I’m putting together a team

>I’m putting together a team

Would you watch this movie?

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Other urls found in this thread:

3-3-3.org/docs/Kaczynski's comments on McVeigh.htm

Ed Kemper is based af.

>Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber), Timothy McVeigh (the "poster child" of the Oklahoma City bombing), and Ramzi Yousef (one of the culprits of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing) all shared a cell block for a period in prison. From what I've heard, Kaczynski and McVeigh were pretty friendly, while Yousef was known for constantly trying to convince McVeigh to convert to Islam.

Cast it

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Idris Elba

Aziz Ansari as Yousef
Clancy Brown as Kazynski
Ryan Gosling as McVeigh

The Ravagers


The Homociders

It could be like Oceans 11 where they plan and execute raping famous celebrities.

cast them

Yea Forumskino i'd watch it

so you're saying we're some kind of... homicide squad

Dennis "I'll fuck and kill your bitch" Rader

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these are my superheroes

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Why don't you join in their shenanigans? I do

Do you think they could get along? I don't think so, but I have to pick one I would never be able to trust is Jeffrey Dahmer.

fucking kino

Who's upper middle-left, and upper far right?

Berkowitz and Richard Ramirez

Upper middle-left: David Berkowitz (Son of Sam)
Upper far-right: Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker)

I don't know upper right but upper middle left is Son of Sam

Why do they have cool nicknames but ted bundy is just called ted bundy

South Park kinda did it most of you are probably too young to remember though


>there are serial killers operating right now. You probably passed one on the street or spoke to one
Cast yourself

I should have recognised both of them. Just remembered Ramirez looking more like he was literally the spawn of Satan.

and aziz acting like in his comedy specials/Parks & Rec

Ted Bundy was the OG. He killed 10x more than any of them and more than all of them combined. He don't need a moniker.

Not all heroes wear capes

Why did he kill the little girl in that rampage at the end?

Because his trial made him ridiculously famous, as it was the first televised trial in the US.

>Ted Bundy was the OG
That would be Gilles De Rais or Vlad the Impaler

Not true. Now sex traffickers, rapists, plain killers, and pedos are certainly common by comparison.


They should make a movie where humans from the far future have perfected time travel, cloning and general reality warping.

So it’s become very popular to use time travel and cloning to replace famous people with fake dead clone bodies just before they die, and bring their real bodies to the future.

Then they bring a bunch of serial killers before they die like a Bundy just before getting electrocuted etc

And they get put into games where they do shit like kill Marilyn Monroe who also got brought to the future

Am I crazy or does this sound kino

>working together

I would probably be the most comfortable around Bundy or Kemper for the simple reason that I'm not a woman

You could have the avengers scene where Hulk fights Thor but with Kemper and Bundy

Feels like you'd need the first 30/40 minutes to explain the whole deal and I hate movies like that

I’m no doc but you sound crazy and that sounds like a shitty television episode

Maybe it could work, but it sounds a bit too silly. Could work if you played it off like it was supposed to be campy schlock.

No, that'd be the supreme incelman, you incel.

>one last job

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>David Berkowitz
He's a born again christian now and in deep denial over his murders and likes to falsely claim that he only did three of them and a cult that he was part of did the others(he wasn't part of a cult though). He'd never take part in doing new murders and was just a lonely autist who did them in the first place for attention and acknowledgement.

>Dennis Rader
He'd never get along with the rest and has turned in people writing prison mail to him to the FBI in the hopes of ratting out potential killer wannabes for goodboy points. He's extremely autistic as well, and other prisoners make fun of him and think he's a tard.

Possibly did have an accomplice. A teenage handyman named Robin Gecht, who used to work for him later started a murderous cult that killed women and cut off their tits, known as the Ripper Crew.

He'd never participate and doesn't even like writing people back when they send him mail. He's more of a loner that gets in trouble when he's by himself.

He had an accomplice in his first murder who's never been identified and used to fence the items he stole from his victims. He'd be a team player.

He'd be down, and was worse than people realize. There's no good books written on him, despite there being very many books, much of which are outdated.

He'd probably try to lead. Ramirez once wrote him fan mail hoping they could share details of their crimes with one another.

He killed the most victims out of any of them. 80-100+, but his murders weren't that violent. He also has a low IQ and would be more of a follower.

Vlad Tepes did literally nothing wrong, he wasnt some psychotic serial killer, just a dude protecting his lands from Muslim invading shits.


Ridgeway and Rader seem like the types that would try to murder the others, idk why.

>He'd be down, and was worse than people realize. There's no good books written on him, despite there being very many books, much of which are outdated.

Red pill me on dahmer, how is he worse than most realize

im serious. he was a victim of the Church, along with other traitors who were working for the Ottomans.

same with Gilles de Rais, the Church just made all that shit up with the help of some other nobles so they could scoop up all his land and drink his milkshake.

>Dahmer was worse than people realize
He was a schizo necrophiliac cannibal how much worse can that get?

He was homosexual

Defend this creepy bitch then.

Why isn't that crazy Russian guy in there?

just letting you know I read this as "based aff" and laugh at you

low iq.

Forgot pic

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I can't defend her, I don't know enough about her.
I'm not 100% on the Gilles de Rais theory, but its a theory I like (who wouldn't know or complain about 300+ children being kidnapped and murdered by the local nobleman), he apparently did it for years.

And Tepes was just being extreme to scare Ottoman invaders, Church railroaded him because putting people on spikes is evil or whatever

oh and Vlad imprisoned a Catholic monk which pissed them off

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It would be a shitshow of ego maniacs and introverts colliding so top entertainment for the whole family. And don't worry about Dahmer, as long as you got chest hair he won't touch you

>serial killer
The dude was innocent

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>He killed 10x more than any of them and more than all of them combined
Easy there. Ted was convicted of 35 counts of murder. Gary Ridgeway tops him with 49 counts. Samuel Little was convicted of 34 counts, but the estimate is over 90. Gacy was convicted of 33 counts

>The Freeway Killer was a collective epithet given by the media and the police to what the media believed was a single serial killer claiming young male victims, predominantly in California during the 1970s and early 1980s, and who often discarded the victims' bodies alongside or upon freeways. However, there turned out to be three Freeway Killers who operated independently of each other, but just happened to select similar victims from similar locations.

The three killers were:

Patrick Kearney (born 1939), age 37 when captured in 1977
William Bonin (1947–1996) and several accomplices, age 33 when captured in 1980
Randy Steven Kraft (born 1945), age 38 when captured in 1983

>Collectively, Bonin, Kraft and Kearney may have claimed up to 131 victims.

I wear Dahmer glasses just to shitpost irl

Dahmer is a starscream style second in command who keeps on trying to usurp Ted Bundy leadership with his mind control power drill

He loved Return of the Jedi and wanted to recreate the Emperor's throne flanked by the skulls of his victims

He was a sadistic necrophalic into beastality ...but that would be beating a dead horse

>no vampire of sacramento
normie tier

A conversation between these 8 would be priceless

>movie where they timetravel and grab the worst of the worst

Hasn’t this been done before? Predator movie did it but without time travel, and DC legends of tomorrow did it on tv sort of.

Dream casting for Ramirez

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Bith Ridgeway and Bundy probably killed a lot more though.

My dad was a prison doctor for John Wayne Gacey. Unsurprisingly, the man was creepy as fuck.

>they are all released from the afterlife for one night to rack up the most kills and gets to be the president of Hell

>One of them protects you
>The rest try to kill you
Who do you pick to survive the week?

and the name "ted" was linked to the killings from early on

ridgeway was just a sex pervert. he probably wouldn't try to kill them. besides kemper would destroy him

Good call

what evidence do you have to support your theory?

He's pretty good at playing a psycho

kemper. dude is like a 7 foot giant

Yeah I did. It's not a movie though, it's a series called Mindhunter

If anything, Kemper would probably bash their skulls in if they caught him on a bad day, he probably wouldn't put up with Ted's shenanigans.

>none of them 1v1 strong, capable targets


surprised it hasnt happened yet to be honest

>kemper is le based!!!
t. faggots who watch mindhunter

Dude is fucking pathetic

>not Oscar Isaac

3-3-3.org/docs/Kaczynski's comments on McVeigh.htm

too goofy, fanfic tier

Why couldn't they just clone people without replacing them? What's the need for time travel? Does authenticity really matter, especially from the perspective of the person in the future watching the event, they never see the switching?

BTK also generally targeted women and Gacy was a pedophile so if you're not underage, you're good to go.

based boomer humor

kemper definitely. IQ 145, 6'9 and strong as fuck

Cut the sci fi crap and just call it Celebrity Deathmatch

>no albert fish, no ed gein

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>South Park

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>they put criminals into games where they do shit
just this bit is fine
time travel and cloning is too complex

I see Dahmer trying to drill one of them and turn them into a zombie.

They usually lie up the number once caught just to get attention, be the baddest killer or drag out death row. Can't trust a word they say, but it's always possible. The only one I don't think ramped up the number for attention was Dahmer

>the time he'd tied himself up in bondage gear in a tree while on a scout camping trip and nearly didn't make it down

i'd love a movie about Albert Fish. i heard he was a real jerk

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Grace sat in my lap and kissed me. I made up my mind to eat her, on the pretense of taking her to a party. You said Yes she could go. I took her to an empty house in Westchester I had already picked out. When we got there, I told her to remain outside. She picked wild flowers. I went upstairs and stripped all my clothes off. I knew if I did not I would get her blood on them. When all was ready I went to the window and called her. Then I hid in a closet until she was in the room. When she saw me all naked she began to cry and tried to run down stairs. I grabbed her and she said she would tell her mama. First I stripped her naked. How she did kick – bite and scratch. I choked her to death then cut her in small pieces so I could take my meat to my rooms, cook and eat it. How sweet and tender her little ass was roasted in the oven. It took me 9 days to eat her entire body. I did not fuck her, though, I could of had I wished. She died a virgin.

shadowman 64

Sure, fun to watch them.
I think Ramirez and Berkowitz are not dangerous compared to othersm, they would easily become team players for the fun of it. Rader, Ridgeway and Gacy would be difficult to control, the only way to connect with them would be giving them exactly what they want. Kemper is cool, just leave the guy alone and let him do his thing when he needs to. Bundy sure is charismatic and would be a natural leader; he would find practical solutions, providing new ideas for the group and strategies. I wouldn't trust him much, but if he fears you enough I am pretty sure you're safe. Especially if the others respect you and he knows they would punish him for that. Dahmer instead, he would just try to kill and eat you for the fun of it and call it a monday.

Ed Gein wasn't no serial killer, he only killed 2 people. They were one offs, there was no series.

>Dennis Rader
it's pretty hilarious how he got caught

>hey police, would you be able to figure out my identity if sent around a floppy disc?
>police: "no"
>sends the floppy to some journalists and police gets hold of it
>police tracks him down using the disc's metadata

Maybe, it's definitelly widely considered true that Bundy did this, so he could postpone his execution, although it's also quite possible that the number is somewhat higher than what the official number is, considering the fact that he dumped a lot of the bodies in the wilderness. Ridgeway definitelly killed more, since he mostly killed prostitutes, who no one would pay much attention to.

Kemper, you moron

If you clone somebody they won’t have the memories or experience. The cloning is just to make a meat puppet to replace the dead body that should be there.

Imagine if he’d broken into somebodies house and used their computer just to make the floppy disc, and the cops thought they were BTK

pure fucking kino user