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The boy is incredibly handsome.

it's now only verified ticket holders and people who rated it above 3.5.

>and people who rated it above 3.5

don't you mean OR people who rated it above 3.5?

nope, and
***verified ticket holders WHO rated it above 3.5
anons were posting screenshots of it yesterday

That's still pretty low

then that means it's impossible for audience scores to be below 70%

What the fuck so how do you rate a bad movie as bad?

that seems to be the case now
you don't

isn't it a wonderful world we live in? no more bad think

How do they verify ticket holders?


At the moment, you have to buy the ticket through Fandango. And guess who owns Rotten Tomatoes?

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It was okay. Sex starved faggots will say it was bad expecting some criterion tier movie. It was fun get over it and have sex please

wasnt great.
wasnt bad. mid tier
just take "but what if superman be bad as a child?" shitty fanfics. which have existed forever and in far more interesting ways, and go from there
its worth a watch if your bored, or just like the movie going experience. but theres nothing here worth going out of your way over. its a forgettable movie that someone will see on netflix in two years and say "oh yeah that existed"

I need to know this before I watch the film, is there a scene where he's either in underwear or swim trunks and is shirtless?

Will you fuck off already

>it was a fun movie
Huh, that's not what I call the entire trailer stretched out to a runtime :bigthink:

Would of been better with some context of his origin. Usually knowing more about the "monster" is bad for a slasher. But this just made it annoying that he turns into a fucking psychopath at the drop of a hat.

>hurr everyone I disagree with need to bippity boppity

Once you have sex you realize how fucking overrated it is and how irrational people are for valuing it so highly. You want real euphoria? Shoot some smack pussy.

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The fuck are you talking about. This movie is an incels wet dream.

hurr Luciferianism hurrrr

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yeah they really dropped the ball on that. as it is they made it seem like he went nuts because he couldnt get his ten year old rocks off with the girl

Should I go see this tomorrow bros

Have you seen the trailer? Yes? Then no, don't go see it, since the trailer is LITERALLY the entire movie in order...

no. if you have to go see a movie, see wick 3 or even detective pikachu

This -

No, it's not worth it. You'll come away annoyed that they didn't do more with the concept.


Already watch both desu

I never noticed how jewish the guy looks until now

Don't you mean jack off?

Then save your money user, you seem like a nice guy. I wouldn't want you to waste money if you've technically ALREADY seen the film. Just chill at home and have a nice meal, and watch one of your favorite films. You'll be FAR happier.

I’m not saying sex is everything but it’s funny to make fun of people who lack the most basic social skills to fuck ANY woman
Talk normal faggot

lol, have sex incel

Already did champ, your turn

That and him jerking off to porn seemed out of place. I mean does his species jerk off to gore. I thought they would of put some pre alien invasion type deal with it. They just made it like some little crazy human kid got super powers. Him being an alien was so out of touch with the rest of the movie.

But user, them putting in effort instead of just ripping off an elseworld story would mean they have to put in E F F O R T.

No, it really is a boring mediocre movie. certainly nothing in it is worth watching on the big screen.

Yes go see it, something to
Watch to fill the time, if you have nothing else to do but

Yeah, you're right, silly me.

This was incredibly bad.
But at least it will contain the sex starved incels and keep some of them from shooting some schools. Coming to think of it, I think this was hollywood's plan all along

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What if I watch it in my local kinoplex?

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pretty gay there'll never be a sequel where some lex luthor type fucks him up and vivisects his ass to learn how to exploit spaceniggers

no, theta

>watching Yea Forums garbage
I am disappoint

i think gunn was just messing with people. he oversexualized the kid. literally no reason to put that stuff in there
especially the awkward sex talk scene in the woods where the kid asked if it was ok to jerk off right then and there after his father said it was natural. very odd and i think gunn was taking the piss for all the twitter stuff

The whole movie, I just wanted his parents to give him a fucking hug.
Instead, they act so fucking standoffish and like they hardly wanna touch him, like they don't even wanna be involved. I don't know if that would've stopped things from happening, but it might've helped keep them both alive a bit longer and maby it would've helped him have a bit of an inner battle with the voices he kept hearing
Especially the part when they tell him where he came from, and he loses his shit. If they'd only fucking tried to calm him down, and explain shit a bit more instead of just letting him isolate himself.
I wasn't expecting this to be as gory as it was, especially when you see the aftermath of the sherrif guy getting splattered at mach 3. That was fucking crazy
Also, that ending. I like how they had the balls to just say "fuck it", and go with what they did.
8/10. Good shit.

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>thinking you’re allowed to dislike movies
buy more tickets you stupid goy and shut your mouth about it. this is your last warning.

All I want to see is what they did with the gore. The ending was so fucking dumb though, ESPECIALLY that ending Once-ler sounding fucking song.

Brandon did literally nothing wrong and was merely implementing his solution to the fq and nq (female and normie question).

See, even though I like Bad Guy it was legit the WORST possible song for the ending. I actually busted out laughing in the theater.

>"Hey. Hey Goku. You've gotta kill all the humans man. They're totally inferior or something. Come on you're what 10 now or whatever? Listen dude you are behind schedule. I'm serious you gotta kill all humans or Freeza's gunna be real mad bro."

why was every death so funny?
>lasering the dad through his eyeballs and out the back of his skull
>repeatedly slamming the deputy into the ceiling
>divebombing the sheriff and then the camera whip pans to a giant red smear
>the uncle trying to hold his comically dislocated jaw back into place
barely spooky at all

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sure thing, poindexter

I have no right to PTSD

Oh wait, you have some, well, fuck off.

Your fault for expecting spooky. I was just looking for people getting btfo

What are you talking about faggot

and we couldn't even get that.

Rotten Tomatoes is a fixed astroturfed shillbot site for movie companies now. Best to starve the beast now.

Except we did but ok

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Explain this

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>plebs voting

That means it's only counted as a fresh review when it's rated above 3.5, user

>doesn't say verified reviews
this just fucking happened and is only in new movies

Oh I see. Thanks. That's pretty fucking gay