/RBMK/Chernobyl/Kinobyl/ General



Attached: >every pet needs to be destroyed.png (1732x1258, 2.38M)

Other urls found in this thread:




just make this one the next one

shit thread already

>there will be deaths
what did he mean by this?

Attached: >there will be deaths.png (1128x1158, 1.48M)

>the beginning of the end

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>this photo has not been manipulated in any way.

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I'd fock her

Is Legasov the anti-catlady?

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post rare legosavs

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This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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The elusive Smiling Legasov.

Attached: Smiling Legasov.png (839x434, 63K)

where his bepis?

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he puts on show for camera


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>be a conscript in 1986
>get a ww2 rifle instead of standard issue AK-47

Jared Harris should have also played Allen Hynek in the Blue Books instead of a meme CIA man.

Serious Legasov

Attached: Serious Legasov.jpg (800x550, 43K)

Based and Stannis pilled

This is important

1. 2.

>comrade, the box say 3.6 rune-gen

Attached: yt.jpg (240x240, 17K)

Is this achievable natty?

They are fighting Bobiks and Murziks, Mosinka is enough

RIP heroes of Chernobyl

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AK-47 wasn't standard issue in 1986 Soviet Union

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what if the second explosion happened, the other 3 reactors were destroyed, and we made a big chunk of the world a radioactive wasteland just to boil some water?

Do you need an automatic rifle to shoot dogs? And by that point standard issue was starting to be AK-74 or at least AKS-74U and the other newer variants.

idk who is more punished tbphwyf

legosav knows they're fucked from the get-go, and he's smart enough to see how fucked up everything is on a bureaucratic level, but not "smart" enough to know how to comfortably navigate it.

Attached: its all so tiresome.png (835x961, 751K)

>ak47 standard issue

Here is Union Legasov.

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So how did those 3 guys that went back in survive? 2 of them are still alive irl

he's a cowboy?

Meme CIA man should have a part in Chernobyl.

SS (shoveling silicates) + GOMAD

they used protective clothes

>I'll shoot your dog, sir

some of the posts are hurful

talk about a rad hangover lol

Attached: 2rad4u.jpg (1968x1260, 1.26M)

That's General of the Army Ulysses S. Grant to you.

Technically, he was a Lt. General.

Wow, thanks for taking your time to shit on the miners.

be blessed by positivity and unwavering love

Attached: blessed mommy.jpg (1698x1272, 1.46M)

I was on the battlements, I saw it with me own eyes. It's gone!

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She lacked breasts


Attached: what is everybody going to hear?.jpg (1782x1266, 1.32M)

Kino shot

Reactors can't explode


Attached: mommy and the cool guy.jpg (1946x1284, 1.21M)

So, what regulars do we have itt?

Good thing she was pregnant then

I frequented /tpg/ when that was on, then left Yea Forums entirely but came back for this. Feels good to have been a part of two ultra comfy generals.

This is what women want
Even fags
A man confident in his ability to command in the nude.

Now you look like the minister of hipsters.

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I want to touch you.

>tfw i have a bunch of pencils full of graphite on my desk

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the quality of a show is reflected in the quality of its generals.

close off the town, lock up the dosimeters, purge the word graphite from dictionaries

You of understanding all this, comrade?

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Why do people go to generals?

giving cyka blyats nuclear power, not even once

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all the NUKED images that look green and have the saturation all cranked up and most of the screenshots in the last few threads have been from me paint fag

Attached: this shit again.jpg (1870x1272, 1.18M)

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife cuz they irradiating everyone out here!

>The three plant engineers Alexei Ananenko, Valeri Bespalov and Boris Baranov that wore diving equipment and entered the reservoir tanks below the burning reactor in order to drain them are alive to this day, bar Baranov, who died in 2005.

I don't know what it is but this character is hilarious,. I'm honestly fascinated by this show

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based no-life contributor to friend-simulator

Down in a hole.

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>no hips, no tits

They were under it with water almost to their knees. Concrete and water block radiation. Maybe the water at their feet was radioactive but they had wetsuits which would block alpha and some beta radiation. The guys who looked into it and the guy on the roof got it worse.


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roof guy makes it, i think

Down in a hole, feelin' so small
Down in a hole, losin' my soul
I'd like to be dry, but a fan has been so denied

Uh, thatā€™s wrong.
Half-life is how long it takes to lose half itā€™s radioactivity.
So 50% of the radioactivity in the first half-life phase, then in the next half-life phase 50% of whatā€™s left, then 50% of that again and so on.

Not /sci/, kiddo.

Nope. Sitnikov died on May 30, 1986.

prepare your thyroid cuz here comes the iodine

Attached: iodine qt fa af .jpg (1062x1276, 159K)

No. Sitnikov died.

>Skelly MacNobod
it is a pass

Does fayty nodick miner make it?

sorry i only prefer land whales

You should have said you preferred Shaniqua McFlabbyAss. Would have saved us all the trouble.

I think most of the miners make it hur they get the 9/11 fireman treatment.

Helpful list of who makes it. Sitnikov, sadly does not.

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kys /pol

>get conscripted to the Red Army
>hopefully you get posted in bumfuck nowhere at worst, some nice comfy tropical location like Yalta at best
>instead get sent to Ukraine to shoot people's pets and slowly die of radiation poisoning

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>a face this sweet and cute
>caring about the body
Absolute nigger taste

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>tfw blonde curly hair is my graphite
I can't resist it.

>braps your path

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Thanks for the spoilers fucker.


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>15,000 roentgens...AS A BOY

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2nd row aside from Mr Hickey must be studied at the casting schools if such exist.

those 3 dudes who went into to open the water valves should have 100ft tall statues of them in the center of Moscow.

Whale McFatAss then. Now it's PC for you.

>monstrous oinking

Attached: ŠŸŠ»Š¾Ń‚ŃŒ.png (1024x1024, 1.61M)

How the fuck did that "Aleksandr Yuvchenko" dude survive? Wasn't his flesh tearing apart in that episode from pushing that radiated door?

It's not impossible to survive such high doses of radiation. But chances of recovery are like 50/50 at best.

If he had gone through the reactor door, though, he would be dead. There's 0 chance of survival with that amount of radiation.

Beta burns because he touched the door. Took almost 9 years to fully heal but the door protected him from the nastier shit. He was also a big guy so he tanked it.

>"And the neutrons, how are they moderated?"
>"W-With graphite, s-sir, its cheap-"
>"Fuck me...fuck me rigid with a fuckin' Omsk-made strapon! Are you having a larf? You think this meltdown is funny?'
>"N-No s-sir-"

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It's worth noting he's not still alive though, he passed away in 2011 from a heart attack according to his son.

Still, he was luckier than most all things considered.

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For what purpose did the do it himself?

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Why didn't Thanos just create more sand & boron?

>Valery died 48 days later from ARS
Unluckiest man of them all, imaging being tied to that hospital bed for more than a month while your flesh is rotting from radiation

order of operations:

1: consume vodka
2: do whatever lol
3: take off dangerously radioactive gear

Attached: drink now, get radioactive gear off later.png (1458x950, 1.63M)

Didn't want to order one of his soldiers to die a radiation death. So he took the risk himself. Also establishes his authority for future orders in that regard. He can always say: "I did it so you can do it to."

one thing i still don't get is what exactly happened when Yuvchenko held the door open. when i first watched it i thought he was prying it open himself, but the door did open enough for someone to slip through, so what was he doing sticking his body in there? was he getting crushed or was the door just super radiated? why did he have a random bleeding spot when it wasn't even touching the door?

The guys at the facility honestly had balls of steel, I wouldn't go check the fucking reactor if some guy came and told me it's split open, I'd probably take my family and leave the god damn town before shit gets out of hand

They still believed at that point that they had maybe days to live, they didn't give a shit.

just the tip

Attached: *tips.png (1272x1236, 1.61M)

you consume vodka afterwards, as a reward.
fucking amerikanski

The lid is off! The stack is burning! I saw it!

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Most Russian scene in the show

>puts the pursuit of that sweet sweet aqua vitae above anything else
/ourguy/ confirmed

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Have you forgotten about the firefighters hand after he touched the graphite? Or the qt nurses hand after touching the uniforms?

It's a joke. I just combined his two most memorable lines into one.

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The door was broken and would've closed off on the others had he not held it, he started bleeding from pushing a radiating door for a long period

a lot of people like shooting dogs

Beta burns. He stood between the wall and the door to open it. He also carried a radioactive dude.

Attached: dick move guys.png (1920x1080, 2.27M)

This man is delusional

Enjoy moving somewhere else when you need a permit to do so.

She's not all that.

Yes and where would you and your family stay? Where would you work?
If you went where you were not assigned you would be sent back. You would end up on report and in this particular case you would face some serious scrutiny. Why did you leave? Why did you not go to the roof? Why did you undermine the fruits of your labor?

Delusional, is it? Is that how you speak to your crew chief?

Attached: a tasteful screencap for the ladies.png (1920x1080, 3.09M)

It is better than mandatory anal rape and beatings of the regular service.

>characters women will never understand
also the three divers

Perhaps leaving the city is a bit of a stretch but I still would't go stare at a fucking nuclear core split open
Just pull a Dyatlov and get sent to the infirmary or some shit

'ate bureaucrats
'ate surface workers
'ate scientist
'ate soldiers

love kvass
love coal
love me wife
simple as

Why do you think this stuff is funny and make memes about it? These people died horrible deaths.
You have my disgust.

russian military is a fagbang gogo 24/7


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Honestly a based man

tfw bait

Attached: tasty bait .jpg (1190x990, 473K)

4/10 and that's me being generous.

Go back to your made-up whores. Go on! Get!

Attached: Iodine QT 3.png (1920x1080, 1.97M)

which one are you?

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what about the nuclear engineer from Minsk who realised the place was finna blow?

she burned her hand?


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that's a 10/10 in my book

based af fuck. but he rly did it IRL?

You are not a comrade.
You are not a member of the body politic.
You have maxed out at 3.6 roentgens.

Attached: god I wish that radiation was me.png (720x405, 192K)

do you faggots even watch the show? every thread we get a retard like this.

I'm the radioactive water

He took the measurements while sitting next to a soldier who drove the truck.

They're called radiation "burns", kiddo.

>offers you a spicy handjob
what do?

Attached: iodine qt spicy handie.jpg (2090x1276, 1.07M)

Same user, same

What would you do to be able to lick the radioactive soot of her hand?

>all the turbonormies who've watched the show have taken away from this scene is "tee hee look at the naked miners lolz"

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are you dumb? that's dangerous


Half the people in these threads don't pay attention to what is said and miss obvious shit all the time. One user didn't hear the "These men work in the dark, they see everything!" line.

Attached: NO2.png (1920x1080, 1.8M)

Yes, the firemen clothes were very hot after dealing with the roof fire

still based. he basically can order to do it to someone else.

Yes. Dust from the fire went on the uniforms she touched and got irradiated from. Radiation damage is red. Necrosis doesn't set in instantly so that's soot.

How do they see anything in the dark?
Oh, that's right. They had lamps.

>have you ever spent time with minors?
what did he mean by this? Was he calling legoslav a pedo?

Attached: have you ever spent time with minors?.png (1598x1254, 1.84M)

or understand why a commanding officer would go in with the dosimeter instead of sending his men.

Holy Fuking Based babushka and her old man 28:10 - 29:25

A lamp in a tunnel in the bowels of the Earth is a bit different than working on the surface in an office with windows.

it's probably the GoT regulars

Fun fact: There were no laws against pedophilia in the USSR.

He was part of Beria's club

I believe the pile of firefighters clothes are still in that hospital basement?

yeah. miners can see bullshit from miles.

I think that's a joke, user.

>They work in the dark.

They burned it.

now that's interesting

Attached: 3 million billion trillion bullets.png (1022x968, 1.04M)

Yes. Some dude on youtube went in there with a geiger counter and it started going crazy.

I turn the lights off in my apartment, that way, when I go outside, I see everything.

link it

Wrong, they're still there. It's well known and they recently sealed up some entrances because of people going inside and looking at them.

Have you ever been in a mine or a cave?

l i n k __ i t

Sure and I brought a lamp, just like they did.




Burning the clothes is the stupidest thing you can do.

>ywn make pizzahead hang up on you

Attached: >not within our lifetimes .jpg (1716x1120, 920K)

Another from as recently as 2 months ago. Lots of people check out the clothes, though only for a few minutes at most.

THEY WORK IN THE DARK except they have lamps, of course, otherwise they wouldn't be able to work

Now compare your lamp with the sun. Is it darker? What about all the places where you can't shine your light because you're shining it in another direction (like behind you), is it dark there?

of course it's a german asshole. those guys are so dumb

I'm the guy who brings Vodka

Attached: we did it.webm (640x360, 2.42M)


I want to touch Core-chan boys

yeah on cuz of the spicy laundry

Attached: spicy laundry.png (2206x1268, 2.27M)

Stupidity knows no such limits as race or nationality.

explain niggers


Is romancing the Demon-chan pedophilia?

Attached: demon-core-slotin-26.jpg (1600x1600, 455K)

explain any group of idiot poor people. not really that hard.

Attached: >to an extent.jpg (1454x1210, 927K)

God I hate Germans

Ukrainians did worse. Up until a few years ago, they used to visit the vehicle graveyard of all the trucks used in liquidating and took parts off them and sold them. Just handling the parts was dangerous enough but now they're on vehicles that are on the streets of Ukraine today.
The Ukrainian government finally figured it out and had all the vehicles properly disposed of to stop people taking the irradiated parts.

germans are dumber tho. they tried to fight the whole world, when USA had truck and germans had horses


And during the war we gathered
stinging-nettle and goose-foot. We got fat from hunger, but we
didn't die. There were berries in the forest, and mushrooms. But
now that's all gone. I always thought that what was boiling in
your pot would never change, but it's not like that. You can't
have the milk, and the beans either. They don't let you eat the
mushrooms or the berries. They say you have to put the meat in
water for three hours. And that you have to pour off the water
twice from the potatoes when you're boiling them. Well, you
can't wrestle with God. You have to live. They scare us, that even
our water you can't drink. But how can you do without water?
Every person has water inside her. There's no one without water.
Even rocks have water in them. So, maybe, water is eternal? All
life comes from water. Who can you ask? No one will say. People
pray to God, but they don't ask him. You just have to live.

Anna Petrovna Eadaeva, re-settler

Attached: 1558582996541.jpg (1478x1462, 196K)

And water can't boil.

fuck me. it's a miracle the world still exists

maybe just dont hate anyone? What's it get you?

Attached: the meltdown has begun.png (1556x1288, 2.26M)

Goddamn I want to put my control rod into her reactor.

The only black people that ever came here came after 1989 and through immigration. I was working part time in college and met some dude from Cameroon and he was studying bio-mechanics and other stuff. Look up Aliko Dangote. Madman started a cement company in Nigeria and is now among the richest men in Africa. They can't be all retarded.

>waifuing a scrony notits with high hairline
it's again a no.

how can we petition for them to do a fukushima related one also?

shit will be dope

>But how can you do without water?
>Every person has water inside her. There's no one without water.
>Even rocks have water in them. So, maybe, water is eternal?
Had to post this yesterday

slavs just dont give a shit lel.

Hate is a basic emotion, user. Like love or horniness.

>everyone thought scientist lady would be a massive mary sue
>starts ranting and raving in an open hallway about how shes going to expose everything and gets arrested

Look how much fucking graphite is on the roof!


Attached: 24-gordon-ramsay-graphite.jpg (600x250, 35K)

>buying abortions

Attached: lol what baby.png (1278x1072, 1.34M)

Should they cast britbongs instead of Japanese? Nips can't act for shit.

why would they?

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Is there an abundance of English speaking Japanese actors though? People would likely flip their shit if they used Chinese or Korean actors.

i dont give a fuck the level of cinematography they managed with this one can fucking top a lot

>The Ukrainian government finally figured it out and had all the vehicles properly disposed of to stop people taking the irradiated parts.
They send them to Donbass?

Honestly that's the biggest turn off from any Japanese related cinema, they simply can't fucking act

Almost as stupid as those Brazilian imbeciles breaking into a closing hospital and taking a radiotherapy device apart for scraps, including the cesium container. Irradiated a whole lot of people, killed a few with spreading the glowing cesium around, including a kid that played with it and got it on her food. Thought it was some magic glowing dust.

pretty spoopy

>Hate is a basic emotion
yeah it's ape shit. It's the fundamental aspect of any ape society. But humanity is the rejection of those impulses. We're beyond a system where screeching and throwing your shit at strangers accomplishes anything.

It's not one group versus the other. It's humanity versus the future. and we're losing

Attached: and right now it is on fire.png (1844x1268, 2.38M)

She even made the rookie mistake of telling everyone her real name. But that would probably mean even more trouble for her down the line.

Humanity is a joke

Imagine living in a country with selfless boomers

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You got an article or source link for that? Not that I don't believe you, I just want to learn more. I remember something about it but no details.

Will the tone and mood ever shift back to the way it was in Ep 1 and 2? Those ones were pretty terrifying

well you can get few and the rest speaking japanese it worked in the past

huehuehue br? br? br?

just russian fake news

Their acting is different from ours. It may seem normal to them and outlandish to us. I've noticed the Chinese love what we would label as shitty melodrama.

We're getting up to the liquidators and the poor fuckers that had to go up on the roof. The fear and dread is going to be pretty intense because they know exactly what they're in for.

I'll get down on my knees to beg youā€”please, find our Anna
Sushko. She lived in our village. In Kozhushki. Her name is
Anna Sushko. I'll tell you how she looked, and you'll type it up.
She has a hump, and she was mute from birth. She lived by
herself. She was sixty. During the time of the transfer they put
her in an ambulance and drove her off somewhere. She never
learned how to read, so we never got any letters from her. The
lonely and the sick were put in special places. They hid them.
But no one knows where. Write this down . . .
The whole village felt sorry for her. We took care of her, like
she was a little girl. Someone would chop wood for her, someone
else would bring milk. Someone would sit in the house with her
of an evening, heat the stove. Two years we all lived in other
places, then we came back to our houses. Tell her that her house
is still there. The roof is still there, the windows. Everything
that's broken or been stolen, we can fix. If you just tell us her
address, where she's living and suffering, we'll go there and
bring her back. So that she won't die of sorrow. I beg you. An
innocent spirit is suffering among strangers . . .
There's one other thing about her, I forgot. When some-
thing hurts, she sings this song. There aren't any words, it's just
her voice. She can't talk. When something hurts, she just sings:
a-a-a. It makes you feel sorry.
Mariya Volchok, neighbor


>can literally just google "Brazil nuclear accident" and find it

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You come of as somewhat conceited.

Why did Ukraine give up it's nuclear capabilities? Russia wouldn't dare annex Crimea if Ukraine still had it's nukes

Goiania accident or something similar. It has its own wikipedia article.


i doubt its fake, slavs do some really dumb shit and i wouldn't find it surprising. even cubans still use air filters and other shit made of asbestos.

Different drama culture. We went up from the Greek and they had their own.

why actors britis? it is in russia

Don't forget demolishing villages, bulldozing forests, killing animals and the trial. Harris said in an interview that it was pretty tough.

just imagine their way of trying to deliver to the audience that fucking 40 meters high wall of water smashing the reactors


At least guys in Goiania brought that upon themselves, unlike these poor slavs

Attached: Š£Š»ŠøцŠ°_ŠœŠ°Ń€ŠøŠø_ŠŸŃ€ŠøŠ¹Š¼Š°Ń‡ŠµŠ½ŠŗŠ¾,_7.jpg (1600x1200, 1.27M)

It's an elitist club and the guys already in don't want to let the others join.

>go haff a lookie op onneh roff, there, gov'nah! An gif the ol' report when you come back, ey?

Attached: lel.png (257x441, 160K)

Beijing Opera went the way of "moar drums and cimbals"! aka the cowbell school of thought.

Glad the new dome has been made by the french engineers and not the Ukrainian government

how can you people live like this? You care more about vodka and glue than your place looking like a dump?

Did you say asbestos?

Attached: asbestos.png (1892x809, 1.24M)

Do you know what a dome is?


can you go there and shoot dogs now?

>It is believed that the source, originally a part of a measurement device (most likely a level meter), was lost in the late 1970s and ended up mixed with material used to construct the building in 1980.[2]

Holy fuck

Attached: 29e.jpg (217x320, 10K)

It's a circular kind of thing. Living like that drives you to the vodka and the vodka drives you to living like that. Then you get used to it. Both.

Some of us aren't that lazy and applied a coat of paint. Not much of an improvement.

Attached: image-2013-04-28-14708141-0-bloc-trei-culori-ion-mihalache[1].jpg (1024x577, 643K)

But they were already in to begin with, you don't see the P5 bullying shitholes like India and Pakistan into giving up their nukes

ā€œBefore Chernobyl ... there were 82 cases of cancer per 100,000 Belarusian residents. Today the statistics is as follows: per 100 thousand - 6 thousand patients. An increase of almost 74 times.

Mortality over the past ten years has increased by 23.5%. Only 1 person out of 14 dies of old age; the rest are mostly able-bodied - 46ā€“50 years. In the most infected areas it was established during a medical examination: out of ten people - seven patients. You go through the villages, and you are amazed at the territory of the overgrown cemeteries ... "

The statues should adequately portray the massive tonnage of their cojones.

yes, it's the term used by the constructor Vinci
A dome isn't necessary like in the Simpsons you know

No. You can adopt a decontaminated and vaccinated Chernobyl dog though.

Attached: logo-768x788[1].png (768x788, 193K)

based old guys.

>You come of as somewhat conceited.
who cares? What does that even mean? Why should I moderate my behavior around what some random stranger may think I "come of as?"

The concept of "hate" isn't just "bad" in the sense that it's not "politically correct" or whatever, it's bad because it's just the tool by which bad actors manipulate useful idiots. The second you reveal yourself as someone prone to being desperate for a life experience that confirms your feelings about your "self," you open yourself up to manipulation. "Hate" is unresolved mental illness. It is a distraction. That's the whole point.

Attached: NO oh fuck.webm (1280x720, 567K)

A lot of low self esteem slavs here

>decontaminated dog

Slavic quality i'm sure

Why the fuck would you need a radioactive level meter?

this is what you get when you trying to build a communism.

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Ukraine had them courtesy of the USSR just like Turkey has nukes courtesy of NATO. Not theirs per se. Once you make them by yourself there's not much others can do but begrudgingly accept you in the cool boys club. What are they gonna do? Nuke you? You'll just nuke them back.

Hate serves an essential evolutionary purpose, user. Just like all emotions do. They're not random, and they're not "evil".

To be fair, it was still the cold war, information about radioactive materials wasn't exactly in your average schoolbook and it's pretty unlikely some BRs in bumfuck nowhere knew anything about radiation in 1988. I mean shit, look at Where the Wind Blows, it was made specifically as a critique of the British civil defense pamphlets which just glossed over the whole fallout thing and basically tried to assure you you'd be fine if you followed the instructions when in reality you would most certainly not be fine.

I can't watch the next episode

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Not a slav. Do those buildings look nice to you? We'd both rather live in a nice townhouse over commie blocks if given the choice.

>that's raaaad, dude

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Pakistan also had it's nukes as a courtesy from China
Nato unlike the USSR wasn't a joined superstate, so once the central soviet govt collapsed Russia had no say in Ukraine's nuclear program.

Because it's well, radioactive. You can register the device's position from far away with metering equipment, even if it's deep inside the shaft.

>no mention of punishment of the thieves or if they went to prison

What's the point of writing in the pamphlet that everything's fucked? It just causes a panic and you're already fucked no matter what.

How Ukrain can be so poor with the best farming lands on earth ?

It costs a lot of money to refurbish those, they're awful to live in by design. It's construction was regulated from size of windows to amount of sand in the concrete mix. Cardboard walls and one toilet per entire floor was also a norm, not because it's expensive to install those, because fuck you and your bourgeois expectations. That's the most frustrating part of that system, every thing that made you want to kill yourself was made like that on purpose.

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Oh, look, wikipedia has more stuff!


So is nuclear power a mistake? Is this show promoting some kinda liberal agenda?

It's measuring the level of the substance in the closed canisters, so it's basically an X-ray.

Russia actively worked against the former WP and USSR satellite countries getting nukes after the 1991. Hell, Russians didn't even want Ceausescu to have nukes.

>every thing that made you want to kill yourself was made like that on purpose.
god. i feel bad for slavs now.



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On the contrary. It's explaining that nothing would've happened if they hadn't turned off all the safety systems and ignored every protocol.

What I meant by courtesy is that they are stationed there. Didn't Pakistan make their own with the help of China?

>if given the choice.
Key words
Too many fucking thieves on all levels, I'd drop them all into the core one by one

One lost a few fingers and the other half an arm. So there's that at least.

>every thing that made you want to kill yourself was made like that on purpose.
Ah hahahahaha.
Based communist trolling.

I think it's the Pepsi that they were given upon accomplishing their task.

I guess on a serious note, I think it would make sense to flush the body of irradiated water and electrolytes, since those two things absorb the most radiation, but I'm talking about a boatload of mineral water not a complimentary soda.

>that Polish communist politician that "mysteriously" died in an accident in murky circumstances after recommending the Polish commie government invest in its own independent nuclear arsenal

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robots kill themselves because communism

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apartment buildings are pretty essential if the winter temperatures get really cold, because they're more efficient to heat than houses. and if a country is relatively poor, you're going to have to build lots of cheap apartment buildings for sound logical reasons.

Well obviously, but there is a certain degree of honesty you should apply to something like this. Too little of it and you just incite cynicism in people instead and then they make movies making fun of you. Case in point, "Duck & Cover & Kiss your ass goodbye".

No, even the director is pro-nuclear. The show tells how everything went wrong and the horror of the disaster.

Thank fuck I live somewhere where the commie bloc apartments each have toilets. Hell, some even have two, fucking luxury compared to shitting in a hole.

one toilet per floor?

>wait a minute is not a moon

The Soviet Union will collapse in season 2, I read the books.

germany had the biggest industrial base in Europe and the second biggest economy in the world, they just didn't have the fuel to fully motorize their army

not at all.

Then it's not self esteem issues and commie blocks do suck no matter how you dress them up.

Who else likes to drink vodka while they watch?

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>tfw you will never save a whole continent by digging a tunnel in the nude.

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>Hate serves an essential evolutionary purpose, user.
yes FOR APES. For our ancestors. For the nigger monkeys in trees that weren't staring at black mirrors all day. We are like 170 years beyond the end of the ape era. "Hate" at this point ONLY serves as a tool by which the people abusing a system distract the people they're exploiting.

It's all about training cucks to bat down and away. Your life sucks but it's not your fault or the fault of the people you support, it's always The Other! It's always Snowball!
>Just like all emotions do.
Yeah and in a "most-modern"/industrial society, essentially ALL emotions and their evolutionary purposes historically mean nothing now. We're like 200,000 years out from the tree ape v aquatic ape debate that led to humanity.
>They're not random
yeah it's tree ape shit
>and they're not "evil".
nobody says it is. It's just "self-destructive." It's about sacrificing your "I" for a fabricated "we" that keeps you distracted and agitated from the dissonance you feel about your life.

tldr it's not "evil" it's just "emotional weakness being exploited by bad actors" or whatever. It just makes you feel better about your shitty life without directing your energy at anything that would improve your life. It's a distraction!

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that and declaring war on entire world

>one toilet per floor
those are old 'baracks' built in 50s, they slowly rotting aways and people getting new flats but it's very slow process

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You still have to live and work though. The gov could try to decontaminate better but you can't really escape radiation.

Community toilets.

more than one toilet per floor would create confusion over where to go to buy crystal meth.

popcorn user

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they declared war on poland, an irrelevant shithole, France and the UK were the ones who made it a world war by declaring war on Germany

Are humans not apes, user?

I was surprised too that the dude who was literally bleeding from his fucking skin from direct exposure managed to make it.

I guess being fuckhuge means you get to survive such shit.

They have the worst neighbor on the planet. The one that expropriates the entire peninsula, starts a war which already killed over 13000 people and takes down a civil airplane.

Russia just cannot allow countries around it to have more freedom and prosperity. It will take another 20-25 years to see anything changing in a good way, healthcare (even in Russia) is pretty advanced today, so Putin and Co. will live long enough to fuck everything around them.

The door saved him. Also, he died in 2008.

I've seen pictures of older Russian houses on Yea Forums before and they always look strikingly beautiful, but in every case posted, they're always in an advanced state of disrepair. it sucks

These have a wooden toilet in the yard.

m ake new

Does the pic look like Eastern Europe to you?

Scalded by steam. He also got a big radiation dose so both killed him.

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lads, can you tell me that everything is going to be okay? as i really don't think that it is

Hitler had planned to attack Russia in 1941 back in 1933. in the end he went a year earlier than planned even though the war was still going. he was a fucknugget.

>so both killed him.
Yuvchenko lived tho

We also have a few that weren't knocked down by the commies.

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why the gross colors?

Huh, I didn't know they had Pepsi blue back then.

Legasov ropes himself. Calling it now

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Not talking about Yuvchenko you dingus. Yuvchenko found the scalded guy bleeding all over the place.

No idea who picked the stupid designs.

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>is pretty advanced today
it may be advanced bit free healthcare so fuckin bad.

We were talking about Yuvchenko. You know, the scene where he sits down smoking and you can see him bleeding under his suit? Or did I imagine that.

my new dream house tbqfh

yeah this is a fantastic conversation. What is it that led to language and "humanity" and recorded history?

What is it about "humanity" in the industrial age that has entirely detached our desired behavior from our instinctual behavior? This is like the whole point of all the naturalism memes a few hundred years ago.

Like for me, the concept of humanity probably started with the right angle. The type of mind that we have was formed by hundreds of generations of aquatic apes that developed brains around being able to plan ahead, read weather trends, navigate the ocean, etc. Then for every conquerer ape they left a bunch of nigger tree apes to to fight over scraps. That's your life.

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it look gorgeous.

bright primary colors in irregular patterns cheer people up on an unconscious level because they mimic nature. the whole problem with grey apartment blocks is that they have the opposite effect. painters in know what they're doing

mfw the last couple weeks watching hbo

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this exist

Because Pedophilia didn't exist in the Soviet Union, why would they need laws to govern symptoms of Capitalist decadence in the workers paradise?

They didn't have laws for half of the things that would get you disappeared.

they dont, one toilet with two seats and common kitchen with 6 stoves per floor, i have a mate living in this kind of barack, the one with toilet outside is very old shit and you can only find them in a remote villages

I'll make new

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Here it is from the other side. More balconies than you can shake a stick at.

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have you seen atleast the first episode? or are you adhd retard that skips scenes?

>complain about hate
>throw the words "nigger" and "cuck" around

No you won't, comrade.

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Just a flesh wound.


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>first video Geiger alarm

guy is going to die having his hand without gloves etc that close from the clothes when his alarm tell him : GET THE FUCK OUT , right ?

Here's another. Neoromanian style supposedly.

Attached: IMG_9085[1].jpg (4000x3000, 2.51M)

Depends entirely on how much your hand is that close to them. A few minutes you'll be fine but sit like a moron for an hour cuddling with the stuff and you'll be in trouble.


find KGB agent on photo

Fuck, how do I have no memory of this scene? Repression?

He's the one taking the pic.

It's from a trailer.

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what happen with him?

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i thought i heard 15000, HBOs subtitles said 1000

definitely said 15000

He says fifteen thousand. My subs said 15,000 in numbers.