Why doesn't Hoolywood cast more asian male leads?

Why doesn't Hoolywood cast more asian male leads?

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But why Asians look so effeminate ?

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This shit gonna implode in the next 5 years when the suits finally catch up to the trend. Its like how they finally adapt animes and movies from japan in recent years.

they look weird

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asian ass was literally made for white dick

God my dick

wish theyd cast more jungkook bloody hell

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That's their shtick. Look at their man hands though, yuck.

Asia is living in its peak 1980's era right now

>what movie we gonna watch user

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Call Me By Your Name ching chong ding dong

What the hell happened?

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I think its hilarious how asian american men are so uptight about being perceived as feminine and then out of nowhere a bunch of korean sissies just crash lands into america

Anyways, the obvious thing to do is make a korean war movie starring american actors and kpop faggots

what xmen can jungkookie play

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are you sure about that?
asian men with white women keep popping out more and more...pic related dog's journey and AMWF relationship

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that movie bombed hard and got beat by based hapa keanu

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Because audiences would mastaken them for being Asian women.

Who the hell would name their son jung-gook

it's jung cock

30 years ago it was because they were just too ridiculous to take seriously unless they were doing karate. The first thing you'd think of when you see an asian guy is "probably has a small dick" and this is the root of the problem. Most people still unconsciously think this about Asian men.

This wouldn't matter in the modern age, as current diversity maneuvers don't care at all about how ridiculous or insipid they appear. People still buy into them either way. HOWEVER, if they started stacking the deck with Asian men, they'd eventually come under fire for not doing the same with Asian women, and there's nothing the white woman fears more than Asian women. Despite what you may have been led to believe, everything still comes down to white people buying shit, and guilt works well on us. But an insecure and angry female, particularly a white one who's never had any real problems in her life aside from like not having shoes that match her blouse or being 10 pounds overweight, is not something you can control. They have no concept of personal responsibility or consequence and will burn down anything to get make themselves feel better. Hence, the movie industry does not want to upset them by like digging into the plastic creamy-skin Korean vampire pool or the awkward but "kawaii" Japanese actress pool, or even cast homegrown Asian-Americans.

You must understand everyone is a hypocrite and the only purpose to anything is getting money.

why is jungkook so perfect lads

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Jesus this junkgook spammer is ridiculous

Eunha stars in my dreams most nights.

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Ewww is that a girl

To stop this K-Pop faggotery, post good Asian actors.

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Who gives a shit about Hollywood, asians have their own local movie industries.

Asian people legit have no problems, the stereotype of them is that they are "model minorities". Lefties secretly dont like them because their existence throws a wrench into the idea of white privilege. And also the idea that niggers are smart and just held back by da ebil white man.

I mean, you see these whiny male asian cunts online and their biggest problem seems to be

1. asian women fuck white guys

2. no one fucks asian dudes

I mean, its not like they are being gunned down by a police state or addicted to opioides.

Anyways, white girls with daddy issues are going for tyrone or pablo.

Asian chicks are status conscious and white guys have bigger dicks

Is this a K-pop thread?

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that movie was funny
is basically a girl realizing she isn't the MC of the story and doing what the BBEG woudl do to get the boy at the end, while realizing she's becoming the BBEG for that. All in a comedy

But I'm ok with it, we have JAV now

I want a bf like Taeyong. Why is life so unfair?

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jerking off to censored porn is unironically cuck

What do Asian boys think about? Are they more than just a pretty face?

Not enough globally bankable Asian actors available.

this is a jungkook thread scuse me

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These fags wear more makeup than your average bimbo.

jungkook exclusively thinks about me

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cuz they aren't white?

Because everyone knows they possess the world's smallest cocks. Zero sex appeal.

what do you mean? they're swimming in roast beef

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damn....kpop fans look like that??


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For you. For me, it's only Taeyong.

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For me it's japan

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"Oh my god, the smell is even worse up close. Is that... cat piss? It's like she's bathed in it. It's wafting right into my fucking soul. Can't pull away yet, need to show how down to earth I am, that i'm willing to pose with my most hideous fans because I'm so cool and dreamy. Almost there..... DONE. OH MY GOD, FRESH AIR NEVER SMELT SO GOOD."

why do they smile like they are autistic?

NCT 127 are way better than these overrated cucks.

That's the only facial expression they're capable of after all that plastic surgery.

because they are youtu.be/SpxmQMDahiU

>childish gambino
>0 votes


>replying to your own post

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Nice try but I'm not convinced.

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It’d be literaly gay to not want him to suck your dick.

Asian males are not a protected class. You are not black, or brown, or anything that would entitle you to claim a POC experience in America. Your own women despise and belittle you even as they prance around flaunting progressive credentials and claiming minority status while basking in attention from thirsty weeaboo virgins. They openly exhibit this preference in front of you.

No one likes you or is going to stick up for you. Not even Progressives on Yea Forums will take up your cause. You are nothing but an effeminate joke to them at worst, at best you are invisible. Only the Asian American female experience is of any relevance.

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Gook "males"

I dont get it, they have weird, lifeless plastic faces. I wouldent want to look at that all day