Comrade Akimov edition
Comrade Akimov edition
Other urls found in this thread:
first for hydrogen
first for core-chan
the fuck
>HBO and Sky Production
>On Netflix
You did everything right, comrade
God's speed akimov. You died for our sins.
You made... Lava?
What's everyone listening to to get extra /comfy/?
I'm listening to a band from the 80s Soviet Union literally called KINO
Whaddya mean exploded...explode how, what you saw graphite? the core just decided to fuckin' explode? huh?. how did it explode, how the fuck did an RBMK reactor explode. tell me
like, "lava" lava?
>white people have no cultu-
Well, more like super, nuclear-lava that kills you if you look at it.
A budget this high and people think it's on Cuckflix, wtf?
>Graphite? Bitch, you radiating?
What is everyone going to hear about this thread?
This shit on Netflix or do I have to yarhar?
Someone asked a few threads ago if the divers got their stipend but got no answer.
I am happy to report their stipend was given and was double the amount promised.
>Ay bruv
>u 'ear 'bout dat chenoble place?
how come Jared Harris sounds like his father?
*tips chef hat
it's HBO so hoist the sails
Nice! Got a solid 17 dollars a year!
I didn’t even notice she was inside it like Luke Skywalker at first.
Whats as big as a house, burns 20 liters of fuel per hour, makes a shit ton of noise and smoke, and cuts apples into 3 pieces?
this show really is kind of an "every frame a painting" meme. It's somewhat dark but idk if that's just the shitty rips I'm dling. Just crank up the saturation and brightness and it turns into green kino.
what were they on and where can i find it? for a friend...
Looks comfy.
>trust but verify
is this actually an "old russian proverb?"
>It's somewhat dark but idk if that's just the shitty rips I'm dling.
The show is quite bright on HBO itself, you're just getting shitty rips.
Nice, usual spots?
What's in store for us.
>Doveryai, no proveryai
some diplomat, Suzanne Massie, introduced reagan to it and he ran with it
>Reagan first became interested in Massie when he read her book Land of the Firebird: The Beauty of Old Russia. She eventually visited the White House where she became an informal messenger between the President and Mikhail Gorbachev and his administration. She also asked Reagan to learn the now famous Russian phrase "Doveryai, no proveryai," which translates as "Trust, but verify."
great concept but sub par realization. please work on it more komraed
100 rubles were 75 dollars in 1986. Which means around 170.86 dollars in today's money due to inflation.
>idk who you're talking about
>I know who she is
what did he mean by this?
Okay, comrades, I'm going to try and make a comprehensive Yea Forums-tier guide that explains how the RBMK reactor exploded. This is as close as you're going to get without consulting an actual nuclear physicist, or digging into textbooks.
>Giant American Soda Bottles
Our story begins with a part of a nuclear reactor you'll find in Western reactors - the Core Containment Vessel. The CCV can best be described as an extra-thicc steel bottle with a belly full of solid concrete. It has no rivets or bolts except for the lid, and is designed from the ground up to withstand meltdown events. In every instance so far, it HAS - the multiple meltdowns in Fukushima did not once pierce their CCVs, heavily limiting the radiation release.
The Soviet Union had a problem. For them, Core Containment Vessels were prohibitively expensive - they needed to be made of high-quality steel and welded using high-end tools and methods. Pushed to surpass American technology for half the time and half the price, the Soviets designed a workaround.
>It's A Series of Tubes
The Soviet design is called a Pressure Tube design. The primary difference, aside from the lack of a CCV (instead, the Reactor Vessel is sort of a can, made of a cylinder of steel capped at the top and bottom with thick shields, and clamped down with a 1000-ton lid), is the cooling method.
A western reactor keeps the core mass (fuel rods and control rods) immersed in a column of water, circulated at the top and bottom in and out of the CCV. The RBMK reactor swaps that out for an entire FOREST of individual cooling lines, circulated at high pressure. The important factor here is that the coolant and the fuel are not at the same location - thus a steam explosion can't take any fuel material with it, and therefore the reactor can LEAK, and it can MELT, but it can never EXPLODE - the nightmare scenario of nuclear reactors.
Of course...this is bullshit.
fuck this is rough
>Coefficient of the Void
All nuclear reactors have a property called the Void Coefficient of Reactivity, or Void Coefficient (VC). This is complicated and comes from a number of factors, but in general, it's an indicator of how stable the reactor is - the magnitude of the coefficient reflects the change in power output created by a 'void' (boiling coolant) forming or collapsing in the coolant column.
Western reactors, such as the Boiling Water Reactor, use water as both a coolant and as a moderator - water can act as a neutron moderator if you demineralize it and treat it correctly. This creates an extremely stable environment inside the reactor - if the water boils, becoming steam, the reaction slows down, thus the reactor has a great deal of difficulty running away from itself - if it boils all its water off, it's also boiled off all its neutron moderation, and cools down.
The RBMK reactor, because it lacked a CCV, and couldn't just plunk the whole core mass into a pool of water, had to keep the water separate from the fuel rods, and so had to use a different neutron moderator - the all-important graphite. This meant the water was only being used as a coolant, which makes a positive void coefficient - if the coolant boils off, the reaction INCREASES, instead of decreases.
Some Western reactors have this design too, but use carefully calibrated control systems to keep the danger under control (the CANDU reactor, for example). The RBMK reactor has this as well, but the safeties can be turned off (we'll get to that). Failing this, the heat of the reactor can be a safety mechanism - at high temperatures uranium demonstrates less neutron flux, which stabilizes the power output. At less than 20% of maximum, however, the VC becomes the dominant controller of neutron flux and things get prickly.
need somebody to draw her with control rods up her pussy please
>What Are Those Sweet Caps For Anyway
The RBMK reactor had another feature that let it out-compete Western reactors - the design of the control rods.
A control rod is relatively simple - a pole made of an extremely non-fissile material (it can eat free-flying neutrons all day and not give a fuck) that can be inserted into the reactor to cut down on neutron interaction, thereby reducing the heat. Lots of reactors use Boron for this, and so did the RBMK design - but with a twist thrown in.
The shape of the reactor dictates that the control rods can never be FULLY withdrawn from the core - even at the top of their movement range a portion of the rod is still inside the core zone, with its column full of water. To increase maximum output, the engineers designing the reactor built the control rods so this cap would be made of graphite, a neutron moderator, instead of Boron, a neutron absorber.
But this creates a problem. Graphite is a better neutron moderator than water. Thus, when the rods are inserted, water is momentarily replaced by Graphite, which has the effect of INCREASING neutron moderation for a minute span of time. Previous RBMK reactors had demonstrated this odd quirk of short power spikes during rod insertion, but since nothing dangerous came of it, it wasn't reported.
The aforementioned lack of reporting is an example of the political pressure to succeed and pass the buck that was endemic of the Soviet regime. Potential problems were ignored. Expensive design problems (such as the high void coefficient, its significant instability, and everything ELSE that was wrong with this design) were covered up for 'military security'. And party loyalists were often given positions well above their level of competence. This brings us to the next part of our story.
>that went surprisingly well. you came off like a naive idiot. naive idiots aren't dangerous.
>it show 3, comrad
>See This Certificate? It Says You're A Faggot
At the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant complex, party politics were in full swing. The Chief Engineer, Nikolai Fomin, would later have been revealed to have faked his engineering certificate and have been promoted out of party loyalty. The Deputy Chief Engineer, Anatoly Dyatlov, was eyeing a promotion to get him away from all the smelly plant workers. And amongst the plant workers themselves, management's eagerness to pass the buck was evident - enthusiastic workers were given positions they were not qualified for. Leonid Toptunov, the Senior Reactor Operator, was only 25 - he would miss his 26th birthday by about three weeks.
On top of this, thanks to the aforementioned military security and inherent lean towards cover-ups and ignoring responsibility, they were not given a full understanding of the reactor's strengths...and weaknesses.
With all this in mind, the stage is set for the horrific tragedy of April 26, 1986.
why did they think that RBMK reactor wouldn't explode ?
>Day and Dumbass-er, Night
The test was intended to improve the reactor's safety. Concerns had been raised about a loss of external power at the low end of the operating range. At high power, the reactor could run its own coolant pumps, but at low power (
How would it explode comrade?
Based Wiktor Zoi
>Xenon, Wat R U Doin. Xenon. STAHP
The procedure called for the reactor to be stepped down from its nominal power output (1600 MW, 50% of maximum) to the test band of 700-1000 MW. The engineers did this - way too quickly (Toptunov, the poor kid, stuck the control rods in too far). To their confusion, the reactor's power kept dropping.
The problem they were observing is called Reactor Poisoning. Not all byproducts of fission are themselves fissile (capable of splitting when you hit them with a neutron) - in particular, Xenon-135, which instead of fissioning, becomes the hyper-stable Xenon-136. Normally, since each Xenon atom forms once and then eats one neutron off the reaction, this is a steady effect and isn't something to be annoyed about. But if you step down the power too quickly, the reduced flux can't burn off all the Xenon and it starts to depress power output much more than it normally would. In extreme cases, this can cause the reactor to stall - that is, shut down completely.
That's basically what happened here.
By the time the power output stabilized at around midnight, the reactor was at 30 or so MW - less than 5% the required level for the test. Dyatlov was furious. He ordered the reactor brought up to test power immediately - there may have been shouting. To do this, the engineers disabled the automatic control rod governors and manually pulled out almost all the control rods - all but 18 of the 211 total rods in the reactor, 10 less than the 28 minimum required to prevent meltdown in the event of total coolant loss.
It didn't work very well - the nominal output xenon wouldn't decay for another 10 hours at least, and the burnoff effect at one eighth the nominal output wasn't anywhere near enough to get the power back up. Normally when this happens you're supposed to shut the reactor down and let the Xenon just decay away, but Dyatlov wasn't having it. He wanted his fucking test, and overrode any protest.
Because they aren't delusional unlike alarmists spreading misinformation
why she did this?
Subterfuge, cloak and dagger, information is power. Do those words mean anything to you and would you say they're good qualifiers for those type of agencies?
Would you sacrifice yourself to save america, the way the firefighters did to save the USSR?
(Donald Trump will speak at your funeral)
>I don't have a joke this part just sucks
By now the engineers were ignoring alarms left and right, and had disabled most, if not all, of the reactor's safety systems to get the test parameters they wanted. But finally, at 1:23 and a bit, they started the test. External power to the feedwater pumps was shut off.
The hope was that the momentum of the water and the steam turbine would provide sufficient power for 45 seconds - enough time for the onsite diesel pumps to start up. As the turbine wound down, the feedwater pressure dropped, and somewhere in the core, a steam pocket formed.
We will never know exactly where, and it doesn't particularly matter. The reactor's naturally high Void Coefficient, combined with the disabled safety systems, resulted in a positive feedback loop - the pocket created a hot spot, which boiled off more water, making the hot spot bigger, which boiled off even more water, and so on and so on. The power output spiked.
The SKALA control system records a manual SCRAM command at 1:23:40 - Aleksandr Akimov, the unit shift chief (and the test supervisor, Dyatlov's immediate subordinate) had pressed the 'AZ-5' button on the control console to initiate emergency shutdown of the reactor. It would have been a scary evening and a bunch of angry talking-to's come the morning...but for the control rod caps.
As the rods descended, a graphite cap hit the hot spot and caused a further heat spike - this was more than the reactor could take. The graphite fuel rod channel blocks cracked under the heat, jamming the control rods in place, and preventing shutdown. The heat continued to build for another 5 seconds or so, when the pressure popped the 1000-ton reactor vessel lid off like a champagne cork, blowing it through the ceiling of the reactor hall (something in excess of 100 vertical feet). It came back down and wedged itself sideways in the Reactor Vessel, where it sits today.
vegan libtards BTFO
"Doveryai but verify" sounds incredibly good
You're delusional, take this fren and put him down for his nap
all paws on deck!
firefighter man was a footfag
Finally, there was a second explosion.
This part is conjecture, as there are conflicting theories as to what the second explosion actually WAS.
The first theory is that the reactor lid broke open the various coolant pipes and fuel rod channels on its way up towards the ceiling, and this allowed steam from the coolant pipes to interact with the zirconium cladding on the fuel rods. This oxidation reaction produces hydrogen gas, which built up until it mixed with the oxygen of the air in the reactor hall in sufficient proportions to combust - a room-sized fuel-air bomb, similar to the explosions at Fukushima - except the explosion happened inside the reactor vessel.
The second theory is that the fuel had already begun to melt at this point, and somewhere deep in the core's guts some uranium reached sufficient purity and size to undergo criticality - sustaining a runaway fission reaction without the assistance of moderators. This is called a Prompt Criticality Event, and can best be described as a very small nuclear explosion - a lot of energy gets released all at once.
Either way, the reactor blew up, scattering bits of itself all over the roof, the grounds outside the reactor building, and poisoning the land around it so badly it will remain uninhabitable for tens of thousands of years.
And we've seen the rest.
dumb looking slavs
only thing the pinko commie fuck thought he actually owned
Why not just screenshot the episode?
I want off this ride
>toot toot someone do a pingu version
I want off her face
Dunno if this was posted before but you should watch this playlist. English subs present.
>brutalist shit art
pls go
Do you really want to know the truth?
>At the morgue they said, "Want to see what we'll dress him in?" I do! They dressed him up in formal wear, with his service cap. They couldn't get shoes on him because his feet had swelled up. They had to cut up the formal wear, too, because they couldn't get it on him, there wasn't a whole body to put it on. It was all—wounds. The last two days in the hospital—I'd lift his arm, and meanwhile the bone is shaking, just sort of dangling, the body has gone away from it. Pieces of his lungs, of his liver, were coming out of his mouth. He was choking on his internal organs. I'd wrap my hand in a bandage and put it in his mouth, take out all that stuff. It's impossible to talk about. It's impossible to write about. And even to live through. It was all mine. My love. They couldn't get a single pair of shoes to fit him. They buried him barefoot.
>Right before my eyes—in his formal wear—they just took him and put him in that cellophane bag of theirs and tied it up. And then they put this bag in the wooden coffin. And they tied the coffin with another bag. The plastic is transparent, but thick, like a tablecloth. And then they put all that into a zinc coffin. They squeezed it in. Only the cap didn't fit.
radiation already affecting her ability to open her fucking eye
can you do that?!
>Of course...this is bullshit.
This man is delusional
>puts hand on belly
>baby is goopy carbonara
steam build up ?
u did everything right, comrade
>only the cap didn't fit
So why is she holding shoes?
KGB is a flat circle
no, all steam fine
Disregard my taste in art, just watch the videos.
wat's kgb mean?
yeah but who follows the followers following the followers following the people that follow?
Molten cesium, if I recall correctly.
for me it's legoslav.
Comrade, was there any steam build up? Such a thing could not occur without some sort of power issue and Comrade Akimov assured me the power was shutdown.
Now get those feedwater tanks running.
>They buried him barefoot.
They couldn't fit the fucking shoes on his feet so why put them in the casket?
Nevermind, I might just be retarded
didn't it say his feet were too swollen and bones were jelly
I love you guys keeping this general alive. I feel less lonely when it's up.
It means Кoмитéт Гocyдápcтвeннoй Бeзoпácнocти
The followers followed by the followers following the followed followers of course
What game are you playing?
fuck you and your big sisters
It's not funny anymore.
Some sort of Slavic Legolas?
Shut your fucking mouth, Fomin. Your degree isn't even real.
Neat! Thanks for these
no lmao
lol idk russian
Even the paintings in this show are kino.
But the cap didn't fit, not the shoes. So why isn't she holding the cap instead?
it's КГБ in Russian, and stands for Кoмитéт Гocyдápcтвeннoй Бeзoпácнocти. the romanised version is what we get KGB from, and translates to Committee of State Security
>de core is warm, come-rad
he's delusional. the core is fine
Holy fuck
thanks, now I no longer need you
Realer than yours.
I am contented by your answer. Be as prompt in future.
really the "beginning of the end" happens in your mid-20s. That's when your body stops developing and starts degrading.
Fomin later shatters his glasses in prison and tries to kill himself with the shards.
source, bro?
not terrible
not great either
She must be blessed with something other than looks
>tfw we're probably getting her daughter being born and immediately dying from radiation poisoning
>tfw her baby is already cremated when they present her
she cute
>she held his shoes because they wouldn’t fit on his swollen feet
Bryukhanov and Fomin should have stuck around a bit more to provide some levity. Legasov and Shcherbina come to ask them different questions about the plant and they bumble around blaming everyone. IRL they were arrested in August 86.
Do they look like mens shoes to you?
>tfw no pagan batshit crazy animal sacrifice gf with a nice ass
They are some cowboy shoes
th-the core, comrad. It's GONE
this guy follows
>there are still 11 RBMK reactors still up and running in Russia
Chernobyl 2 Radiation Boogaloo soon?
what did he mean by this
you did everything right, comrade. not great, not terrible
We know it's you. bash.
you're delusional
The madmen were still operating the other 4 reactor cores while the 4th was on fire
Believe it or not but pic related are also considered men's shoes. I've seen plenty people wear shit like what she's holding in Eastern Europe. Kitsch is alive and well.
are they stupid enough to let it happen?
*other 3
I give your performance a 3.6
slavs don't know better. they think jeltisn is still president
Not even Russian and my dad wears leather loafers all the time.
pls go
>tfw going to roof
this is a bulgarian RBMK reactor, I know it's in german but you don't need to understand what they say to see that shit's fucked. europe dodged a major bullet
didn't see her too, good camouflage
RBMK reactors were made safer after Legasov died.
>Major changes were made to the RBMK design, including improving the speed at which control rods entered the core during a SCRAM event, lowering the time for a complete insertion from 18 seconds to 12; reducing the positive steam void coefficient of reactivity, and the effect of reactivity if there was a complete void in the core; installation of a Fast Acting Emergency Protection system, complete with an additional 24 control rods; removing the ability to bypass emergency protection systems while the reactor was at power, and, most importantly, a new control rod layout with a longer boron section and no empty/water section ahead of it. The graphite tip remained.
I mean, not like you can just shut them down. It's likely they were supplying a good portion of energy to the grid.
Not like you can just turn on your "spare" reactors somewhere else.
Directly it can be translated as "Committee for State Security"
We call it bloody KGB or Gebnya
Fomin has his own section.
So CSS, really.
Stellan is fucking killing it in this show. I'm so surprised at how effectively he made me feel sympathy for this character. Organically turned him from this arrogant commie bureaucrat into a cuddly teddy bear in no time at all
>Wagie so always end up working on new episodes.
>HBO streaming service I pay for always a week behind for recordings to try to get me to watch live
>External hard drive missing so no go on torrenting since I don't want to watch it on tiny computer monitor.
Why am I not allowed to watch this fucking show?
how do you go from this
You sound like you want sex with him lol
Not a problem, friend. It's well documented that superior RMBK reactors don't explode.
to this?
Found the pic on google. They seem to be under 100 euros.
Send them an email and ask if they deliver internationally. Also says Zara in the pic name but who the fuck knows.
You'll get the order of Stalin for this, comrade!
Haha no. I don’t enjoy melting away
Thanks user
Maybe being glassed at Chernobyl wasn't such a bad outcome after all.
Buy a USB3 thumb drive. Can't you stick that into your TV?
his face is gone
>symbolically eating human flesh and blood is somehow better
Outa my way politburo fucking shits.
Not how it works, buddy.
Yes, but I’m also wearing the cap.
Just like my grandfather did.
what a fucking unit
This is why white people need to go extinct.
vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye!
vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye! vnimaniye!
it's god flesh and blood user
>robot kills self to end hellscape
my god it all makes sense now. how deep does this rabbit hole go?
Good informative posts. Enlightening.
They took the candy cane down in 2014.
Only issue with the show is that they sprinkle in Ukranian/Russian at random.
That art is great.
i don't like subtitles
That one didn't. It was designed to land on the Moon so it didn't get fried so easily.
Robots were not only useless but also harmful because lots of people had to constantly go on the roof to fix them.
*vomits then kisses husband*
The whole thing has been covered by that big metal arc since 2016 anyway. Have they started the demolition inside yet?
You did everything right Comrade.
Right up until you demanded power be increased.
I wish they showed us Akimov in the hopsital. I want to know what a person whos 'face is gone' looks like
They ought to have one or the other. Ukranian/Russian or English.
That's not Akimov, that guy has a face.
I think the russian language for things like the radio or the emergency announcement is fine. They help set the mood and it's not like anything that is being said needs to be understood.
Me on the left.
fucking commies almost killed us all. you fucking scum.
>it's not like anything that is being said needs to be understood.
sure, who cares? just go with it, bro. it's just a show, lol
Nope. They just finished installing every little thing inside it such as the radiation monitoring system, the back-up power supply system, the fire protection system, as well as lighting, communication, and HVAC. It just passed its first 72 hour operational trial in April 2019. Decommissioning will start later. I've heard 2060 but I'm not sure.
>Youll never have a cutie like ludmilla love you so much she'll risk radiation poisoning to herself an your child to be with YOU while you slowly disintegrate.
>i'll never have anyone love me enough to put up with me for more than a day
that feel is worse than the other tee bee ache
Think of it like the signs and other text in the background being in Cyrillic. You can't read the posters and whatever but you can surmise that they're street signs, or scientific reports, or propaganda posters or whatever using the context of the scene and setting. In a similar way the voices on the radio or alarms or whatever exist to reinforce the setting, not to communicate something plot relevant in English.
> Wait a minute, this isn't the Moon's surface! This is a radioactive wasteland!
Name a more kino scene
Kind of blew my mind when I read that giant fucker is airtight. Frogs sure can build big metal things.
imagine a government body spending trillions to fix the fuck up of somewhere no one has ever heard or cared about besides the fact that it might slightly make you retarded. pathetic
Having the two languages takes me out of it. They weren't ballsy enough to go full Ukranian with Slavic actors but still want to make sure you know Chernobyl is in Ukraine.
She clearly didn't understand the risks.
Jared Harris is such a qt
I translated all the stuff you just mentioned. Not hard if you take screens and use ultimatetranslator or similar software.
jesus was a human, user, christianity is cannibalism
>what are metaphors
would breed
>I-I anticipated this
Every time
So the professor became an hero because the KBG wanted to make sure he didn't blab about who was really to blame?
did they die from light?
Not sure what you're talking about comrade? Suicide is sad, but he was clearly disturbed by what occured at Chernobyl. He blamed people who had nothing to do with anything.
The little side-glance he gives Gorbachev after saying that line. See
Ahuh. It had nothing to do with people above Dyatlov and the tapes that he hid in a cold drop.
>The Chairman of the panel of judges had no interest in hearing about defects of the reactor. Scherbina and Legasov’s original government commission had discovered these defects and concluded that the reactor was at fault, but the only sections of their report given any credence by the judges were those criticising the operators. So-called ‘independent experts’ were, in fact, hand-picked men from the various Institutes responsible for the reactor’s creation in the first place - the very same men who had a vested interest in seeing their work exonerated.
>All six men were found guilty and sent to prison. Bryukhanov and Dyatlov were released early due to poor health. Chief Engineer Nikolai Fomin was declared insane in 1990, and transferred to a psychiatric hospital. Astonishingly, after he recovered he was allowed to return to work at the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant near Moscow.
>Legasov took a very strong stance against the official story that the plant's staff were entirely to blame. His resistance ruined his career. With his reputation in tatters, his health ravaged by the radiation he absorbed at Chernobyl, his disillusionment with his country’s unwillingness to focus more on safety, and feeling the weight of so many dead on his shoulders, he hanged himself on the second anniversary of the disaster - the day after his proposal for a reformed Soviet scientific community was rejected.
Damn. Being Russian is suffering.
why do the so-called "professionals" initially accept that 3.6 was"not great, but not terrible" while disregarding that it's the maximum limit of the handheld particle detectors
i thought nuclear scientists were supposed to be smart lol
The bright spot is that his suicide brought renewed attention to the commission's findings, and eventually the flaws in the RBMK reactor design were addressed. The Void Coefficient of modern RBMK reactors is 0.7 (instead of 4.7) and I believe the graphite caps on the control rods have been removed.
Yes to the first part, no to the second. See
That's actually pretty much what moon is. Background radiation presents a huge issue to extended manned spaceflights beyond earth's orbit.
If a lunar rover would encountered any problems on the reactor roof, it was most certainly because it was not designed for heavy lifting in earth gravity.
They were in denial and covering their asses.
That's a mighty fine plan you got there. I tried it on Thursday and got home at around 4 in the morning.
Dyatlov was in a state of shock and denial. He knew that if the reading was capped then the core was open and everything was fucked. The higherups were just looking for any excuse to cover their asses with those higher up the bureaucratic foodchain. Dyatlov told them what they wanted to hear and they didn't challenge him.
started from 3.6
I don't understand this "half-life" stuff.
So the half-life of radiation is 10 years. Why not call it full life at 20? Why bother measuring only half of it?
now we here
now we here
must have missed something, how did super scientist lady know the firefighter's wife was pregnant?
Mary Suekov BTFO by the based KGB.
Зaчeм тeбe этo знaть, тoвapищь?
Half-life is how long something is radioactive before its starts to be less and less. When something with a half life of 30 years reaches said 30 years, it begins to slowly emit less radiation for another 30 years until it stops.
guys ive never seen such a high rating on the imdb top 250 charts
>water section removed
...wouldn't that make the problem worse? You'd be replacing air (neutral) with graphite (moderator) instead of water (weak moderator) with graphite (strong moderator).
The result would be a LARGER power spike!
Why do you care what normies think?
>the only sections of their report given any credence by the judges were those criticising the operators
have sex
I know touching women is gross and stuff but you don't really hold your hand on her belly like that unless she's pregnant. What else are you going to do when your hand is there? Slap the belly and say you're gonna shove you cock in there later?
they almost killed world
You salty cus I belittled your beloved IMDB, hm? you gonna cwyyyy?
ah I did not realize she saw all that. think I looked away and thought she just saw her behind the plastic.
>Reactor #4, do you see the men that abused you that night in April?
>There they are!
this show is slowly convincing me that KGB were actually the good guys after all
make a naew threa
dyatlov literally walked past smoldering graphite debris, he was in shock and grasping at straws. he fucked up big time and knew it
>Mary Suekov
What's happened to the reactors 1,2 and 3 after 2000 ? Did they took the differents cores ?
is that the guy from ace ventrura?
they removed the plutonium from the cores.
About to watch the third ep
Hope it's as kino as the other 2
It's a let down to be honest
it is
You have 10 lbs of Iodone-131
8 days later you have 5 lbs of iodine-131
16 days later you have 2.5 lbs
Am I getting half-life right?
they're not going to show that, right??
This, I wish those 3 heroes got lost in the darkness and failed their mission to provide us with more disaster kino.
you're to clever for these threads. /sci/ is more for you
Gee it's almost like she's not a Mary Sue..
They died irl tho
Stop bitching lol about dogs, roof kino, and whole villages getting killdozered kino is on the way.
fucking pervert
I'm a Career Party Man! In a Career Party World! Life in red, you're underfed!
They didn't tho
Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit
Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs
Goddamn amerisharts
Seems they came back to life to receive medals from the president in 2018.
it decays into xenon131
rewatching episode one. Before the "do you taste metal" line, Akimov says "we did everything right, something...strange has happened."
That is pottery with what Akimov says as he's dying in episode 3.
who here /drunk/ rn
Come on, Valera, let's go dancing!
Yep, you can do that with 3,6 Roentgen in your body
That's what he kept saying irl when it happened and until his death.
Yep. Whiskey and Disorono.
Why did the nuclear technicians dress up as bakers?
captain jack rum ($15 a handle) mixed with pinnacle peach vodka ($11 a liter) mixed with the refreshing zesty taste of a room temperature pepsi cola
but what about red forest
Rum and PEACH vodka? user...
Working on it. Drinking some Asahi Super Dry.
yeah it was on sale. Like $3 off. Tastes like faggy trash but it's 35% and gets the job did.
stop talking about alcohol, i puked all over my coworker's car last night after he went out of his way to drop me home
This guy didn't take his underwear off!
me tomorrow morning
That's why you stumble home drunk and puke somewhere out of the way like a self-respecting drunk.
One of my old fwb that I still talk to says she has this guy that pisses the bed every time he drinks. Lol.
I'd much rather go with rum neat
ok for real this time
Gee. It's like I'm comfortable with who I am and still lift more than you.
I hope she got deer aids
>she's not a Mary Sue
>gets btfo by KBG
>still insists she's a mary sue
Based nuclear reactor user. Thanks. Now explain the physics behind core-chan and why I love her.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, komrade? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at Soviet Nuclear Science department, and I've been involved in numerous secret reactor meltdowns, and I have over 300 confirmed Roentgens. I am trained in coal mining and I'm the top mine engineer in the entire ploletariet mining union. You are nothing to me but just another RBM5K Reactor. I will reduce radiation fallout with a precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Reactor site, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with spreading alarmist anti-Soviet propaganda about a reactor meltdown? Think again, Capitalist. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of KGB spies across The Motherland and you’re being followed right now so you better prepare for the gulag, traitor. The gulag that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, Ivan. I can reduce fallout anywhere, anytime, and I can save you from radiation in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in killing radioactive animals, but I have access to the entire arsenal of liquid nitrogen in the Soviet Union and I will use it to its full extent to protect the entire water table on this glorious continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever “RBM5K exploded? Impossible” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit iodine and milk all over you and you will drown in it. I’m gonna save us all, komrade.
Maybe he's shy?
Eternal Anglo here, my dad ONLY wears loafers.
At least it's not those white running shoes yanks wear.
Other user that replied to you is retarded, but very vaguely kind of right. Half-life means the time it takes for half of the radiation of the material to be emitted. If that's 10 years, half of it will be radiated in 10 years. After that, it will take another 10 years to radiate half of what is left. And then another 10 years to radiate what is left after that. So mathematically, the process is infinite in a sense, but there is an eventual, hard-to-define time at which the material would be safe. It's much easier to define its half-life.
Think of it like dividing the number 1 in half over and over. You could do it forever without ever reaching zero, and while that's not perfectly analogous to the physical reality of radioactive materials, it's a very similar idea. It decreases forever, but slower and slower forever.
Half life if an isotope is time when half of the atoms will decay. Then in the same time the half of that previous half will decay and so on.
Radiation decreases accordingly - half life is the time radiation level falls 2 times, but its not a linear falloff, its exponential, the radiation does not disappear completely after 2 half times, it will be at 25% . After 3 half times it will be 12.5%of the starting levels.