It's been 10 years, why doesn't he have a better camera or proper lighting?
It's been 10 years, why doesn't he have a better camera or proper lighting?
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He got all that money and still has cheap Walmart glasses frames. He's an idiot and low class. Doesn't know what "good" is.
Why do you still think about him past 12 years old when shouting is le funny?
didn't channel awesome implode?
He has a developmental disorder
Or a small room in his home converted in a nice but classy little studio for filming?
Because he's always been a lazy piece of shit who doesn't care and knows his loyal legion of honest and true austistic fans will watch anyway. You're lucky he doesn't film in his laundry room.
No, a bunch of bluehairs screamed into the void that is youtube for a month, and they lost like 3000 subscribers over a week but then it just climbed back and everyone ignored them
He got the money but not talent, I've seen his attempts to put more production value into his videos and they're honestly better off without it
Because he doesn't need it and makes huge bucks on shit-tier equipment.
Cope, OP, cope.
Dude thinks this passes for comedy
Didn't all of the content creators besides brad leave CA during that month though?
He was literally a fucking janitor before this youtube thing, the only thing is knows is cleaning the floor
He finally succumbed to the receding hairline?
i like to consider myself a reasonably nice, empathetic person. sometimes, there are people i just hate. the thought that i have to acknowledge their existence disgusts me. i was having a pretty good morning blissfully unaware that dog walker was still alive until i was scrolling through Yea Forums and saw his dumb fucking face gawking at me. something about the way he talks, his stupid face, his bald fucking head, his shitty opinions, his shitty ass videos and his sheer ineptitude combine to form the most repulsive of men. dog walker is one of those people who i unconditionally loathe and i kinda hope doesn't look both ways when he crosses the road later
Brad and based Guru Larry.
But from the subscriber count etc, its clear they didn't need them
I think he just doesn't know any better. That shit worked when "online internet reviewers" fad was all the rage, but even back then Angry Joe was blowing the fuck out of him with merely a green screen, for example.
Those content creators were depending on him not the other way around.
It's why they were REEEEing when he first ended the Nostalgia Critic.
And how's is he becoming less talented?
the guy has got some issues, surrounding himself with equally problematic people makes things even worse
>his bald head
Yeah let’s mock him for something beyond his control
Not like anyone watched those people. NC, Spoony and Brad were the only draws on CA.
because he would sooner pay a thot and a nagger to ruin his already hit videos
To be fair it was a whole lot of people finally realizing they didn't matter and were just padding for the channel. It really was all about Doug and big contributors who got their own fanbase on the side like Brad, Linkara, Spoony, etc.
is that highschool? did he ever have any hair on top or was it always just some in the very back? like wow
I've been watching him since the beginning, and it's simply because his fanbase loves it just the way it is. You'd be surprised how many people love the skits in the reviews.
>i like to consider myself a reasonably nice, empathetic person
Don't worry, you're not.
It's the typical Illinois mushmouth. They barely learn to talk, and when everyone around you stumbles over pronunciations and stutters all the time and all that shit, there's no kids in school to call you a retard and push you to speak more clearly and eloquently.
So you end up with this idiot sounding like he just came back from the dentist in every video.
He's a pleb and a manchild
He's the perfect example of people who shit on others work (whether they are right or not), and then can't for the life of him produce anything god or of value, it's so fucking sad.
It's that old phrase "Those who can't do, teach", except he has nothing to teach.
I feel the same way. I'm usually very compassionate and empathetic. But I just loathe this guy, and I have done even since I first saw him.
Something about him, his clammy appearance, desperate mannerisms, and soulless eyes looking back at you.
I think that's what it is, You can tell from his eyes he has no human qualities like empathy, he's like a rat or rodent living in the body of a human. He's just churning out cheap videos in his dirty apartment so he can buy that next block of cheese.
God, I'll never get used to seeing his bald head. If I ever go bald, god forbid, I'll take it as an opportunity to wear high-quality wigs every day
>But I just loathe this guy, and I have done even since I first saw him.
>Something about him, his clammy appearance, desperate mannerisms, and soulless eyes looking back at you.
Fucking christ that's accurate.
Because if he does you faggots will make "Soul vs Soulless" memes.
>user why don't you watch my videos anymore
>remember nostalgia critic? yeah i still make that
>come on man just watch it for a bit
>look at me man, i'm desperate. look into my eyes
>you don't wanna see me out on street, do you
>weeb shit
The irony.
Unbased and bluepilled.
>why doesn't he have a better camera or proper lighting?
Because we're not going to do the super villain shuffle
what video is the vegas thing from that you guys always talk about?
In his mind he's a big success and achieved his dream and now he's a big dawg producer. He never considered himself to have failed and so has never grown
He has a goatee. In 2019. That should tell you enough
Found the bald guy.
Like jettisoning the dead weight desu
This. read accounts of people who had worked with doug and it's clear he has a bloated opinion of himself.
Will he ever recover?
Keep saying it.
Here's the thing -- after entering the workforce I've come to realize that most people are like that. Soulless automatons with no ambitions or inner life. The NPC meme is real, but most of the people you see get really popular through media are quite gifted and ambitious people in one way or another. People like Doug and James Rolfe got in during the early days of internet media (in itself a more democratic platform than older media like television) where there wasn't much competition, so mediocre people like them rose to the top
Is that video legit or just a meme?
>dude they are bad! they are not like my zoomer icons like PDP and H3H3!!
>has no concept of nuance in an argument
You sound like an NPC yourself. I don't even dislike them, but they are the epitome of mediocrity
Made it 23 seconds this time. Usually I can't get past "I'm cool."
I liked his ATLA videos
yes, dunkey is a cuck.
Any youtube reviewer with good lighting? I don't know shit about recording so most look okay to me.
is being a reviewtard still profitable at all
Did he record this from home
Why do people watch him at all? I understand there's a large population of people with asperger's, who can discern actual entertainment from some gormless shithead mugging at the camera and screeching at things, but the fact that he has a captive audience is baffling to me.
You mean all that money he's lost over the years? A million or so views per video don't exactly translate into a lot of money.
I have a normie friend who liked and shared his The Room review