Mediocre shlock actor

>mediocre shlock actor
>suddenly loved because of staged PR photos to seem humble
>b-but his wife died! yes, sure, there's tons of actors with dead wives, but he's special because memes! le new chuck norris!

is keanu reeves the most overrated meme actor of modern times?

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Fuck you

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you sound like a fucking nigger and you should lynch yourself

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>is keanu reeves the most overrated meme actor of modern times?
Nic Cage

Unironically go fuck yourself. But I wouldn't wish an ounce of pain upon you this poor man has had to endure. Yes, he's a millionaire. Yes, he's famous. But he has a heart. Unlike you OP


This "Keanu a good boy' shit has veen around for at least 10 years now

People don't say he's that good, they just like him.

Normally i would say "cringe" and call you mean names but since this is a Keanu thread I'm gonna say, well thats your opinion i guess dude, you're welcome to it, even if you are a total FAG

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maybe op hasnt been around for that long, you heartless monster

But dogs are sexy. I WANNA SEX THAT SEXY SEXY DOG.

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Reeves has been loved by everyone since before you were born, only thing I noticed is people don’t mock his wooden acting anymore

Fuck you nigger

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reminds me of the fights in the Batman trilogy

t. ruby rose

Keanu has always been /ourguy/ faggot

The consummate contrarian. Has no legitimate opinions of his own. So sad.

Get out, tourist.

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I hope OP dies screaming.

>Point break.
>The matrix
>John Wick.

Keanu has been in some Kino flicks and he puts his all on his roles. Thats why everybody loves him.

I too am a sheltered moron that can't comprehend how incredibly tragic losing your wife in a brutal car accident mere months after a horrible miscarriage is.

Neck yourself OP.

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Incredibly unbased and disgustingly bluepilled.

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never procreate

John Wick is a Gary Stu

>b-but his wife died! yes, sure, there's tons of actors with dead wives, but he's special because memes! le new chuck norris!

reminder that he dated trannies


>white knight


Dicaprio, Pitt, and Damon are the most overrated. They have zero talent but act in a bunch of artsy movies in order to trick idiots into thinking they can act.

holy fuck how much more based can someone get

He did it back when it was absolutely based, like eddie murphy did

Why are you posting the shooped version?

Attached: keanu.png (716x733, 1011K)

I liked him for his humility image, but then I saw John Wick, which was awful. We're no longer cool.

Have sex

Alright, take off your pants big boy

fuck off zoomer


Low quality bait user, but everyone took it. Congrats.

charisma, something you dont have,

we know he cant act we dont care

>at least 10 years now
10 years? Try hundreds of years.

Attached: Keanu through the ages.jpg (500x281, 90K)

Shut up you fucking zoomer

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based retard. don't have sex

Your jealousy is astonishing. Everyone loves Keanu and they always will. You should get over it.

Pitt can act

That was before OP was born though

I hope your mother gets cornholed by a pack of greasy Samoans.

>>suddenly loved because of staged PR photos to seem humble
No idea what that's about.
Didn't even know he'd been married 'til some of the threads this week.
Keanu's still based, though.

His wife died?

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Doesn't count when everyone knows hes a meme actor with more shitty performances than good ones

he's just cool who gives a fuck

arnold can't act, yet we still admire him

And once again OP wins with such a easy bait.
Why you people are soo stupid?

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>He says replying to mediocre schlock bait

The only reason Muslims run everything ion JW3 is because of the amount of kebabs removed right


overrated? Maybe, since that's subjective. But ll three of those people can act their fucking ass off.

Keanu has never been a schlock actor, hope that helps.

Also his nice guy thing isn't an act

who the fuck is this numale and why people keep posting him

Try thousands.

Attached: keanu lifetime.jpg (2300x427, 773K)

He dated Jamie Clayton from Sense8 for a while.

Cringe fourth rate bait.
How young are you?

>dude everyone must know by beloved e-celebs!
