What went wrong?

what went wrong?

Attached: 2-Broke-Girls.jpg (1068x452, 82K)

not enough eating scenes
not enough cleavage
not enough feet

also, have sex

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they never did the smart thing to solve their monetary problems

It was never good.

I mean they got 6 seasons that was long enough


eh, I'd pay them to suck my cock.
no way girls like that would actually be broke in real life.


Started a bit too late probably. They were already both approaching the wall when the show first aired.

Could've made 6 figures doing lesbian cam shows.

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Not enough ass, despite the based amounts of tiddies.

>show about snarky cum guzzling gutter skanks ends when they hit the wall

Just show off their bodies. It's literally the only reason any one would tune in.

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They weren't nudists.

the face of left it's strangely ugly

>posting a webm of Jonathan Crane AKA the Scarecrow instead of Kat
Low test and gay

They allowed Dennings to talk.

She was hotter than the fatty with giant tits.

It's illegal.

I think she's hotter than titcalf.

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big tiddy jewgoth gf

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These girls don't seem broke at all. I can't even afford to move out of my moms house.

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they were also escorts