Who could play as cloud?

Who could play as cloud?

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Idris Elba

CGI him again?

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Michael B Jordan

chadwick boseman

I unironically think Mark Hamill would have been a kino Cloud if Final Fantasy VII was a movie that came out in the 80s.

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Keanu Reeves
Mads Mikaelson
Robert Downey Jr

Dont even want to guess because it would end up being a black or Hispanic guy.

No his jaw is too wide. Angular jawed white actor would be better

Paul Dano

Why do people think Cloud is emo? Did that Advent's Children make him one? He was never emo in the game.

Lightning > Cloud


I can't fap to that

Kristen Stewart

Ezra Miller

I think he could have accurately pulled off Cloud’s dorkiness, psychoticness, and heroness. Maybe the hair too.

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A young DiCaprio

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seconding mark hamill. Cloud is way more a dork in the actual game than most people remember and a pre-accident Hamill would've looked the aprt too.

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Needs to be a hapa or andro guy. Desu they would have an easier time adapting FF8 characters to film


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Tifa will be Jennifer Connelly

That’s not a bad choice but I think kat dennings would be optimal

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