Dude, drinking makes you cool lmao

>dude, drinking makes you cool lmao

My died from long cancer and after after a couple of weeks he was such in pain he had absolutely not time for pompous speeches. He actually cried a couple of times because the pain was so constant and unbearable. We also didn't tell him he had cancer. He probable guess it.

Attached: large_professor-poster.jpg (400x593, 30K)

>my father died


how did you know he had cancer but he didn't?

The doctors told us

My grandfather died the same way.
I feel you bro.

will this be Depp last film?

this movies is 2 depp 4 me

yes he died. didn't you watch it?

>he was such in pain
lmao esl shitbird has a retarded dad in a country with sub-standard medical care. what a fucking joke. stop posting anywhere on this entire site

What country can cure 4 stage lung cancer?

>stage 4*
head to bed, taco tim. you've gotta pick forty crates' worth maƱana or you'll lose your work visa!

>sorry, we're still figuring out what's going on *slides curtain* hehehe

this movie was such an obnoxious liberal wankfest

>have cancer
>hottibly painful
>it's the long form
>family doesn't let you know
>have horrible pain for a long time with long cancer without knowing what's up
You and your family deserve cancer

why don't you answer the question?

We treated him with strong painkillers and morphine later.

Prison nachos you bought outside dodger stadium are not painkillers you fucking spic

Your attempts to hurt are pathetic.

it's called prevention and early detection, esteban. respiratory disease isn't typically screened for in check-ups without complaint, but your dad was probably too retarded (and likely drunk or high all the time) to 1) go to the doctor or 2) realize those sharp, needle-like pains and burning sensation in his chest cavity wasn't the fucking indigestion from beans. now stop posting, benicio the brownie brainlet

He didn't have the pain in his chest. It started from his legs when it was already too late. As that dude in the movie. So stop posting things you don't understand. you make myself look dumb

Alcohol gives you lung cancer? (???)

>He didn't have the pain in his chest.
imagine thinking that matters. then you go get your fucking leg checked out. you shitskins are so afraid of missing out on a day of mowing lawns that you refuse to get treatment for preventable conditions, and your dumb goblinesque wives pressure for it.
>you make myself look dumb
damn, that self-loathing latin charm. your dad's fucking dead because he didn't know how to take care of himself. knowing you're as retarded as he was from all these godawful posts, you'll go out in some fuckdumb way as well. i couldn't be more content

>My died
> from long cancer
lung cancer?
>We also didn't tell him he had cancer.
what the fuck, was he even getting painkillers

>when you are trying to make someone mad, you become mad yourself

that would never happen

it would in mexico

why would a doctor tell the family but not the patient?

That is against the Hippocratic oath. They have a duty to the patient. This didn't happen.

you just bribe him a couple pesos and a tortilla, it's easy, ese

This was retarded when it was the plot of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and it remains retarded even now.

In Japan it's still standard practice because it's thought that telling the patient the truth it will only make them get worse due to stress.

Lmao that's fucking retarded. They have to find out eventually and it will only be worse.

Japanese culture is all about outward appearance and pretending everything is fine while ignoring the howling void within, so this is no surprise.