THEY LIVE has nothing to do with Jewish control of the world

Attached: they live.png (600x588, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:ür_Sexualwissenschaft experiments lain

No shit but the parallels are still there irregardless of the original works intent which makes the prevalence of that behavior in modern culture even more repulsive when you truly realize how deep it goes. Look up the history of Hollywood, who started it and why. That's all you need to know...

Attached: llaaiinn.jpg (449x374, 19K)

what is a yuppie?

I recognise a lie when I see it

this, its memetic
you can say frogs have nothing to do with incels but they do

Attached: they live john carpenter tweet.png (877x391, 280K)


Attached: 1498090557764.png (1080x765, 343K)


what provoked john carpenter to even tweet that?he's not quoting anyone else on twitter... really makes you think

I just started watching this. peak 90s kino.

ah john, thats clever, but cr*pitalism is about jewish control too

80s slang for yids

What a retard. It was clearly about Jews and their Jewish scheming to control the world's great institutions with their jew lies.

>it's about capitalism
Ah yes, it should have been obvious that we were talking about the capitalist immigrants who arrive in a country, pretend to have always been locals, take control of its media, legal and finance infrastructure. wreck everything for their own benefit and then send the proceeds back to their homeland of Capitalisrael.

>unrestrained capitalism

>death of the author
How incredibly postmodern of you
Those guys from American Psycho

He's not denying Jews rule the world

>This Tweet is unavailable
can (((they))) be more obvious lmao.

please give me yous

Young Urban Professional

>it's about yuppies and capitalism
Then why go through the trouble of specifically making them aliens who are pretending to be earthlings

Attached: They_Live.jpg (406x406, 47K)

Wrong, it's just an unfortunate coincidence.

Attached: sweden-eurovision.webm (1024x576, 1.36M)

>People only have substance within the memories of other people.

This "film" has not aged well.
It's as subtle as a middle schooler scribbling WAKE UP SHEEPLE on a stall wall

Attached: they live.jpg (860x427, 74K)

main street meaty yore

Admittedly it makes a lot more sense if aliens are kikes.


The "alien" language resembles hebrew moreso than any other language i've seen

Attached: (((they))) live.jpg (1456x569, 81K)

I like how the very last second features tits like they hurriedly realized they had accidentally made an R-rated horror movie without any in it.

Redpill me on it. I'm a brainlet on the matter.

Attached: glasses.gif (500x270, 995K)

I'd really like to work sleep and play 8 hours each day


Attached: Nada 03.jpg.jpg (960x1454, 1.49M)

>work 8 hours
>sleep 8 hours
>play 8 hours
unironically what is wrong or soulless about this? that seems like a pretty healthy work/life balance

I'd post why he is wrong, but I don't want to get banned again.

>Look up the history of Hollywood, who started it and why.
German expats transplanting the business model of the German film industry?

Right, think how badly things have fallen that this would be ideal.

I mean, I work 3 hrs on average and am salaried, but you know, for you.

> he would not rather podshare

Attached: podshare.jpg (1280x853, 234K)

He was told to tweet this or his loved ones would get into an (((accident))).

Antboy is kino, debate me

top kek

>jews totally don’t control the world
>you can’t post anything to argue that, you don’t want to be anti-semitic, goy!

What is this? Pretty interesting

Imagine getting Tiffany's bunk next shift and just whifffffing the mattress for leftover braps...

Yes Germans such as Gert Steinberg

More or less

Attached: 51U8tqyxJjL.jpg (325x499, 39K)

jews want government control of the market and the masses
they're strictly an-cap

They Live was capeshit, an eight page comic strip adapted into a movie

>900 a fucking month to live in a 4x10 square of plywood with no privacy at all
holy fuck

only losers need privacy are you jerking off or hiding something?

Rich, young jews.

>This tweet is unavailable
>This tweet is unavailable
>This tweet is unavailable


Have sex


Attached: neuromancer.jpg (350x523, 78K)

>work 8 hours
>sleep 8 hours
>play 8 hours
ok and then what do you do with the remaining 8 hours? lmao

40 minutes and 50 posts later and there's no sign of the actual JIDF yet. Somebody must be on a long bathroom break. Can't wait for the MSpaint comics about how white people are fat neckbeard inferior slaves.

You're supposed to work 16 hours, s*yfaggot.

Message understood

Attached: Obama_OK_handsign.jpg (308x164, 6K)

I would be so anxious living near women like that. I’d just be constantly self-conscious about how to be attractive to them, it’d never turn off

Ok sure.

>only losers need privacy are you jerking off or hiding something?
But they're feeding everyone peas and beans and two thirds of the people in barracks are blasting farts around the clock

Based retard


most of us end up working more than 8 hours and either sleeping more than 8 hours or not getting enough sleep

>tfw you die of massive heart attack at age of 39 because you haven't had a full nights sleep for four decades because its never quiet

Attached: götterdämmerung_feels.png (563x440, 274K)

subtly is gay

Attached: 1519428399122.jpg (1024x792, 132K)

>jews want government control of the market and the masses
Jews want corporations to control the government and decide the laws, which is what they're doing.


it's not sublte but none of john's carpenter work is subtle

it's not like he's trying to pretend the message is subtle or he thinks he's being intelligent by suggestion it


It's not "The Jews". It's a minority of elite Jews that control even other Jews. Plus there are a number of gentiles also in the global elite. Race is just a distraction. The elite cabal of Jews use anti-semitism to keep Jews and gentiles, Christians and Muslims especially, fighting amongst each other. They want Jews to get blamed so they can write off any oppoistion as anti-semitism. They don't care if they toss fellow Jews under the bus.

Attached: illuminati anime 1464459532855.jpg (455x455, 32K)

so glad i never lived in dorms in college, i remember visiting my gf and each night hearing people coming and going at all hours, the sound just echoes down the linoleum floor in the hall and through the windows from the quad, literally impossible to sleep comfortably

No one is coming after you John, relax, we totally get you, just relax man

Attached: justin-timberlake-snl-mother-lover.jpg (500x330, 74K)

Was he retarded? Jews are the biggest capitalist in America.

Attached: fellow_white_people_verified.png (5052x2526, 1.59M)

Young, wealthy white/jewish people loving in gentrified locations. Think 90's Baltimore, sillicon valley, and the good parts of chicago. LA isnt really yuppie though due to the amount of poor in the area

No, he just wasn't done making movies.

Stopped reading there

lol the cuck cage in the top right

>thinking it's "The Jews"
>not realizing it's just a cabal billionaires from Israel, Saudi royalty, and European royalty, and American "royalty"

Attached: plz stop - alex jones 1493757196322.jpg (666x666, 135K)

The happy bunch in American psyco.

>not realizing it's just a cabal billionaires from Israel, Saudi royalty, and European royalty, and American "royalty"
Name the non-jew Hollywood studio.

his parents sent him there because he constantly watched his sister shower, and because he pooped his pants on the regular. Good thing that the Cucksharing economy is a thing


my brother gave me this book for christmas should i read it ?


What about "The Thing"? That's a more abstract representation of Jews, but just as relevant.

He isn't wrong. /pol/ is just retarded. That's all.

For me it was reading the news and then the name of the journalist.

Like, I didn't want this. I was flat out Anne Frank Schindler's List "it's a shame such terrible things happened to these nice people." I got pushed totally in the other direction by continually reading absolutely abhorrent New York Times articles, and then only after finishing their endorsements of nightmarish policies, scrolling back up to see the author was invariably named Emmanuel Goldbergsteinowitz or Rachel Rabinowitzsteinberg.

but mostly jews
troublemaker studios

This is the correct answer. Now to test your knowledge a little deeper.
From the same time frame as "yuppie", what is a "yummie"?

You can earn the privilege of having a privacy pod for a few hours if you've lived there for at least 2 months and behaved correctly according to the founder podshare video it also costs 50bucks extra to use that special pod
Very cool!

a young urban marxist?

Attached: 1557804138016.jpg (816x1356, 378K)

bootlicking hedonist

Why focus on how they control the media?
Why create a parallel to jews anglicizing their names and aliens creating fake human exteriors?
Were yuppies reacclimatizing the US as their own vassal state like the aliens were?
Goddamnit Carpenter you cowardly fuck, you knew exactly what you were doing then and you backed out.

When the bunk above you starts shaking and you here the dude breathing heavy

Sorry pal, Yea Forums is an anti-semitic board.

Irregardless isn't a word

>troublemaker studios
Entirely a Weinstein outfit. He's marked executive producer on every film they've released except Alita.

Attached: robert-rodriguez-harvey-weinstein.jpg (1000x563, 239K)

Yeah, I didn't ask to be anti-semite either. I was brought up on a steady diet of Hollywood and Holocaust but eventually anyone with a semblance of critical thinking just reaches a point where they can no longer deny how subversive and societally-detrimental they are.

The majority of the major studios, and multi Yes. millionaire global elite, are Jewish.
Yet the vast majority of Jews are not owners of studios of multi million dollar companies. They are being conned with the rest of us.
The minority of Jews that are rich beyond imaging want to use working class Jews as human shields. Sometimes literally as they con poor Jews to live in Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. They keep selling this Jewish homeland bullshit and stick poor Jews in warzones so they can capture more and more land.

Quite the opposite actually. I can't remember where "yummie" came from. H.S. Thompson may have coined it. It refered to "Young Upwardly Mobile" persons that were on the heals of yuppies in the economy moving their way up. .


You know the worst part of this meme? It's used unironically by people who hold up 1984 while they say it. Despite them never having read 1984 and not understanding it. If they did read it, and if they did understand it, and they had a sprinkling of self awareness, they wouldn't be simultaneously demanding the fucking (((laws))) they're protesting against.
The Jews are right, goys really are cattle. They deserve gassed.

The strangest thing about They Live is the random full body nudity out of nowhere in the last 5 seconds of the movie

How the flying fuck was that walking stereotype of a creepy Jewish movie mogul allowed to get away with so much? Did other rich producers just never call him out so he could take the fall and distract us from all the other creepy producers?

Attached: HARVEY CHLOE MO.jpg (631x435, 75K)

how do they have sex?
not only would the ones on the bottom get watched by the beds on the right, the ones on top are gonna keep everyone awake

malpaso productions (clint eastwoods studio)
doubt anyone is saying that most jews are in on it. only that most who are in on it, especially at a high level, are jews

Yeah I had a theory about that too But it just turns out they were being accurate to the comic which also ends with alien fugging

Attached: Nada 07.jpg.jpg (960x1437, 1.41M)

>They are being conned with the rest of us.
There are basically zero jews who want the US to remain majority white.


Attached: 1551576764240.gif (220x220, 800K)

in reality
>commute to work 2 hours
>work 9 hours when you include your 1 hour break
>eat 1 hour
>sleep 8 hours
>time left for all of your other obligations: 4 hours

I got some older cousins who are prime yuppies. They're also Republicans and some are even Trump supporters. One of them even was a lawyer whose firm did work with Trump, met him at a signing of some paperwork.

nigga why the fuck does it take 2 hours to commute? either move out or find a closer job

Attached: Cliff Robertson.jpg (658x370, 55K)

one hour each way is pretty normal unless you work fast food

nigga I work in the next city over and it only takes me 20 minutes, and thats in moderate traffic

I saw a while back somebody posted an excerpt from a book that was targeted by Nazis for burning.

It was this novel-length shitpost from a frustrated Jew who basically demands that all German women be raped by Russians and the German race extinguished, anybody know what I'm referring to?

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wow. it's almost like the world outside your little bubble is different

You're thinking of Yumpies

dont get pissy with me bitch

england did a test in the 70s where they reduced the 40-hour workweek to 30 hours for a few months. production dropped 6%.

6% drop for 25% less work hrs. sounds like a win


Liberal faggots that drive subarus and listen to NPR

People who are successful and garner the ire of losers who can't develop a marketable skill. Yuppies are the people working in buildings while the losers are Occupying Wallstreet. Fuck off, fags.

The rules of a language are dictated by popular use, irregardless has become a perfectly acceptable word.

ITT everyone thinks a yuppie and le jews represent the ideology that they dont like

Why did the jews make him tweet this?
Anyone can see the hand of Israel behind it.

Yup. Irregardless has been a valid word for several years now

Why do people use nonwords like irregardless

germany must perish?

They were also burning books promoting transgenderism.
It's (((strange))) how we were lead to believe that the NSDAP were burning libraries when in reality the book bonfires were not large.

Attached: Ilya Ehrenburg.png (556x831, 413K)

That might be it and I might be misremembering details, thanks. I was grasping for a vague thing I heard ages ago.

>it's not about Jews, it's about Reaganomics
The principle architects of the Reaganomics policies were Paul Volcker, George Shultz, Milton Friedman and later Alan Greenspan

Attached: 1000x-1.jpg (1000x930, 200K)

But yuppies didn't hide, like at all. They were highly visible with their long coats, filofaxes and 'mobile phones'.

Not that guy but my office has later shifts available and before I switched to those I was doing 9-5 which meant peak hour in traffic. The drive to and from work now takes about 15 - 20 minutes. Before it was around an hour each way simply because every other fucking asshole is also doing 9 - 5 and using the roads at the same time.ür_Sexualwissenschaft
>It was headed by (((Magnus Hirschfeld)))
>>The Institute of Sex Research was opened in 1919 by Magnus Hirschfeld and his collaborator (((Arthur Kronfeld)))
>Magnus Hirschfeld coined the term transsexualism,[6] identifying the clinical category which his colleague (((Harry Benjamin))) would later develop in the United States
>which campaigned on conservative and rational grounds for gay rights and tolerance
>Hirschfeld built a unique library on same-sex love and eroticism.[1]
>The Nazi book burnings in Berlin included the archives of the Institute. After the Nazis gained control of Germany in the 1930s, the institute and its libraries were destroyed
>Magnus Hirschfeld (14 May 1868 – 14 May 1935) was a German Jewish physician and sexologist educated primarily in Germany
>Arthur Kronfeld (January 9, 1886 – October 16, 1941) was a German-Jewish psychiatrist, and eventually a professor at the University of Berlin. Later in life, Kronfeld took up an important position in Moscow
>Benjamin was born in Berlin, and raised in a German Lutheran home. His mother was German and his father at least part-Jewish in ancestry

But I don't have to like it, and I'm still going to think less of anyone who uses it.

Not to mention Reagan giving amnesty to 11 million spics forever turning California blue.

And people wonder why the Germans, who had historically been more tolerant of Jews than any other European people, eventually came to hate them.
They are parasites.

Funny how they brag about it and then pretend you’re crazy for noticing.

fucking retard you make actual /pol/acks look bad
came out in 1988 dumb fuck

How the fuck could this movie be about movies and unrestrained capitalism? This faggot just seems like he’s badly lying for damage control

You know who else never wanted to be an anti-Semite? Adolf Hitler.

If you've ever read Mein Kampf you'll know the first couple chapters are entirely Hitler's personal account of how he basically over time went kicking and screaming towards anti-Semitism. When he read the pamphlets promoting this kind of thought initially he thought it was a bunch of bullshit from people jealous of the success of others. George Lincoln Rockwell describes going through the same process in his book "White Power".

Both men literally self-describe their slow reluctant process of becoming "redpilled" against their initial judgments.


>This faggot just seems like he’s badly lying for damage control
He absolutely is. He gets the money to make his movies from Jews. If he gets branded an anti-semite he never gets funding again.

reminds me of Batman Returns in the sense that the writer/director took well known jewish tropes and wrote a movie using those ideas. Not that the movie itself is intrinsically antisemitic but its just using well known ideas to craft a movie.

They totally stole this ending for the Silence on Doctor Who.

What's the difference between regardless and irregardless?

Yes, that's the point. Work hours are stupid, and to make up the 6% you could create some extra jobs.

Stop being retarded. "THEY LIVE" can't be about jewish media brainwashing. The alien in "THEY LIVE" were ordering white people to reproduce. Jews want the opposite.

funny how this is the opposite of what they want

Attached: not you tho.png (500x374, 118K)

If you find being a complete dickhead acceptable, sure.

He's absolutely right. If anyone actually disputes this is because they still want to perpetuate this artificial fear of Jewish domination over the entire world.

no experiments lain

nothing. Irregardless is informal. Never use it professionally. Far too many morons used it, so the dictionary people made it a real word

Ah they're finally here. You guys were way late.

Both flammable and inflammable mean same thing and both are valid English

Attached: 1557695930711.png (500x646, 272K)

i could convice you the earth is flat

millions of books were burned and neonazis post ones about trannies
keep talking to yourself tho

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f (2).jpg (248x189, 18K)

Says the person who got convinced by Bill Nye that race is a social construct.

>keep talking to yourself tho
What do you think there's one guy on the whole Internet who just doesn't like jews and he samefags quite a lot?

because I know it is the case for a lot of it
bill nye is a fag but anyone who cares about race needs to kill themself

Attached: 7nhd3Z5.png (785x757, 123K)

>what is a yuppie?

Fucking zoomers.

Attached: 1447438496712.jpg (856x452, 52K)

it is. At least white is. It's all encompassing based on nothing more than what we determine it to contain. What you want is genetic groups

>because I know it is the case for a lot of it
/pol/ is the most visited board on the site.

>anyone who cares about race needs to kill themself
Also shut the fuck up you literal retard.

No he's not. He made his movie innocently about how people are willingly slaves to the upper ruling class in capitalism. It is only you that is seeing Jewish people.

>the upper ruling class in capitalism. It is only you that is seeing Jewish people

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i mean it's funny how it all fits so well but this. i don't think the guy knew about kalergi stuff.

>it's not Jews, it's Reaganomics
Who were Reagan's economic advisors again?

that's like saying I'm making a movie about ghettos of Detroit. You are a racist if you see it about blacks


There are more books banned in modern Germany than in Nazi Germany. 35,000 to 7,000.

>all those unavailable tweets

Most likely inconvenient facts about Jews.

gotta love the grammar fags missing the point.

Death of the author goes back to Paul Valery in the 19th century

>rich people control the world

This flat-earth non sequitor doesn't fool anybody Rabbi.

i don't care

Attached: 14385199.jpg (396x385, 51K)

all those purged accounts were just russian trolls pretending to be right wingers

What's that? Your parents are related to yiddish minorities from central Europe?

That means you're rich and control the world I hate you *Blows up federal building* WAKE UP SHEEPLE

Someone's struggling to find his catgirl movies lmao

Attached: le Russian bot meme.jpg (310x376, 27K)

I've actually never called out "dumb frogposter" before but you ought to just fuck off out of this thread because you're totally worthless.


Attached: 15543406312602.png (600x1011, 435K)

they own hollywood and are proud of it but if you point it out how dare you

Holy shit they all showed up at once, how fucking blatant is this?

You can watch the timestamps on this thread and see it happen

Attached: 200px-Jidf_logo.png (200x200, 48K)

shut your fucking face uncle fucker

Attached: 0e9.jpg (499x499, 26K)

>unrestrained capitalism
>not jewish control of the world

kek nice one

Based and redpilled
>masturbates to trap porn and cries about getting banned from Twitter for having a clown pepe avatar and calling people niggers

MAGA fellow intellectuals


I know they are paid to spread propaganda so we sympathize with them, but they just end up making most people hate jews more.

Multiple threads like this going on for hours but only in the last 5-10 minutes have both threads I'm actively monitoring suddenly received an influx of "back to pol" "yeah whatever incel" "flat earth" anti-racist pushback. Started happening at the same exact time.

Cry more you little bitch. Only you and spergs that have been sucked in by shitty ideology believe it's about da jooz


>sucks baby dicks
>imports Arabs for le epic multiculturalism even though they hate you more than anybody

Jewish intellectuals.


Attached: 1555975369030.jpg (669x472, 207K)

Anyone else find it really thought provoking how this thread went on for over an hour without anyone defending Jews and then very abruptly EVERYONE was defending Jews?


The Chinese government literally gives its ambassadors to the US pamphlets on Jewish influence.

is this ai russian bot? i cant tell anymore holy fuck have at it you normie fuck russian asshole.

Too much goyim knowing

I somehow doubt you think.

people like lena dunham and Ezra Koenig from vampire weekend

Attached: neo yokio.jpg (104x104, 3K)


All fucking ((jews))

Attached: 1552778407108.jpg (935x659, 458K)

Yes, it's true that Hitler incentivized having white families and raising the birthrate by essentially giving people homesteads and having the government pay off large portions of the cost based on how many children were had. Sounds like a good system.

Really stupidly transparent actually.

>neoliberal NPC can't comprehend context


Really? Have a link?

Attached: Screenshot_20190524-210847.png (1920x1080, 134K)

>Paranoid type: Delusions or auditory hallucinations are present, but thought disorder, disorganized behavior, or affective flattening are not. Delusions are persecutory and/or grandiose, but in addition to these, other themes such as jealousy, religiosity, or somatization may also be present. (DSM code 295.3/ICD code F20.0)

Attached: 2019-05-24 16.42.18.jpg (1484x816, 189K)

haha the fact you responded to this asserts it why the fuck do you care rooskie

Thanks! I was always curious about this type of stuff after that Chinese "white left" article came out. I'd ve curiois to see what other countries are aware of the JQ.

That's not good, but there's a shitload more books now than before. Plus the nazis were banning a lot of great authors
writers like Hemingway and Aldous Huxley.

Basically any country that isn't an Anglosphere or NATO puppet.

Italians literally ran the two most major cities in the US for decades and no one is using them as a scapegoat for all the world's problems

Why the fuck are you ignoring all the WASPs that made up the absolute majority of richest people in the US from the 18th to 19th century?

Why is your IQ so low you think black people and Jews are all the sources of your own problems as you spend your day spamming white supremacists propaganda on a fucking Movies and Television text and imageboard?

Attached: 1548040634589.webm (480x480, 1.4M)

Can you imagine being so envious of a people that you begin to live your life in a complete conspiracy, believing that these people control (or influence) every aspect of your life.

There is an information war, and you are the resistance!

Attached: alex-jones.jpg (968x726, 45K)

thanks for proving my point samefag

This is what makes this ridiculously dated. For everyone I know it's
>work 10-14 hours
>commute for 2 hours
>take care of other shit you need to do to live (eat, get ready for work, shop, chores) for 2-3 hours
>sleep less than 4 hours
>spend the rest of your time staring dead-eyed at a computer screen or device, watching shows or playing video games alone but not really enjoying what you're doing
That's why it's so outdated, that schedule would be pure luxury. Pure heaven!

It's so painfully obvious too.

*breathes in*

Death of the Author

I'd have to imagine especially the Anglosphere ones know, since they get marching orders on Israel all the time.


Attached: 1555130047941.jpg (960x413, 185K)

Its a lie that the movie has nothing to do with jewish control.

yeah just ignore the dancing israelis celebrating the fact that they just committed the biggest false flag in american history


Attached: 1557531130650.jpg (167x184, 10K)

>actual jew

Attached: 1404868923106.gif (440x247, 688K)

sex is banned

>is about yuppies and unrestrained capitalism
So Jews? Got it.

I have a texted version if you would prefer next time, user.

Attached: 1557035061921.gif (440x247, 663K)

That's why the fight against putting on the glasses is the best part of the movie.

>daily shoah

Based insightful user nailing it.

user, do you not get the joke I was making? By stating that Israel had nothing to do with 9/11 I'm creating the mental connection between Israel and 9/11? DO YOU GET IT?

Must have been a delay on the alerts out to JIDF shitposters.

This. Some morons just believe everything they read on /pol/.


Attached: serveimage.jpg (1024x617, 123K)


so when he said it bombed because "the people behind the scenes were upset about it" he meant random yuppies and not people who are actually able to get movies pulled?

Attached: 1401977349801.jpg (753x811, 80K)

When did he say that?


Attached: 1557584723447.png (1062x884, 642K)

The Alien oligarchy made LA a shithole because of consumerism and a free market? I don't get it.

Attached: 565464.jpg (384x313, 71K)

In the commentary with Kurt Russel on Big Trouble in Little China they were talking about Eyes of Laura Mars and he said he has to give up what he wrote because it was the director's movie. Same principle applies here, it is a moot point what he intended. The only thing that is important is the message that be derived, which is that jews are controlling us.

Attached: 1558546365075.jpg (610x1013, 258K)

u mad

>um actually as the artist I get to say exactly what my work means, accidental analogies that are formed through my poor foresight are invalid!
I don't believe the jew thing but this is just stupid

Based and redpilled.

I wish the Jews would just kill us all already. I'm fucking done with this gay Earth.

>implying /u/ isn't the best board
that's really gay of you, user

Attached: bane.jpg (2886x1400, 1.02M)

u projecting
you'll need to get real specific about what's gay about this gif, user.

Attached: giphy.gif (500x281, 604K)

y u mad tho?

Attached: 1502868812224.jpg (716x768, 212K)

y u projecting tho

Attached: original.gif (500x281, 1.43M)

doesn't look gay at all, just two very good friends showing their appreciation for each other

Attached: 1545229303632.jpg (992x992, 171K)

uh huh

Attached: anime-gif-kiss-3.gif (500x281, 975K)

cuz it's fun
you need to calm down man, you've got anger issues
keep those images coming

/u/ stopped being best board when yuruyuri came out. It killed the genre

you do realize he's never going to make films again right (voluntarily)? he's too busy playing video games

Sony Pictures


no fucking shit

Ran by a jewess and independent from Sony Corp.

is there a difference between the two?

Attached: 1558653273750.jpg (768x1024, 54K)

Fuck off jewish faggot you glow in the dark

Bunch of actual yuri shows came out after yuru yuri, which is basically yuri bait prime. Still, no one goes to /u/ to talk about anime. It's all about the manga.

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I got muted on his board for merely mentioning the holocaust. Kek.

Everytime you find yourself blaming other group of people about something you are a victim of a psyop hypnosis, the cabal is afraid of people getting along together.

you need some Takemiya Jin in your life



Attached: brain.jpg (480x360, 21K)

What do you mean muted?

Holy mother of based

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really makes you think

>They want us fighting each other, man!

Why not let each other live perfectly in our own nations? When we are forced to live with each other, there will never be peace. Simple as that.

>no one goes to /u/ to talk about anime. It's all about the manga.
Suuuure it is

You can tell how correct this guy was by the amount of Jewish Plebbit faggots rushing to point out the grammatical error


>I wish the Jews would just kill us all already.
Why not the other way around?


Attached: 1454275146656.jpg (300x269, 28K)

this makes soviet communal apartments look like a fucking joke

You have to be 18 to post here.

He was executive producer on the Halloween film released this year. If he wants to keep getting money for nothing he needs to keep up the charade.

How do we turn it off bros?

posted from my iPhone

>/pol/tards getting fucked
the one true kino

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Unironically based and redpilled

Attached: 1558594934064.png (1024x769, 1.47M)

Death of the author

Right wing Jews and east Asians are based. Whites, too. Would rather live in Israel, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Hungary, Poland etc than anywhere else. Don't care about gdp or whatever.

I bet you think Yea Forums is just about capeshit.
Takes all sorts.

Attached: 8d45a450c87059b821b8b6a76f8c6a7d23e91055r1-907-1280v2_hq.jpg (725x1024, 147K)

real yuri. angst and all.

yuruyuri brought in the "fun things are fun...with 12 yr olds" crowd.

Attached: Ideology is Work.jpg (1850x1346, 693K)

That crowd always existed.

you only say that because you are one of them and weren't around before

Everyone in American Psycho

What does this mean?

Comparing two modern philosophers and how they would perceive those Amazon worker cages that are coming to all their employees.

>I bet you think Yea Forums is just capeshit
>implying it's not
I was making the joke that no one goes to /u/ to talk about manga, they just go there for the cartoon porn.

Attached: Accelerationism.jpg (1440x1109, 468K)

accidental redpill


>unrestrained capitalism
>has nothing to do with Jewish control of the world

whether he meant for it to be that way, or whether he didn't, it doesn't matter

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>doesn't deny Jewish control of the world, but simply says that his movie isn't about it
Based Carpenter

Tbf I will consume 2077 lots of times

Thank yous

This doesn't change much.

Attached: they live .jpg (960x960, 127K)

>Puts on sunglasses
THEY LIVE is about Jewish control of the world. It has nothing to do with yuppies and unrestrained capitalism, which is slander and a lie.

I could be mistaken, but I think that joke has already been done at least once in this thread so far.

Literally just go to Wikipedia and look at the founders of the major film studios

Bottom one should be a holocaust image with muh poor jew suffering.

It's almost like not everyone is a fuck monkey jew faggot who works behind a desk and punches buttons that do nothing for a living.

seething burger flipper