Name a more pointless subplot in any TV show than the Breaking Bad airplane crash thing

Name a more pointless subplot in any TV show than the Breaking Bad airplane crash thing

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game of thrones baby white walkers

game of thrones season 7 in its entirety

White Walkers in general

It was a vivid illustration of the consequences Walter's actions had on innocent people.

Not saving Jane -> father gets depressed -> too distracted to do job correctly > planes collide killing hundreds of people

What's the problem?

Possibly the least satisfying payoff for any framing device I've seen.

This. What the fuck do people want?

Consequences of Walter's actions on others are shown consistently since the first time Tuco smashed someone's head in front of him. They didn't need a dumb airplane subplot with three degrees of separation from the actual protagonists to show that, and they definitely didn't need to tease it for an entire season. And it's literally just dropped after two episodes and never mentioned again so even the writers know it was pointless. Be less impressionable bro.

I said innocent people, not some drug-dealing spic. It's also important how he reacts to it - sweeping it under the rug essentially. He ignores the consequences of his actions as they snowball and eventually reach his family and friends in season 5.

>too distracted to do job correctly
didn't he do it on purpose?

He was stumbling through his words, he said "Jane" accidentally one time, clearly distracted by grief.

Just the white walkers

>how about Walt is confronted with the evil of his actions by including a subplot about the people he's getting addicted to meth and destroying themselves
>nah, let's have a plane crash

Game of Thrones in its entirety

>how about Walt is confronted with the evil of his actions by including a subplot about the people he's getting addicted to meth and destroying themselves

That subplot is called Jesse.

just seemed a bit over the top i guess. i didnt think it was bad, just a little weird

You mean like Jesse, who he constantly manipulated throughout the series?

It's not a subplot. It's an event. The point of said event was to show a domino effect from Walt's bad actions (or lack of good actions), which seems relevant in a show that is all about the main characters descent into evil.

What? That was just to show how the WW are created. Not a subplot.


They probably thought they might be canceled by the end of season 2 and planned to have criminals kill Walter's entire family and foreshadow that, but when ratings improved they had to tie it to another plot and Jane was the only thing available.

it sounds even more conreived and cringe when you say it like that

>only one air traffic comtroller
>nobody else noticed this midair collision about to happen including the pilots
>happens directly over walt's house
although this plot isn't even half as contrived as the random neo-nazis and the machine gun the writers admitted they had no plan for when they shot the scene
this show was like a slow decline from kino to shit

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>character is literally engaged in one of the most dangerous and destructive businesses in the world, killing hundreds of thousands every year, destroying families all over the globe through addiction, recruiting children to murder each other, corrupting public officers, literally enslaving entire populations, etc
>the way writers decide to show his impact on ordinary lives is through a mid-air collision that has no direct link to drug trade and foreshadow that for an entire season
>retards actually think this is good
I can't imagine being so easy to please. You're probably just happy to have images and lights in front of you, like a cat.


It impacted actual innocent people, not just a bunch of junkies and drug dealers
Anyway, it was not about the impact of people anyway. It was just to show a consequence of Walt's evil actions, without saying that there aren't others

>babies turn into old men almost instantly

bravo vince

The subplot in Oz about the prisoners being given pills that age them in return for years being taken of their sentence. At least that was funny though.

>actual innocent people are not directly affected by drug trade
you're literally retarded

thats the point you fucking retard, it was a red herring.

What were they thinking? Surely the writers knew what "jumping the shark" is

>dude they acted like something relevant to the main plot was going to happen for an entire season but then IT DIDN'T! Mind blown!
Hang yourself as you jack off to True Detective season 3's finale bro

The hospital arc in Boardwalk with muy cheeldrun, only good part was her getting cucked at the end by the doctor's wife.

A close second would be that black singer arc

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>can't show families being destorted by addiction
>can't show addicts stealing/killing to feed their addiction
>can't show a car accident caused by someone too high to drive
>can't show the effects of addiction on the economy
>it needed to be a really contrived plane crash
ok user

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based nosleep

>cannot fathom the idea of an anticlimax, all art and media has to cater to my satisfactory entertainment needs

i think snyder is a good choice for you, buddy.

>the way writers decide to show his impact on ordinary lives is through a mid-air collision that has no direct link to drug trade and foreshadow that for an entire season

Walt systematically destroying his own family (not to mention Jesse, his girlfriend's family, and his own family) was a rather decent representation of that. Did you want an entire season of Intervention spliced in with the actual show or some shit?

>you moron snoke was just a red herring you got subverted
truly makes one think

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It's a pretty retarded hamfisted way to show Walter's actions having consequences. Not saying that wasn't the obvious intent, but it's just dumb to imply Walter had any blame for such a domino effect that he couldn't have possibly foreseen. That's like saying if I cut off a dude in traffic and he's late to work and gets fired so it pisses him so much he goes on a shooting spree it's my fault.

>Walt systematically destroying his own family (not to mention Jesse, his girlfriend's family, and his own family) was a rather decent representation of that.
Then why the airplane shit if that theme is already central to the show you dumbass? Now you're saying that not only it's bad, but its concept (which you were defending) is superfluous.

it would've made more sense if walter just found out jane's dad had killed himself and was guilty about that desu at least that's a realistic consequence he should've been aware of

>Then why the airplane shit if that theme is already central to the show you dumbass?

It just added to it, retard. It wasn't some big plot point but you're sperging out like it was a central part of the fucking show. Take your autism medication.

the eagles and mordor. no, you cannot tell me why they couldn't just take the eagles to mordor. dont give me the "but they could turn into evil eagles", the ring can't fit on them anyway.

the eagles had a very restrictive tax policy and frodo and crew were hoping to save on profits by avoiding them.

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i figured when i watched this shit that things had a point little did i know they just made shit up and tried to make it mean something later. dispicable

>walt parks in some guys space
>because of this hes late for work
>because hes late to work a nuclear detonation goes off
>because of that nuclear war starts
>because of that all life on earth ends
>walt is the last man in the unvierse and its all his fault
see the problem is subtlety. you can show an impact without beating it over the audience's head like they're 4 year olds watching frozen.

Looking back I think it was a little bit strange but it didn't bother me and I still don't think it's that bad.

>none of this stuff happened in the show but look at this retarded shit I just made up

Take that autism medication, user.

it's not that but its an avenue through which walt can comment on the deaths of hundreds in a context in which people around him who aren't related to the drug game are affected.

Walt's cold reaction to the death of hundreds that aviation is typically safe, these deaths are an anomaly etc.
this shows his priority in understanding the world isn't through connecting with other people as humans in a moment when youre obligated to be human in sharing grief. Walt isn't interested in making people feel okay or reassuring someone, he's interested in being correct, even when it comes to the deaths of hundreds of people and a shared outpouring of communal grief.

It's meant to show the audience Walt is not like them, walt is colder

there was no foreshadowing

was walt /ourguy/

what that user wrote is exactly like what happened in this show. it's painful to see people trying to put like 'walt's kill count' to include the plane passengers because of utterly indirect, unforeseeable, distant causation. You try to remember, oh, there must have been some more significance to this plane business and how it relates to walt but no, they just made up a fucking burned bear in a pool and then later had to fuckin improv a plane crash as it's reason.
It's not clever, it's not deliberate, it's not tightly woven, it's flailing nonsense in an aesthetic package

i'm saying that the escalation is stupid and unnecessary. it's a show somewhat grounded in reality that has a midair collision caused solely by the main character happen over his house. it's embarassing frankly, and a sign of the shit writing to come as the show came towards its end.

the eye from the bear pops up later

>Walt systematically destroying his own family (not to mention Jesse, his girlfriend's family, and his own family) was a rather decent representation of that.
you just illustrated what you're arguing against, idiot. the plane is a superfluous distraction that detracts from what you literally listed yourself

that's the whole show after season 1.
>we wrote this scene and he had a machine gun so what do we do with it
>uhhh neo-nazis
you can see the writers actively struggling to fill time with the first half of season 5

nailed it

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Breaking Bad was an entertaining and well-written action series--nothing more. I never once got the impression that the show was trying to be realistic. Just entertaining without being preachy or cringe-inducing. You fuckers are expecting Citizen Kane when the series wasn't trying to be anything more than The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.

If you want a show that is somewhat realistic, watch The Wire or the Sopranos.

these posts reek of incel. have sex

What i originally liked about it was it was a fucking COMEDY but they just kind of fucking petered out that as more and more people were like woahah it's so gritty and epic. It was supposed to be fucking farcical tragi-comedy and it became le badasses
FUCK scripted television drama on-the-hoof production

>i have no idea how planes work

Walter's meth was creating many "plane crashes" all around him, which he ignored to virtually no limit (walking around the zombies in the drug den, his customers) the plane crash was the most apparent example of him having to face (mostly with more desperate denial) the consequences of everything he's doing.

maybe at the start.
regardless of the intent of the show you can't waive valid criticism by just saying its meant to be retarded durr.
>i shit on a plate but i never intended it to be good so it's good
quality argument friend

James Hurley and Evelyn. Twin peaks season 2

i miss when it was a dark comedy. that's probably whh I dislike the last few seasons so much. it starts to take itself so seriously and try to morph into thr wire but is full of absolute blunders like the plane and runs out of villains a season too early.

damn it rings true

All of the undead desu

no he's right this kind of collision happened mostly before the 90s until in response, plane manufacturers put radars in the planes that show other planes on your altitude.

>regardless of the intent of the show you can't waive valid criticism by just saying its meant to be retarded durr.

It was meant to be an entertaining action show and more of a character study pertaining to Jesse and Walt's fall from normalcy into a life of hardened crime than anything realistic. Did you guys walk into a movie like Batman Forever and expect something more than a light-hearted. self-aware capeshit film?

>What i originally liked about it was it was a fucking COMEDY but they just kind of fucking petered out that as more and more people were like woahah it's so gritty and epic. It was supposed to be fucking farcical tragi-comedy and it became le badasses. FUCK scripted television drama on-the-hoof production

Yeah, I can understand where you're coming from, and I didn't like the change from season 4 onwards compared to the previous seasons without comedic points, but I could still appreciate the show for what it was. I never was expecting The Wire or The Sopranos from the onset, though.

>Almost all modern aircraft are fitted with TCAS, which is designed to try to prevent mid-air collisions. The system, based on the signals from aircraft transponders, alerts pilots if a potential collision with another aircraft is imminent. Despite its limitations, it is believed to have greatly reduced the chance of a mid-air collision.[7]


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you can have entertaining action without being retarded, and the show was clearly trying to be more. it slowly removed its dark comedy roots for a more serious drama. the plane crash is a hamfisted commentary on the harm of illegal drug use and manufacturing. it lacks the subtlety that should come from a show with some basis in reality. you're attempting to shrug off a very valid criticism of a season-long plot thread that has little to no impact on the character development (which you just said was the heart of the show) that ends with the most contrived way of showing the impact of these characters, despite spending a huge amount of time already showing the effects it had on characters like skyler, jessie, jane, jane's father, drug users, etc etc. batman forever doesn't have a scene where batman watches 100 people get gunned down and hes like damn guess you cant sage them all because its tonally inconsistent and weird. most people got the point weeks before the plane crash.

also i know you're a bit slow so i'll spell it out but the theme the plane was trying to show was "walt bad"

The point that I'm making is that you're reading too much into a series that simply attempted to be somewhat funny and action oriented if you suspend disbelief. It's an entertaining popcorn flick turned into a series and it may have tried to become more than that, but no one really cared that it failed because they simply tuned in for the funny banter and action scenes. If you want realism, watch the miniseries The Corner or The Wire. Breaking Bad, regardless of its faults, never became a cringe-inducing soap opera like Game of Thrones did, so that's why the majority of this board most likely still holds it in high regard.

It was better than the cousins though.

I mean they weren't pointless but holy shit were they awful. Dude silent stoic killers who don't look at explosions lmao

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They showed the debris, like the teddy, in his pool for the whole season...

>just turn off your brain bro
maybe reddit is more your speed?
walt is supposed to feel guilt over the plane crash that has very little logical follow through to his actual actions. it's just hehe eggsplosion *clap*.

i'd take the cousins over the neo-nazis and meth damon any day

>also i know you're a bit slow

You'd have to be a retard to consider BB a masterpiece and spend an hour+ arguing with a drunk dude that has always considered it a popcorn flick. Who is the actual slow one ITT?

Did the pilots not see the other fucking plane? Were they retarded?

>im just drunk bro lmao trilled epic style
bb isn't a masterpiece. it's pretty shit. the plane is just an early indication of how shit it'd become as it tried to become edgier and more serious.

Turning your brain off is the only proper way to watch an action film/series. Did you agonize over how Clint survived in the desert during The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly? Did you write numerous autistic essays about how it wasn't possible on a Chinese piss bottle forum?

Brainlet detected.

The whole point was to demonstrate that Walt’s crimes were harmless acts with no consequences or affects to anyone else around him. He justified making meth by distilling all his actions down to “I’m just doing chemistry for money, what’s wrong with that lol?”. In reality the fact he was immersed in this underworld where he was faced with the decision to let Jessie’s gf die triggered a series of events which killed hundreds of innocent people....which he then proceeds to discount and handwave away as not a huge deal anyway for a bunch of reasons at the school assembly. You’re seeing the gradual evolution of Walt from some dude who is just trying to scrape by, to a guy who enjoys being a criminal and all its perks until he finally admits in the end that he enjoyed doing all the shit he did.

but breaking bad isn't an action series. it's a character driven drama, or was trying damn hard to be. just because you're a turn off you're brain capeshit watching retard doesn't mean we all are. again, maybe you'd have more fun on reddit?

It's both and you're butthurt because your autistic analysis of a plane blowing up isn't MUH REALISTIC. No one watched this series for realism, moron. Go take that autism medication like I told you to 60 posts ago. You're 70 minutes overdue at this point.

>i eat shit and i like it
>wtf stop telling me shit is bad just turn off your brain and eat it
who is the real autist here?

i thought it was like some surreal predictive programming butterfly effect thing

They just had no idea what to do with Margaret after season 2
Oh and less make every character a cheating asshole! With enough time skips relationships are only as good as we say they are

where did you get the idea that they aged rapidly? some of the walkers look like they're in their mid 30s and others look like theyre pushing 90

You because you're such an assblasted autist. Go analyze how the Lion King isn't realistic because lions don't talk next.

>Wads hapnig tuh Crastahs babbuhs, Mohrmond. How cunni trust duh wadch ugun

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>s-stop pointing out flaws in the show they aren't valid because, because? turn off your brain bro!!!!
>i-i'm not mad you're mad!!!

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That stupid point has alreayd been addressed here, and even the guy who initially defended it is like "come on, it's just a stupid show" now so you might want to shut your dumb mouth

Imagine trying to bring down legendary Breaking Bad with anything. Haha. Just goes to show that this is how specific people have to be to try to pinpoint a flaw in Breaking Bad. No critique of the writing, no critique of the acting, the red thread, or anything related to the actual show.

"pointless subplot" is what they come up with. Haha. God.

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Yeah, five fucking seasons and its only in the last season that they find an excuse to effectively write her out of the show

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when the opposition has to turn to "just turn your brain off" you know you've won
there's tons of other flaws. someone made a thread on this flaw and people discussed it.

Haha nah man

Go write another essay about how planes crashing isn't indicative of the meth and heroin epidemic gripping contemporary America. That would make good television. Let's dedicate two seasons to it in an action show. Be sure to also include hand-holding, hugging, and crying flyover retards strangled by this epidemic. Breaking Bad should have been a white trash The Wire instead amirite?

it's a good show otherwise

>Acting like your autistic sperging has forever rendered all similar post invalid
Jesus Christ user

You didn’t win shit your arguments were poor and pathetic attempts at straw man’s
I was enjoying reading the back and forth until you thought you did something impressive and deserved a metal in argumentation

it'a not though. it's an unnecessary afterthought to things we had been shown throughout the show and season. some butterfly effect plane crash coincidence is far less effective than things that happened in the show like
>the destruction of walt's family
>the death of jessie's loved one
>the increase of crime and danger as a result of drug trade in an area
it's literally the most illogical conclusion the writers could've come to tocshow the impact of drugs just so they could have an explosion

at least i had arguments and didn't just say
>just turn your brain off
you turned your brain off too early bud

>Can’t take money from Nucky
>But sure as hell can steal for Arnold Rothstein
Fuck you Margaret. Nucky was a good dad to your stupid cripple and the pyromaniac, and you just threw it all away on that stupid potato spawn.

You want white trash Intervention with Walt and Jesse leading the circlejerk. I get it. It's good television and definitely kino.

^ this is what someone who still rates bb sounds like. (15 years old)

>Excuses poor arguments with the fact he at least made them
Any retard can just say bullshit

Jack Bauer's daughter being lost in the wilderness and hiding from cougars

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no i want the show to remove this unecessary subplot. we had already seen the effects of his drug business on more personal levels to walt. you could remove the plane and it'd still have walt destroying his family and ignoring it, it'd still have walt ruining jessie's life and ignoring it. it's bad because it's a tacky, hamfisted, overblown, and unnecessary way of beating drooling retards like you over the head with the idea that walt is a shitty guy who ignores the consequences of his actions. although considering how fucking stupid you are, maybe it's good they left it in, you might not have understood otherwise

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i feel like my arguments are fairly strong though.
i've made and remade them. the plane serves no narrative purpose for anyone above 12 iq.

are you retarded?

keep reading. the answer is definitely yes.

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>no i want the show to remove this unecessary subplot.

WAHHHHHH. Cry moar. It's a fucking plane that crashed in season two and no one gives a shit. Who cares? Are you CIA and obsessed with planes or something? I wish I was as smart as some autist that obsesses retarded garbage like this.

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Well it is undeniable that whatever user you were arguing with did start just saying
>You just want a completely different show so watch that
So your arguments were better

>s-stop proving me wrong
>i-i have no argument but i keep responding
>i-im not mad youre mad!!!
>s-stop pointing out i'm retarded
you tried(?)

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i almost feel bad for retard-chan. i kinda wish i could turn my brain off and be a drooling retard and enjoy anything like him.

>planes crashing because operator dude was depressed is dumb lel

Good thread, retard. Nice avatar-fagging.

it is dumb. i didn't even start the thread, I just think youre stupid.
>posting images on an image board is avatar-fagging
you seem a little mad redditfriend

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Why did you spend 1.5 hours arguing with a guy that agrees with you but mocks your expectations? Are you lobotomized? Post another anime girl.

it's confirmed that vince comes up with the scene first, for example - the machine gun scene, vince DIDN'T KNOW what led walt to get machine gun. he came up with this later.

same with the plane. he didn't how the bodies ended up at walt's place. he came up with this LATER

reminder that this show is considered to be one of the greatest. embarissing.

>i agreed with you the whole time thats why i argued with you and repeatedly said just turn your brain off
and you call me autistic
and i'll post one for you just because i like how mad it makes you bb

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based vince

White walkers from got

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You're too stupid to realize that I've done that for over an hour, but you're still assblasted because you expected Breaking Bad to be the Sopranos or something, I guess. The retarded manchild persona fits you. Nice anime girl. Post another blog about the plane scene.

What's the path of purple in the far north of Westeros?


i'm not mad, i just think you're stupid and projecting how angry you are on to me. if anything i expected bb to stay as a dark comedy, the writers were the ones trying to make it into the sopranos and doing bad at it.
>i was just pretending to be retard
quality deflection

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Wait a minute. The plane crash was related to Walter? I didnt even realize. I simply thought the purple bear stuff was a red herring leading up to a totally unrelated thing, that freaked Walter out. The plane crash. Damn it was actually because of the crack bitch's dad? Now it seems less kino.

yeah it's like 4 degrees seperated from walt and supposed to show the consequences of his actions in the most absurd and silly way possible.

I'm glad I stopped watching that dumpster fire of a show at season 6, and even then I admitted the show went to shit. I bet the writers felt compelled to service the fans and write whatever felt the safe option to avoid controversy.

>You're probably just happy to have images and lights in front of you, like a cat.
lol that's good stuff

aliens in Fargo season 2

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This. The feather tax put on by by Manwe is ridiculous. Gandalf had to plow through all his flight points he had saved since the creation of the world just on those few flights on the 6 movies.

>walter bad
If that was the plan why didn't they just give him an orange spray tan and silly hair?

Wth the horn was in the show?