Attached: gods not dead.jpg (576x576, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

web.mnstate.edu/gracyk/courses/web publishing/aquinasFiveWays.htm

Why are atheists to terrified of god? They suppress even conversation about him whenever they can.

he's right tho

god's not dead thats why these haflwits have to make a shitty movie to assure people who were otherwise convinced otherwise

I don't fear God, for I and my enlightened brethren have destroyed him. Does the lion fear the gazelle? I do not fear God by denying him, in fact it only makes my dark lord stronger. Soon my king Satan will rise and we gamers will finally rule the Earth

Part of me wishes I could believe in God but the rest is glad I'll never have to be associated with these retards

god is real and he's a nigger

That movie was retarded and you'd have to be on the 39th step of being a complete NPC to think it's good solely because you are Christian.

christianity is based, atheism is unbased

>antagonist of the movie is an "atheist"
>clearly believes in god because he blames him for his family members death in his tragic capeshit backstory


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Aquinas proves the existence of God without using theology.
web.mnstate.edu/gracyk/courses/web publishing/aquinasFiveWays.htm
this movie is shit and makes Christians look so bad it seems almost intentional.

my wife is very catholic and theres that scene at the end when the atheist is lying in the street
instead of administering cpr or some shit, the "good christian" is just letting the rain get all over him while taunting him about "where is your god now" or whatever -- fucking fundies are such twats

so anyway, my wife goes: Protestants are idiots.

>american """"""""theology"""""""""

god's dead
but these dickwads are alive

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No one can disprove there is a teacup orbiting jupiter too small to be perceived through a telescope

Based and Christpilled

>boy who authored Heaven if for Real uncovered as liar
It's GOD's WILL!

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aquinas is such a shitty apologist
everything he said has been beaten
and christians have spent the entire time since his death coming up with new ways to phrase his arguments
and getting beaten to a pulp by atheists who know better

>tfw both of these shit movies cater to the boomer fear of the education system

Smart move. I can't wait for God's Not Dead 3: Pokemon Go turns you into a homosexual satan worshiper

God is very real. Your mistake is assuming it cares even remotely about an upstart race of carbon-monkeys that appeared on a tiny planet an insignificant fraction of the universe's lifetime ago. It would be like some mould appearing on a piece of bread worshipping you- and as soon as you turn your gaze in their direction you will grant them oblivion.


calm down, freak

>and a nice man called Jeffrey Dahmer

based jeff

>And they are right.

He is literally confirming an agnostic statement.
Very odd for a Christian movie to be running a agnostic tagline on their poster.

*blocks your path*

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>fuck this movie its bigoted against atheists

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I’m pro death and proud


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God's not Dead 3 was "universities are persecuting us"

>in the end the pastor fag lost

The Bible says the Creation itself is proof of God's existence, and everyone knows it. Atheism is cringe and bluepilled, only exists so dummies can keep filling their anuses with dragon dildos, and THAT'S something you can't disprove.

What are they going to do in 4? Have deathcamps for Christians?

the world is proof of the world
that's all

Anyone else raised /vorechristian/ here?

Idk why this pic is used ironically when everything he says is true. You can neither prove or disprove the existence of God, but you are perfectly rational to believe in him. Repent.

Because he's in a philosophy class and the best argument he has is "no u"

And where did the world come from?

It's resting on a tigers back, standing on an elephant who's standing on a giant turtle.

Ah, a Hindu, I see.

I'm not, but i'm more of an agnostic myself, since I don't think I know everything about this universe, so there might be a God but I haven't seen any evidence that proves his existence. The problem with religious people when they bring up God(or one of their gods) in a conversation with non-believers is that they pretty much always try to convert the other people in the conversation, or judge them for not believing. I think you should believe whatever you want, and more power to you for doing it, but don't try to force that shit on me and others.

Reminder that Christianity was invented, because some cunt got pregnant, and being fearful of getting killed because she was a whore, she lied to some cuck, how she was "visited" by an angel, and got pregnant, and that cuck, joseph, actually believed her.

Reminder that billions of people died, because of one fucking whore. Reminder that you made that thread because of that one lie. Think about that for a second

So all those people willing to die for one lie were simply deceived? They didn't have any experience with the Holy Spirit when they received the power of Christ into their lives? I've experienced the divine presence of the living Christ in my life... can you prove to me I'm wrong?

>so scared of women and sex that he makes up bullshit to incorporate into his hatred of religion
peak incel

God's Not Dead 4: The Last Bible
God's Not Dead 5: The 10th Crusade
God's Not Dead 6: Miracle at Lord Darwin's Palace
God's Not Dead 7: Armageddon

Can you prove to me that you're right and not just gaslighting yourself to interpret an event you didn't understand as being something that matched up with what you were taught as a child?

That boy is insanely hot.

There are no atheists in that picture user

Billions of people have died for secular reasons completely independent of religion. You cannot point out any point in history where religious order and law has led to anywhere near billions to die without conflating it over economic, political, or territorial reasons that would exist with or without a religious motivator.

Well, I came to Christ on mushrooms essentially, so your presupposition is already incorrect.

Why does my church love to have us stand and listen to their shitty band scream this song out? How is this song required listening at church?

christianity and its backwards morality is the worst thing that's happened on this planet. every ill can be traced to its spread, including jews

The protagonist in OP is not a Christian, not in the proper sense anyway. He’s one of those NuAge “Christ-flavored” spiritualists who don’t ascribe to the vast majority of dogma in exchange for nebulous statements of “leading a good life” or bible studies.

So drugs messed with your brain and made you feel funny, and now you delude yourself into thinking you had a religious experience.

What a stupid way to think about existence. Of course religious people will want others to share their views. Why wouldn't they? It's part of their reality and how they view the world. It's very naive to think that you can get along with other people when you reject their fundamental view of reality. There's no way to escape this conflict, you're an outsider as far as religious people are concerned and there's no reconciliation.

You were on psychedelics and your brain couldn't comprehend what it was experiencing, so it attributed it to a religious story you had heard at some point before in your life.

God's Not Dead 4 will just be the Book of Eli but with no name actors and Eli doesn't kill anyone since that's not what Christ would want

I'm embarrassed for you.

you can be penitent for him too, cuckold

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These are opinions, not proof of anything, unfortunately. I said I've experienced the divine presence of Christ in my life. My daily life. Mushrooms sort of brought me onto that path, but I've been sober for many years, and still I experience the presence of Christ.

>the Summa Theologica isn't a work of theology

No idea what you're talking about catholicuck, I just meant second hand embarrassment i.e. cringe i.e. you

If you feel the presence of spirits in your life it is probably schizophrenia user. The brain fools itself into confirming comforting lies over uncomfortable truths.

I see, so where did the Earth come from? Tell me the uncomfortable truth that I'm missing.

How can I be a cathocuck if I don't believe in rabbi yeshua?

Why are American Protestants so fucking cringe. At this point I don't even view them as Christians anymore. "Christianity" is some kind of weird circus in America.

There is no god, much less yahweh from the bible and all the resulting nonsense about undead jewish prophets.

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You're gaslighting yourself. You have no proof of your interpretations of the experiences you've had, there are other explanations with equal if not more merit.

What went wrong with American "Christians"?

Can you even be sure that you're real? That what you experience is real?

Basé et rougepillé

Then religious people can ride my tentpole, bitch

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Well you're in the absolute minority. And will be forever once US becomes majority brown. Then you'll have to cope with millions of fresh Catholics. :^)

>the presence of Christ
so what you hang out together? What's his favourite kino? Bet he's a Kubrickfag

There not a single human who isn't religious.

Reminder that the burden of proof is on Christtards. Nobody needs to prove something doesn't exist (nor can you, for that matter).

Ironically, all you've offered me is jewish religion, or "science" as you've been led to believe it. And yet the questions go unanswered. If 2 billion Christians are merely schizophrenic, as you suggest, then that's quite an epic diagnosis. Unfortunately, you're just a layman with an opinion.
And you have no proof that God doesn't exist and that God doesn't interact with millions daily. You're gaslighting yourself.

nobody knows

sure you can
go study yourself some history

Stop arguing with nonbelievers. It's not your concern. Also stop doing mushrooms, God's not in psychedelics, you idiot. You're just fucking up your brain chemistry and experiencing a lie.

Your origin story is merely religious, secular as it may be. If you want the question of God to go away, then successfully answer what created everything.

Bullshit. There's plenty of people for whom neither religion nor spirituality play any role in their life. If you're gonna say

>That's a religious position too!

Then you're just stretching the definition of the word beyond any use

He's right, though. God is real, but his plan does not necessarily include us. In fact, he designed things in a way that those he would see as unworthy will suffer.

>Stop arguing with nonbelievers.
No. Stop telling me what to do.
>Also stop doing mushrooms,
I did, after becoming a Christian.

How do you know that your religion is the right one?

Prayers that were answered. Impossible miracles happening, in response to direct prayers, in the name of Christ. Try it. Pray to Him and ask Him to prove He's God to you. What have you got to lose?

>no u
great argument

There is no burden of proof on religion. It's in the human psyche. Religion is just the beliefs of certain groups that define how they view the world and their place in it. It's just people's experiences codified as morals and explanation for why things are how they are. Atheists themselves hold the religious view that religion is fake and harmful, they're quite ridiculous.

To be fair, a lot of different people from different religions had their prayers answered too.
If you take that as a metric, they should be right too. So you end up in a situation where probably all religions are right.

>Impossible miracles happening, in response to direct prayers
such as?

Ingénue and honestypilled. I'm an agnostic, but your trips have convinced me to try praying. I don't think it'll work but fuck it, I got nothing to lose like you said.

But all religions claim to have those. How do you know which one is right and who is just lying?

>Prayers that were answered.
le 50 50
>Impossible miracles happening
slightly unusual thing happened, it's god
>in response to direct prayers
>What have you got to lose?
IQ, sanity and dignity.

You're original argument was simply an opinion. My opinion is the same. You're lying to yourself so that you can keep jacking off without feeling guilty. You're lying to yourself about there being no purpose and no Creator.


but that is how you define religion and not how atheists define it, so really it's pointless of you to use your definition if you want to talk about what atheists reject.

The religion that's right is the one you were born in. I don't believe humans can simply adopt the beliefs of other peoples if there's no cultural link. That's why I loathe westerners who claim to be buddhist.

>There is no burden of proof on religion.

Here's how it works: You make a claim, and then you back it up with facts.
Fail to do so, and people rightfully mock you.

Also, nice try trying to redefine what religion is simply to fit your argument, fucktard.

Some of us might laugh at these people but I tend to envy them. Imagine not being afraid or worrying about what happens to you after death. Having the constant comfort "knowing" that death will not be the end for you and you'll just begin on a new journey, seeing all the people you lost over the years again.

I mean, what truly happens after we die? I don't know but the thought frightens me. When I imagine myself lying on my deathbed, fading away. What happens to me, my thoughts, the person who I am? I can't fathom my very being, my sense of self, being completely gone.

Why should I care about how atheists define religion. They're against it, literally their opinion doesn't matter in this issue.

What if your parents were atheists?

>Prayers that were answered. Impossible miracles happening, in response to direct prayers, in the name of Christ

Name even ONE such event that actually happened.

>jewish religion, or "science"

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>all you've offered me is jewish religion, or "science" as you've been led to believe it.
>If 2 billion Christians are merely schizophrenic
2 billion people say they are christian, and remember most of them aren't even white. Do you "talk" to god? Does he answer back? :)

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Overall ethnic group then. Fuck your parents for losing the faith.

I bet that's what people from all other religions say

There are more proofs than prayers. Philosophy has been perfected through divine revelation of the biblical texts. Not all religions can be true because every doctrine contradicts the others in some ways.
A lot. I prayed for the Lord to heal my cat who was full of tumors through my hand as I touched her stomach. They completely disappeared in a couple days. It was a miracle. Once I asked the Lord to tell me through a thesaurus if it was really Him who reached out to me on mushrooms, when I came to Christ. I closed my eyes, opened the book, put my finger down, and the word my finger landed on was "contact." And these are just two examples, mind you. I have many.
I answered this above.
So be it.

We already did, decades ago. And unlike religion, we actually have evidence and proof to support the claim.
And just as a reminder, you being too scientifically illiterate to understand the evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist or isn't true. It just means you're ignorant.

Scientism is a thing.

what if your ethnic group follows a religion that is not culturally from the ethnic group? ;)

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Christianity was ruined for me the moment my pastor decided to preach against science and overall promoted the idea that we should never try to progress because the Bible is eternal and never changes

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I couldn't give a fuck, science is merely a way to verify explanations about how things work

What if you were born in the Soviet Union during the height of Stalinism and religion was very much frowned upon?
What if you were born in Maoist China?

See Your scientific journals are jew world order. Bill Noy the science goy will tell you you're right about God, and that there are ten trillion genders. They pay him well.
>Do you talk to God?
>Does He answer back?
Yes. Sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, sometimes I can discern whether or not there has been any answer. I've been asking why I have extremely vivid dreams every night, for example, and I've been asking that for years, without a clear answer.

for me it was the anti-science combined with nonstop bullshit about refugees and israel

You mean like Christianity for Europeans? Nice one m8, but my ethnic group was already Christian by the time they were even recorded in history.
All those pagans with their pagan gods? They don't exist as ethnic groups anymore. There aren't any more Norse or Celts or Romans left.


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You calling me scientifically illiterate for not trusting the mainstream science view is akin to me calling you literately illiterate for not reading the Bible and taking it as an authority. You have a religion. You just happen to believe your beliefs are true. Simple as.

>bill nye
>Yes I talk to god and yes he answers back directly
SCHIZOPHRENIA: schizophrenia is characterized by thoughts or experiences that seem out of touch with reality.
HALLUCINATION: an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present.
>asking about extreme vivid dreams, asking for years
Take your meds, schizo!

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That's silly. Look at Russia today. After all the repressions against religion, it's still Orthodox.
And I actually was born in a communist country. My parents were Orthodox and so was everyone else and claiming otherwise would get you harsh treatment even if the official party line was atheism.

adulthood is realizing that religion is inherent in humans. it doesn't matter if it's real or not. what matters is the values it teaches.

The israel bullshit is a recent thing that you can thank scofield for

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what's your ethnic group? syrian?
>They don't exist as ethnic groups anymore. There aren't any more Norse or Celts or Romans left.
All identity is socially constructed, and you'd have to agree if you think religious conversion is possible. Anyways the good parts of christianity were just "borrowed" from "pagans" in the first place, so it's not like they left. Once christianity dies, at least in the white world, there will be a somewhat of a gap to fill so that the lower IQ people have things to worry about. Hopefully they'll worry about ethnic religion again, instead of being a good lil christcuck that opens his borders (as Jesus would want).
Actually, you can think the earliest christians for it.

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Exactly, so if it's just a way to be able to confirm things, then why do people act like it's some antithesis of religion.

But you can teach valuable stuff without believing in dumb imaginary shit

You failed to convince me. Why haven't governments been locking up Christians in psych wards for years? Like I said, there are billions. Maybe it's because your arguments have failed. You have to prove our insanity, but you can't, so you resort to ad hominem. I tell you God is real, you say it's crazy to believe, I say it's not, you can't prove I'm wrong, and the conversation repeats. You obviously don't have to believe, but I already know that I'm right and you aren't.


history would say otherwise. all of our values are molded from many years of religious education.

name a religion with better morals then. inb4 athiesm

Why do you believe that you are right? What is the proof you hold onto?

Seems to me that just doing and believing something because everyone else does without reflection is a rather stupid thing to do.
If you are halfway smart, you automatically question things.

because it's a boring conversation we had so many fucking times with so many people and, still, if you tell a christian you're an atheist they'll wanna talk about it with you. It's always the same fucking arguments, like the retarded one from OP's pic and shit like "you can't be an atheist if you haven't read the bible". Of course atheism is fundamentally a belief (the whole point of the thing is that you can't possibly know for sure the real deal about it), but I sincerely don't feel like getting questioned all the time why I believe it this way.

>Does the lion fear the gazelle?
No, but they do fear raccoons apparently


this shit is sick and not because it has anything to do with religion, but rather because this kid has his parents feeding these lies into his brain in order to become famous. if you tell a young kid something enough times they will believe it. it's just malicious and people like oprah shouldn't be promoting this stuff

>what's your ethnic group? syrian?
Somewhere in the Balkans. The point is, even if there's genetic continuity, there isn't linguistic of cultural continuity to keep the old pagan gods of Thracians/Greeks.
I'm Christian in the sense that I am part of the body of the church and I confess the Creed. Beyond that I don't see a reason why I should treat anyone as a brother when he actually isn't. I don't have a globalist definition of "neighbor". I love my neighbor as in people who are like me among which I live. Not some filthy subhuman nigger who wants gibs or some slant or kike.

Okay, General Butt Naked

My direct experiences have proven everything I need to know. But then I've learned about how many lies are promoted in schools, in the media, and that, essentially, there's an agenda keeping everyone down, and away from the truth. The Christian model of our existence fits perfectly in line with the nature of our world, and it answers all of the philosophical, existential questions as well. That's another large aspect of why I hold these beliefs so close: they answered everything. I ask a lot of questions, I have a very inquisitive mind. I'm very dissatisfied when my questions are simply disregarded in lieu of some heavy emotional cope like this

I'm pretty sure even most NPCs think it's shit

It's aimed squarely at the retards with a massive persecution complex

I couldn't give a fuck about how those people act either
Stop arguing against a strawman

you don't. it's called faith for a reason

Yes, which is why I actually embraced Christianity later on in my teens after years of claiming to be atheist and upsetting my father.

>That's another large aspect of why I hold these beliefs so close: they answered everything
"god did it lmao"

Not really, that's a very hopeful way of looking at humans but in the end we have to cover up our insecurities and existential dread somehow

"nothing did it lmao"

Where's the strawman.

>the whole premise of it is based upon the writers getting butthurt because they completely misinterpreted a Nietzsche quote
>the whole fucking movie is actually just a goddamn Newsboys ad

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you don't know anything my dude, if you're ignorant of religion just don't participate in religious discussions if all your contribution is "GOD NOT REALL URRRH"

I've been in the church all my life actually

Who memed God is dead? It's not even the full quote. God is dead is supposed to mean something terrible, not a triumph of reason or anything like that.

Which Church? "Christianity" is not a monolithic religion.

In theory sure but in practice almost every enduring civilization has had a religious backing and those that explicitly shunned religion (such as the USSR) tended to collapse super fucking easily. Generally speaking a society with a strong religious and moral character is a healthy one, and there are a fuckton of reasons why this is the case.

And before you go >Christfag, I'm not at all religious myself, but anyone who gives even the most casual glance over history can understand what I'm talking about.

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>Where's the strawman
>then why do people act like

>herd animal arguments
Nothing here makes sense when you think about it. The history of christianity is clear. Yahwe was just one god of many and he was the jews' god. The jews left the tribe and then they claimed that their god is a much better and mightier god. After some time they claimed that the other gods are not even real. That how we enden up with the picture of god which we have today. The change that this certain fantasy of god corresponds to the actual cause of the universe is very very fucking slim. The bible is not any more believeable than any other lore on this planet. And most importantly, do not believe people ever if they don't have evidence. I see this daily on nootropic forums. When there is one single study on mice about a plant extract increasing dht by 0.001% there will be people claiming that they've never had hairloss and then suddenly went complete bald in 3 days. If the study shows a 0.003% decrease in dht the same people will claim that their penis turned into a vagina. Do not trust people ever on anything.
People are retards. Always was the case, always will be the case

>They suppress even conversation about him

Where? you deluded christcuck, feel free to talk about it in this very thread you fucking retard.

not really. God is not something i ever really think about.

>he makes up bullshit

Google irony nigga hahahaha

That actually kind of makes me wonder; if this is the reason also why nearly all polytheistic religions got supplanted by monotheistic ones as well, how come hinduism survived?

God aka the Demiurge aka manipulative psycho soul trapping mommas boy.

>christians in every one of these: Prove a negative fedora cringelord retard
>everyone else: Nope
>christians: Haha see you have no proof at all athiests are so weak they cant even prove a negative, what morons my god is an awesome gooooooodd

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>tribalism and group think
>promoted by the fringe loner outsider freak of society
when will trendy pol christians leave

That's an impressive sample size you got there.

>No one can disprove there is a teacup orbiting jupiter too small to be perceived through a telescope


I like that Yea Forums became so contrarian that they warped around to become ultra christian conservatives.

I am vehemently convinced that American Evangelicals are the greatest disaster in the history of Christian thought.

Wasnt that also the plot of the first one?

maybe because, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm christians, at their lowest point in the US today are still roughly half the fucking nation. Maybe its because christians systematically subvert every goverment they are subjected to, even here where they go all "god bleeesss ameerriccaaa" and then try to remove religious freedom because nothing triggers a christfuck more than another religion.
go seek medical counsel you fucking schizo

thats a pretty easy argument to make. However, its sort of just American protestants in general. When the cold war started socially, with things like mccarthyism, that is what triggered every politician being religious and flaunting it. Your neighborhood shunning you for not going to church. A true non commie patriot is Christian. This snowballed into evangelicals in the 80s, and slowly with age all the fucks have been dying out.

Nigga you retards prayed for traditional marriage and us fags wrecked your assholes.


So is god a mortal or what? If you can't die then you're not alive.

no sweetie, god is all powerful, all knowing, but he makes this realm of earth to test all of us for worthiness. If you fail, even though he already knew and loves you, he sends you to the worst existence possible forever without chance of redemption. If you are good, which he already knew anyway, he makes you suffer on earth a long time and then teleports you up to heaven for netflix and prayer.

god has 3 forms, god, jesus, and holy ghost(unfriendly casper) in god form he impregnates mary, in jesus form he can die but then he goes to heaven so he doesnt die and spirit form is like when you toggle noclip god and infinite ammo

>but there was only one set of footprints on the beach!
>that's because I noclipped and wrong warped out of bounds, my child

>jesus only had his powers because romans forgot to disable cheats for non-admins on their public server

ok mom

>god is a cunnybro

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>Gloria: "I like you guys!"
>Thiest user: "I like you too!"
>Athiest user: "Prove it!"
>Gloria: "Athiest user, I like you."
>Athiest user: "I want proof."
>Gloria: "Huh? Like what...? Are you talking about sex?"
>Athiest user: "No, because that could just be a coincidence. You could be a slut. Prove you like me."
>Thiest user: "You need to have faith, Athiest user."
>Athiest user: "No, she says she likes me, but I think it is a lie!"
>Thiest user: "No, you need faith. Some things require faith."
>Athiest user: "If she does not show that she likes me with proof, she does not like me."
>Gloria: ...
>Athiest user: "Well?"
>Athiest user: "Talk!"
>Thiest user: "She is not going to talk to you when you treat her like that! To talk to a girl, and have them respond to you, you have to act properly."
>Athiest user: "I think she just doesn't like me!"
>Thiest user: "Look, I am going to head out, because Gloria wants to see a movie."
>Athiest user: "What do you mean? She didn't say anything."
>Thiest user: "She texted me."
>Athiest user: "Prove it!"
>Athiest user: "You can't! Because the texts come from phones, and it could be your mother or sister's phone, or your uncle Louie's!"

Hinduism is so thoroughly ingrained in India's culture that actually figuring out where one ends and the other begins is nearly impossible.

Did you respond to the right post?

this is a christ cucks best attempt. Holy shit.
The "athiest" makes perfect sense too. If someone says they like you but have never demonstrated it, their words mean nothing. If an abusive parent tells their kid they love the, before and after beating them, what do the words mean?
Im not sure if this is a subtle shitpost though because the "thiest" sure sounds like a cuck.
Have you been cheating on me? Have some faith user. Let me see your phone. N-no have some faith!

>>Athiest user: "You can't! Because the texts come from phones, and it could be your mother or sister's phone, or your uncle Louie's!"

because then you're using the word to mean different things making communication impossible.

>"Again, it is written, ‘You shall not test the Lord, your God.’"

lmao at Protestants.

Yeah well protestants still suck at making movies.

How do you know if a girl orgasmed when she said she did, genius? You can't, because she can lie, but you can have faith in her honesty being true, or you can assume all women are lying, horrible people, because they can't prove their innocence completely. Some men do this constantly, because they have no faith in women, and athiests do this constantly with god, because they have no faith in god.

This isn't rocket science, but it is complicated for you, because you keep avoiding the truth; some things require faith and can't be proven with a narrow-minded, closed mindset.

I did the same things with satan so I guess he's the real god

>can assume all women are lying, horrible people
I mean

Now you're learning. Who said god is the one in these retarded books? No. How can he be? They are nonsensical. God is beyond good and evil.

This position is infinitely less retarded than what atheists believe, it is really sad that satanist propaganda has spread the "no God" agenda so heavily in modern society.

>believing in a magical man in the clouds is less retarded than not
retarded as fuck

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Religion has a basis in psychology, if you want to argue about it from a secular, detached perspective. Only when you get to theological arguments does the discussion break down. Atheist seem to reject religion, but they behave very religiously themselves and actively proselytize.

>The inability to disapprove a generic non-interference God that exists beyond our perception is proof of an actively interacting God capable of active retribution and mercy

>g-god's not d-dead

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if anything it's christcucks who are afraid god will send them to hell or whatever
atheists aren't afraid of something they know does not extist

there's a christian getting fucked though

Nice false flag, dipshit. There's no belief involved in atheism, that's the entire point. You're so skullfucked by religion you think belief in mythical creatures is ubiquitous and inherent in human beings.


Why do Christians always act like such victims? This movie included. They try to convince people that they're being oppressed and that atheists aren't allowing them to practice their religion. Last time I checked, every single American president has been a Christian. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that fact, but Christians need to stop whining.

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You believe religion is evil. And here you are preaching to the masses about how religion is bullshit and God isn't real. You're nothing but a cult follower yourself.

>the religious view that religion is fake and harmful
That's not fiction, that's based on fact. It's also ironic how you use "religious" as a derogatory term while trying to defend religion.

I have to ascribe this sort of thread to attention-deprived trolls. If you truly were a devout christian who felt strongly about religious matters, you wouldn't be visiting a den of sin and depravity like this shithole of a website.
You're going to hell, have fun.

I think it's justified to take this stance when you're attacked, don't you? What if someone came up to you and started accusing you of all sorts of shit and harassed you for your beliefs? Freedom of religion, religious expression in particular, is under attack and people like to pretend that it's not a big deal, that it's just Christcucks overreacting and that everything's normal and hey even all the presidents have been (nominally) Christian! But you refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding or refuse communion to homosexuals, that's discrimination and religious liberty ends.

>I mean, what truly happens after we die?
Nothing, brain activity ceases, your body doesn't work anymore. Nothing to feel because "you" are effectively shut down. At least that's what evidence shows us, and that's the only truth we have.

>based on fact
What fact? Do you have a single argument or are you just upset that people believe in things?

No one is placed on this earth to save souls, so Athiests damnation is their own stupidity.

>You believe religion is evil.
None of what you stated constitutes cult following, your logic is askew because you're emotionally compromised.

I didn't use "religious" in a derogatory meaning. I meant it literally.

The fact that there is no proof of a higher consciousness pulling the strings, other than a large sector of the population parroting fiction ad nauseaum. You've made the claim or decided to follow it, the burden of proof sits squarely on you.

It doesn't matter that there isn't' a formal cult following, your beliefs are religious. You religiously believe religion is evil. Because in the end religion is beliefs, not temporal hierarchical systems.

Why do you need a proof of that? That's a belief that people who follow religions have. Why do you in particular need it if you don't believe such things? I am not trying to convince you my beliefs are based on facts, but you automatically assume an aggressive position towards me. If you reject my systems of belief based on lack of observable proof, that's fine, but why do you need to go out of your way to try to negate my beliefs that I've embraced out of my own free will? You're attacking not just a metaphysical doctrine, you're also attacking the ethos of those belief systems, which has objectively contributed to our survival and development as a species.

>if you tell a young kid something enough times they will believe it. it's just malicious and people like oprah shouldn't be promoting this stuff

You're so close to being free, just a few more dots to connect.

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>alleged christian who has not even read his preferred version of the bible #167,688,673

I think people believe what they want to believe in the end. Like how you believe the bullshit you just implied.

>Why do you need a proof of that?
You asked for facts and arguments, proof needs to follow right after. Why are you trying to dance around the subject to justify your world views?
You can't possibly care this much about some stranger's opinion. You seem uncertain about your beliefs yourself.


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>Yes. Sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly

What does his voice sound like?

Can you ask him for lottery numbers?

Can he tell you things no one else knows?

What does he look like?

If you ask a question and don't get an answer, does that not in anyway affect your confidence?

Can your faith only go in one way? All perceived "answers" and signs increase your confidence, but nothing can decrease it? That doesn't seem logical.

Can you have a conversation with him, or is it just one-sided?

How come I can't hear him when he talks to you?

Do you talk back? Do you talk back audibly or do you just telepathically think things to him?

You ever wonder WHY people "harass" you? Maybe because you act like this and play the victim.
>But you refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding or refuse communion to homosexuals, that's discrimination and religious liberty ends.
Yeah, that's not how it works. No one's preventing you from practicing your religion. People get mad at you for trying to prevent others from using their freedom. You do not have the right to control other people's lives or deny them service just because they do things that are not allowed in your religion.

>What if someone came up to you and started accusing you of all sorts of shit and harassed you for your beliefs?
Clearly you've never met Christians or Muslims.

>be former Catholic
>attend a local evangelical service with a friend
>they all shit on Catholicism, and deservedly so
>tell me I need to get a "real" bible and not an authorized version because "they just pick and choose what texts you get, it isn't complete"
>ask how I would know which is which anyway
>"Any 66 book bible is good if you like the translation"
>pretty sure the bible was 73 books
>go home later, I was right
>turns out protestants are the ones with the pick-n-choose bible
Whole thing was fucking cringe

If you realised the majority of the human population was brainwashed, how could you not try to break them out of it and still be a good person? My mother is bi and took pills to kill herself because "she was having impure thoughts and was ashamed of not being a good christian".

I asked for facts about why religion is fake and harmful. Not any religion specifically, but why religion is a bad. Your response was that there is no proof for a higher consciousness, which isn't a view held by all religions. You have dodged my question. You seem to be more upset that people believe things you can't prove. This is a philosophical argument, ultimately you can't prove anything based on just sense data.

>Why are atheists to terrified of god?
Strawmanning like a bitch there, son. You're confused about what it is atheists are actually saying and this leads to you putting up a strawman argument in which you are also begging the question (framing the statement in a way that assumes the truth of the conclusion).

In reply to your clumsy utterance: can't fear that which doesn't exist, user.

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Then how am I allowed to express my religion at all? Just inside my head? You don't know anything about "how it works". You could literally go to any other bakery that isn't run by Christians and get your cake there, but this is targeted harassment, which hypocrites like you tolerate because it doesn't affect them.
You don't seem to understand that this is literally preventing Christians from practicing their religion. Not getting you cake baked for your gay wedding by a Christian isn't a violation of your freedom. People have freedom of association, this includes freedom to not associate with others. I suggest you use that freedom instead and let Christians use it themselves, you fascist.


You express your religion in your church and at home. You do not force it upon others.

The burden of proof on "brainwashing" is on you. I've seen a lot of people espouse views like this, most of them seem to come from having bad experiences with religion and their family. It's your choice to associate with a religion or not, in the end. Free will is a major precept of Christianity, in Orthodoxy at least.
You might think you're doing someone favors, but you just sound like a bigot. What if I tried to break homosexuals out of their homosexuality because I think they're brainwashed by the Jews? Does this sound ridiculous to you? Me too.

You don't understand religious freedom then. This is equivalent to suppression, do you even realize it? Why can't gays just be gay at home and at their gay club?

Are you actually joking? Religion is a choice. You can't "just be gay" somewhere else. It's the way they were born. Might as well say someone should just be blue-eyed at home.

>can't fear that which doesn't exist
well 1stly, you are no better, just making a statement of god doesn't exist.

2ndly, it is factually incorrect. a lot of people fear things that don't exist.

F for effort.

Are gays born gay? Really? What's the gene that makes someone gay?

Quote: "Long thought to have some sort of hereditary link, a group of scientists suggested Tuesday that homosexuality is linked to epi-marks — extra layers of information that control how certain genes are expressed. These epi-marks are usually, but not always, "erased" between generations. In homosexuals, these epi-marks aren't erased — they're passed from father-to-daughter or mother-to-son, explains William Rice, an evolutionary biologist at the University of California Santa Barbara and lead author of the study." usnews.com/news/articles/2012/12/11/scientists-may-have-finally-unlocked-puzzle-of-why-people-are-gay

This is irrelevant. It's still suppression if you hold a gun to my religious institution and interfere with how it's supposed to function. What freedom is being infringed if a, say Muslim, caterer refuses to cater to a Jewish wedding? Does it prevent the right of Jews to marry? To exist?
On the other hand, forcing a church to officiate a gay wedding, forcing Christians to support something they consider sinful, is an infringement on religious freedom and also the freedom of association.

In short, it proves nothing.
Where is the gay gene?

It isn't sinful though. Last time I checked, baking a cake isn't a sin.

Jesus Christ, can you read? It's not genetic.

If you think homosexuality is a sin, baking a cake for a gay wedding is sinful because you are condoning something you explicitly know is a sin. It's not that complex.
The real issue is why are gays a protected class. Or if protected classes of people should be a thing.

They aren't protected. You just have to treat them equally, just like everyone else. And providing a good in exchange for currency condones nothing except for capitalism.

Okay, I'm going to try praying. Please God, if you can hear me, make it so gay marriage was legalized before the summer of 2016. I'm tired of living in a world without him, knowing we could have been happy together. We had so many plans. We were going to visit Europe. We were going to get out of this miserable state. I know he would still be here if we could have married. I know I'm asking much, but praying is all there is left. Amen.

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Atheists are fucking retarded and 9 times out of 10 fugly and miserable people.

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Businesses have a right to refuse service for any reason, except to people from protected classes, like homosexuals. This might vary.
This is also capitalism. You don't have the right to make me act against my beliefs. You can't make me bake you a cake for any reason, even if you compensate me. You shouldn't have the power to force me to. The cake thing was nothing more than homosexuals harassing Christians, they could have just went to a different bakery, it wasn't the only one in the area.

Based and Christianpilled

Christians in most of the world haven't done this for decades. Take a walk off your front porch once in a while.

Nobody hears you, homo.

>If you have a store open to the public, you should be prepared to serve anyone as long as they act respectfully.

That wasn't meant to be quote but whatever

Are you even aware that segregation was state-enforced, not business-enforced? In a free capitalist society, if you get refused by a business, you just go to another business. Someone wants your money. The whole cake debacle was nothing but a spiteful attack on Christians. They didn't need to, they just wanted to lord over Christians and show them that they're kept in check.

So you support Twitter and Facebook banning prominent (alt)right accounts?

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that song sucks, make way for some real christ-kino:

I think the government shouldn't decide who I do or don't do business with. And I don't support censorship either. Facebook and twitter are monopolies. There aren't alternatives to these platforms because all discussion is taking place on them, so they should not be allowed to control speech.

based shroombro dabbing on these small minded rationalists

Mmmmm. Yet here we are discussing politics and we're not on Twitter or Facebook. In fact there's nothing keeping the (alt)right from creating their own alternative platforms. I'd hardly call that a monopoly. Twitter and Facebook are businesses which by your logic means they should be free not to conduct business with anyone they don't want to. Hence the (alt)right should stop complaining and stop harassing Twitter and Facebook.

Just curious. Should a christian baker be forced to bake a gay cake if they're the only baker within 10, 25, or maybe 50 miles? Should a democrat billionaire be allowed to buy up all grocery stores in a small town and refuse business to anyone who votes republican?

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valid points

I wouldn't call Yea Forums the mainstream discussion platform.
I don't honestly know if there should be any regulation at all. It should be the baker's freedom to deny service for any reason, including religious reasons. The only regulations should be to guarantee freedom of association, freedom of religion and freedom of speech and only act in cases where any of these are infringed. In any case, I'm not for more government regulation and interference.

I studied Aquinas. Im a religion teacher. His argument doesnt prove anything. You could replace "God" by "Big Bang" or "Mother Nature" and his logic would still be valid, but not necessarily the truth. It's interesting to read and the guy was very intelligent and articulate, but chose to put his talent in justifying a fairy tale. What a waste.

Why are you a religion teacher then?

>speaks against homosexuality and abortion rights
>has premarital sex
Why do Christians do this? Why don't they remain celibate until marriage if they care so much about God's rules?

>remain celibate due to religious beliefs
>have sex, incel
Maybe society is too open and puts too much emphasis on sex?

they're hypocrites, abiding rules only for the mythical "paradise" after death, which, ironically, is a sin, so they'll all go to their rightful place after all

>believes in God
>would rather break God's rules because it's better to not be called an incel than to be a Christian

>Your scientific journals are jew world order.
>says this while shilling for a semetic religion

I been, actually is a mug.

Atheists reject the truth. They see it and they tremble because it means there are things like morality and duty. So they reject the truth of Allah.

God was actually just a pile of coats in your closet that you thought was a person. Except your parents thought the same, and told you everyone has a closet inside of them that the coat man is knocking on.

Gays are expected to perform their degeneracy at home or at these clubs. If a man starts pounding another mans butt publicly most people would not like it.

No one said it's evil, just that it hasnt been proven. Try to follow.

>that jew is jewing you
>but I promise that I'm not, good goy.

of course god's not dead he lives inside your head

Pascal's spreadsheet.

I didn't though, I'm just saying the being open about sex puts pressure on people to express themselves sexually.

The statement was "there is no belief involved in atheism". I think it's false.

Well at least they shouldn't give in to the pressure or at least be honest about it.
I also feel pressure when I try to abide to these rules but people who are apparently "better" Christians than me are not following the rules.

Because it's an important cultural phenomenon in human history. I study all religions. I just havent found any that doesnt have deep logical flaws. Id love for God or gods to exist desu.

absence of belief is not the same as belief of absence, but i guess it's too hard for you to understand

It's not absolutely devoid of beliefs, but at least it has a tendency to eliminate arguments based on faith instead of logic and science.

Or be honest about suppressing such ideas permeating our society.

I guess it's too hard for you to understand what belief is. You don't hold any beliefs that are related to your rejection of God? Like maybe ones that you express on an image board?

>god is a hysteric woman

Well now you've reached the burden of proof fallacy. You're the one making the claim that a deity exists. By trying to reverse that with:
>just making a statement of god doesn't exist.
you're asking us to prove a negative. Which really can't be done unless you have omniscience (total knowledge of everything) and no one's claiming that, except your 'god'. This is why it's called the burden of proof: if you claim something you have to be able to provide proof(s). And seeing as god only appears to exist in the pages of a book and some minds that read said book you're no better off than scientologists.

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Surely you notice that it's rather similar in nature to religious belief systems? It's the religion of evidence-based arguments. It's a rather tenuous position hold in the world as a human being, in my opinion.

Because Christianity isn't really a religion anymore, especially after the World Wars. What you see is just the residue of some cultural rules Christians in the past used to do that have survived modernization. "Devout" Christians don't really exist, as compare to devout Muslims or Jews, because Christianity has stopped being about actually worshipping God, (i.e the main goal of at least all Abrahamic religions) and is more about 'spirituality' and an having an identity.

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This is why I stopped going to church and now feel guilty about it.

Yes, but this is from a strictly empiricist point of view. I can't prove to someone that I feel God is real. It's impossible to demonstrate a claim that a metaphysical being like God exists though sense data.

no, i don't "believe" in anything, especially in absence of something, it's an oxymoron, i just adhere to the most logical and reasonable point of view until proven otherwise

Thiests can be sheltered and crusader-like, but Athiests are so uneducated and deep down they know it. Step up your game, because you overly focus on Judaic religions, and you do it because you know little about theology. Theology is a wide variety of religions and it is also individual views of god not even shaped or guided by religion. Your narrow-sighted view of god and religions are obvious strawmen in your heads to Thiests, interpretations thst are forced to combat subjective moralities that Athiesm is built upon, subjective moralities that you all have; it means nothing comparing god and religion to your subject *preferences* you chose. This is an objective fact, and you consider yourself intellectuals, pathetic; Athiests think their rational correcting Thiests when a godless reality would mean nothing has meaning, including their rationality which is now absurdity by their perspective on reality; opposing sinners has no genuine negatives by their logic yet they illogical are compelled to give a shit. You Athiests are the very definition of irrational, admit it.
>My pastor did this and that.
>The Government says we should be equal, so supporting gays is right.
Educate yourself beyond your favorite punching bag religion, and then maybe you can sway someone's opinion. Society's morals do not represent what is right. It is so obvious how uninformed you all are.

So you make a leap of faith and trust a point of view that seems reasonable to you. You realize you described your own beliefs, right? You can't be this deluded. Everyone has beliefs that are axiomatic to them. The difference here is that you take an empiricist position, while theism takes a metaphysical position.

Tfw God's Not Dead 3 was actually pure kino

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You just seem to not understand that absence of belief doesn't magically make it a belief in itself, you think in absolutes - if not this, then the exact opposite. No "leaps of faith", "trust" and other bullshit is involved, no "beliefs" either, look up the term and read it until the part "without proof" is engraved in your tiny mind.

Look at how stupid you are, trying hard not to use the word "believe". Yeah sure, you don't "believe", you "adhere to".
I don't trust that you possess much knowledge of empirical evidence of any kind. In your own words, you "adhere to" the "most logical and reasonable point of view". Points of views expressed by others. Which you accept implicitly based on? Belief? Faith? Trust? You're a hypocrite. Imagine calling someone small minded when they don't even understand what belief, logic, reason or empiricism even mean.

>Imagine calling someone small minded when they don't even understand what belief, logic, reason or empiricism even mean.
If someone didn't understand what belief, logic reason or empiricism were i'd rightly call them small-minded

Obviously I meant "you", but good of you to not go for the obvious le ebin snark reply

I hate americans because of stuff like this

>it is really sad that satanist propaganda has spread the "no God" agenda so heavily in modern society.
/pol/ is pure cringe