Will it flop?
Will it flop?
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Only if incels stay home
WE incels can decide whether this movie will flop or not. This is our black panther and the defining movie of incel culture.
God I hope so just to shut Yea Forums and /r/honkler down
no. i'll probably see it 3 times, like i did for BR2049
it depends how many times he says the n word
Have a sneaky feeling it could be good, far better than leto but probs not matching ledger, making him sympathetic straight up weakens his weight as a villain desu.
it's probably impossible for it to flop. Normies love the joker. On top of it having only 55 million ish budget, it's probably going to be DC's most successful domestic film in some time
>dress up like joker
>head to theater to stand in line
>friendly black dude selling tickets informs me the movie doesn’t open for another 4 months
> then I better order the extra large icee while I wait
> grin like a mad man
only if society let's it
It's DC. Take a fucking guess.
My girlfriend said I'm not allowed to see it unless I donate 50 bucks to some program to help black youths in the ghetto get scholarships
No because it is cheap.
That would be funny
I think people are expecting something different from what they are going to get. With that said, no it won't flop. I think the movie will be good, but fan reactions will be mixed
INCELS RISE UP! Fuck Captain Marvel!
>seeing that your a white man attending on your own they send you through the security checkpoint to be scanned with a metal detector and patted down
>when finally allowed in you are required to in the secured seating at the front that is within a locked enclosure
Its literally about a mentally ill failed stand up comedian who loves him mommy but then she dies and the world's mistreatment of him leads to him becoming the joker. It's a movie about white male fragility and its not okay. Society doesn't owe you anything and becoming a murdering psycho is just insanity
>If you are with your girlfriend she has to sit on the back with the brothas drinking their 40
>You have to sign a contract stating it's not your girlfriends fault if she cheats on you during the movie and if you dump her you must pay her and the black men 10,000 dollars a piece
What is 13 but also 50?
>attending on your own
clearly a normal person, which a man seeing a film with another person is, wont be subjected to this
It'll be good only because of Phoenix. But even then I'm worried the script is going to be garbage.
Sex havers stay home. This is OUR movie, the incel movie. You cannot ruin this moment for us.
It's simple, we kill... ourselves.
I used to think my life was a tragedy but now I realize it’s a comedy
No, because the budget (and expectations) are low. They didn't spend that much on it, and they aren't expecting it to
Get Out made $255 million, yet it was written about like a smash cultural sensation that captivated the nation. Blade Runner 2049 made $259 million. The Lone Ranger with Johnny Depp made $260 million. Even John Carter, shorthand for ridiculous bomb, made $284 million. Granted, Get Out made more domestically than those movies, but my point is that whether it's a smash hit or a bomb is mostly about perception and budget and expectations. Justice League made $657 million, and made way more money domestically than Get Out, yet Justice League was an embarrassment and Get Out swept the nation.
Joker has a budget of $55 million. Even Logan had a budget of $97 million. Not hard to see how Joker isn't a success, difficult to imagine a scenario where it's a flop.
No. The Joker is a draw.
It will break even at 150M.
>dress up like joker
>head to theater
this but unironically. if i see ANY couples at all im going to make your lives a living hell. i'll put popcorn in your girlfriend's hair when your backs are turned and kick my feet up on the back of your seats. you have been warned.
I think its base is $204 million. Logan made $619 million, but it also got great reviews, and Wolverine. DC does have a ton of fans, and there are people absurdly excited for this movie, though it's hard to tell how many. I can't imagine a scenario where it does less business than Arrival, so, $204 million.
I don't really care about DC or superhero movies in general but I'm curious to see one that isn't just a computer special effects spectacle. This one looks good so far.
Will it not flop?
The only things that will flop are the moviegoers when the incels shoot up the theater
Teaser trailer has over 50 million views in almost two months. I think it'll do good.
Im gonna go
>making a "serious" movie about some fucking comic book character who kills with novelty gags
Amerifats are the most infantilized nation mout there.
Stay celibate, fellow incel.
I could do even better, seat myself on different places and spill hot cheese all over them, mid-movie, forcing the couples to deal with something they've never experienced.
If you're a sex-haver, I'll wear a fake Afro and sit in front of you, everytime when you ask me to move aside, I'm going to stupidly repeat "Yo this nigger finna boutta get dabbed on".
I'm going to spill soft drinks all over you and make it look like an accident.
When I eat my popcorn and drink my coke I'm going to do it extra loud, munching and bubbling.
I'm going to subtly laugh like a madman everytime the joker reappears on the screen, just to annoy you.
I'm going to cough and sneeze whenever you're excited.
And should you try to kiss your gf, dare you, I'll remind you of the saggy tits of your grandma and the old cheesy dick of your grandpa, I'll tell you how earwax and mucus spill out of your face, I'm going to joke and laugh, I'll pretend to be schizophrenic, I'll show you a fake retard pass should you get upset.
I'll sperg out, fidget and make lots of weird noises, whenever you lay your hand around your girlfriend.
I'll bring in made-up spoilers to demoralize you, your normie brain will subconscioussly believe them all.
If you try to do petting, I'll shout awkwardly "Hey, these people are fucking!"
I will try to make cheesy pick-up lines at your gf, I'm going to provoke you as far as humanly possible. I'll ask her how many guys she's been with before you and other stuff, that will provoke you.
I'm going to randomly distract you.
In the end, I'll go home in satisfacton, getting more entertainment than I paid for in addition to an excellent incel movie.
You and your gf will be in the same room, texting each other, while you think of how I btfo'd you and she saves my number.
I'm going to infiltrate your life, I'll pretend to show interest in your gf, to divide you, then I'll block the bitch.
We live in a society
>Biggest villain in comic history in a low budget R rated movie
Not a chance in hell
>white male fragility
what the fuck is that?
capeshit doesn't fail in current year.
someone already made that movie and it was way better the first time
Yo this nigga fucking based
She'll be rimming Jamaal & the gang while you watch it alone
>White male fragility
What, no N Word?
>wait in line for several months
>have a banker's box full of crime statistics to read off while the concessions crew tries to conduct business
Why do people on Yea Forums hate incels when 99% of the people here are incels?
Because media pandering to incels. Capeshit, star wars and other garbage these manbabies watch.
>Directed by Todd Phillips. Director of Starsky & Hutch and The Hangover.
People are expecting Joker to be good?
>yet ANOTHER film lowkey justifying wh*Te male shitty behaviour
>"life is shitty on me, I am justified in retaliating against society! look at my story, you must feel some empathy towards me!"
are mad that you aren't white?
Are you also watch alita 3 times?
ultimate based incel
does he kill niggers and kikes in the movie?
Would you like some crab legs with that, user?
The studio is planning to let it bomb,
Just look at the ad budget, it’s nothing
>McDonald's Arthouse
>dress up like joker
>head to theater to stand in line
my dick?
It will be a good movie that will be torn down by SJWs writing articles. Movie reviewers will be too scared to give it good reviews and being labeled anti-whateverthefuck so it'll have a 60% RT critic score and a 90% audience score. It will get a ton of press due to these article writers, which will get it more money and ultimately make it a huge success, especially due to it's relatively minor budget. It will be kino.
The range of your mother's blood sugar levels
you're demonstrating it
It will be pure Joaquino. Havent been this excited about a movie in a while.
Get out was special because it was essentially funded with the change peele scrounged from rich ppls couch cushions
255 mil / $4 mill is a massive turnover mang.
can't wait
any script leaks?
finally watched the trailer
looking forward to this film
not enough to actually make an effort to see it but when it comes to free-to-air tv ill definitely record it and watch it at some point
white men love their cuck movies
No. If the movie reflects the trailer and behind-the-scenes videos then the film will easily become the feel good ALT-right hit of the year.
THis is going to be worse than killer clowns after it movie.
truly /our guy/
couldn't they make it even more green?
Currently watching spawn can't wait for clown into
is this the reddit version of theaterposting?
Make sure to sign the petition
if there's no scene where he shitposts on an anonymous basket trading forum I'm dropping this shit
I loved the trailer and Joaquin Phoenix is kino. I'm going to watch the shit out of this movie.
Based white men taking care of innocent black mothers.
no u
Honestly ever since the Joker trailer dropped I've seen a subtle difference in those around me. I think that Joker trailer unlocked something in the population's subconscious. On my way to work this morning my usual route was obstructed by a gruesome car wreck, so I took surface streets. I saw strange sights throughout my ride. Passing under a tunnel I saw a shirtless man covered in mud pushing a midget wearing old Victorian era garb in a shopping cart while screaming some strange brutal language.
At a red light I saw a woman grab a piece of raw red meat from her center compartment and start gnashing on it. She then tucked it somewhere in her lap after the car behind her caught her attention by honking at the green light. Only half of my coworkers showed up today. They said there was a bug going around. The coworkers that did show up all had the Joker trailer playing on their computer screens throughout the day. I saw two people sitting side by side watching the same video. One nudged the other on the shoulder and said "You have to see this." Then the one guy went over and was amazed by the trailer as if it wasn't the same exact video he had already been watching.
The boss lady always wears an abundance of make up. But her lipstick and eye shadow seemed to have been applied hastily and with more product than usual.
Although this change might be a good thing. Ever since the trailer dropped there's been a noticeable influx in people's sense of humor. Every one was cracking jokes today. After a while the whole office was a symphony of fits of laughter. My cheeks and stomach still hurt from it. It seems like laughter has been just as infectious as that sick bug going around. I'm actually still laughing right now as I write this.
If there is even one scene of the Joker playing a video game, I will purchase this movie's BD without question
The most unrealistic thing ever written. Even loser white men wouldnt slink that low
why don't incels form a cult already
>the movie isn't just about the Joker being in various ethnic neighborhoods and yelling racial slurs and then running away
>ctrl f "incel"
>13 results
Damn disneyshills are going all in with this forced meme
hopefully it will. Im fucking tired of this capeshit
In my town too, people are smiling and laughing more. But it is as if the laughter was turned inward, as if people are smiling at the thought of something big to happen. The people on the streets are dressing more formally, and muffled laughter can be heard in dark alleys and desolated houses. An old lady on the street was having trouble carrying her groceries, and was trembling heavily when i approached her. However her face was obscured, and I offered my help politely. When she suddenly raised her head, i revolted at the sight of her grimace, grinning at me with almost diabolical intent. This moment lasted only for a short while though, as when I turned to hurry away, her head returned a slouch, facing the dirty pavement.
Why is the media trying to paint this as an "incel movie?"
Look up who Paul Yanover is
Another fucking film with whitewashing in the casting.