If god is all powerful, then he cannot be all good, and if he's all good, then he cannot be all powerful

>if god is all powerful, then he cannot be all good, and if he's all good, then he cannot be all powerful

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Other urls found in this thread:


>implying the post modern idea of good applies to god
This argument has always been stupid bullshit from the 1500s-infinity

>botching up the problem of evil by simply reversing the first statement in an attempt to sound deep
yup this is a Snyder flick

almost as dumb as the idea of a magic sky daddy who wants you to be a good boy

Lex Luthor would disagree with Uncle Jordan

*tips fedora

Too true, fellow redditor

>slave trying to understand the master

could god create a dildo too big for him to deepthroat

religion before then was even more obviously a cashgrab that had the added benefit of social cohesion...sometimes

But he ain't black

Why didn't Zuckerberg just have sex?

>trying to reason with God
sounds jewish as all hell

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religion is a scam for little goyim cattle like you and your family


>religion is a scam
>join my quasi-religious ideology

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An omnipotent God has the ability to limit potency at will. If He couldn't then God would be no different than a infinite star burning constantly at its maximum potency. Absolute control over oneself is a prerequisite to omnipotency.
As for omnibenovolence (all-good), any action the God takes is considered Good; Good is derivative of God not the other way around.

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>evil character
>uses argument from evil

that's like philosophy 101, no wonder why your prepubescent-level turd for brains was completely awestruck by this dogshit writing. Snyderlards are all clinically retarded.

He even fucking says he is good and evil. That he is everything.

>I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil. I am Jehovah, who does all these things” (Isa. 45:5-7).

Wow that was hard.

This, understanding an actual God in existence with that much power is simply beyond us. It just is, which he himself says. It's not a hard theology to understand in that you know nothing in reality.

Proper translation is "adversity" or "disaster"

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So deep.

Hence the importance of metaphysics, particularly the concepts of revelation and transcendence.

so deep my ass faggot

The character was a pseud, but he's not wrong

Which is still seen as evil by humans. The translation isn't wrong. Just because we have a personal concept of Good and Evil doesn't mean it has anything to do with God's concept of Good and Evil. Things just are, what he is is what he is. His concept is all that matters, whether we understand it or not, whether we place our own ideologies and morality on it or not. YHWH is literally everything within his concept.

he was fucking Grimes

I've always assumed that if any god exists, our interpretation of it would be far off. It's more likely to be some abstract lovecraftian garbage that barely interacts with us than sky daddy

>god is incomprehensible to mortals
>but just trust me bro he revealed part of his plan to me :^)

Well that is likely what he is. The very concept of even looking at his form bursts people into flames, turns them to salt, etc. If we're made in his image, then its basically the same as actually looking at yourself truly, what you truly are, your aura, soul, whatever. No point in really understanding it, live your life and if there is a God, hope you don't go to a Hell, Sheol, or wherever. If there is a reason for everything, whether God is literally just every Atom in the Universe, a lovecraftian abomination similar to most of the angels, or some random shining energy man, or whatever, who knows. Doesn't matter, live your life, and hope he/she/it agrees with your choices if one exists.

>Being with finite comprehension attempts to define the infinite
>very possible his conclusions are not accurate

This, its like trying to actually understand the concept of Nothing.

>tfw "created in his image" doesn't mean that we are like him, but rather what he wanted in that moment
>tfw god could be anything

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It's hilarious that Batman and Superman were the top 2 superhero properties 10 years ago and DC tarnished both of them in 2 movies while Marvel was able to make billions from there nobodies and overtake them. Bravo Snyder

superman jesus based

Especially for a being that sees all of time. He could be a giant planetary eyeball with all of time around him like a ring around a planet that he can see at all moments and interact with as he chooses. I can picture it, but it doesn't actually make any sense in my head, it's beyond me.

>It's a "if God is good then why to bad things happen to good people?" episode

Why do writers use this line of thought so much? It's honestly retarded.

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Because people try to act more intelligent than they actually are and to base their own morality and thought process as if they themselves were God. It's egotistical.

It would be perpetually out-of-reach; tantalizing but in a good way. Limited being always reaching for the Truth. Finite beings asymptotically moving toward the infinite, but never reaching it. We may become gods, but we'll never be God.

Existentially, it seems like the only worthwhile pursuit of existence: to transcend, to beat the game and move onto the next.

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Unironically FullMetal Alchemist does a good concept of God as Truth. God is you and really everything in those moments, it's about letting go, and accepting things, finding the right answer. It's one of the better approaches to a God I've actually seen in media, especially for an anime.

>slaves are only black
fucking idiot

>Jews jewing God
based kikes kiking the kike god

You just don't get it.

>attempt to understand nothing
Just measure your dick

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So I'm a woman? No wonder I won't sleep with you.

>lex luthor is a zuckberg clone autistic atheist with a psychopathy leaning inferiority complex

snyders curse is having good ideas he can't execute

A giant eyeball sitting in the center of time watching humanity for all the rapes. They were beautiful, user.

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Bran please, we'll discuss rape in a little bit, sit there and be a good boy.

People need religion to function properly. Without religion, you descend into mindless hedonism. What atheists fail to understand is the world is getting more religious because godless atheists don’t reproduce. Demographics are destiny

Love you too user.

Fucking Epicurus. That dumb cunt.

I like to picture God as a cowboy, and he uses his lasso to rope up the devil, and when he sees you doing a good deed he tips his hat and gives you a wink

>tfw god isn't real

>basing your life around a book that was written by a group of people that knew people that knew people that knew people that heard Jesus and some of his buddies talk
>also all these people thought Jesus would be back in a week
>and it's been translated to every language and back again
>and it's been edited by random people throughout history
>this is what you base your entire life around

Does he wear a white cowboy outfit?

You're alright user.

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>Mfw user burns in hell while I cold kick it with Jesus

God doesn’t promise an easy life. Jesus died on a cross. The symbol of Christianity is that cross. All of his apostles were brutally tortured and killed. God is not of this world. If you are living an easy and comfortable life then you are doing things wrong

The meek shall inherit the Earth. Those who suffer are stronger spiritually and will gain more at the end of all things. They're closer to God than anyone, even if they themselves do evil sometimes too.

No, a black duster like in Tombstone, and whenever someone yells “G*ddamit”, he turns towards the camera and says “I’m your huckleberry”, with a wry grin on his lips.

How does a Christian god account for life on other planets? Did god make them too? Did he also give them a rulebook on how to live that's identical to ours?

>Those who suffer are stronger spiritually because they need a mental escape and to pretend life will get better for them

Fixed it up a bit there

God is a chad and does not do sci fi shit like makes space aliens


>life on other planets

jej. don’t hold your breath.

They shall be put to the sword

I like to think that tragedy and injustice are byproducts of a world with free will. While fate and destiny certainly do exist, they are not pre-determined by God, but rather exists solely because causality and permanence need to exist for life to even be a thing. What point would there be to God creating life that he pre-determined literally every aspect of. That would be true life, just a bunch of puppets.

>"Religion is the opiate of the masses, a tool to keep the weak placated and blind while the ruling body does with them what they will!"
>Atheists never work towards revolutions, rebellions, uprisings, or even just simple acts of opposition to their rulers

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>god made an infinitely expanding universe with billions of other planets to have them all be empty so his chosen people could be alone in his big sandbox

What an asshole!


>Earth makes contact with distant aliens
>It turns out one of their religions is identical to one of ours

Would there be any doubt as to the authenticity of said religion?

>poor religious people are eager to throw themselves under a bus at the slightest notion of trouble because they are pretty sure the afterlife will be good for them

Sounds like a real fun time

So we can master time and space and eventually everyone can live on their very own planet with the help of robot workers and be free from the tyranny of other men

Based and red pilled

There is nothing after you die, face it user

You fundamentally create low-trust societies as morality becomes nihilistically arbitrary. A metaphysical morality system is far optimal at normalizing behavior within groups and building trust; rather than a morally relativistic one where individuals morality can be subjective and untrustworthy.

You'd find a inverse correlation as societies become less religious, they rely more on laws to govern behavior. Ideally, laws would be unnecessary if everyone acted morally. It's why in small communities, like the family unit, you don't see a rule of law, but a rule of morality governing that unit. As you expand the community to encorporate the outgroups, you incorporate deviated moralities from the ingroup, and thus need to enact laws to reconcile the two. Ideally you'd like those outgroups to use the same morality system (religion) as your ingroup, but this integration can lead to conflict and laws are placed as a compromise but lead to low-trust between the groups.

Most religions actually condemn suicide and suicidal actions.

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Nah, he's just a Libertarian that knows that the best choice for humans is to give them freedom.

but goyim means someone non-religious...

I envision a Lil' Billy type.

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Dumbest post here

Whatever makes you feel better, but if an omnipotent god existed, and gave his creation free will, he’d have to make it so his omnipotence was in doubt for his creation to freely choose to follow him, otherwise everyone would automatically follow the clearly omnipotent god and free will wouldn’t really exist but in name.

it's not about expressing that issue, lex luthor is his own character with his own personality not a cypher for ideas. the quote and mindset is more about lex's own demonic jealousy of beautiful and divine things. his myopic view that he blames on his abusive childhood blinds him from all that is good and consumes him with a childish desire for destruction.

This. Religion is the software of a civilization.

Have you seen the film? Has anyone in this thread seen the film? Lex is painted as silly and childish for this logic. This is not faux-profound. This is literally the psychotic ramblings of the film's VILLAIN.

>Long live Stalin!
>bullet to the back of head
Sounds like a real fun time

Don't project your nihilism on "poor religious people".

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>morality can't exist without religion


I'm not talking about Lex, just films/tv in general.

>dude just turn your brain off! you can't get it!

I think its stated numerous times that the idea is God is kind of what we picture him to be than what he actually is. Hence before the common iterations of God we associate him with, he was described as an aura or a giant hand.

Nowadays its an older guy with a beard because the model of wise-ty is that. Then young atheists jump on that as retoric thinking that was how he was defined all along

How do you keep millions of people on the same cultural page?

Wrong, the films villain is Wonder Woman. She dicks around until the very end and watches Superman kill himself by wielding a kryptonite weapon that she could have easily grabbed and used, saving Superman.

Blood and Iron

>dude just do what feels right lmao

How about logic? I wouldn't want to be murdered so I don't want people to murder. I don't want to be stolen from so I don't want people to steal. etc.


Language and Legends

>literally how religious laws are created

>rape is morally justifiable
Sure you can go around saying this, but it doesn't make it right. There are certain absolute truths to the Universe, and morality falls into that whether you like them or not.

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Lots of people do want to be murderers and do want to steal

Half of the population statistically has an IQ less than 100. Hellfire is much more convincing than Plato or Kant.

>thinking religious morality is arbitrary

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Plenty of people want to murder and steal for many reasons, often logical reasons.
>If I kill my neighbor, I no longer need to worry about him potentially killing me. On top of that, I c can now own all of his holds, goods, and can possibly rape his wife without worrying about him stopping me. In addition to that, if I can cover it up and make it look like someone else did it, nobody will ever question me, so I can kill and steal from another guy too!

There's little to no logical reason to be a moralfag.

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>Did you know there are more people with genius IQs living in China than there are people of any kind living in the United States?

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And? Religious people commit crimes as well so clearly the threat of damnation isn't full-proof either.

I would argue that legends are like religions. Your putting faith into a mystical past and using it to guide your actions in the present and future. This is what religion does

how does this work? isn't the second switch still a switch?

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What a better way to do that than an omnipresent being who will send you to an eternal damnation if you are bad in life. If you're instead referring to tyrannical rule than the people will just try and overthrow it, plus leaders die

Just a reminder that Zoomer Atheism is a phasel, no differently than their typical pouty temper tantrums and how briefly they last as a result.

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it changes how the circuit functions or something, Since they cannot connect a circuit on shabbat

Well said user

If both modes reach the same truth, then they're of the same teleology. The simpler explanation becomes a useful heuristic.
You don't need to explain to someone how the fundamentals of electromagnetism works every time they flick a light switch; the light still turns on.

This. I dont get how people cant understand this.

Batman's is similar that he is projecting the idea on Superman that everyone is corruptible because he himself has fallen to killing his own enemies.

it's just shitposting or people really too slow to grasp capeshit

God is a spook and a cunt and christians are weaklings that can't defend their women from muslim rapists and their children from pedophile priests making the church a dead weight in modern times

Jesus is based tho

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>If he is all-powerful, he can do the logically impossible
>Thus, proving something is logically impossible is meaningless, as the all-powerful thing can do the logically impossible

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>police prisons and public disdain do not exist

>god is omnipotent
>this means he can do anything
>anything god does is good

therefore, god cannot do evil, contradicting his omnipotence.

religious people cannot do logic. why does your god have to be transcendentally powerful, intelligent, and present anyway? stephen king is just a human, but his power over his stories and the worlds they take place in as absolute as anything gets. he can't even sensically interfere with his universe directly because it wouldn't make sense.

Worst Lex Luthor by far. Michael Rosenbaum, Billy Zane, Bryan Cranston and even Leonardo DiCaprio would do a good as Luthor.

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>source: VG charts

So what are you selling to replace it?
There's always an angle. Most likely some nihilistic ideology like geneticism, materialism, hedonism, statism, etc. et al.

This problem is only a thing when you think about God as an actual being, and not a faceless conceptual force of the universe, heavily influenced and influencING naturalistic tendancies in large groups of humans.

Conceptually, God is closer to the Hindu Dharma, or Adam Smith's Invisible Hand.
The problem is, the Judeo-Christian version of God comes from the bible, which, on top of being transcribed and re-transcribed and re-re-transcribed over centuries, blunting a lot of the original meaning already, was translated from the ancient Hebrew, Egyptian, and Aramaic, all of which, Hebrew in particular, are prone to anthropomorphizing difficult concepts, like cause-and-effect.

>make another shitty batman vs superman thread
>people start to talk about something completely unrelated

That's not the definition of omnipotence they use. The definition used states that he limits his omnipotence to good things by choice. They say he chooses to be good even though he can choose to be evil. Just like how someone on this site can choose to get banned for posting porn but decides not to. There's even a medieval philosopher who says something on the lines of
>Yeah, God can make a cow from a tree. But why the fuck would he?
At least read over plato.stanford.edu/entries/evil/ first

>What atheists fail to understand is the world is getting more religious because godless atheists don’t reproduce. Demographics are destiny
What christians don't understand is that it's just the muslims who have a high birth rate, and christianity is going to die off too

a conceptual force of nature is not worth worship. i respect a hurricane, i don't pray to it. hindus and buddhist don't worship dharma, they try to live in accordance with it correct?

Nothing or simply follow the golden rule that existed before Christianity

Modern day christians would be burning in hell for things like divorce and having sex before marriage their faith is simply used to feel superior to other people or to have something in common

despite being considered the religion with most followers it is judaism and islamism that are the relevant abrahamic religions in the world (and more dangerous as israel and islamic terrorists shows)

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If there was no evil, there would be no good and vice versa.

The lack of polarities would result in neutrality, which is sometimes viewed as morally good, when it isn't.

This argument is very old, it was disproved during the 500's by the prophet Mani, who mixed Christianism and Zoroastrism to create Manicheism.

Essentially, he says God can be all powerful (or he's not God) AND all good (or he wouldn't by my god) but the concept of evil is inside humans, not in Nature. We're creatures of both Light and Dark exactly because we need to favor our Light.

Actually this and I think that BvS is a terrible, horribly-written mess of a movie and that the movie's version of Lex Luthor is easily one of the worst.

Oh absolutely, yeah.
In fact, the modern "Go to church on Sunday" idea of worship is actually a more recent (within the last thousand years) idea. The old-testament idea of worship had more in common with workers' rights and maintaining hygiene than the active exaltation of a supreme being, and Jesus's sermons had very little ritualization about them, and were little more than ancient TED talks.
The modern idea of congregational worship came around, as most of modern Christianity did, in the thousand or so years after Christ's death, and was used mostly as a method of subjugation of the masses.


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You're taking the view of evil as some primordial substance equal to God's essence. Evil is merely the absence of Good; like a shadow is the absence of light and has no substance of its own. In essence, your asking if God can be nothing; which ontological can't be true, much as light can't be a shadow.

>less suicides
what about the self exploding ones? those don't count?

can a marvel film ever stir up any sort of conversation or does it come off too onion right away?

>Implying mortal understanding of good is relatable to a grand cosmic being as old as the universe's meaning of good.


Evil isn’t the absence of good. Neutrality is the absence of good. Evil is goodness viewed from a different perspective

Tips fedora

Evil is rebellion against God

This is why Islam will win

This movie isn't good at all


>thinking a deity follows human ideas of ethics and morals

Good goy

Just because you're insecure about your own ability to be a decent person outside of religious constructs doesn't mean it's impossible.

All you need is a functional sense of reason to understand that, for example, it's unfair to take someone's life because you're robbing that person of their potential to live in the same way that you want to live. You don't need a two-thousand year old tome to draw moral conclusions, user.