Southpark was not liberal at the begin--

>southpark was not liberal at the begin--


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kyle's mom is jewish

so it's like

if the alt right hates jews and blacks then why would they care about the purity of jews and blacks?????

She's jewish though.

what about this was liberal?

Jews love black cocks, what else is new?

Isaac Hayes was based though

>kike getting cucked
This is borderline Goebbels-tier.

Episode #2 has them shitting all over climate change like the good little Cato Institute trolls they are

But conservatives loves Israel and Hitler was a liberal. Watch Ben Shapiro

Bro, you just posted cringe.

People had the illusion that South Park was counterculture because it was an Anti-Bush show during a moment but after Obama's election they were fucking free to shown us their faces.

>ignoring shit like Sexual Harassment Panda, Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000, Chef Goes Nanners, Garrison's Fancy New Vagina, Krazy Kripples (fetus sucking scenes) and Cripple fight (Big Gay Al supports the scouts even though they won't hire fags)
But yeah, Chef prostituting himself to Kyle's mom means it was always liberal, give me a fucking break.

They hate both sides dummy

Actually that's pretty redpilled and based.
Trey and Matt were already revealing reality

Attached: jews 22.jpg (600x340, 50K)

Wait. So the husband was in on it? Why?

>Anti-Bush show
No it wasn't, they almost never made fun of Bush on South Park because they thought it was annoying how everyone else did it constantly. They had "That's My Bush," but that was supposed to be about Al Gore, who they thought would win.
Team America barely even acknowledges that Bush exists, and people were furious about that at the time.

What is America's obsession with black cock? I've had a few black friends growing up and we were all a similar size.

I miss Chef

>South Park is made by LIBRULS
>Shows a picture of a Jewish woman in bed with a black man.

Sure thing OP. They promote race mixing to white women, not gods chosen people.

mat and trey are libertarians, they have been quoted as saying "i dont like conservatives but i fucking hate liberals"

Also you are a mentle midget who assumes everything is an attack on you because you are a faggot

Because Kyle's dad is pathetic, do /pol/zoomers not understand humor?

You never saw them erect. Trust me, they're huge.

A scientologist who was happy to take a piss on everything as long as it wasn't his own retarded cult. Peak hypocrisy. A shame really since I liked Chief and it seemed like Trey and Matt was genuinely surprised by Isaacs butthurt reaction

go back

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What is this

>Hitler was a liberal
I can get behind this. He -was- a liberal arts major vegetarian that hated a people he deemed privileged.

1) kyle's dad is a liberal getting cuckolded.

2)This scene wasn't meant to be hot or appear "adventurous!" or "exciting!" like this niggerfaggot shit is peddled to be. This was for shock value, and it's meant to make you say "ew gross haha" not "oh man I wish that was me" or whatever you BLACKED watching losers think.

Yet again you lefty shits are either so absurdly ignorant or so young that you don't understand basic shit like this. They bucked the zeitgeist of the mid-2000's and they CERTAINLY are not going with the SJW zeitgeist of 2020's

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How do I approach my gf about getting her to fuck a black guy

>This is cum.
How does he know what cum tastes like? Unless he's a fag?

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You're probably too late already

>anything that's not bleached cringe is liberal

fuck off, stop lying.

Yeah, that was lame. He was cool otherwise though.

I don't remember this episode

quitting south park when chef dies is actually a pretty good cutoff point

>if i say nigger or post a meme making fun of liberals no one will think i'm one of them!!!

chef aid

What use would he have to post that as a liberal

Cartman: Uh excuse me, ma'am. Can I interest you in selling your aborted fetus?

Woman: We're not going to the abortion clinic. I'm going to have this baby.

Cartman: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, because uh, there's a little boy dying in a hospital right now who sure could use that baby more than you could. The stem cells from your fetus could help save his life.

Man: Oh. Well, I guess we can always... just make another one.

Woman: Oh Mark, I love you.

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You incels think anything left of Hitler is liberal.

Hitler was a radical leftist

why are white "men" so fragile?

When people here say liberal do they mean socially or economically

They mean whatever Hollywood pushes.

"Both sides are wrong" but they actually side with the left, is part of medium industry.
They are nothing but rich people trying to gaves lessons to classes under them, I fucking hate the "they are stealing our jobs" jokes because behind this they are actually saying if you are white you are supposed to be upper class and underclass immigrants should do shitty jobs to lower the salaries of the entire working class and middle class.

it's a weird mix of progressiveness, feminism, anti white racism, and corporate slavery

Me? I think lots of different kinds of people are fragile. Just my opinion and not objective fact, though.

It wasn't. Matt and Trey just had a lot of hero worship for Isaac Hayes who was the ultimate man's man in their eyes. But as invariably happens, the longer you spend time with a nigger the more likely he is to reveal himself a nigger, and we all know the tragic conclusion of this story.

>A scientologist who was happy to take a piss on everything as long as it wasn't his own retarded cult. Peak hypocrisy. A shame really since I liked Chief and it seemed like Trey and Matt was genuinely surprised by Isaacs butthurt reaction

It was Scientology that probably got Isaac Hayes killed. I remember in old interviews that he would say it was "cool" for Matt and Tray to piss on everyone. He thought they were fair and balanced when it came to making fun of groups or people. Which was pretty true.

But after the episode "Trapped in the Closet " with Tom Cruise, Hayes came out and said it wasn't cool to make fun of Scientology. Scientology tried to get the episode banned from TV permanently because it gave their "church" a big black eye. When Issac Hayes was on his death bed, there were apparently people from Scientology at his bedside, and they would speak for him. There is some speculation, that they tried to use Hayes as a hostage to get that episode of South Park banned. But they may have killed him in the end. The episode "The Return of Chef" where Chef returns as a soundboard, basically is a "tell all" of what happened to Isaac Hayes.

what was meant by this scene where stan is outside watching, guys?

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A nigger fucking his woman.

you know what a libertarian socialist is, right?

>I remember in old interviews that he would say it was "cool" for Matt and Tray to piss on everyone. He thought they were fair and balanced when it came to making fun of groups or people
Absolutely. Just as long as it wasn't about his own retarded cult, then he got offended and severed all connection immediately.

>Scientology tried to get the episode banned from TV permanently because it gave their "church" a big black eye.
Everyone has tried to take South Park off the air at some point. It would make a better conspiracy theory if scientology didn't make an attempt. Matt and Trey just didn't expect that Isaac would be such a hypocrite. Scientology is a cancer, but to wash Isaac of all personal responsibility is a disservice to the kids who are born into that shit. A grown man should know better and he made his choice

i felt they were trying to save Isaac

>You've never seen them pumped with silicon on BLACKED premium accounts, trust me

I feel for Matt and Trey since they obviously didn't know or understand that side of their friend. And I would feel bad for Isaac if he wasn't such a massive pile of hypocrisy. Unfortunately he made his choice, "shit for thee, but not for me"