Why are they so much powerful than any other previous faction...

Why are they so much powerful than any other previous faction? They took over the galaxy in literal hours despite just having a major defeat (starkiller base getting blown up). They rule over everything effortlessly with the only resistance apparently being 30 humans on the Millennium Falcon

The Sith struggled for millennia to take over the galaxy, the republic was only held together by being a decentralized bureaucratic nightmare. The Empire struggled with heavy opposition for decades despite inheriting the power structure of the Republic. In the original EU lore, the Imperial Remnants were never able to gather more than portions of galactic space.

So wtf makes the First Order so invincible that despite being a rebel splinter group have endless armies of mega-weapons? Where do they even finance/ build their stuff and recruit?

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I think bad writing is the answer

You don't know how incompetent the rebel faction that took over in episode 6 was, please understand.

New Nazis are far worse than old Nazis. Obviously.

In reality, after Palpatine died and the second death star went down, the galaxy should've entered a war over dominance of the resources the Empire controlled.

Would've been a more interesting plot twist to play the Empire as a necessary evil for the stability of the galaxy in Episode 7. Have different factions play out against each other while Luke tries to rebuild the Jedi to restore peace to the galaxy. Perhaps have some of his students be lured into the dark side after seeing the state of the galaxy and turning against him.

Lots of interesting paths the movie could've went down that make more sense than the Empire rebuilding itself every single time to the same story.

It’s explained in the comic.

It's easy user.
They defaulted on the bonds previously issued by the empire, while still inheriting the manufacturing base.
Then they started issuing a new currency, independent from the galatic banks. Instead of being a currency binder in the galatic credit, it was a currency binded at the labor of the people working.
And so this miracle happened, within 10 years without being dragged down or explored by the galatic banks, they made their comeback that terrorized that cucked Galaxy too busy gargling on banker cock to really see who were the good guys.

But who do you think backed "the rebels" (or whatever they're called now? It was the bankers of the Galaxy. The biggest sin of the "empire"(or whatever they're called now) was to issue their own currency and trying to escape from the claws of the banks, not killing some criminals across the universe.
Lea and their buddies are just a bunch of delusional dogs who follow their masters without thinking for themselves.

>currency binded at the labour of people working
What does that even mean?

A woman was in charge so the republic collapsed instantly

Ah of course. The comic that explains something that should be in the movie.

Based and taxpolicypilled

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Back to /pol/ with your Nazi shit

don't question the mystery box

empire vs. rebels was done. to make the next three episodes empire vs. rebels again was the most creatively bankrupt decision they possible could have made and worse than just about any fan fiction.

they could have "grown" star wars up into something that better reflects the grey area complexities of post monomyth society, with different factions vying for power and a compromised republic trying to toe the line between liberty and authority, but no. we get empire with their camp nazi retardation turned up to 88 and rebels turned into a GAP advert.

people hate on TLJ, but everything about the direction they took with the new series doomed it from the start. it's close to being the literally the opposite of what it should have been.

Because they subverted your expectations of a movie that makes any fucking sense.

How do you define Nazi? That word's meaning has been beaten the hell out of it by white girls and a bad grasp of hyperbole

JJ didn't care about any of that. Gotta have big powerful Empir- I mean First Order so the good guys are underdogs.

Don't be so lazy, user. Just read all fifteen companion novels and seventy-five issues of the comic books. It's simple.

...you mean like how they explained what happened between TFA and TLJ?

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It's explained in the comic. The comic explanation is that the republic disbanded their military after defeating the empire because peace and love.

No really.

Who let laya be in charge?

Because they knew everyone was going to see the movie no matter how shitty it is

Power creep

>does it matter
Uh... actually, yes it does Ackbar

Prequels: evenly matched galactic powers
Original: underdog Rebels vs. galactic superpower
Sequels: Republic vs. Imperial Remnant insurgent guerrilla terrorists

search your feelings you know this is how it should have gone

>Disney Wars
Even attacking it on grounds of internal consistency is giving it more credit than it deserves.

>Sequels: Republic vs. Imperial Remnant insurgent guerrilla terrorists
should actually be
sequels: the new republic become a new empire and a new group of rebels have to team up with insurgent guerilla imperial troops to take them down

The first order are a literal Mary Sue except on a faction scale

That'd be gay as fuck they should've scaled things down show what happens to an individual planet or system when the star wars come a knocking

>That'd be gay as fuck
so it should go straight to your heart, twinkletot

If the leaks are to be believed, they enslaved some planet in the unknown regions and forced them to mass produce weapons for them. Expect shills to bring this up in December and argue that this retroactively makes TFA good.

At least when the original star wars came out nothing was established so "Evil Empire" and "Plucky Rebellion" is a simple stock premise. When your movie is a distant sequel to a movie where the evil empire was defeated and the rebellion becomes a legitimate government, so you can't re-do the evil empire vs the rebellion again without setting up what the fuck happened.

I think what he means is that when you're staring down the barrel of a gun, you shouldn't waste time worrying about where the gun came from.
Not that I want to defend any of this garbage.

The galaxy was under complete military control of the Empire during the Civil War. There was no opposition aside the Rebellion. When the Empire went down, the Rebellion mostly de-militarized, leaving the galaxy without any armed forces. FO spent 30 years re-calculating and rebuilding, many systems still loyal to the old Emperor. Starkiller annihilated the primary peacekeeping fleet of the Republic and swept in with whatever ships they had. Starkiller was just a base, none of their actual destroyers were taken out during the TFA raid.

Two words: White supremacy. That's all you need to know.

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Retard tier writing that's never actually covered in the movie. How do people try to defend this

>Retard tier writing
Yet people still can't understand it
>that's never actually covered in the movie. How do people try to defend this
Yet people still long for the EU
Grow the fuck up, why do you even care about this stuff.

He was memeing user. His post just described how Nazi Germany got back on its feet so fast after being humiliated in WWI, issuing a currency outside of the international banking system (which by the way made the bankers in London really mad and was one of the reasons the UK got into WWII. Or do you think the anglos care about Poland? Lol.)

They were determined to portray democracy as ridiculously weak as possible.

Only an aristocratic elite of Jews, feminists. homosexuals and rich people can save us now!

That’s basically what happened in the Eu for a while.

>Why are they so much powerful than any other previous faction?
Because, reasons.

White supremacy is filled with cucks and nobody supports it.

they have support of the outer rim and other neglected areas of the galaxy

also most people were nostalgic for the empire

john wayne would like to have a word with you

Because they write the sequel trilogy as they go along, nothing was planned out.

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This. Its just a Hollywood blockbuster nobody cares about Star Wars lore anymore.


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>if you hate banks and their disingenuous tricks, and especially if you want to stop being a slave to banks - YOU ARE A FUCKING NAZI INCEL
so this... is the modern left?

They're describing the Nazi regime's solution to the Germs' shortsightedly-accrued debt, you absolute cuck. Fuck off.

>the bankers in London
more like the (((bankers))) in London

t. pic related

Attached: (((muun))).jpg (250x333, 16K)

>Germs' shortsightedly-accrued debt
>implying the Germans accured their own debt
>implying the debt wasn't due to hilariously over the top Versailles reparations

Yes I know the original user was describing how the Nazis fixed the German economy, I was also stating that just because the Nazis did something doesn't automatically make that something pure evil to be shunned forever. After all, Hitler ate sugar, so does that mean anyone with a sweet tooth is a Nazi?

Gods why did we get this incompetent dumbster instead of this?
The story you mentioned could have even included Kylo Ren and the New Order as a result of Kylos Daddy worship and the shitty state of the galaxy.

>Hitler ate sugar
I doubt he would ever do that

because that's basically the plot of what went down post endor according to EU

and disney cut the EU to make way for their feminist writers brigade

He's right you know. The jewish banking system needs to be toppled again. This time for good.