what are some flicks on roasties rage?
What are some flicks on roasties rage?
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Bump for more roast rage
Why is he dating generic thots? Where’re azn qties?
He's handsome so he doesn't need to go yellow
you know xer will just call you a "le incel"? right
You can respond with "dilate"
But I thought that what two consenting adults do in their bedroom is not anyone's business
Isn't it just as creepy to catalogue and graph and then rant about a complete stranger's sex life?
Best part about this is that while all these people who are on both sides either defend or argue against what he's doing and emotions start flying it's all irrelevant to him because he's just relaxing on the beach or in a fancy restaurant or fucking his girl at the same time they're arguing. They don't even exist to him.
he actually banged and still bang rihanna and she's 30 now
But I thought equal rights for everyone regardless of their sexual preferences and orientation???
Well, yes. But the rich don't count. The rich should always be shamed.
>Would I instantly break up with my current boyfriend if I could go out with him? Yes.
He's not a low test IT administrator who needs to feel like a man. He IS a man.
Dudes rock
It is pretty sleazy that he's known her since she was a child. Makes you think he was grooming her all that time
yeah and she wanted to get serious and he was like LOL NO
That is the issue. Their is a vast power gulf between them, and one where he has been grooming her since she was a child.
>you can't consent if you have known the dude before you were 18
You can cry all day about how it's gross or icky or whatever generic children's way of describing something you dislike tumblrinas use these days
It's still perfectly healthy
based Based BASED
And they're all blondies too, him being one, seems based
thread's theme
This nigga be joking right?