Transformers (1986)

Is it the best Transformers movie?

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Other urls found in this thread: satoshi

I hate Rodimus Prime.



It's the only Transformers movie.
That Michael Bay garbage is not Transformers.s



He’s the only Transformer with an arc yet he’s hated by the fans. I don’t get it.

manchildren hate change

See: The Last Jedi

Yes, they did away with a lot of the classic characters to blatantly make room for new product, but on the other hand it kind of made for real drama as opposed to the increasingly tired routine of the series.

They killed off Optimus and Megatron for cynical, money grubbing reasons but it inadvertently turned a toy commercial into a sort of grand tragedy that shattered the expectations of unexpecting kids everywhere. It was accidental kino but kino nonetheless.

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It was an excellent coming of age character. But they should have made him more like Optimus in season 3. Not made him so self conscious.

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Dare is the better song, put it on your play lists

No, the production of this was a mess and those problems got carried over to the series causing its eventual death.

>It's the only Transformers movie. That Michael Bay garbage is not Transformers.s

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No one can replace Optimus and for that he’ll always be inferior, but he’s a fine character.

It was before Hasbro realized people actually got attached to these characters and didn't like their hero getting shunt aside for someone now.

It would be like Batman getting killed because here comes Nu-Batman, what? why don't you automatically love this replacement?

Good writing could've maybe worked it out with Rodimus but they never really got a handle on him playing up his insecurities too many episodes. Ironically, Ultra Magnus came off like the better leader in Season 3

Replacing Optimus was good.
Its annoying that Transformers now is just always Optimus and Megatron.
I liked when Japan took over and actually made original characters on both sides instead of just using Optimus and Megatron again.

I don't hate him, but most shows have a hard time switching out one lead character for another. An 80's cartoon wasn't gonna pull it off.

By far, yes

Bumblebee is decent

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Fuck you nigger, Rodimus is based



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Instruments of Destruction by NRG is by far the best song in the movie

It’s good too, but dare rocks and is inspirational so I prefer it. They can both go in the playlist, but only one is getting the repeat button pressed for ;)

Nah, Dare is the best.

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Bumblebee is the best Transformers movie because it actually tells a complete story.

Don't get me wring, I love TFTM, but it's full of shit that just IS NOT EXPLAINED WHATSOEVER. It took multiple post-movie episodes just cover it all.

And those post movie episodes were absolutely terrible. It was like they put Andrea Bocelli in charge of animation quality control.


Yes, the 5 episode mini series was so poorly animated that it's been the bane of my existence for the past 32 years user. You got me.




Yes and Rodimus being insecure about living in the shadow of Optimus in season 3 is pure kino but not executed well because it's a cartoon about selling toys.

Have sex

You just blew my mind. Did TF inspire the Death / Return of Superman, Batman: Knightfall, and all of the subsequent superhero replacement stories?

Something evil's watching over yooo-oo-ouuu

What, the Quintessons?

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Orson Welles is in it, so yes.

did you guys know that the character designer for the Transformers movie was a hentai artist? satoshi

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His new stuff is awful. Too many "legendary" manga/anime/game artists hit the wall so hard.

Reddit the post.

This. Suck a dick zoomers.


Hot Rod-> Rodiumus is one of the best character arcs ever committed to cartoon.

I don't care that he fell short in the TV show that followed, the movie itself was great.

"Yeah, but what was Rodimus' tax policy?" - Fuck that shit.

Keep coping, killing off the estabilished cast and made way for a new one might have been a dipshit idea THEN but in hindsight you have to admire the ammount of great writing and interesting characterizations that came in the series.

The only problem with Rodimus is that the writers didn't tell each other what kind character he was supposed to be, which is basicaly early Optimus from the More Than Meets the Eye minisseries, except more rash, more trash talk-y, more loose and liberal, as opposed to Optimus who just turned more dry and stoic as the series progressed, and he does come off that way in various Season 3 episodes and it's fantastic, there are literally 4 or 5 episodes where he uncharacteristically questions himself/his skills as a leader and it makes no sense other than to indulge in some writer's need to completely break character while saying ''we GOTTA have this in'', but in hindsight I'd say Rodimus was an even better leader than Optimus because for once he let the Autobots grow past being yes-men.

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the name still sounds like it belongs to a giant rat tho

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Stupid Sexy Robot

the name is the worst thing ever and it's painfully obvious that they didn't intend for him to be the leader, they did intend for Ultra Magnus to be the new leader, because he's big, name sounds cool and powerful, and he's red white and blue, I just don't know what happened.

Chomp chomp.

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>tfw no blu-ray rip webm of arcee dancing on junkion

>intend for Ultra Magnus to be the new leader

This right here.

He wouldve done a great job. He's Primes first pick, humble enough to admit hes just a soldier and not worthy, is already respected enough to have to say things only once, is also a BASED fuckehuge truck, and willing to sacrifice himself for the cause, which he ended up doing anyway.

Fuck you Rodimus, Ultra Magnus best leader.


Goddam this movie has so many GOAT lines.

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Fuck off, autist

why hokuto no ken backgrounds though

Chinese unofficial toy makers sure think so.

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How can such a thicc robot transform into such a streamlined vehicle?

mass shifting

Just reusing some stuff to cut a bit of costs. Just like those mobile suits from Zeta Gundam being in the movie.

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Mass shifted into the right places.

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that's kinda amazing, I would've never found that out

Saw this opening day in 86 when I was 8 and it's iconic. Ironic that a fucking TOY COMMERCIAL has more heart than most of the fucking trash that passes for popcorn movies these days while it shits all over Bayformers. God-tier in every way!!!FACT!!!

>No, the production of this was a mess and those problems got carried over to the series causing its eventual death.

WRONG. After the movie the show couldn't compare. I lost interest as a result!!!FACT!!!

The Z Gundam robots are just animators inserting references, it doesn't necessarily have to be cost cutting. There's a lot of instances of this in Anime.


#1 Fritz The Cat
#2 Transformers The Movie
#3 G.I. Joe The Movie
#4 Akira
#5 Ghost In The Shell


>#3 G.I. Joe The Movie
>Writers decide to kill Duke.
>Production delays cause the movie to be pushed back.
>Transformers movie comes out.
>Fan backlash to Prime's death causes them to make last minute edits to keep Duke alive.
>Poor performance of the Transformers movie and MLP movie cause GI Joe to become a direct to video release.

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I love the way this movie deals with death. It's so matter of fact and disturbing in places. We see beloved characters get snuffed out (Prime, Prowl, Ironhide, Ratchet, Brawn etc....) and the lifeless bodies of others just there (Wheeljack, Windcharger). The part that still haunts me is the two robots that are dropped into the acid tub and dissolve while screaming!!!FACT!!!

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still has a great opening

It's garbage. People say it's so much better than the Bay movies, but it's the exact same thing. Just a bunch of Transformers shooting at each other with barely anything resembling a plot. Animation and music is nice, though.

Yeah, Duke should have died. That "he's gone into a coma" shit was stupid. It's weird that I didn't even know that a G.I. Joe animated movie existed until one day in 1988'ish I was at the video store and saw the VHS box for it. Took a look and didn't know what to make of it. Rented it and was fucking blown away. They should have re-released this in 2017 theatrically for its 30th anniversary because I would have went to see it on the big screen. Transformers is better overall but G.I. Joe has some fucking amazing fist pumping moments and I adore the Lovecraftian elements of Cobra-la!!!FACT!!!

Bay's movies are fucking trash with annoying human characters while the movies do nothing but sucks the military's dick at every opportunity FIVE MOVIES and not a single good one. Bumblebee was also trash!!!FACT!!!


That's not Nothin's Gonna Stand In Our Way

Will it ever be topped?

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Also, you all should check out the audio commentary on G.I. Joe The Movie by Buzz Dixon. The credited writer of G.I. Joe The Movie is Ron Friedman, who wrote TFTM, but Dixon was the actual writer and was uncredited. He says that if he had his way he would have made G.I. Joe The Movie nothing but Shipwreck in Tijuana Mexico while that character was based on Jack Nicholson in The Last Detail!!!FACT!!!

>reddit wars

sorry but Tranformers Animated is the reddit series

Blackarachnia had giant tits in that cartoon.

That would be Transformers Prime, actually. Animated is fuckin great.

Jin Saotome is a God

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Madoka Godzilla Prime