Has any piece of film or TV genuinely horrified you or unnerved you...

Has any piece of film or TV genuinely horrified you or unnerved you? The kind that stays with you for days/weeks afterwards?

Attached: Trafficstop1.jpg (387x258, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


pic unrelated, I assume?

the blair witch project, but only because i was like 9 and someone told me the movie was real

>be 12 years old and get my dad buys a computer
>get kazaa and start downloading videos
>first video I open "russian_soldier_chechnya.avi"

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Take me to Funkytown

the closet scene in the ring fucked me up for a while

This was the last one that really made me feel something. It was definitely the screaming.

Oh man! Good choice OP! I've seen a lot of shit on the internet and on this earth up close but this really haunted me

Fire in the Sky because I was a kid

tales from the crypt episodes TV terror and the one with the funeral parlor that killed his nephew. i was a kid though

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The Fly, Videodrome, altered states and 2001.

Part of that was being a young lad when I watched them.

What the fuck is it retards?

Post it?

fuck I hadn’t thought of this in years, it’s definitely one of those you think about in the silence before going to sleep


When I went to the library and got books about egyptian mummies I couldn't sleep with the lights out for months





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better off not seeing it, no joke

vietnam vet goes crazy. kills cop in a very slow painful way by shooting him like a hundred times with a machine gun.

The scene in Exorcism of Emily Rose when the bf wakes up and she’s staring at him with her body all contorted. Jesus Christ if I woke up to that I’d instantly have a heart attack.

Yeah, OP pic and two guys one hammer. Both made me feel physically ill and shook me for a few days.

lvl 1 cop vs lvl 99 gook killer

I forget them all, I guess its my brains defense mechanism to not carry that nasty stuff I run across for a long time, until I am reminded of them, like the OP vid. Shit was brutal. Probably some ogrish and faces of death shit that I have forgotten too.

pig gets dropped by a deranged boomer

Brannan pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, claiming in part that he suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) stemming from his military service as a soldier in the Vietnam War. Because Dinkheller's video recorded most of Brannan's actions, the jury found he murdered Dinkheller in a premeditated, torturous, and cruel manner.[1] Two years following the murder, on January 28, 2000, the jury convicted Brannan. On January 30, 2000, Brannan was sentenced to death. Nearly fifteen years later, on January 13, 2015, the State of Georgia executed Brannan by lethal injection.[

there's a webm floating around /gif/ of a woman that got macheted all over the face and torso, she's moaning despite being a pile of ribbons and the filename was mrspacman.webm

The Shining's bathtub scene still makes me have to keep the bathroom's bathtub curtains open at all times at 30.

The Sixth Sense also fucked with me all through my childhoo.


why does this magical dancing fairy unnerve you?

Sir drop the weapon YEEEAHWG

The Grifter. Especially after that shit that went down in wv.

She eats a spider later in the movie


The sad thing about this, (besides the death of an innocent) is that this video is now shown in a lot of the police academies and is used to train them to be super on the edge and ready to kill and be in complete aggressive control of the situation

I never even saw the movie, but it scared me when my friend described the movie when we were 10. Didn't help that I went camping the weekend after.

Brick through the windshield.

the cop definitely fucked up and it cost him his life, but as soon as you see he pulls the rifle out of the car or starts reaching under the seat with everything that happened before, you don’t hesitate

That’s why patrolmen lay out so many niggers the second their hands drop off the steering wheel.

cops aren't innocent

this reads like something that would be on ugly mane liner notes

>the death of an innocent

Contingency>Real Sleep>You Are On The Fastest Available Route>Weather Service>Show for Children

>train them to be super on the edge and ready to kill and be in complete aggressive control of the situation
how else are you supposed to train a cop, without them losing the edge for their safety or being aware of what’s happening at all times
neck yourself

did he also tell you the movie was real?

did you find this site becuse of the 2016 election?

Tbf the shooter was a massive faggot. You could tell he wanted to suicide by cop but the cop was too chicken to just shoot his fucking ass so the vet went all Grand Theft Auto on him by jumping around the cars like he was in a video game. Too bad the cop didn't either strike or shoot the guys the moment he acted crazy and called for backup instead of trying to reason with him. Fatal mistake. That said the shooter repeatedly trying to shoot the cop more when he's wounded and yelling is just a horrible thing to do, crazy or not so I hope he roasts in hell the faggot.

Yeah I saw a movie on TV when I was younger that had a girl and an ice cream truck. The girl bought a vanilla ice cream and walked away. The ice cream truck driver got killed and then the girl came back to complain because it was french vanilla and got shot in the face. Anybody ever seen this one? Plz help

Assault on Precinct 13?

No I've just popped over here from reddit you edgy faggot

i watched this when i was 8 and was scared of it until i watched again 10 years later and found it to be an enjoyable movie

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Imagine being such a nigger that you you celebrate the deaths of cops

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This whole thread screams newfag boomers

That's the original Assault on Precinct 13.

I remember watching that "One guy, One ice pick" video back when I was 15 years old or something. Left me depressed for days. Now at 23, I can watch that video while eating. I'm so desensitized that I can't imagine anything really unnerving me anymore.

The worst part about this video is that it feels so tame now compared to the other stuff I've seen here over the years

>living long enough to see Yea Forums be pro police cucks

Weird timeline

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The only scene in a movie that has ever disturbed me is when the kike gets knifed to death in Saving Private Ryan. Ive seen some seriously fucked up shit and I have no idea why that one gets me.

Are you retarded? or under 18? Cops used to be peace officers not heavily armed gestapo grunts who are trigger happy over anything small and innocous.

Sorry you dipshit but cops signed up for being in dangerous situations and they should be trained to DESCALATE the situation not ESCALATE it.

I have nothing against cops, just the ones who act like stormtroopers and not civil servants. And for them I wish for nothing moree than they turn to Christ.

t. boomerpede who came here in the 2016 election

Holy shit thank you both

It's all the trump bootlickers that came in during 2016

Fuck I felt those screams. RIP officer.
imagine his family had to watch that


dude it was like 5 posts or some shit. i dont know why faggots like you take a couple posts and then call it Yea Forums like its every user. kill yourself weeb

The people who are shitting on cops belong to an establishment much more powerful than the people defending them

three guys one hammer. it gets even worse when you look into the trial. turns out there was more videos made of their other murders and it’s likely they were selling the snuff online

bootlicking trumpcuck

Rosemary's baby.

He gave the cop multiple opportunities to fuck off. He wanted to be big bad sheriff in town and hassle this vet just trying to drive along and look where it got him. 6 feet under. Should have left the man alone.

>kill yourself weeb
state of Yea Forums

Which establishment is that, seething Trumptard?

have sex dude

they actually use this video in training now.

I'll second blair witch, I saw it in theaters and it terrified me. And also the Ring. I felt that way after Hereditary as well. For some reason, some movies can terrify me especially when I'm alone in the dark, i'll jog to my room just from the notion of fear ive developed from watching scary movies. its like sometimes I feel like my fear is so strong that it makes something actually there.

Had no idea there were so many black people on Yea Forums. Explains a lot, actually.

who the fuck cares but that video is so fucking tame compared to cartel videos and only a old fuck who is new to the internet would cry about it on Yea Forums of all places

This, why did he even pull him?

Definitely this. Fuck that video.

Qanon predicted this


Cringe. Yea Forums isn't a secret club. Stop taking yourself so seriously lol

Unironically the 9/11 jumper footage. Especially the ones where you HEAR the splat. It just makes me feel ill

There was no reason given. He was just trying to fuck with some random guy.

nobody said it was you fucking retard

I can't believe there's so many cop haters on my middle class white Christian web server. Upsetting.

I don't think letting cops kill niggers with no recourse is a good idea because eventually they'll start killing white people too. I just make an effort to avoid any contact with them, personally. If the cops leave me alone, I will leave them alone. When the jackboot statists finally come MUH GUNS I will put them in the fucking ground though.

Not much bothers me but this and the brick video (pic related) still haunt me occasionally.

The only thing besides those two videos that make me feel real dread and discomfort is watching/being around people using hard drugs. I get so fucking anxious watching people use heroin or other bad drugs. I don't know why I guess because I know how damaging it is to their body and that they are grazing death but just don't care.

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Nothing, I'm not sensitive to that kind of things.


Yeah you did read your post

how is that cop innocent, he initiated the confrontation. you can't be an innocent victim unless you get killed while minding your own business or something

Back in 2007, when I was around 12 years old our computer used to be in the basement, right in front of a little corridor followed by another room and a door leading to yet another room behind it, so when you are facing the computer screen your back is turned to a dark void (unless you turn the lights on in the unoccupied room). Remember that feeling of walking up the stairs at night, and you suddenly get that instinct that something was behind you? Yeah, that was common for me.

Anyway I was big into YouTube at that time, and I remember clicking a video entitled "Look at this!". It was one of those old videos made in windows movie maker with an opening title card that read "stare into the center of the screen for 30 seconds then look around the room". Then it showed one of those optical illusions, basically black and white rotating spirals. I think you can surmise what happened next.

About 10 seconds in it suddenly cuts to that image of the girl from the exorcist. I had never even seen the Exorcist at that point. I distinctly remember my brain taking 1-2 seconds to register what the fuck I was looking at. And then when it hit me, I was so freaked the fuck out I bolted up the stairs and into the living room where my mom was. I remember that was so scared my face turned red, that's never happened to me before or happened since.

So yeah, now even to this day I'm a huge pussy with jumpscares, even when I know they're coming. It's probably been brought on by early Youtube/post Yea Forums internet. Back when everyone was pranking each other in that 2003-2007 era.

The Homeless guy in Mulholland Drive was a more recent scare

Attached: opticalillusion3.png (1920x1080, 872K)

the grifter. cant believe you used to get a permaban just mentioning it on Yea Forums


mr chi city talking about his dead friend is probably the video that affected me the most

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Why is that "sad"? That sounds completely reasonable.

it hurt your boomer hearth huh?

He was driving 98mph endangering innocent lives. Then he torturously murdered a 22 year old father of two, who was trying to do his job, because he couldn't rein in his anger.
>muh viet-nayam!
This guy was just an asshole, ptsd only made something that was already wrong with him worse. He was a shit fleck that didn't get cleaned up in time because our society is flawed. I hope his lethal injection was agonizing and that his time on death row was hell.

someone i went to school with got arrested for accidentally stumbling on it


>he initiated the confrontation

>break the law
>get pulled over

Holy shit, euthanize niggers already. This is really how they think.

are you trying to say it is bad to be older? I fail to see how boomer is an insult (you won't be able to give a logical reply to this)

>Cops used to be peace officers not heavily armed gestapo grunts who are trigger happy over anything small and innocous.

That only happened in your head.
Fuck off and go back to crying in your BLM circles while ignoring black criminals killing your community on a daily basis.

>someone posts about a horrifying/tragic event
>it has a wikipedia article
You just KNOW it's gonna be a good read when it has it's own wiki! Thanks senpai

Attached: coolpepe.png (251x240, 94K)

It means you are out of touch with reality. Which is true.

>"Yeah fuck da police just like it says in my hardcore rap music! Fucking nazis oppressing blacks by making them obey the law! Kill all cops! ....Also law-abiding citizens shouldn't have guns."

Attached: Soyboy Zoomer.jpg (243x208, 8K)

>ignoring black criminals killing your community on a daily basis.
In other words, exactly what cops do.

>What the fuck is it retards?

Calls people 'retards' yet can't type a simple date into Google and find out shit for themselves. It's literally the first search result.

>who was trying to do his job
Man, I wonder where we have heard this excuse before.

This didn’t bother me

the x-files/cops crossover episode

Daniel Pearl beheading. That poor motherfucker screamed in agony until his last moment. Fucking animals.

Cops enforce unconstitutional laws therefore none of them are innocent. They knew or should have known they would need to do this before they signed up, too.

>anybody who isn't a cop-hating nigger is a "trump bootlicker"

Holy shit. Hurry up and go get yourself shot, Jamal, before you rape another white woman.

Attached: Innocent Black Criminal is MURDERED for no reason by evil white suppremacist.webm (640x360, 1.88M)

yeah dude millenials and zoomers are in touch with reality

being old (30+) and going on an anime board is fucking phatehic and is a huge indicator that you are a fucking loser

9/11 desu. That shit was fucked up.

Same, my dude. For weeks I added almost a mile to my walk from school just to avoid the woods

Kys Tyrone

that has nothing to do with anything

>watching any gore video with the sound on
No thank you. My pussy ass wants to be able to sleep peacefully.


foryou user

Daniel Pearl was a CIA asset.

kys yourself boomer

What happened in brick video?

dislking niggers and disliking police are not mutually exclusive, and you've demonstrated your room temperature IQ trying to conflate the two

Brick crashed from a truck into a window of a car behind and struck the driver in the head while she screamed in pain for the whole video.

it will change your mind on police brutality and force and why police officers are assholes sometimes

The to catch a predator episode where the guy brought his son with him to meet a underage boy.
Part of me makes me quiver at the thought he might have wanted to involve his child.

Aw shit, this is my home county, really not very far down the road from me. It always creeps me out.

>drive around 100 mph and pull out rifle to kill cop
>he wuz a good boy he dindu nuffin and was totally stable

it hit the passenger (driver's mom) in the face and killed her, video was just him screaming the entire time

He was already fucking his son

We are on a anime website and you seem like an old fart so he's got a point

mars attacks

No, that's not what happened. It was a russian guy driving with his mom in the passenger seat. The brick hits his mom and she presumably died on impact while you hear him scream MAMA MAMA MAMA over and over and over again, helpless to do anything but watch his mom die

Event Horizon

4 Months 3 Weeks 2 Days

explain? I dont want to look for it if its that fucking bad

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my dad for some reason let me watch 1982's the thing when i was a kid. that shit terrified me for a long time. i remember staying under the bed sheets for hours even though it got really fucking warm in there.

never let your children watch horror movies.

how new are you holy shit is Yea Forums this fucking bad?

Shut the fuck up retard. Look it up yourself, pussy. Grifter is no fucking joke newfaggot

>reeeee election tourist
I was worried about you user, thought you’d finally decided to see the other side once and for all

ive been here since 2012, didnt start tv until like 2016

I saw this years ago and it still doesn’t bother me. All gun grabbing ZOG foot soldiers deserve to die. They signed up for this fight.

but that helped make you the man you are today

the grifter is not a Yea Forums meme you fucking newfag

yikes. Altrightism is really an incurable disease huh

seek help

>didnt start tv
Holy shit you sound like you are straight from Facebook

shut the fuck up you gate keeping faggot

I've been here since 2017 I'm not a newfag, newfag

that is new fag you new fag

Who are the politicians that write the gun grabbing laws they enforce? Why do they wear a golden Star of David badge over their hearts?

Hes not wrong, especially America is ZOG central

This thread just proves we need more gore/porn anti normie threads.

Okay newnigger, I’ll spill the beans because you’re too much of a fucking pussy to google it and won’t stop crying. It’s a creepypasta shit, not real at all. Now go change your tampon bitch

this is not reddit

>Cops enforce unconstitutional laws

t. faggot zoomer crying because a cop told your mom about the weed in your locker.

No shit, but the ZOG concept and terminology is fucking retarded. Just call it the new world order, that’s what it really is
Not saying it’s not real


The fly fucked my shit up as a kid as well

Link? Anything I’ve come across has been scrubbed off the net

you know what thank you i appreciate that

The Grifter

Not film or tv but the thing that fucked me up was the set of pics of this chinese lady that died in a bathtub and was found bloated and full of maggots.

yeah man jews control it all, even my post and his too

Why don't you people just stay on Reddit if i may ask not trying to be an asshole

Why can't we address Zionism as the cancer that it is?

>Insane boomer brutally murders a policeman on camera for no reason
>Faggots rush to the the defense of the insane boomer, literally making shit up to pretend that a random murder of an innocent cop was somehow justified

Holy shit the people ITT. How much of a fat, impotent leftist NEET do you have to be to do this?
I really wish some of you Tough Guy faggots would actually put your money where your mouth is and go pick a fight with a cop like you claim to want to. I'd pay good money for dashcam footage of a morbidly obese white guy in a Hentai Foundry t-shirt with a BLM pin on it crying as he is loaded into the back of a squad car.

Attached: My Sides Macro 2.jpg (245x319, 69K)

im not from reddit, like i said ive been here since 2012, i just dont like spooky shit. Im a pussy

Yeah, how many cops kill black toddlers in drive-bys committed over disputes on weed-selling truf in the ghetto each day?

Once again blacks shit where they eat and blame it on whites. Story of history.

It's pretty obvious but whatever you say

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Just last year American signed a bill to give a 38 billion dollar military aid package to Israel. Call me crazy but I think there must be some aspect of Zionism in the American government at play here.

>dislking niggers and disliking police are not mutually exclusive

They usually are. The vast majority of faggots crying about "pigs" are salty niggers with a persecution complex. The remaining non-nigger minority of those are white trash and retard leftists who LARP as niggers online.

what’s wrong with Jewish controlled territory in the middle east

Summerfags are out to play. Fuck off kiddo

>driver's mom

It was the driver's girlfriend.

> Dinkheller fired the first shot at Brannan but missed.

>At this point, Brannan ran from his truck toward the deputy and began to fire again, hitting Dinkheller in exposed areas such as the arms and legs. Brannan then began to reload his weapon as the now-injured Dinkheller tried to position himself near the driver side door of his cruiser and pleaded for his life.
>At this point, Brannan ran from his truck toward the deputy and began to fire again, hitting Dinkheller in exposed areas such as the arms and legs. Brannan then began to reload his weapon as the now-injured Dinkheller tried to position himself near the driver side door of his cruiser and pleaded for his life.
> Dinkheller had been shot nine times when Brannan took careful aim, said, "Die fucker," and fired a final fatal shot into Dinkheller's right eye.

Because using alrady established pejoratives does absolute nothing for your credibility in arguments, it just worsens it. Try explaining to people why blacks are such a problem, but only use "nigger" "porchmonkey" "grease" etc to describe them. No one would listen to you

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Based comfy user

>He gave the cop multiple opportunities to fuck off.

OK, so you honestly believe he was in the right by speeding and shouldn't have been expected to be pulled over?

For me, it wasn't the screaming...it was the silence after

Oy very, because you'd literally be causing another shoah you filthy goyim!

Tv has gotten progressively shitty over the last 6 months more than usual. Anytime theres a movie posting, its plagued with a mixture of /pol/fags rambling about trump (good or bad) and spamming nigger in the chat, or its genuine shitposts 24/7 irrelevant to any coherent responses

Because their worst nightmare is an alliance of anti-NWO libertarians/conservatives, anti-Semite right wingers and anti-apartheid liberals.

how is it any different than any other weapons trading the US does? besides being allies? besides the number value of course
it’s just standard military industrial complex

I saw this when I was younger and it made me feel so fucking weird/scared

Attached: bad-dog.jpg (734x561, 73K)

3 guys one hammer for me, that shit 2as too much for me. Now anything goes I guess.

>checks thread for horror recommendations
>thread plagued with pol cunts
Fuckin a man, just looking for spooky movies m8

>t. r_donald cumguzzler

They are aggressively expanding their borders, taking land that does not belong to them. Not that I think Israel belongs to the jews in the first place, it was given to them based on scripture after WW2 and I don't think the jews that live there today even share much genetics or ancestry of the jews that lived there 2000 years ago.
Zionist is not a racial term, there are a lot of zionists that aren't even jewish.

Then why'd he call her mama?

I’m sure that the united faggots of america would really bother them


>t. discord-tranny

Speeding is a made up "crime" to give cops an excuse to give tickets to people.

Anyone know the event where a bunch of local TV networks had a prepared speech for something that happened? I cant remeber it for the life of me

>gun grabbing
guess again

Attached: police btfo gun grabbers.jpg (2000x2782, 1.12M)

Israel would be doomed without US backing, and popular support has be dwindling. Just look at how much less support it has by Americans compared to by Bongs these days.

America has no business being in the middle east. Israel would be BTFO without America's aid. Keep in mind the amount of outcry that has happened over Trump wanting to spend 5 bil on a wall in america, Yet I haven't heard a peep about the billions of dollars of taxpayer money that goes off to build walls in Israel.

I was assuming you're trolling but there are probably niggers that actually believe this.

Attached: Those signs that say CONSTRUCTION mean you should slow down, asshole.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

the fly 2

>Just look at how much less support it has by Americans compared to by Bongs these days.

Almost like Bongland has been being flooded with Muslim fundamentalist "refugees" for the past 10 years or something?

A lot of speed limits are actually set pretty arbitrarily.

Who do you think enforces gun laws? Robots? Ghosts? The police enforce gun laws and they do it at gunpoint. They are the most unamerican, traitorous pinko pieces of shit in this country I don’t give a fuck what happens to them.


Fuck me, that bit was so sad. Both the fact this dog was horribly mangled, and that the guy had to put him down.

>waaah why wont the cops let me own a legal gun even though I have a violent felony conviction fucking PIGSSS
basketball american detected


No one needs to be going 100 mph unless there's no human within like 10 miles, which isn't usually the case



Except if you looked it up you would see it’s the opposite. A higher percentage of British as well as Canadians support Israel than Americans do. I’m sure Trump’s radical Zionism is only driving the left further against them and increasing that number.

speed into a made up "wall"

The enforce the NFA and countless other laws that effect everyone you faggot

will do, gonna cost your skin, eyes, hands and neck tho

>Trump’s radical Zionism

But I thought Trump and his supporters were all ebil Nazi white-supremacist antisemitic Hitlers?

Why can't you people keep your fucking narrative straight?

Sorry meant for

you fags remember porsche girl? i think that was the first gore i ever saw

Yeah, I remeber that. I remember the family had a memorial page on Facebook, or myspace, and it got spammed with the pics. Fucking crazy

I don’t know what the fuck you are talking about by saying that to me. I voted for Trump but he is absolutely an Isreali dick sucker

the family basically stopped using the internet because of that, and some even sent them the pics by regular mail iirc

Of course. Those girly screams of officer Manly are hilarious.

The fact that so many people feel uncomfortable upon hearing criticism of jews is precisely why the Jews need to be criticized. If professors can call for the genocide of whites and get a promotion, we ought to be looking deeper into what the hell is going on.

Not proud of it but I was fucking scared of Goosebumps, even the opening and would change the channel no matter what.

>some even sent them the pics by regular mail ii
you have to wonder who would do this. Seems beyond even typical edgy user behavior

Fuck that cop

What the fuck why didn't the cop shoot first? I can't believe there are actually good cops out there.

Attached: accidental discharge.webm (638x360, 524K)

is that some cartel shit?


that episode with the fucking green goo in the plane gave me nightmares for years, especially since I was going on a plane for the first time ever the next fucking day

i can watch any gore but it's the reactions of loved ones that i cant bear, i've still never sat through that fucking brick video and i never will, never seen that club fire or whatever either.

No, they're just former zogbot psychopaths if they act the way you mentioned.

>Daniel Pearl beheading
Does anyone have a link or webm I can't find anything

All veterans should be euthanized upon their return from duty. They can't assimilate back to civilian life and most of them just end up killing themselves anyway. You'd be doing them all a favor

The club video is still shocking in how quickly it goes from people having fun, to people stuck screaming in agony, to uncanny silence.

>why didn't the cop shoot first?
It was a standard traffic stop until that point

The overwhelming majority of police shootings are justified, there are very few that aren't - and when they aren't justified you will definitely fucking hear about it (and most of the "unjustified" ones you hear about are actually justified)

It's also extremely rare that you get a case like the Simon Says Hallway where it's blatantly unjustified but the cop gets away with it anyway (that one still pisses me off)

Attached: flag him down.webm (638x360, 494K)

You need mental health help. Go outside, socialize, interact with real humans. What you're reading on the internet isn't real. I wish you luck and really do hope the best for you user.

At the very least we need to stop glorifying them and their roles in society as heroes. For every cop who actually saved a person's life you have 100 that are corrupt and evil.

Attached: Screenshot_20190524-182807_Google.jpg (1079x1042, 444K)

Despite what Shaun King tells you, most of the time a cop shoots a Vibrant Youth Who Is a Straight A Student And Visits Church Every Day™ it's actually very reasonable

Attached: average police shooting.jpg (730x480, 17K)

Attached: Toofar1 (1).jpg (800x600, 58K)

Based nig

>Vice article
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>I share a board with wimpy newfags
It's always threads like these where they reveal themselves

>Fight for your country
>Your reward is to die for it upon return from duty

>left screams for body cams on every cop to stop evil police executing innocents for no reason
>body cams show cops are justified for the overwhelming majority of the shootings
>left screams body cams are racist

Attached: racist police.jpg (960x541, 56K)

theres other anons in this county?

If you live long enough TO return then you are doing something wrong.

the dagestan massacre footage stuck with me for a while. the young russian soldier crying for his mother before the savages executed him mostly.


Meme-answer: 3g1h

>can't have a comfy thread about scary videos without reddit tourists shitting it up with politics

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Holy shit same. He’s begging for his life and the nazi soldier just shushes him and drives it deeper into his chest.

Funniest part is those guys were 89iq conscripts who didn't even want to be there. Nothing wrong with a country culling it's trailer park trash.

This. Leftcucks magnify rare and statistically irrelevant freak occurrences while ignoring blatant and relevant truths.

A cop (of any race) and a black civilian:
Guess which one is, statistically, more likely to murder you.

What if that guy is still being kept alive to this day. Kept going on a cocktail of drugs and nutrients and mostly kept comcious as they flay any skin that tries to grow back. I wonder how long they could keep someone alive like that

>For every cop who actually saved a person's life you have 100 that are corrupt and evil.

[citation needed]

I’m actually in a position to make decisions on my local police departments budget

too soon



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he wouldn't have survived long since they took a machete to his throat. poor soul probably didnt even get a grave marker




Badass desu

hiroshima bombing scene from barefoot gen

Jesus Christ there are boomers on this site that find this disturbing.
It felt not too long ago when pol was losing it shit cheering for 'cant corner' dorner

kek pussy

that dead cop protected and promoted the same government that sent that guy to vietnam in the first place. some backwoods 11th grade drop out who probably stuck his pistol in niggers faces and thought he was doing a good job. first time I saw this vid I knew the guy was a vet immediately by watching how he took calm shots and bobbed and took initiative by actually closing with his target. fuck that pig who obviously had never served a day in his life, unable to recognize a combat vet, and just stood there trying to win a gunfight because of his ego instead of running the fuck out of there

>liveleak deleted all the beheading videos
I still dont understand why

They’re both in the wrong. The cop was a faggot for literally begging for his life (while wounded), then took a cheeky shot at the suspect’s back while still begging. They’re both murderers in their hearts. In b4 adrenaline, because anybody who surrenders with only to shoot after being shown mercy are fags.

too many newfags. These newfags overwhelmed the rest of us

edgy. the screams or terror are what makes it disturbing.

>"Muhfuggin poh-lice PIGS be oppressin' me n' shit when I tryna' sell my product! Fuck da poh-lice PIGS oppressin' us KANGZ."

it makes muslims look bad. liveleak doesn't want to get shut down by the thought police. same reason they deleted all the IS videos


>"If you don't cheer for murderers killing innocent people you are a boomer."

You're deluded faggots and your really need to be sterilized.
People despise you and your faggy little celebrity criminals and there's nothing you can do about it, zoomer.

It’s not just niggers that hate cops you MIGA queer. They just hate them for the wrong reason.

you're clearly a trumpcuck who came in the 2016 election or a /r/eddit fag.
most people start on Yea Forums and they post worse shit on there on a regular

That seriously fucked me up as a kid.


Where else am I supposed to find them?

For me, its the video of the whistler

In the video the vet spared the cop only for the cop to shoot when the vet turned his back. He dug his own grave.

Ask around. I don't know. They deleted all their Syrian war footage too. lol.

>some backwoods 11th grade drop out who probably stuck his pistol in niggers faces and thought he was doing a good job.

I love how TRANSPARENTLY you faggots baselessly project onto cops so you can feel that random murder is more justified.
You really need to kill yourself. Actually you should kill yourself by picking a fight with the cops you claim to hate so much. I'd love to see a fat, pasty NEET get choke-slammed by a cop. Could make for good viral content on YouTube.

What's the right reason?

apparently the cop was reprimanded for being too aggressive with suspects and he was trying to tone it down, then that happened.

>unironically bootlicking the enforcer of jewish laws that trample the constitution

where did i say that.
If you find this disturbing compared to the thousands of shit posted on Yea Forums you're just a pussy

>In the video the vet spared the cop

After shooting him multiple times?
You really need to fuck off. Or AT LEAST lose weight.

They are "Im a pussy cop who got shot in the eye because I want to be able to shoot others with immunity" screams, not screams of terror. Only bad part is him gurgling at the end which is kind of bad.

>It’s not just niggers that hate cops you MIGA queer.

They're 99% of the cop hate. The other 1% is whitetrash rednecks and basedboy Redditors who hate white people in general.

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I've found that this video only affects flyover Americans for some reason

Because cops fucking suck, not because din do nuffin dey racist. Fucking cops arrest people for “hate crimes” for god’s sake. They are fags.

That was from when Cops weren't trained to execute people automatically. That video is used to train all new officers and why they will now kill you for reaching for your wallet without telling them first.

>That was from when Cops weren't trained to execute people automatically.

You leftcucks really need to stop making shit up and pretending it's true.
It makes you look insane.

The vet only fired a fatal shot afterwards. The cop should have let him go and call for backup and an ambulance.

no because I'm not a pussy

Is Soviet America, cop kills you!

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>Fucking cops arrest people for “hate crimes” for god’s sake.

Cops don't get to choose which laws they enforce. They have to enforce them all.
Sounds like Leftist legislators are at fault, but you can't let go of your hate-boner for cops due to either being a nigger or a redneck.

Libertarians you newfag. White supremacists as well. That’s pretty much all of pre-2015 /pol/.

Cops are just another patios tribe to whites- hyper militarized by black crime rates, but since they can’t engage in discrimination they shoot down and harass whites with bootlicker boners- what’s worse is soon they’ll refuse to answer white cop calls on blacks (already happening in Dallas)

If cops were abolished whites would be safer, as they’d protect their communities with complete discretion and brutality

Cops don't make the law, they enforce it.

police states are good
t. Boomer

Le edgy Reddit post

Wtf is this Yea Forums(nel) or fucking Facebook?


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Police are now trained as an occupying force and to see all civilians as Iraqis. I.E. a potential threat. It wasn't that way before.

fucking newfags lmao kys nigger

>drunk asshole running around with a rifle the day after the Las Vegas Massacre gets himself SWATed and gets shot due to being unable to follow directions

OH THE HUMANITY. He probably would have gone on to join MENSA and cure cancer after this.

SWAT did nothing wrong. Drunk failure of society created a dangerous situation and SWAT acted accordingly in order to not get dead. At BEST unfortunate.
Glad to see this case STILL makes you faggot cop-haters SEETHE with impotent rage though.

Us old guys have more of an excuse to be here than you do. Young girls are dumb as shit and trying to "find themselves" you will never have an easier time finding hot young pussy than when you are young. So why are you here?

Fucking summer is here again...

fuck the police, this pig got what he deserved
if you're a cop and browsing Yea Forums I want you to know that you're fucking despised by everyone, and this is exactly the fate you deserve faggots

Oh so they only HELP shit on PART of the constitution for their jewish masters? And that’s supposed to make me hate them less?

>One autistic with faggot mottos on his AR
Neat outlier bud

>da shots weren't fatal until later!

Yeah he used Naruto magic to make sure the first 10 bullets were magically non-lethal.

Again, fucking kill yourself you brainlet. You are ACTIVELY grasping at straws to defend a deranged murderer.

>voting for a candidate whose platform is removing/stopping unwashed, uneducated masses that immigrate to a place that's not their home then shit it up and refuse to adapt to their culture
I wonder if t_d niggers see the irony in this.

Hello my boomer fren, have you considered that some of us might not want to associate with women like that and instead want a stable and loving relationship?

They shoot people too tho

>muh leftists
you sound insane

>break the law
>get pulled over

>attack a cop
>get shot


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t. seething overweight NEET

t. pathetic bootlicker

Anyone who puts safety before liberty isn't a real American and should go back to England and be a beta cuck there.

Yeah, acknowledging Leftists exist is pretty insane.

Club video?

They chose to enforce it. They choose to defile the purpose of this nation. And people’s only defense is “lol based police own the nigs” when in reality without the faggot police let’s see the faggot government enforce the civil rights act in this first place. Are they going to call in the National guard into every town in America for the rest of time?

pointing out a problem doesn't insinuate a strawman, you're too caught up in retarded dogma to think critically

>Be a cop
>Try to arrest someone
>Get shot by them
>Take away everyones guns so they can shoot whoever without retaliation

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>pull over unhinged Nam vet for speeding
>get blown away
good. I hate traffic cops. sociopathic manlets that enforce unconstitutional laws to fulfill their ticket quotas.

>muh drunk reprobate DINDU NUFFIN

t. pathetic degenerate bootlicker.

Hot take: America and England are both the landfills of the world and neither are better than the other

>t. faggot cop who gets his jimmies rustled when he pulls over a citizen with 2nd amendment rights
hope your wife and kids agonize and cry at your funeral, while shortly after start sucking Jamanl's dick you pig fuck

>pointing out a problem

"Muh cops are trained to be evil killers to murder all the baby TrayTrays!" isn't a real problem. It's a made-up leftist canard to shame the only force that is stopping black criminals from ruling over cities unopposed.

>Arukenimon from Digimon Adventure 02
>The Salt-Vampire from the first episode of Star Trek
>And a sketch of an aswang from an episode of Destination Truth
I was a pussy when I was a kid.

Holy shit, seethe harder, Jamal. No amount of shitposting will make you not a nigger, or even not a criminal.

>executing someone clearly not armed and face down on the floor is okay because they are drunk

I'm pretty interested in those club and brick videos I've seen mentioned. Are they really that bad?

>They chose to enforce it.
They choose to protect the people. The same cop you run to when it benefits you also has to enforce all those other laws that you happen to dislike.
>They choose to defile the purpose of this nation
The purpose of this nation is not to revolve around your personal wants and needs.
>the faggot police
>the faggot government
Oh so you are either a nigger or an edgy anarchist fag.

Who do you think protected and integrated those fine black gentlemen into your schools and neighborhoods?

Fucking brainlet. You're a useful idiot getting played like a retarded fiddle.

Destination Truth has been airing since 2008. If you were a "kid" in a year later than that you need to GTFO Yea Forums.

>defending traffic cops
okay bootlickers. I bet you go the speed limit on country roads at 4am.

chechens beheading young russians after they were captured (im sure someone has the video but im never watching that shit again)

How many black people die just because their pride makes them defiant. Just fucking listen to commands and you won't die, easy. It's amazing how a black person can just point shit at an officer and the community acts shocked when they get killed. How fucking retarded do you have to be?

Actually it was OK because his dumbass made a SWAT member with a gun trained on him think he was going for a weapon, after he was running around with a weapon the day after the worst massacre in American history happened.

Basically suicide by cop. Nothing of value was lost.
You cucks continue to seethe over it though. Nothing you can do about Natural-Selection.

>just roll over and obey
t. Master race

Lmao. Whites are such cucks.

It's basically Black Supremacy. They will never admit it, but that's what it is. Liberals and blacks unironically want blacks to be ABOVE the law.

no one mentioned BLM or any of that political shit, you brainlet. US police are excessively aggressive. They kill more whites than blacks anyway.

>literally no you
cry more faggot pig, your day is comming

By all means, continue fighting cops.
I enjoy footage of you dumbshit niggers being blown the fuck away.

ackshully it wasn't ok because he had a literal bb gun and wasn't aiming it at anyone. Some people saw him have the toy, and called the police because they got scared. If I recall correctly this is America and we have the right o have firearms you faggot bootlicker

>cry more faggot pig, your day is comming

Fucking lol. Keep telling yourself that, commie. The police and everyone who isn't a nigger is armed and ready. We'd love it if you'd quit bluffing and actually made good on your threat but you won't. Probably because your ass is too fat to carry a rifle anyway.

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By all means, continue fighting redcoats.
I enjoy engravings of you dumbshit revolutionaries being blown the fuck away.

>he had a literal bb gun
It looked like a real gun and was reported to the cops as a real gun

>and wasn't aiming it at anyone
Yes he was before the cops arrived.

Lie harder, leftcuck.

>durr if you don't suck a cop's dick you're a negro or a liberal
cops have been a menace to white rural America ever since the 90's
you're out of your goddamn mind if you think cops are the friends of white America like they used to be


>non sequiter

What a shock.

I think the black community just has a completely different understanding of the world, at least as far as cops are concerned. I remember watching Flint Town and then came a scene of one black woman crying and saying that now due to police brutality she was going to have to tell her kids to stay out of trouble, and then another black guy saying that now he was going to have to obey the police. And I'm sitting there wondering how the fuck did they think it was supposed to work in the first place.

>out gunned and out manned pig trying to act hard
go ahead faggot, try to come and take it. You'll be screaming like the lil bitch you are as in OP's video

Cop detected. Unless you believe the black clad state enforcers give a single shit about you. If so, lick on.

Hopefully when trump gets defeated next year all these ZOG cucks will fuck off.

There it is. It isn't rolling over. It's respecting the authority of an officer enforcing the law. See that's the thing. It isn't just a lack of repsect for cops, it's the law you have a problem with. You want to commit crimes and be a shit member of society with no consequences. Nobody owes you anything. Try being a decent human being for once.

>you have a constitutional right to carry a weapon
get fucked faggot, I'm not a lefty but all the documented evidence shows you're a lying fucking retard

where in the world do you think you are going to get food? anywhere rural is a paradise for guerilla warfare, especially the south

get fucked bootlickers

>if it's the law you must obey

Literally the most unamerican sentiment you can have. Go back to Russia, comrade. The state works for us not the other way around.

>reddit spacing

what the fuck are you even trying to say retard

Ok retard. You are the absolute definition of a fucking newfag.

the only reason why we need cops at all is because the government let in too many browns and blacks

>all the niggers ITT

They allow access to Yea Forums on the library computers in Juvie?

Thank God you people get yourselves shot so often. Natural-Selection in action.

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You have the right to carry a weapon, you don't have the right to handle it carelessly potentially endangering someone else. The cops are not supposed to wait and see if it accidentally fires off while you're waving it around and it kills someone before stopping you.


>reddit spacing
Not a real thing.

Seethe harder, queer.

>I hate niggers so much I let the government's thugs in to fuck my wife
wow you sure showed them, boomer
make sure to donate money to Israel

Good argument. Well in that case I'll reach in my fucking pocket and rapidly point my fingers at a cop to show him how strong my principles of disobedience are.

>you don't have the right to handle it carelessly potentially endangering someone else
why don't you read the reports made regarding this innocent man. He had the weapons in his room. He wasn't going around and threatening people you fucking retard. You faggots who think the pigs do no wrong is literally what's wrong with this country.
>p-please uncle sam u-use l-lube the next time you want to fuck my ass

The poor choice in Last Crusade and the Martians zapping people in Mars Attacks

Oy vey dont worry I have private security I pay to protect me and my property, but you wouldnt need that instead I'll allow you to pay taxes and some of it will go to pay a bunch of alcoholics and manlets to shoot you when you break our laws. Sound good?

>he thinks cops enforce a high trust society and the social compact
no. both those things, like white america, are dead. cops are enforcing a semblance of what they once were with threats of violence and death.

>supports communism
>cant even figure out a plan to make it work but supports it anyway
like pottery

>randomly spouts accusations
>I sure showed him *laughs in tipped fedoras*

>supports the police state
I'd bet you and the average communist (real ones, not soi commies) have much more in common than you think.

best post itt

are you not ok with them keeping some niggers in line? i am
pic related, your reddi t tier fedora reference

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