ITT: we laugh at ugly dicaprio, dicaprio the repulsive
ITT: we laugh at ugly dicaprio, dicaprio the repulsive
>an honest top 100 hottest men list
>has a nigger
sorry folks don't buy it. when you have brown beefcakes, whites studs, and olive hunks nobody in their right mind would choose an ugly black monkey.
>Beckham in 2019
theyre so mad at dicaprio lol
Hmmm I wonder (((who))) made the list where the number 1 and number 3 spot are "POC"
I'm blanking on if anyone else is like this but something that always fascinated me about Leo is that he's remained a sex symbol while never transforming his body at all. He's actually the definition of skinnyfat but it doesn't stop him at all. It's pretty cool and I don't know of other famous men that can say that, especially actors.
why are white features so unattractive to women?
why are niggers so goddamn ugly? truly they are a cursed "people"
None of these men are even that attractive. You'd see more handsome guys walking down the street. Just like female actresses, it's their status and popularity that makes them desired. I mean seriously, Ronaldo?
There’s a study out there that studied group preference as an influence in attraction in women. They showed women pictures of men and asked them to rate them on a 10 scale. Then they took pictures of men with similar scores, and asked women to choose between them. Most unsurprisingly wemt 50-50. They found they could tip the scale so that one man was picked overwhelmingly by putting a picture of a woman in between the men. Whichever man she was looking in the direction of was picked most of the time and it could easily be swsyed for either man in the same pair by changing which one she looked at. This even worked when they replaced the womans picture with a fish looking in either direction.
Women found certain men more attractive when they were being influenced by a fish.
Because w*men have awful taste. Seriously just talk to a w*man about anything, food, clothes, film etc. Gay men unironically have better taste in everything. And gay men universally prefer whites.
>I mean seriously, Ronaldo?
he's all over the news every fucking day in europe
a lot of women actually consider him too effeminate however
still he has a god tier body that he actually uses to do something
I'd kill myself if I were a black man
fuck man niggers are so ugly
They really do, although most people have terrible taste in fairness
Why do women hate female qualities so much?
I'm European and I don't know any woman that is into Ronaldo. Beckham sure, but not Ronaldo
>This even worked when they replaced the womans picture with a fish looking in either direction.
top lol
Momoa is legit hot
Elba is a just a meme (((people))) keep pushing
>hating on based Elba
Truly, some men are hopeless
>he's all over the news
That's really what it's about. Women are impressionable. They get told what to think and think it. See Idris Elba, who is not attractive at all but is portrayed as such in every role he takes and is constantly touted as such in the media.
it's more about him being a metrosexual than his facial features
man Idris really makes the /pol/cels seethe
>Pewdiepie no 4
Legit list
Imagine being so absolutely ass blasted that you make a concerted effort just to include DiCaprio at the end of your cock carousel list just to shame him for fucking women that likely won't birth children with birth defects due to age
>based Elba
>raises another man's kid
Kek you cuck faggots are blind to reality
Men are the same. Including Yea Forums who worships this hideous beast.
>otter mode
>God tier
Nice bait lmao
Because you’ve never met a woman who knew what was good for her.
*rapes your ass effeminately*
Black American women love him, he's a Black Guy who doesn't do that "gangsta" thing that most women find incredibly unattractive. He's Black and he acts like a British gentleman, that makes all those women wet as fuck.
Even though one of his best known roles was a ghetto ganbanger (who had ambitions and went to college, but still).
Elba is a meme character they put on the list
tell us more about your sexual preferences homo
wow so he truly is /ourguy/
It doesn't entail niggers, nigcel freak.
dicraprio has always looked like a weird gremlin
very accurate
Leo "Last amoung chads" DiChadrio
He was a good looking child/teen. He had that thin line where he had fem-ish features but was still masculine, kind of like Brad Pitt when he was younger. But usually by 30 you lose that and get more masculine. I wouldn't say he's aged poorly but you can tell his lifestyle has scrubbed the edges a bit. I'm sure he's just a bro who doesn't take care of himself that much.
They aren't... Niggers, asians, and Mexicans literally fall all over themselves with the chance to get white genes in the mix. You've been brainwashed on reddit cuck subs too long.
These are the same women who spout out feminist shit
Momoa is all facial hair and lazy eye.. How??
No ftm transperson??
ftm are incredibly rare, trannies are 99% men who are socially inept, and think they can get surgery to become cute girls and all their life's problems will disappear.
Honestly how can a short fat man with a bloated frog face compete with a 6’4 ultra muscular Chad with a chieseled face, how can they even be in the same category? Di Caprio might have been somewhat pretty in his 20s but now he’s mediocre
Caprio has never been as masculine as Pit, his face was always more baby like, he’s always been the pretty ephebic boy and now that he’s in his 40s that obviously can’t work anymore
>a lot of women actually consider him too effeminate however
Yeah I actually feel like he's one of those guys men think women find more attractive than they do, simply because he has more effeminate features which they associate with attractiveness
Obviously though he's still a professional, rich athlete so grain of salt
Idris Elba given the token slot again
This t b h f a m
Momoa is fine, Elba is a joke. He’s never been hot, it’s media wankers forcing him on the public.
Who gives a shit about men's looks lol bye bye faggots this board sucks
>Pewdiepie in top 5
>Kpop shit top 3
nope, alot of black men and kpop stars were given high slots. keep SEETHING
They’re the most attractive features to women of all races, sorry Ahmed.
T. Women
I always hear girls talking about how much they want to fuck him and tagging eachother in memes about getting fucked by him
It's natural selection doing it's job.
>he's a Black Guy who doesn't do that "gangsta" thing
>literally sold drugs to children and is unapologetic about it
So do women you dumb turd.
Sorry incel, I’m not /pol/, I just hate these shitty fake lists. Elba looks like Robert Mugabe’s left bollock. Beckham and Di Caprio are old news. Chris Evans and Tom Holland should be top 3, but I’m only a woman and not a media shill trying to force ugly people in the public eye.
>shaves her eyebrows to paint a line
The list is clearly just based on status, so I don't know why it's called "100 most handsome men"
He also bleats to the MPs and the BBC about “inclusivity” in a white country where black people are 1% of the population or some shit. The man is a faggot.
>number 100 out of 3.7 billion
not bad desu
That Momoa cunt is going to hit the wall so hard.
He's so effete though.
Idris Elba is whiter than you
>roastie makes shit up because he didn't marry her and give her access to soccer bucks
he's made everything in his power to become ugly so they could finnaly give him a fucking oscar
Ummm sweety, men don't "hit the wall", that's a woman thing.
Michael B. Jordan is a thousand times more attractive than Elba and he isn't even on the list.
>Fucking Pewdiepie
Proxied list.
I’m not seething you deluded turd. He’s old, ugly and effete, most women think he’s meh, but the media always pat his little woolly head for being black. Therefore TOKEN.
Your sister doesn’t count
It seems like it was made up by a 45 year old wine aunt trying to be hip
wow this board has gone to shit, fucking zoomers.
>screenshot from december 2018
>no related to tv or film at all
>unnecessary racism
>giving a fuck about what women perceive as "attractive"
>giving a fuck about how males look
He'll be an exception. You can just see how fat and alcoholic he'll be.
Can someone explain the appeal of MBJ to me? Everything about his face just looks ridiculous to me.
Michael B Jordan literally has no jaw
niggas a fucking chinlet of maximum proportions
A fat sweaty woman who fingers herself to capeshit, no one gives a fuck go buy some cats or become a dyke.
Hitting the wall doesn't mean letting yourself go, it means hitting an age where you just turn ugly due to aging.
He's already let himself go. He's only getting away with it because he hasn't lived long enough to put on much weight or otherwise ruin himself.
DiCaprio is gross and repulsive, his greasy bloated face makes me sick.
MBJ is never going to be on a list like that. It's public knowledge that he has a tiny dick.
That's bad enough on a white dude. On a black dude that's basically the worst that can happen to them.
Idris Elba on the other hand gets bonus points with any actual roastie since he gives them hope. With him literally getting cucked and raising his wife's son.
6’4 masculine faced guys dont hit the wall. Short pretty boys do because their looks are dependant on collagen, which decreases drastically
Mamoa will be fine for another 30 years
he's islander he'll be fat soon enough
user I...
his face is already caving in on itself this older pic shows how he used to look. hes got maybe another 10 years before he goes full islander
It has been known to happen
mouth breather
Would look good if he grew a beard.
Hoes mad x24
>aww yeah gonna put Leo "Problematic" DiCaprio dead last on the list of the 100 most attractive men on the planet, yes thats right 100drith place out of 3,500,000,000 heh heh that'll teach him a lesson!
t. the absolute fucking state of postwall roasties
If you weren't autistic you'd realize that they don't like feminine atributes on men, much like how you probably don't like masculine women.
eternally skinnyfat gymcel detected
>men don't "hit the wall"
You are all fags.
No fucking way this list is real. Idris Elba? Really? Beckham also hasn't been relevant since 2007
Is there a top 100 women list?
Why wouldn't I like a woman that's intelligent with a high sex drive?
That's just puberty fucking him up, not really the Wall.
Again, letting yourself go isn't the same as hitting the wall. If he actually took care of himself he wouldn't look like shit.
hoes mad
No, of course not
But that's "the wall", letting yourself go.
Pic related, all three biological sisters.
Guess which one didn't do drugs and drink alcohol like mad.
Those who crash onto the wall is because they built it themselves.
Just because you mix them up doesn't mean they refer to the same thing. The wall refers to that unavoidable point where women turn "ugly", this is because looking youthful is one of the primary factors in attractiveness for them and as soon as they start getting creases around their mouth and eyes that goes away. Men on the other hand can pull off the rugged or mature look and be fine. Obviously abusing your body or losing the genetic lottery can also make you ugly and applies to both genders all the same, but that is not what "the wall" refers to.
>The wall refers to that unavoidable point
That's just aging, and it's too variable.
You have some that look bad in their late 20s, and others who even in their 50s look good.
Hell, Elvira is in her 70s and I would still fuck her.
Well yes it's just a broad generalization, not a scientifically proven fact.
>Idris Elba at 3
He's not bad looking but I guarantee 99/100 women take Leo ahead of him.
You have a weird social circle
>wonkiest damned eyes you can imagine
>complexion like feces
>covered in tattoos
>is bad at his job
>wears blouses, as pictured
I really don't think women and fags are ready for the reckoning that coming for them.
hurr hurr
>all those """"straight"""" incels bitching over how handsome male stars are
sweeties, pls go back to /gaygen/
While you're young you don't HAVE to take care of yourself. You look good because you're young. The wall is the point beyond which this suddenly stops working.
Well, Yea Forums?
I like the fish best.
Funny you mention that because unlike women, men usually look ugly as shit when they're going through puberty save for a few exceptions.
i just realised they never smile with their teeth
Dem DSLs bruh.
Just eat more dyellet ;)
Never forget.
Did the middle one suffer a stroke?
>hires a guy to look at me when I'm in public and in the bathroom
when your bag of coke falls on the ground