Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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Alright this is epic

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Idris Elba

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The holy water to the Liberalist vampire.

Russell Crowe


>Yea Forums """"""""humour""""""""

We're dead serious. Idris Elba was born to play him.

Sargon claims to be part black so Idris isn't even blackwashing.

The Duke from 120 Days of Sodom

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Based Austin St. John will.

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god he's such a stupid ugly fat dickhead

It's uncanny.

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implying this douche deserves a biopic.\way to destroy UKIP

Honestly, I wouldn't even rape him.


He directly calls them out and that does literally nothing.

based sargon

>le edgy redpill man xD

Can any britbongs explain why there are two brexit parties now? And are they going to significantly split the vote?

trannies detected

Sargon isn't even edgy, hes completely safe. It's telling that leftoids consider him far-right when hes a lukewarm centrist

No, seriously, it scares me how much they look like

UKIP is dead
Brexit Party is topping the polls at the moment

whatever, hes a faggot either way

Why? Do you want to flirt with them or something Sargon?

UKIP was taken over by retards so Brexit is made. It won't split the vote because Sargon's retardation ensures no one will vote UKIP.

why all alt-right idols are degenerate cucks?
>literally raising his wife's son
>fucks trannys
>wife is only with him because he makes easy money on the internet.

So why do people hate Sargon?

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WTF, I love Sargon now!


not a tranny, I'm from /pol/
Sargon is a fag.

>m-muh proletariat
>w-we are the anti-establishment
>muh revolution
>muh oppression
>muh inequality
>throws 22 dollar milkshake at you

Never change, leftshits.

He's low iq and delusional

Based low IQ retard

niggers detected

I wouldn't even vote for him.

>TFW you're in the belly of the beast.

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>not a socialist cocksucker, I am from socialist cocksucker HQ


It stings, doesn't it, chapoids? Go donate to Patreon, the revolution won't start until they make 200 000 dollars per month.

are you ok? not everyone to the right of Trotsky is "alt-right? you buzzword spewing kike

Brexit Party is basically 2015 UKIP.

>Brexit Party will be 2019 UKIP in 2023
>2019 UKIP will be 2015 BNP in 2023
what is nige's next party after brexit does it's job?

Not sure if it's been said yet but Idris Elba would be perfect to play him


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He is the biggest example of why gamers shouldn't have opinions on politics.

Nige doesn't want Brexit, he wants seat in EU parliament so that he can pontificate for the next 5 years.
Brexit party has literally no program.

>kills UKIP like how he kills everything he touches
Carl is a reverse Midas.

I liked him when I was younger and still do agree with some of the things he says. However, I remember he posted a video where he was sitting in his garden with giant shades on. He was smoking and blew the smoke directly into the camera like a dickhead. He then proceeded to tell the story of how he once had a 'real' job and how much he hated working for someone else, saying he'd turn up and to the absolute bare minimum and leave. That right there told me all there is to know about him. Now whenever I hear him talk, his feminine whiney voice just pisses me off

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based Joe

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he talks like a fag and his shits all retarded


That is something that every man should strive for. If you have anchance to be self-employed, do it.
Wagecucking is fine, but every man should use that time in his youth to figure out and gather experience to work on his own.

Heh, somewhere you alt-right incels can't use any more :)

>heh, only us anti-establishment warriors can use the services of hundred million dollar corporation with 80 million dollar hedge fund investment

based. Workers of the world unite.

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have sex

t. mike rowe

>unironically angry he blew smoke into the camera as if it was your literal face

Johna Hill

I thought he was left

>nu/pol/'s """"""thick skin""""""

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Laurence Fishburne

fuck you i'm not a tranny i'm a sexless incel

his only schtick was 'dunking on blue haired feminists', that's it. anything beyond is a complete and utter failure just to push his ego.
the Akira baby from MM was a self fulfilling prophecy, i really don't know why but that shit fucked him up badly and he started to do dogshit like running for a party after he had a livestream with someone from UKIP where he said 'i just want to say I'm in UKIP when I debate an sjw'.


literally sargoyims content in one short word

all ya need to know about this dumb bitch is his interview with Joe Rogan and his debates with Destiny. He's a fucking idiot that rode the wave of gamer gate children, and when the simple minded Joe Rogan is able to call you out you are a fucking absolute fraud
