What's the best film of this decade?
What's the best film of this decade?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Tree of Life
The Dark Knight Rises
Me fugging yur mum
The Guilt Trip
Literally no movie is worthy of the title, this decade was dogshit
Not really, some interesting films came out this decade.
2010s was better than the 80s and 2000s for films.
Current decade power ranksings are:
70s > 50s > 40s > 60s > 90s > 30s > 20s > 00s > 80s
The 2000s had lotr you fucking troll
cringe and hackpilled
>proto-capeshit that shat all over a classic book series
Is that supposed to be a good thing?
My second pick is Ex Machina
Mad Max: Fury Road, based critics even agree with me
Us and Endgame
The VVitch
If you think that LOTR films are the best of the 2000s then you should probably watch more films.
MCU. Whether you hate them or not, they're this decade's defining movies. You all fucking lost.
My pick is Prometheus
I'm going on the assumption that this thread is about best story etc.
In which case the MCU falls far behind.
shin gojira
Social Network
Deus Ex Machina
Wolf of Wall Street
The Revenant
Manchester By The Sea
BR2049 (for cinematography)
The actual, factual answer is Social Network.
extremely reddit
Unironically The Social Network
all cringe except BR2049
The Turin Horse
The Tree of Life
Hard to be a God
Manchester by the Sea
The Hunt
Embrace of the Serpent
The Handmaiden
Stray Dogs
Goltzius and the Pelican Company
Paddington 2
Inception is the only real classic.
Any film by Nolan
good taste user
>30s that low
>le 70s meme
Name some essential 30s kino that are better than 70s kino.
hi /r/movies
God that's depressing
>Hard to be a God
>The Great Beauty
>Inside Llewyn Davis
>The Witch
>Under The Skin
>The Embrace of the Serpent
>Oslo, August 31st
>The Hunt
>Manchester by the Sea
>Holy Motors
>The Master
holy fucking based
Top 10 best:
1.) Black Panther
2.) Get Out
3.) Avengers: Endgame
4.) Us
5.) Avengers: Infinity War
6.) Captain Marvel
7.) Star Wars: The Last Jedi
8.) 12 Years A Slave
9.) Captain America: Civil War
10.) Inside Out
Top 10 worst:
1.) Batman vs Superman
2.) 2016: Obama's America/Death of A Nation
3.) Justice League
4.) Warcraft
5.) Man Of Steel
6.) Suicide Squad
7.) Dunkirk
8.) Venom
9.) Alien Covenant
10.) Alita: Battle Angel
holly fucking r*ddit
The only good lists ITT.
ay man *cannescore* deep shit bruh *ponders on nihilism and meaning of life* dude filmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms lmao wow
The Revenant or Blade Runner 2049.
If you disagree you might be a homosexual tranny with shit taste.
Killer Joe
Black Swan
Hot Tub Time Machine
The Handmaiden
Here's your (you), now fuck off
>Paddington 2
Why even give him a (You) if only to tell him to fuck off?
Just don't reply to him, you massive spastic. We all know it's bait, you don't to let us know that you know it's bait. Retard.
Ay bravuh I was taking a piess
Hahahaha epic bait! Laughing out loud! Everyone knows Yea Forums hated this that's why it's SO funny to post it in this thread! If only I could give upvotes here!!!
seething incel have sex
Haha he posted "seething" AND "incel" AND "have sex"!!! This guy is ahead of the meme curve. I bet you were among the most prolific posters of "ISHYGDDT" in 2011 and "*tips fedora*" in 2013. You are really plugged into peak meme culture!! Do you have an account on knowyourmeme.com so I can keep up with the latest memes like you?
fuck off, faggot
Not even Redddit may have such shit taste!
This may be the correct answer
For me this is the clear winner.
Why doesn't men's taste go beyond drugs, guns and war? So basic.
muh dykes
post yours
Nothing this reddit board thinks is good everything ITT is shit
when will reddit fuck off already holy shit
Same critics that praised Get Out and Black Panther? Mad Max Fury Road is literal reddit dogshit
Why don't you go back if that's all you can think about?
the raid 2
the place beyond the pines
>the raid
Oh good someone with tas-
secret life of pets 2
Too genre
Dragged Across Concrete
Manchester by the Sea
The Hunt
BR 2049
The Handmaiden
Documentary kinos:
The Act of Killing
They Shall Not Grow Old
Minding the Gap
Pain and Gain
Along with:
Blade Runner 2049
Batman v Superman
this was great, but i really enjoyed that reatrded communist spying thing from the past, because channing tatum is a cowboy actor and someone asks him what attracted him to the job and he says 'i got roped into it'
i laughed so hard i had to leave the cinema at that point and go to hospital.
>that reatrded communist spying thing from the past
what's that?
Yea Forums has the worst taste possible, it's really fucking impressive how bad it is here
talk shit post films
Not giving out recs to a bunch of reddit tier capeshitters
Contrarianism on Yea Forums is reaching new levels.
War is great though.
Underrated post
upmconing tarwntino film + malivk film eill benuo there
Eh. I loved his Halloweens, and Rejects but i guess i needed to be druggie to get this
> coriolanus
>had one above average trilogy of fantasy movies
oh shit sorry you’re right the 2000s were better
>30s that low
>20s that fucking low
Holy cringe
>The Witch
>Under The Skin
The first two that came to mind.
2010 > precode > 2000 > i don't even honestly care > 90s
>only noticing this in the current year
This is proof just how plebian Yea Forums is, recommending capeshit and action flicks over an attempt at artistic cinematography, this really is the worst board along with /pol/.
king of monsters soon. Till then, interstellar
plenty of good contenders:
>the social network
>hell or highwater
>blade runner 2049
>shape of water
>the favourite
>the lobster
>the revenant (photography alone)
>mad max
>127 hours
>the tree of life
>rise of the planet of the apes
hundreds of others to list which i will not bother with
Fury Road
>The Turin Horse
>Stray Dogs
>Goltzius and the Pelican Company
>Hard to be a God
>The Tree of Life
>Embrace of the Serpent
>reddit tier capeshit
Kys you fucking faggot.
you really need to have sex
Maybe if you have seen like 10 films from this decade and no non american films, then yes.
endgame is legitimately a better film than tree of life
>Eh. I loved his Halloweens, and Rejects but i guess i needed to be druggie to get this
No you just need to understand atmospheric 60s/70s horror which Lord is clearly a modernized version of
Ex machina
>only 3 results
why is this board so shit now
for me, it's BR 2049 or Drive
Wow, that's a pretty good list. Maybe this decade wasn't all shit.
infinity war
fury road
ballad of buster scruggs
blade runner 2049
gril with the dragon tattoo
django unchained
I seem to be a pleb although I think it's been a terrible decade for non-fantastical and non-power fantasy-related stuff.
Blade Runner 2049
The results should be 0. Drive is the most-overrated movie in the history of Yea Forums.
I think it's dishonest to try and say a movie that doesn't have wide critical acclaim could be the "best." Unless best just means favorite. I looked at best picture nominees and out of everything I think The Social Network is probably the best overall.
But my personal favorites from this decade are Black Swan, The Handmaiden, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Like Someone In Love, Phoenix, and The Favourite