
>hating the US this much that you convince yourself that fucking China is more eco-friendly
hope a cop bashes your dumbfuck skull in you portland antifa faggot
technically they are the masses and it's the present
so we figured it out? we just build a bunch of air conditioners and power them with nuclear reactors. what are the libtards whining about then
You didn't answer the questions
>narrator wastes metric tones of fuel flying private jet and yachting every summer
what did he mean by this?
we need a global catastrophe so its alright
Inconvenient Truth was about global warming. We're talking about CLIMATE CHANGE now. Get with the times.
based HBO drone
Did you retarded niggers even click the link? It's the fucking Baneposting scene
I call it a climate explosion.
Assuming everything you wrote is true, explain why it's bad.
Now my car is full of mug brownies.
I regret that I won't be.
I'm all for climate change if California goes under.
The consequences are already happening right now, you're experiencing them daily.
>Experts saying we're already fucked, we're many feedback loops past beyond the point of no return
Imagine if we nuked America off the face of this planet
This is wonderful bait. I almost believed someone could be this stupid
Excuse me but playing dress up and pretend is very important work and he can't be expected to be constrained in any way.
Climate change is a lie.
>Jewish """""experts"""""
consequences? just call them what you mean to call them. GOYsequences. and experiences? just call them what they are, JEWperiences.
maybe because not everyone has their own jet? They still use a shit ton of fuel.
That user is right. Pure oxygen by itself isn't flammable.
>"science will save us!
You realize they will move somewhere else right?