Oh, you're not going to see John Wick 3? I thought you were cool, user

>oh, you're not going to see John Wick 3? I thought you were cool, user...

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Hairy bitch

*rapes you*

I'm waiting for the bluray to come out, don't women think pirates are cool?

>hairy arms

it's beauty fuzz

These posts are only funny when the little girl calls me a faggot.

the things I'd do for a girl like this

it hurts

literally everyone's arms look like this under sunlight, even kids'


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They do. Literally fucked 3 cuties by inviting them to show how to torrent

>it's j-just the lighting

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you look at kids' arms often you fucking pedo?

how get gf like this when mexicano in america

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you don’t

Stick to your kind and don’t brees

She has more testosterone than you betacuck manlet jfl @ your loveless lives

bleach your skin and dye your hair blonde

she was the best thing in under the dome

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Just be born looking like this and you have already won the life. Don't even need no talents or great education.

good luck living in a "man's world"

pray you find a castizo qt equivalent at your church.

I live in texas...I see white bitches with spics all the time...it's disgusting.