Why are dolls so creepy in horror movies

why are dolls so creepy in horror movies

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They aren't. Only a faggot would be killed by a piece of plastic or porcelain.

this if i ever saw chucky in real life id snap that niggers neck

uncanny valley

google it for yourself


I am both intrigued and frightened.

I wish that doll was alive and also my girlfriend

does it have a fuckhole?

Are there any kinos about a sex doll that comes to life?

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yes but its impossible to fit a dick inside

that's not a sex doll

I''l take up that challenge...

You don’t know how tiny my dick is.

He uses it as one though

Air Doll

Yea Forums era remake when?!

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Has anyone made a documentary about Danny Choo and his designer doll company? I have only seen interviews.


not even a doll could love me i'm such an insufferable faggot

I'd get an autograph. Dourif is based.
I'd snap new Chucky's neck