Things that you do irl from the sopranos

>"let me tell you a couple or three things"
>"what, am i speaking norwegian?"

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Other urls found in this thread:

"whar are you? a doctor now?". Replace 'doctor' with whatever is appropriate for the situation.

>"They were usin' woodin doors, [insert shortened version of person's name here]"

>Watch it *name*

I point like Paulie when I get the chance.

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I wear oversized hawaiin shirts unbuttoned . Like a true boomer

I like the Israel memes that have started to pop up.

I talk to people in a condescending while I sarcastically smile at them during dinner. I breath heavily through my nose while I do it, and pierce my food violently with my fork.

when eating italian food, i unironically aggressively scrape the plate with my work (while not holding a knife)

I guess it's sorta default, I'm Italian American and I unironically great everyone with "how ya doin?"

>just leave it
>but take the cannoli

i run a criminal empire

I like calling people "whackadoo."

today I learned that sopranos fans are borderline illiterate

in my defense I work night shift and pass the time on Yea Forums, its 4 am here and I feel retarded saying great instead of greet

The memeing queer zoomers who can't understand the show usually are.

you're weak, you're out of control and you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everyone else.

Not that guy, but you sound like a massive faggot

Your head was in the toilet.. your hair in the toilet water. Disgusting.

holy fuck leave this thread and never respond you giant nigger jew

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I slick my hair back
I crush salami sandwiches
I point like Paulie
I say How You Doin all the damn time
I make sunday gravy
idk what else.

I just call people fanooks and point like Paulie

I'm italian

how embarrassing, kill yourself zoomer nigger.

You suck cock like vito

Let him take his medicine

Same, but with "Ooh, [insert appropriate person] ova here!"

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My nephew's name is Jack and when I see him I say HOOoOOH JACKIE BOY

>Hey ___, how's the boy?

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Tell me you guineas can do better

>Anons family reunion
>Arrives alone, already drunk
>"HOOOO, JACKIE BOY, HOWS YA RASH?" he bellows to the nine year old before vomitting up a plate of gabagool and collapsing like he just saw a box of Uncle Ben's Rice
>His ashamed family tries to hurry him out of the house, but not before he calls them all "FUCKIN QUEEAHS!" and throws a chair through a window

Memes and psychiatry have brought us to this

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wow pretty fucking good

Kek, fucking this.

What boy's that Tone?

da one you shleep wit :^)

>Its a very difficult situAtion!
Spot on

Nah just kiddin ya. How ya doin

where is vocaroo user?

bought a briefcase, lost it had existential crisis.

hey Yea Forums, you remember your first blowjob?

he said his piece user

I stopped eating pussy

I bought a track suit

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Are you gettin cunty with me?

I always list my reasons for doing things to people
A she was just a hooer
B she hit me
C that was not my child she was carrying

You're talkin' to the fucking user 'ere.

this and also do random Dice lines