God I hate everyone from that stupid meme show

God I hate everyone from that stupid meme show

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lol nigga no one is forcing you to follow him on instagram
just turn off your monitor lmao

inb4 56%

Damn he's so ugly

What the fuck is AXE?


It was a sponsored post

lol nigga just look away


>using insta on your phone unironically

Bro wtf is that

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this is who you are

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this is what the average italian looks like in 2019 and its beautiful


this shit is going to be in history textbooks one day

i really look forward to retrospective interpretations of our era

Dios te salve, María, llena eres de gracia, el Señor es contigo. Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús.

Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros pecadores ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén.

Lmao nigga look likes a chia

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Grooming products for teenage boys

> Hey guyth
> Im theaming up with akth for thith amathing cauthe.
> thare a thelfie of your dick

el abominacion italiano.

>having a phone

Hahahaha yeahhhhh they will totally not go scorched earth revisionist and nuke the planet to insure they’ve destroyed all copies of any ideas that don’t comply with the plan. Oh wait, a scorched earth is the plan, so, well, there you go. Maybe the ayys will find traces of meme-matter in the air and piece together our herstory.

the kid is italian tho

You do realize he's not of mixed race but simply has a medical condition?

i hate this fuck so much that i will never use a verizon product again

Is he really that desperate for some money? This shit is what Youtubers do.

He will not have a career when he is older maybe some brief cameos

the stranger thing

>famous people shilling products
that doesn't real is it?

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this is true, he's american AND italian.

Yeah being amerifat is pretty much a medical condition

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>seething italian
mama mia!

it's smart, he obviously has no future in acting but he is shilling for this and Verizon which will set him up for a long time if not life

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He cute

Stroke this man down, Jupiter.



The "Americano"

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he's actually pretty cute, unironically

It's called Lynx in my country. It's deodorant for teenage boys and low class men.


>using American media to make your eurofag nonsense point

a medical condition that he has a result of being mixed race
