Harrison Ford says nobody should replace him as Indiana Jones


Will Smith or Brie Larson?

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Chriss Pratt

Shia as mutt was kino let him do it

Oh shit - I'd actually watch that.

I'd actually like to watch you die

they haven't made an indy movie in 30 years. big deal

fuck yea

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>Reddit the actor

You act like Indiana Jones was ever anything more than fun action.

The character isn't sacred.

The movies aren't even that great.

Fuck off.

“This is a hell of a way to tell Chris Pine this. I’m sorry, man,” said Ford, seemingly mistaking Chris Pine for Chris Pratt – whose name has been thrown around as a possible replacement for Ford.


Idris Elba

Oh really? If they're not that great and the character isn't sacred why don't you just make a new fucking property. Fuck, they might even get an original thought out of it.

Bill Pullman btfo

>Will Smith or Brie Larson?

combine those two and you get Tessa Thompson.

Chris Pratt is exactly the wrong actor for it.

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you belong in hell

Meme off user, you and me

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>You act like Indiana Jones was ever anything more than fun action.

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You need a chad Daniel Jackson. Otherwise no, Harison is one of a kind and shouldn't be replaced.

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Chris Pratt fucking sucks

Chris Pine would actually be a good choice, certainly better than pratt

that's a good choice actually.
Dr. Henry Jones Jr. is a dweeby Chad professor. He's not Nathan Drake or Han Solo.

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If you wanted your movie to gross $15.


>The movies aren't even that great.
For imperfectly put together movies, they’re surprisingly rewatchable, over and over and over again.

I can feel the ridicule coming, but I'm going to say Jensen Ackles.

I never understood this. Chris Pratt would be a horrible choice. If they had to go with a white Hollywood actor named Chris, they should go with Pine.

We're living in the dregs of the current zeitgeist, Chris Pratt is the best we can come up with.