Deliberately eats unhealthy foods

>deliberately eats unhealthy foods
>blames McDonalds

Why do schools continue show this trash?

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I remember years ago they brought the whole grade into the auditorium to watch this on a huge projector screen

Stop acting like McDonald's DOESN'T make you fat
>dude just eat 1500 calories of hot n spicys and salads! Its not bad for you, you wont get fat

>Why do schools continue show this trash?

cause women have no self control.

eating 1500 calories is a diet for men (aka non-manlets)

you'll be malnourished you dumb cunt

>eating out for 3 meals a day
dumb fuck lol, only those who were gonna be obese no matter what do that unless you're rich as fuck

Do American schools actually show movies in place of teaching kids? No wonder you're mostly fucking retarded.

>dude just eat 1500 calories of hot n spicys and salads! Its not bad for you, you wont get fat

I mean, you won't.

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>eats more than one meal a day
literal fucking retard

>dude watch me eat more calories than I burn and see what happens

talk to the man who has eaten 30,000 big macs
>3 big macs a day, 6 days a week, for 40 years

Attached: man who ate 30000 big macs.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

Calorie count is what determines how much weight you gain and lose. Your body starts craving junk food less and healthier food more when you cut your caloric intake down and start working out.

>totally debunks your bullshit premises and half assed research, all while eating mcdonalds all day every day and losing weight too

nothing personnell, yellow journalism

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No, they don't. And if they do it's because it's the last day of school and the teacher is retiring that year and could give a fuck, but has some moral superiority complex that they need to share before they end their illustrious career.

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>Doesn't realize that eating only once per day triggers your body to store fat because it makes it think you are in a low food environment.

>trenbalone sandwiches

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his autism is respectable desu

They also show this. you get what you pay for with public schools.

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not sure if fit retardation or trolls truly are getting worse every year

nah its only on certain occasions
like if we just did 2 or 3 weeks on WW2 we'd watch a ww2 movie after testing or something then move on to the next

you can literally lose weight if you ate nothing but the grilled chicken combo with a diet soda, unsweetened tea or water and if you just throw away like a third of the fries (depending on how tall you are of course)
still a pretty decent doc though

What does Yea Forums eat for pre-breakfast?

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a blueberry muffin, every day
its what i eat in the car on the way to work

>wake up at 8
>don't eat shit
>go to work on construction
>rush since I'm self-employed and not paid hourly so I want to get as much done as possible
>eat an apple, orange, or banana and drink some water around noon
>don't eat or drink anything else during the work day
>come home at 6/7
>eat like a pig
>eat like a pig again before bedtime

It's not the fault of the food it's the fault of the retards who order 15 comes to go with their 30 big Macs.
McDonald's isn't unhealthy, but if you eat there 3 meals a day at 1500+ calories per meal it sure is. Every food is like that

Eating before you sleep is an awful Idea you should consider switching to eating breakfast.

>what if we eat all our food right before bed
>that way it has nothing to do...
>but digest

Yeah I still never understood this.
>Eat exclusively food that is widely known to be unhealthy.
>Then make it the companies fault that you did it to yourself.

For me, it's Subway.

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Why? I'm always rushing in the morning. If I wanted to eat I'd have to get up earlier, but then I wouldn't be able to post on here as much.

They made our entire school watch pic related in high school. It sucked

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then you need to quit posting, faggot

>the weinstein company

Not an option.

Are you retarded...
he literally does talk to this guy in the movie? The movie isn’t even about whether or not McDonalds is healthy it obviously isn’t it’s about capitilism and how Americans don’t pay attention to what they eat, be it at McDonald’s, a cafeteria, or home.

Lmao cpn kangaroo lookin mf

>Do American
If your post begins like that you should just end your own life, butthurt Paki

I went to a private school and we had the option to watch this, on our own time, and do a paper on it for extra credit. (7th grade: 2007)

>it's obviously about x not y
the only reason this douche got his movie made was from the title itself meant to bait people into it

Key word is "option" it was a part of my grade whether I wanted it to be or not.

This fucking cunt ruined super size fries. Asshole.

Why? Also why assume I'm "butthurt" in any way? Or that I'm Pakistani? Are you trying to promote the stereotype that Americans are dumb fucks?

didn't a lot of this get debunked years later and people just wrote this off as nothing more than a hit piece


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>The movie isn’t even about whether or not McDonalds is healthy it obviously isn’t

>please ignore the fact that this man ate nothing but big macs for 40 years and he's healthy. look away.

This has to be retardation. It's the same logic hamplanets use to avoid dieting. "Starvashun mode" they call it.

Fat person hate thread?

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>tfw anti-bully campaigns at our school was run by the bully
well fuck

This one is pretty kino tho.

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The man who ate the Big Macs for forty years is known Super Size Me that’s what I’m saying.
The sensationalist marketing and concept are what sold the movie, yes. But if you watch it you see that like maybe 30% is actually him talking about the food and nutrition of McDonald’s. It’s about America’s culture with food and corporations. It is heavily manipulated and a dishonest movie. It dosent technically matter what you eat it’s about the caloric intake but everybody knows that, it’s not the story he was trying to tell.

This is what people don't realize. There are 3 types of people who watch this movie and form opinions.

1. OMG Mcdonalds is evil and unhealthy and why I am fat
2. Mcdonald's isn't the problem you could be eating steak for three meals a day and still get fat
3. (Correct) Mcdonalds should have been listing the caloric amount for each item (barely any restaurants at the time did this) because people don't realize how high the sugar/calories are even in the salads. This doesn't just apply to Mcdonald's either and we need to take some responsibility for ourselves as well.

>Do americans really watch movies in class?
Canadian here. Yes. Usually some history channel show about Egypt or WW2 or something like that. Around December 20+ every teacher shows a Christmas movie (in French class it's in French, in English class it's a Classic)

Calories in calories out. Eat 2000 calories of fucking lard every day and burn 2500 while taking a multi-vitamin and you’ll lose weight and be healthy. I’ll dab on your fucking grave.

wicked burn

Coffee and a cigarette.

This movie only made me MORE hungry for Mcdonalds. It's the way he eats each burger; "Mmmmmm!". Best product placement ever in a movie.

my senior year we had to write a report of why fast food is bad and why we need to redistribute wealth to make the food distribution fair.

It's also bullshit. They never replicated the results and, amazingly enough all who tried to do so lost weight and had improved health which is fucking bananas.

Anyday the teacher put this on in health class was a good day. Take some notes and sleep.

Be Morgan Spurlock in 2018
> Career is at its peak with a sucessful tv show.
> Sequel to your biggest movie is about to drop.
> Open a few chicken restaurants to celebrate.
> Notice the #metoo movement catching on.
> Decide to ride the wave and write an article admitting you raped your college girlfriend.
> Backfires instantly.
> Movie is pulled from all theaters and major release.
> Movie is pirated and released the same week it was set to launch.
> TV deal is cancelled. Blacklisted everywhere.
> Nothing to lose, credibility and public image at an all time low.
> Still won't release Super Size Me logs.

this guy is from my town


There are no bad foods only bad diets

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>There are no bad foods

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Tea or coffee with egg on toast and some fruit.

Vitamins are a scam.

No it isn't retard, it's only bad if you're fucking obese and run the risk of choking in your sleep

The funny thing about Morgan Shylock is that lefty teachers called him a hero, and lefty students called him a villan. I could have pointed out their rehtorical faults, but I just thought of the N-word and smiled.

Just drink a fruit smoothie for dinner man

Yes and no. Most singular vitamins have more than your body can really absorb in a day, and are wasteful. But a general multi-vitamin makes for a good supplement and makes your cooking easier.

It's kino.

>Why do schools continue show this trash?
You just fucking said it, retard: to show kids the food is unhealthy

Because insulin usually spikes after eating anything with carbs in it. If you eat earlier when you’re body is already producing insulin it won’t be such a drastic spike. Since your body isn’t producing insulin at night, it’s better not to eat so you don’t start storing unneeded extra sugar in fat.

Not only that BUT he was a raging alcoholic while filming this, so he was sneaking drinks while filming. Might explain those scenes where he had liver problems and a lack of energy.

I legit do this and the people I work with think I'm insane but I've dropped from 170 to 150 doing it combined with running everyday. Shit works as long as calories in < calories out
Pretty simple.

I saw him speak at my High School. It was hilarious. He started calling the teachers and admins and they cut his mic and threw him out. It was great.