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Other urls found in this thread:


game of shit

stay mad danyfags

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poeple heer too dumb to catch all the forshadowing and than they are mad when they don't understand character development

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foreshadowing ≠ character development


forshadowing Is not character development

No.. he would never do something like that

How can one man be so based

>drogon melts the throne instead of Jon because reasons

first for pilou

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the seed is strong

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Mirri Mazdur was the MVP of the whole saga. If not for her Dany would have birthed the anti-Christ who would have enslaved, raped and pillaged the entire world.

desu the stallion who mounts the world was clearly drogon

why are dane actors so based?

>The only good female character left in the show as no one likes arya or sansa

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delete this


Cutest psycho!

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>Jamie overs up his golden hand sat the end of season 7 and battle of king’s landing
>didn’t cover it up when he went south

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>"I wanted X to win the iron throne."
I recoil in cringe every time.

I am so glad this dumb show finished poorly. You all deserve this so much


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I’m glad Jaime pump and dumped her. Now she’ll carry a bastard in her womb knowing that she’s nothing more than a rebound for him



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Stannisfags on suicide watch


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In the grand scheme of the story, what purpose did Stannis serve?

>mfw /got/ is ending next week

He'll just ask Tyrion to legitimize it, as he is sterile

That's how you choose to interpret what happened between them? In reality, they both are a good match and they belong together. However, Jaime realizes that he's a shitty person and doesn't deserve something as goodf as him and Brienne. It is also in keeping with the theme of the show that you can't escape who you really are.

"Who you are never changes, who you think you are does"

Being the king who cared about the realm.

The best GoT episode? S4E10 'The Children' of course and yes Arya is my favorite character

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man imagine how powerful the kid would be having those genes

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Her Strength+His looks

Would literally be the Gigachad of the realm

Right. Jaime thought he was a good guy fighting for the living and all that jazz. He saw what life was like with Brienne and how good it was, then realized he's a fucking terrible person and went back to his terrible person of a sister.


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The queen

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I want to make love to her.
sweet, sweet anal love

>mfw Sansa the Raped and Tyrion the Dumb manipulated jon

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She did birth that stallion, it's the dragons.

Is it me or she is really hot in this pic

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I converted to Rhlor so the High Septons hate me, and there are a lot of uprisings. I also married Aegon, I was planning on seducing Jon but I accidentally burned him along with a lot of other prisoners at the end of the war. Roose still rules the North but Bran has a damn zoo of mystic animals following him, and Sansa is a courtier in the middle of nowhere

you just know this manlet fucked every girl on the show

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Is it confirmed?

>same filename

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why are you so insecure about height lmao

Requesting Jon kissing ayra chapters

he fucked many actresses from got. cheated on his wife and his a cokehead. he's not that moral irl kek

i might start reading the books because of this

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So, realistically, the first fucker elected after the omniscient god well liked enough to have most of the kingdoms backing is just going to reinstate a hereditary succession, and the north will rejoin the seven kingdoms due to a retard stark trying to take more land, or bending the knee for cash/support, or just getting shit stomped by the six other kingdoms the second anyone with ambitions to be the "great tamer" of the north takes the seat.

Like, that shit isn't gonna last

itt canon videos


I hate that manlets get laid and I cant. thats why I make fun of their height

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Height doesn't matter, it's all about the face, my ULTRA COPE friend

so what happened to the thenn

>thread got slow as shit
It's time to move to Yea Forums, book frens.

End the general. Let it go. It's over.

It's time to move on.

when is the asshai spinoff coming out?

Time to move to /asoiaf/ on Yea Forums (or /tg/ if Yea Forums won't have us. /tg/ is usually friendly to nerd hobbies)

or just make a thread on Yea Forums whenever you feel like talking about something GoT related...
you don't need a neverending general to discuss a thing


>you don't need a neverending general to discuss a thing
yes we do

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you get to move to the genrefic containment thread they have
maybe a normal thread will be allowed following the release of TWoW

asoiaf is not a board game

neither is Star Wars or ASOIAF but they have generals there

*the Elder Scrolls I mean, not ASOIAF

>I also married Aegon
>Jon I accidentally burned

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>However, the American author has told Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss how he wants the story to conclude, which means the TV series will spoil the ending for book readers.

Is there a chance Dany will not get killed by Jon and they'll rule the seven kingdoms together?

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Jon doesn't kiss arya

They do have an ASOIAF general there too. They don't like /got/ memes. They're barely 50 posters there, we consistently hit 120+. We'd completely flood them, it wouldn't be fair

Did winter end or something? Why the fuck is Jon and the Free Folk heading north?

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r8 my gf bros.

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Nice cat eyes

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>Sansa will be Empress in the North
>king Bran the Brokenhearted
>Arya sails northwest
>Tyrion the Foot of the king
>Jon joins the Knight's Watch

They’re going to be locked in her bedchambers constantly fucking and she’ll issue their edicts by slipping messages under the door/delivering the many heirs they have through a slot in the wall

This is why noble Republic/elective monarchy is straight up retarded

Compare 17th century poland-lithuania (noble republic) with France (absolute monarchy) and you'll see


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I'm watching season 7 for the first time. My God what they've done to his character is shameful. Him and Viserys have become retarded non-characters. All their wits are gone.

you're a big guy

Bronn should've been given Harrenhal, no lord wants to touch that shit and Highgarden makes absolutely no sense

but they both collapsed within a few decades of each other

>when the fire crusader cockblocks you

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Can we all admit cutting Young Griff is what killed the show?

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one of D&D's flaws is the extent to which they fanwagon specific characters. Bronn and Cersei were both their personal favorites and got pointlessly elevated at the expense of more important characters and the plot as a whole.


>>Jon joins the Knight's Watch

Uh but he did

who is this? i am a showfag

Running out of source material is what killed it. D&D weren't clever enough to keep up with the characters.

Yeah this is the main thing that fucked it over. Loads of other shit helped tho
Dorne getting ruined
No Jeyne Poole etc.

Aegon the conqueror

well considering that jaime is a tall man and his mom is a descendant to duncan the tall we are talking about 6 foot 7 inch gogachad who probably is a god with a sword.
So an even taller jaime

Yeah, did you see Kings Landing? Nice and sunny.

The alleged son of Rhaegar and Elia who Varys got out of kings landing before the sack and replaced him with another baby that the mountain killed. He's currently conquering westeros

>This is why noble Republic/elective monarchy is straight up retarded

A elective monarchy can only really work in small city states like in the Italian states or holy roman empire, both of which had very very weak central government. A place like the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was gobbled up by it's neighbors because it's parliament was corrupt as fuck and being bribed by foreign powers to ensure nothing could get done in the parliament (which required a 100% of everyone agreeing to legislation)

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France collapsed at the end of the 18th century during the revolution, whereas Poland lithuania turned into essentially a russian vassal a hundred years earlier

d&d kind of forgot winter was here

Absolutely. The Harrenhal bit with Tyrion is the only time he's properly made a fool of, and that's because the betrayal made no sense to anyone outside of Tyrion. Yet somehow he gets his throat cut like a moron. I honestly thought he'd get much further in the show. I can't find it now but there's a greentext where some user roleplays as LF and offers all the valid reasons not to kill him, generally focusing on him saving Sansa and the North, but also demanding a trial by combat.

my pet theory is that GRRM is going to have Jon to kill her as part of a magical blood sacrifice to save Westeros, perhaps to rez Drogon or raise him as a zombie dragon (Lightbringer in the Nissa nissa prophecy).

but D&D didn't want to do it because it was too high-magic for them, like with the dragonbinder horn, and they falsely thought they could completely change the reasoning and context without changing the effectiveness of the scene.

I'm a longtime Danyfag and I honestly don't think it's possible to make madDany work in the books no matter what, because there's no setup for her as a villain at all until ASOS at the abosolute earliest and that's too late.

they had enough for 8 seasons desu

>but they both collapsed within a few decades of each other

Kinda comparing apples to oranges here. France was the most powerful country in Europe at the time. Reason for the collapse was because the king didn't have MORE central power, not less. One of the reasons he couldn't pass reforms to the feudal system in France was because any law passed by the king had to go thought different regions of France that had to approve it by judges. They could stall legislation or just our right ignore it. The king could try to go there and make sure the law is enacted, but it's a process and hard.

Viserys? I assume you mean varys and in that case i agree completely

he's fine
would look better as melly or ros

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When the Night King was killed, both the wights and winter were destroyed

can we all agree that Daemon Blackfyre was the greatest fighter westeros had ever seen.

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>Dany dies from falling down the steps to the Red Keep

it's going to be so much more satisfying

True King and Queen massacred by two hacks.

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The Griff/Aegon plot is completely retarded. After following Dany, the last Targaryen, for several books, with hints that Jon Snow could be a secret other Targaryen to spice things up, suddenly ANOTHER secret last Targaryen pops up out of fucking nowhere, invades Westeros and just completely steals Dany's role in the plot. If this happened in the show it would be declared even more ruined than it already is.

>saves the man he was furiously dueling from being trampled to death by his own men

>Yeah, did you see Kings Landing? Nice and sunny.

So why was it snowing when Jon killed Dany?

Sorry I'm dumb I posted the wrong image

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Send me 0.5BTC and I will become a trap that looks like Margaery Tyrell and let you fuck me like Renly wanted

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This should be obvious to anyone who isn't retarded, but many weeks passed before the scene with Jon at the end.

retard that never read the books. there are scattered targaryen bastards all over the country, same with baratheons ( a targaryen branch) aswell.


They're the real song of Ice and Fire. Fuck Jon.

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he doesn't steal Dany's role at all tho. If he's stealing anyone's plot at least in the show it's cersei. There's probably gonna be a war between Griff and Dany when she comes to westeros.

Young Griff would've been the glue that D&D's fanfiction desperately needed
>gives greater justification for Mad Queen to appear
>gets rid of the shitty Cersei scenes and gives her a separate arc or death
>Aegon being a good boi, he probably would've tried to help against the zombies, making the WW battle more interesting
>Jon wouldn't be able to make a decision between Aegon and Dany, keeping the politics alive until after NK's death
>if Dany were to join the cause, we would actually have an uneasy alliance in the North against the WW
>Golden Company wouldn't be total losers
>Euron could've sided with Dany to finger in da bum her and Yara/Theon with Aegon thus making the allegiances grayer
>Varys actually has a motivation
>Fantastic plot twist with Aegon actually being a Blackfyre and Jon being revealed as the true heir
>three-way war between Jon, Dany and Aegon
>and a whole bunch of other shit
Aside from the fact that Bran dying from an infection from shitting himself a few weeks later is going to collapse the kingdoms, giving a gargantuan seat to a sellsword hedge knight with no claim to Garth Greenhand, with a great house right next to it, would cause shitflinging immediately

thats like $4000 hell no

GRRM understands he needs to complicate the storylines if he wants to be able to make actual surprises happen.

season 7 and 8 were ridiculously light on actual events, and focused mostly on nerfing Dany, because that's what happens if you don't do the setup work.

in the books it's literally certain that Varys will be the one to blow up the Great Sept as Cersei is a retarded psycho. Varys' behavior throughout the whole story only makes sense if he has his own horse in the race.

>suddenly ANOTHER secret last Targaryen pops up out of fucking nowhere,

It's a large and powerful family. Raising a Targ baby is like raising a Sayian child.

Varys and the Essos plotters had been raising him in secret for a while.

>but many weeks passed before the scene with Jon at the end.

Do you REALIZE summers and winters in Westeros last for literally years?

he's having fun
good for him

is it autism ?

Stannis you WILL marry Danaerys and end this pointless conflict

Petyr refers to the war of three queens, but it's pretty clear he means Sansa, Arianne and Cersei, not Dany.

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If the winds of winter ever comes out, it will be 50% talking about food like all the other books

of course hes supporting fAegon dumbie he told kevan as much when he stabbed him

Promise me Jon

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>blows soap bubbles, drives RC cars and occasionally goes to a con to bang some "omg so nerdy" chicks instead of working


I wish they made the ending about the night king.

why does tywin try to get everyone married

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Imagine, Dany being the horny little slut she is and Stannis being the dutiful hardass, she'd call him to bed every night, he'd grind his teeth and plow her tight dragon cunt until the morning, because it'd be his duty, big or small he must do his duty

Petyr doesn't know Griff exists tho. Like it kinda fucks with everything. Cersei has basically no power atm as well


Whn euron said he wanted to fuck the queen he chose the fucking wrong one

Lads what is the most kino Season 5 episode?

I never realised how much sense it made for gurm to be as fat as he is until I read the books

you could make one of these for every season after 5, but with Dany & Cersei added to row 1, Viserion and Theon watching rape in row 2, and Sansa (accepting Ramsay marriage) Tyrion and Jaime in row 3.

dnd are nothing if not consistent.


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>Imagine, Dany being the horny little slut she is and Stannis being the dutiful hardass, she'd call him to bed every night, he'd grind his teeth and plow her tight dragon cunt until the morning, because it'd be his duty, big or small he must do his duty

Wait till they meet in the books before the Others attacks and the fuck on their last night before the battle.

its a normie answer but definitely 9.
although given the events of season 8 (episode 3), it makes hardhome look stupid

Pls. It’s the best offer ;)

stannis dies in winterfell. it happened in the show

Bronn would literally be assassinated by the former Tyrell bannerman.

D&D didn't even bother to tell us where Bran is going to rule the Kingdom *from*, as the Red Keep is a smoking ruin with no city.

>stannis dies in winterfell. it happened in the show

Yes he dies in winterfell fighting the others in the last chapter of a dream of spring.

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>D&D didn't even bother to tell us where Bran is going to rule the Kingdom *from*, as the Red Keep is a smoking ruin with no city.

>look at the docks of king's landing
>everything looks fine in the distance


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Stannisfags are literally the most pathetic human beings imaginable.
The main reason I want WoW to release is for him to be BTFO in both the books and show.

>everyone is eating "neeps" at every meal throughout all of ADWD
>fucking neeps neeps they can't get enough of them
>why can't I hold all these neeps.jpeg

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he will 100% die defending winterfell and burn Shireen there as a last ditch attempt to fight the Others and it will be fucking great and all the Stannisfags will rejoice.

Is this loss?

>The main reason I want WoW to release is for him to be BTFO in both the books and show.
Kinda hard for that to happen when you don't got D&D to do that. you know D&D hated stannis right? and jon's plot in season 6 was literally stannis' plot in the books. battle of ice ends with stannis victory and the pages where stannis marches into winterfell will be pure kino.

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>implying Stannis won't become the Night's King 2.0, make the Others bend the knee and lead the frozen armies to conquer the world

Did Wyman write the pink letter? If so, then why?

This is without a doubt the greatest collapse in tv history.

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>Wight Stannis with Lightbringer

Can u even live north of the wall during winter?

Will you go back to desperately hoping Stannis is resurrected when he dies in Winds or will you finally have the courage to kill yourself?
He's the biggest red herring of a character maybe ever.

>GoT ends in complete unmitigated disaster
>Disney announces a new Star Wars trilogy
>doesn't mention D&D
They made a huge mistake.

Maybe the fact that he's a red herring, is the red herring itself?
It's obvious he isn't Azor Ahai, too obvious

westeros.org thinks Mance Rayder wrote it as he knew Jon's personality and how to trigger him.

Even though the remaining starks are trash this soundtrack is kino

should RP shae instead

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>Bran becomes king of the seven kingdoms
>north leaves the seven kingdoms
>Bran is no longer a citizen of the six kingdoms

The wildlings survived the winter north of the wall for centuries, but I don't think it's ever exactly explained how they manage to do so.

>It's obvious he isn't Azor Ahai, too obvious

Well the real red herring is Azor Ahai itself.

I don't support Stannis because he's not Azoa Azhai, I support him because he's Stannis.

someone posted an article with a poll saying D&D being involved won't change most normies interest in seeing Star Wars.

but what the poll didn't catch was the massive opportunity cost. D&D could have finished the show with the same level acclaim as Peter Jackson when he finished LOTR. instead they leave having to basically hide their faces and get into black-out cars. every single decision they make at Disney is going to be questioned because they've destroyed any credibility for knowing what works.

the weird thing is that in the books Aemon Targaryen tells Sam flat-out that Dany is Azor Ahai. no one seems to have registered that scene.

Which book/chapter? I think you're lying, on the internet of all places.

>Aemon Targaryen tells Sam flat-out that Dany is Azor Ahai
Except he doesn't. And even if he did, what the fuck would he know about it ?

>would that I could

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cutting Victarion killed the show imagine badass Moqorro and victarion in the show i even imagined Clive Standen as Victarion they fucked not Only Euron but denied my boy Victarion of his tv awesomeness

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Wa-wait a second, House Tully and House Arryn are sworn to House Stark, soooooo ummmm. So are they part of the North or the Six Kingdoms or my brain hurts.


What are you gonna do with 0.3BTC?

>House Tully and House Arryn are sworn to House Stark
No they aren't. They never were.

The hoooooooooooooar is pregnant

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Remember when he crushed that guy's neck with 1 hand when he called him a fool? Fuck my dick got hard

>tfw no hilarious squid-out-of-water story with Victarion crashing into Mereen politics like a wrecking ball

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What's Alfie's expression trying to convey

nordic superiority embodied in a chilled attitude

it's either the chapter he dies or the next one. I'll go find the quote.

Utterly based

>House Tully and House Arryn are sworn to House Stark
the utter state of showfags

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Not really
Without her magic, the dragons wouldn't have been born
Without the dragons, Dany and her son would have been denied access to Qarth and either died or been enslaved and then killed by some other Khan

>No they aren't. They never were.

Yes they fucking were. House Tully swore itself to King Robb and House Arryn to King Jon.

looks qt with the black eyeshadow

They're Lords Paramount of their own kingdoms you moron. They're allies of House Stark, not vassals.

>tfw no Victarion spinoff in Sothoryos

Unbowed Unbent Unbroken (just the last scene)

You fucking retards

> After the battle, the Vale declares for House Stark and becomes part of the Kingdom of the North in defiance of the Iron Throne

But, he's married to Rose. He cheated on her?
Any more dirt? Don't leave us hanging bruh

>not Victarion sailing the Dothraki Sea out of principle

The next elected leader will probably be the next 3 eyed raven.

>House Tully
Never declared Jon their king, couldn't even at the time if they wanted to and definitely wouldn't want to anyway unless there was more character assassination by dabid
>House Arryn
I didn't see Sweetautist in the season 6 finale, did you? Or is Lord Royce so trusted he gets to declare the Vale for whoever he likes.
Regardless, Jon gave gave up his kingship.

Anyone here has read ASOIAF in other languages? How's the translation?

>Victarion gets the bloody shits and dies dancing
>the end

I miss Ygritte

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kit and rose were dating. kit fucked emilia and rose broke up the relationship. a year later or so they got back together and married

and here you are. it's the chapter after he dies, when Sam flashes back to his death scene.

>On Braavos, it had seemed possible that Aemon might recover. Xhondo’s talk of dragons had almost seemed to restore the old man to himself. That night he ate every bite Sam put before him. “No one ever looked for a girl,” he said. “It was a prince that was promised, not a princess. Rhaegar, I thought... the smoke was from the fire that devoured Summerhall on the day of his
birth, the salt from the tears shed for those who died. He shared my belief when he was young, but later he became persuaded that it was his own son who fulfilled the prophecy, for a comet had been seen above King’s Landing on the night Aegon was conceived, and Rhaegar was certain the bleeding star had to be a comet. What fools we were, who thought ourselves so wise! The error crept in from the translation. Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the other, as changeable as flame. The language misled us all for a thousand years. Daenerys is the one, born amidst salt and smoke. The dragons prove it.” Just talking of her seemed to make him stronger. “I must go to her. I must. Would that I was even ten years younger.”

note that this is the only time a character who isn't Melly Sanders expresses certainty about the identity of tPwP.

the REEEE DANY IS ANNOYING REEEE factor that was common before the show even started may have led people to discount the possibility that GRRM was just telling us the answer here.

>Aemon the Dragonknight wants to know your location

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So westeros is free real estate now right

Jon was a targaryen, drogon couldn't kill him

Does adoption not exist in asoiaf?
Why would Jon Arryn bother with Sweetautist when he could just adopt some Chad


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>ywn be Viserys and mould your hot young sister into a fuckdoll for yourself and others

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>Jon was a targaryen, drogon couldn't kill him

>being a targaryen magically means dragons can't kill you

I've studied got history and can tell you that's bullshit.

The chad wouldn't have his blood

Reminder Gendry Baratheon is rightful heir to the throne when Dany died.

dirty wildling slut

>I've studied got history
Okay I have no more to say

>quoting from the wiki
Are you for real ? By all means, you're welcome to try and find any quote supporting this fanfiction, even in the show. Besides, Royce isn't the Lord of the Vale. And there's also the problem of every house in the Vale except House Royce being turboracists who absolutely loathe anyone who isn't a pureblooded Andal. Them bowing to filthy First Men is ludicrous.

he had young Robert Baratheon as his ward, so in effect adopt a chad is exactly what he did do.

Why the fuck is Yara part of the six kingdoms again?


This isn't a bookthread faggot. Go back to Yea Forums.

He didn't fly so good though

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She is Ironborn, they take their kingdoms by iron and blood not by being freed from captivity.

Everyone's related with everyone, just find someone with a distant relation

there's no support for your claim even in the show, refer to

She kind of forgot about her main political goal

The way I rationalize it is her deal for independence was with Dany and Jon's "exile" isnt just to please Greyworm, its for Yara too. So instead of pushing for a new independence deal she settles for lordship of the Iron Isles.

She forgot about wanting independence

>Or is Lord Royce so trusted he gets to declare the Vale for whoever he likes.

He's the regent after Peter died.

As I said, you're welcome to try and find any line in the show that supports your wiki headcanon, nigger. Good luck to you.

Yeah it is never established in the show either brainlet

He wanted to beat him through his own power, not by convenience

>being so fucking dense
It's not in the show either you fucking moron

Where does the coke come in?
Are GoT actors druggies? Is based Emilia also a cheating druggy whore?
(Or actors in general?)

Assblasted Yea Forumsfag

Italian. Fucking dreadful. Couldn't even get some characters' hair color right, and the translation can get quite a bit "creative" in places.

he was spotted at a rehab facility (again) last week. there are many pics of him being drunk / coked in bars.

emilia doesn't do drugs but doesn't mind sleeping around to get roles


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>emilia doesn't do drugs but doesn't mind sleeping around.(period)
Fixed your post.

Never read the books, Houses Tully/Arryn never "swore" to House Stark in the way that makes them vassals.

The did "declare" for House Stark in times of war such as for Robb during War of Five Kings, and for Jon in War for the Dawn (and whatever the war against Cersei is called).

These are alliances at most and don't make the Riverlands or Vale of Arryn apart of Stark territory.

Regardless, even if your premise is true, there is a Stark as King in the South so they wouldn't be breaking any oaths for not joining Sansa in her independence.

You dumb fuck

notch is this generation's grrm

What did he get her?

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obviously there is no proof idiot but many reputable sources on gossip sites confirm she doesn't mind the casting couch

At the time of Robb Stark's reign as King in the North, the Riverlands was sworn to Robb as vassals; Hoster Tully was Lord Paramount under Robb.

At the time of Jon Snow's reign as King in the North, the Vale was sworn to Jon as vassals via Littlefinger. Sweetrobin wasn't able to rule in his own right so Baelish, as regent and Lord Protector, made that decision.

At the time of Jon Snow's kneeling, Danerys became liege of both the North and the Vale.

At the time of Brandon Stark's reign, the North was a vassal of the crown. The Vale and Riverlands were separate vassals sworn directly to the crown as well. Sansa asked for an independent North so Bran the Broken granted the North independence.

The Six Kingdoms is made up of The Riverlands, The Vale, The Westerlands, The Reach, The Stormlands, Dorne, and the Crownlands, as its 6 Kingdoms (the Crownlands does not count as a Kingdom)

banging an actor in a show she's already in wouldn't get her any roles.
what roles did Seth MacFarlene get her?

please post the one where he's bouncing on a trampoline naked

>reputable sources on gossip sites

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This is all correct except for your count of the kingdoms. You forgot the iron islands, which, along with the riverlands, used to be 1 kingdom when Aegon the Conqueror rolled up.
If the iron islands or riverlands had also seceded, Bran would be the King of 5 and a half kingdoms.

im sorry your waifu isn't pure

Bran was best villain

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>everytime Bobby B screams about murdering Dany and her Babe, Ned sees Lyanna and Jon in his mind
Why does it hurt so much

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As far as I'm aware the Iron Islands is likely still independent, which has led to the Riverlands being elevated as a 6th Kingdom proper, though you're correct that when Aegon conquered Westeros there were only 7 Kingdoms to conquer.

The name of the Kingdom has always been a bit of a misnomer though, especially given Aegon only conquered 6 of his "Seven" kingdoms in his day anyhow, and split his realm into 8 regions at that point anyway.

>your waifu is a slut to tame

Maario naharis

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and why are they always so smug about it

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Goddamn she managed to get even hotter with age, is this really a bong?

the north is effectively impregnable without either combining all the fleets of the south to do a naval invasion or dragons. moat cailin is impregnable to regular armies.

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sophie is fucking hot, but too many emiliafags here won't admit it

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This. Marching through the neck would be a fucking madman's endeavor, and there's so little in the North that short of them causing trouble there'd be little reason to even want to invade them to begin with. It's the largest Kingdom but it's also the poorest, especially after the Short Night depopulated 1/3 of the Kingdom.

miss me with her flat cottage cheese ass
speaks volumes when Goblina Williams has a better body than her

That's so retarded, i get liking Daeneris more for who knows what reason but Sophie the actress is objectively, blatantly hotter and likeable. Also isn't Emilia like 40?

I would argue that better face also, although they are both bong as fuck

She isn't

>the short night doesn't reach further than winterfell
>fucking no one lives north of winterfell
>probably less than 5% of westerosi population was even affected by the short night
>essentially no one beyond the north will believe it ever happened

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>essentially no one beyond the north will believe it ever happened
I think it'll at least be properly documented by the various northern maesters who lived through it.

>Vulnerable to anything but a full on ugly attrition assault
This is how you spot the showfag.

cutting Marwyn killed the show

their superiors in the citadel who have an agenda to suppress magic will never believe them and it'll get edited out

I’m gonna have to say it guys;
Emilia is not even that hot anymore, most people here like her as a meme.


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Thank you based /got/fag, was starting to feel like i was taking crazy pills.

Seems like it'd be hard to get the writings of the Grand Maester wholly retgoned.

the archmaester still overrules him and probably will just have him assassinated

> by the various northern maesters who lived through it.
And how many would that be? I don't recall seeing the maester of Winterfell in S8, especially not after the battle of Winterfell. Since maesters usually stay behind in the castles, he would be the only maester alive to witness the long night at all. All others can only rely on hearsay and their claims will be discarded, and from a scientific point of view rightfully so.

emilia was a qt in s1. mad dany was somewhat hot in s8 but yes she is in her 30s now and its starting to show.

As much as I don't doubt they'd be easily able to make Sam disappear, I expect Bran would have them killed conversely for doing so, since his greensight would make it trivial to verify their guilt on that front.

This is why we should've gotten 10 episodes so we could see the other Houses in the North get shat on by the White Walkers, like the Karstarks, Glovers and Manderlys.

I still would, and you're all lying or gay if you say you wouldn't.

Game of Thrones is over, there's no need for these generals anymore. Head over to Yea Forums if you wish to discuss this series further.

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ok, sorry

Link me to the thread and I'll go.

but his greensight doesn't work outside of weirwood locations
>invite sam for "consultations" to the citadel
>kill him somewhere after highgarden and bury the body
>my lord bran the braap sir we don't know what happened to him he never arrived too bad

He saw Drogon flying over King's Landing, and the Mad King giving the order and dying, and he saw the Tower of Joy, and he saw what happened to Hodor. He can see shit far beyond the specific eyes of the specific weirwood trees. There isn't even a weirwood in King's Land for him to see out of.

theres a documentary tomorrow

I'll grant you until tomorrow and thereafter 24 hours to discuss it here on Yea Forums but then I want all of you to leave this board with Game of thrones discussion to Yea Forums or Yea Forums.

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You don't get to decide that, fuck off.

yes, master

make me bitch

If there is to still be Game of Thrones discussion on Yea Forums 48 hours from now there will be dire consequences.

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Why would you cut out Jon and Dany having a child

What were D&D thinking?

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Danerys was sterile.

>g-guys I think he's serious, we better just do as we're told

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ok hroshimoot

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>not using Jorah's sword to kill Jorah's waifu

It's not his sword?

So was Cersei pregnant or not?

She was

>It was my father's sword, his father before him. The Mormonts have carried it for five centuries. It was meant for my son Jorah.

based unbending gigachads

Yes, but Qyburn was the father

Longclaw is the mormont family sword. Jon tried to give it to him last season and Jorah said to keep it for your "children after you"

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She didn’t look very pregnant, and several months must have passed...

>fat man writes about how the food looks like
color me surprise

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For me, its oskar dirlewanger, first of his name and rightful ruler of the seven kingdoms

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>talking about a tv show
>on a lit board
I'm not that rude

>and yes Arya is my favorite character
We are few it seems.

Abortion is a trending topic right now