AMWF representation in movies

Why do we have absolutely no AMWF pairings in hollywood, even thought it is pretty common in real life?

Attached: fear.png (1208x1258, 1.77M)

Other urls found in this thread:

> it is pretty common in real life

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pretty common in the bay area

Hiroshima Mon Amour
literally Andrei Rublev

>the gay area

excuse me, did you not see kill bill?

There are literally no asian men in kill bill

That’s a white boy

oh, my mistake

A Simple Favor


You're more likely to see pic related than amwf in the Bay Area

Attached: camel-throws-guy-bites-head-14134153078.gif (320x320, 2.37M)

i want a camel


Attached: screencaps-01867.jpg (1280x720, 212K)

poor rittle white girru

Attached: screencaps-01873.jpg (800x450, 117K)

Cause no one is attracted to asian males

t. alt right incel


what is this from

Why are all the dudes squinting?

source bro

t. r/asianmasculinity gook

Go watch some BWC destroy some tiny asian pussy cuckboi

You just know this is her ultimate fantasy irl

Is that Jared Leto? God I wish it was

no wonder he stopped drawing backgrounds
he was too busy getting busy

Attached: kubo is pimpin it.jpg (267x211, 11K)


Attached: Hotdog down a hallway.webm (432x243, 844K)

By the sheer volume of disgust on her face from him touching her you'd think she was also Asian.

Based Luo Dong, which one is it ? Sauce

"Amelia" in SVDVD-508

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who cares

Attached: 1518686990447.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

whats up will ferrell your movies fucking suck

Sam Hyde already showed she had Asian fever a long time ago.
No. Really. (also 5:30 mark)

Attached: screencaps-01875.jpg (720x406, 56K)

other kinos like this?

Attached: MV5BOTUzODNkOTUtNDE3NC00YmZlLTk5ZTktZjMwMjlmYmFkZDAzL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDAxMTYzMjQ@._V1 (1394x752, 59K)

like this?

Attached: Asian Masculinity.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

Imagine thinking there are any white girls in the bay area to begin with
t. Lives there

Attached: 1537160868552.webm (800x552, 2.94M)

Gonna need a sauce for that buddy.

im too busy practicing my martial arts

This. Asian girls love the BWC.

No like this

Attached: 1518687385572.webm (640x360, 3M)

why are these retards moving like they have cerebral palsy

Why are you gay?

have sex, tenda

This thread on Yea Forums makes me laugh

Amwf couples are usually cute and dont make me cringe desu tho

Was that the chick in the MDE Williamsburg video?

Why AMWF couples look way better than BMWF?

who says im gay

cause niggers are ugly, what else?

All race-mixers and trannies will get shot, along with the other degenerates.

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No they won't

you're cute, user

H O T sex scene damn it it was so hot.

Four 4s confirms not gay

What is thy wish thou purest soul?

you can take em riceboi
enjoy their witch like personalities and zero desire for children or any fulfillment in life besides drugs and sex

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Thank you

I make girls moan and squirt if they're nice to me

Are you a grill?

it doesn't, BLACK MALE/Any female is based


>Living in the midwest
>Nothing but shitskins and poo in loos

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