I have a token I was bidden to show thee

>I have a token I was bidden to show thee
what is it?

Attached: The_Mouth_of_Sauron.jpg (592x360, 48K)

Idris Elba.

where eyes

eys undr hellsmat. sumstims whens eys gets coffered u's cant sees dem buts we'z knows dey under thers, k?

it was trips

Why, my peanus weanus of course :)

Hahha! :D

It's my weeeeeeeeenus peanus! Haha :)

Is it toothpaste?


Attached: 916C3B8E-583A-436D-8D8C-7055AD0F97FE.jpg (508x518, 68K)


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Dollar coins? Great now I have to go to the bank.

Was the mouth of Sauron just an allegory like the Eye of Sauron that Jackson made literal?

>A tall and evil shape, mounted upon a black horseā€¦ The rider was robed all in black, and black was his lofty helm; yet this was no Ringwraith but a living man ... his name is remembered in no tale, for he himself had forgotten it.
Nah, it's just some dude.

Nope, but Jackson did change the scene (like he did with almost all scenes) and make Aragorn kill him. Book Aragorn would never kill an emissary during a negotiation.

Was this Alexandria Daddario's best role?

I thought that was daisy Ridley

based and fluoridepilled

if he is the mouth of sauron then where is his anus ?

Pretty sure thats Harad.

The CGI was so laughably bad in this scene

My dubs

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uh you touched my tralala